Navbar Fix



Number of Faculty


Number of Students


Student-to-faculty Ratio

General Information

The Department of Emergency Medicine at Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College prepares students to manage acute medical emergencies with speed and precision. With access to a well-equipped emergency department and simulation-based training, students gain the skills necessary to handle trauma, critical care and life-threatening conditions effectively.


Establishment: The Department of Emergency Medicine was established in 2013 to deliver high-quality, patient-centric emergency care.

Postgraduate Training: An MCI-recognized postgraduate training program was initiated, with the first batch of MD Emergency Medicine starting in 2014.

Care Delivery Principle: Guided by the core principle: “Treat first that kills first.”

Training Methodology: Residents learn algorithmic thinking from the beginning, using strategies from ATLS, ACLS, PALS, and NALS.

Diagnostic Approach: Swift, extensive, and resource-efficient, forming the foundation for patient prognosis.

Modern Facilities: Equipped with state-of-the-art point-of-care diagnostics and access to advanced laboratory and radiology services.

Mentorship: Experts in anaesthesia, medicine, and trauma care mentor residents to become future leaders in the field.

Recognition: The department has established itself as a leader in Emergency Medicine through clinical excellence and active participation in national and international forums.

Research Emphasis: Strong focus on clinical research to advance the field of Emergency Medicine.

Vision and Mission

  • Vision: To run a robust training programme and create a new generation of leaders in the field of Emergency Medicine.
  • Mission:
    • To provide swift and versatile emergency care to patients, in line with international standards, aiming to make a significant prognostic impact.
    • To publish meaningful research that advances the cause of evidence-based medicine.
    • To become an integral part of the network of academic emergency programmes spread across India.
    • To create opportunities to plug into the global grid of emergency medicine.
    • To lay the foundation for a sophisticated level 1 trauma centre.

M. D. (Emergency Medicine)

Emergency Services

  • Comprehensive medical evaluation, diagnosis, recommended treatment, and disposition of emergency patients, along with coordination of all care provided.
  • 24/7 service for any medical, surgical emergency, or trauma case.
  • Serves all age groups from pediatrics to geriatrics.
  • Critical life-saving procedures, including:
    • Endotracheal intubations
    • Central venous lines
    • Thrombolysis for stroke and myocardial infarction
    • Short-term critical monitoring until transfer to a higher level of care
  • Minor surgical procedures, such as:
    • Removal of superficial foreign bodies
    • Superficial wound suturing
  • Burn dressing, wound debridement/washout, and incision and drainage of superficial abscesses.
  • Emergency surgical interventions including:
    • Chest drain insertion
    • Needle thoracotomy
    • Pericardiocentesis
    • Cricothyroidectomy
  • Designated 24/7 code blue response team.
  • Initial screening and treatment of hemodynamically unstable COVID suspects.
  • Prepared for mass casualty incidents.
  • Cynosure of the hospital's disaster response plan.

SN Name of the Faculty Photograph Educational Qualification Designation Registration No.
1 Dr. Sarbari Swaika Dr. Sarbari Swaika MBBS, MD (Anaesthesia), DA, Fellowship in Medical Education Professor & HOD 42686
2 Dr. Varsha Sambhaji Shinde Dr. Varsha Sambhaji Shinde MBBS, MD (Anaesthesia), FACEE Professor 60903
3 Dr. Maya Arun Jamkar Dr. Maya Arun Jamkar MBBS, MD (Anaesthesia), DA Professor 42488
4 Dr. Arjun H M Dr. Arjun H M MBBS, MD Assistant Professor 2022098120
5 Dr. Minakshee Jagdish Patil Dr. Minakshee Jagdish Patil MBBS, MD (Anaesthesia), Fellowship in Pain Management Assistant Professor 2011061861
6 Dr. Bhavana Shankar Nadoni Dr. Bhavana Shankar Nadoni MBBS, MD (Emergency Medicine), Fellowship PDCC (EM Toxicology) Assistant Professor PR20240036305
7 Dr. G Dhruva Kumar Reddy Dr. G Dhruva Kumar Reddy MBBS, MD Senior Resident 2023050939
8 Dr. Mavudelli Sharmila Jayaram Dr. Mavudelli Sharmila Jayaram MBBS, DNB (Emergency Medicine) Senior Resident 2023118965

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Triage area

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Image 3

Observation area

Image 4

Emergency Major OT

Image 5

Emergency Major OT

Image 6

Labour room With Baby Resuscitator

Image 7

Labour room With Baby Resuscitator

Image 8

Defibrillator with pacing

Image 9

Non-Invasive ventilator

Academics Extension and Research

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  • International Online Guest Lectures:
    • Dr. Mike Winters - Online Guest Lecture on “Recent resuscitation articles you’ve got to know”
      Date: 15/11/22
    • Dr. Robert Flint - Online Guest Lecture on “What's next? Visual Diagnosis in Emergency Medicine?”
      Date: 21 March, 2023

Research Summary

Sr. No. Name of the Project and Duration Name of Teachers Amount of Seed Money Provided (INR in Lakhs) Sanctioned Year
1 Use of high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) in the emergency department & comparison of its efficacy with non-invasive ventilation Dr. Varsha Shinde 2,50,000 2019-2020

  • Ventilators - 6
  • Multipara Monitor - 17
  • Foetal Monitor - 1
  • Slit Lamp - 1
  • Tonometer - 1
  • Syringe pumps - 16
  • Monitor with defibrillator with external pacing facility - 1
  • Monitor with defibrillator without external pacing facility - 1
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  1. R.S. Vhora, S.S. Vhora, A. Katkar, P. Ghatghe. A case report of craniovertebral junction intradural extramedullary neurenteric cyst. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University. Volume 7, Issue 3, May – June 2014, pages 373-376. The Editorial Board of the Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University is pleased to inform you that your manuscript entitled "A case report of craniovertebral (CV) Junction Intra-Dural extramedullary neurenteric cyst," with manuscript number MJDRDYPU_322_13, is acceptable for publication in the Journal. Date of acceptance: 25/12/2013.
  1. R.S. Vhora, S.S. Vhora, A. Katkar, P. Ghatghe.
    A case report of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of Lacrimal Gland. Medical Journal of Dr D. Y. Patil Medical University. Year: 2015 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 2 | Page: 217-219. We are pleased to inform that your manuscript "A case report of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of Lacrimal Gland" is provisionally accepted. You would receive an edited version of the article in about 2-3 weeks from now for a final check and correction.
  2. Rajeshwari Vhora, Sukanya Kumar, Govind Shiddapur, Madhulika Mahashabde, Harshad Patil, Arjun Lal Kakrani.
    Original article: “Mechanical Complications Associated With Central Venous Catheterization.” International Journal of Medical and Health Research (Affiliated to: International Association (Trust), Registration No. 834/2014-2015/4). Volume: 1, Issue: 2, Page: 01-03, Sep 2015.
  3. R.S. Vhora, A. Munde, C. Bale, A. L. Kakrani.
    Original article: Correlation of serum parathyroid hormone with mineral bone disease in chronic kidney disease patients. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University | November-December 2015 | Volume 8 | Issue 6, Pages 708-12.
  4. R. S. Vhora, G. Shiddapur, M. Jose, A. L. Kakrani.
    Original article: Incidence of cardiac autonomic neuropathy in type 2 Diabetes, and its relation to Silent Myocardial Ischemia. International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Volume: 04, Issue: 01, October 2015, Pages 113-119.
  5. Original Article: Effect of training on awareness of nursing students about Basic Life Support.
    Dr. Varsha S. Shinde, Devyani S. Shinde, Dr. S.K. Thombre. International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Volume 04, Issue 01, October 2015, Pages 86-90.
  6. Original Articles: Knowledge of high school students in Pune about first aid and the effect of training on them.
    Dr. Varsha S. Shinde, Devyani S. Shinde, Dr. Sambhaji R. Shinde. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; December 2015: Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages 556-559.
  7. Dr. Roshan Palaesha: Publication.
    Rishabh Jain, Ajay Gujar, Naseem Khan, Lokesh Sreedharam, Tanveer Parvez Shaikh, Roshan Palaesha, Chaitanya Burra. A rare case of Bochdalek diaphragmatic hernia with concomitant partial situs inversus. PISSN 2320-6071 / ISSN 2320-6012, Feb 2015 / Volume 3 / Issue 2, Page 494.
  8. Original article: Study of assessment of diastolic dysfunction in hypertensive patients by 2D echo and its correlation with ECG findings.
    Dr. Varsha Shinde, Dr. Minal Saria, Dr. Deepak Bhosale, Dr. A.J. Diwan. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; Volume 4, Issue 4, Sept 2015, Pages 511-516.
  1. Shalini Kishor Thombre, Sufala Sunil Vishwasrao, Anil Dole.
    Evaluation of analgesic effect of nitroglycerine added to lignocaine in intravenous regional anesthesia. March-April 2016, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 190-193.
  2. Original Article: Oral Midazolam and Ketamine as premedicants in children. A randomized open-label single-center study. Volume 83, Page 27, ISSN (e) 2347-176X, doi:10.18535/jmscr/v5i13.106.
  3. S.S. Vhora, R.S. Vhora[*], C. Gandoke, M.M. Pardasani, R. Panday, P.S. Vhora.
    Original article: Study of Traumatic Brain Injury cases with special reference to predictors of its outcome. International Journal of Medical and Health Research. ISSN: 2454-9142. Volume 2; Issue 1; January 2016; Pages 19-24.
  4. S.S. Vhora, R.S. Vhora[*], G.R. Godbole, S. Shinde, S. Gholve, S. Vhora, P. Keskar.
    Original article: Evaluation of knowledge of pre-hospital care & Emergency Medical Services (EMS) among doctors, before & after training, in a tertiary care hospital. International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Volume 04, Issue 03, April 2016, Pages 60-65.
  5. Innovative Publication Delhi, Indian Journal of Orthopedic Surgery (IJOS) Volume 2, Issue 3, July-September 2016.
    Do radiographic parameters predict functional outcome in distal end Radius fractures? Vikram Rajguru, S.S. Daniel, Amit Kale.
  6. IJSS. International Journal of Scientific Study, September 2016, Volume 4, Issue 6. Print ISSN: 2321-6379.
    Functional outcome of Hahn-Steinthal fracture Capitellum fixed with Kirschner wires via post-lateral approach. S.S. Daniel, K.A. Saindane, Aashish Ghodke.
  7. IJSS. International Journal of Scientific Study - Surgery, November-December 2016, Volume 2, Issue 6. Print ISSN: 2321-6379, Online ISSN: 2395-1893, DOI:10.17354/SUR/2016/51.
    Spinal canal remodeling in operated cases of T.L fracture. S.S. Daniel, Rahul Puranik, Ankit Pokharna.
  8. IJSS. International Journal of Scientific Study - Surgery, November-December 2016, Volume 2, Issue 6. Print ISSN: 2321-6379, Online ISSN: 2395-1893, DOI:10.17354/SUR/2016/53.
    Functional outcome of anterolateral plating for distal tibial fractures. S.S. Daniel, Rahul Puranik.
  9. Evaluation of non-contiguous spine fracture and extra-spinal injuries in spine fracture patients. A prospective study. International Journal of Scientific Study, November 2016, Volume 4, Issue 8. Print ISSN: 2321-6379, Online ISSN: 2321-595X.
    Dr. Ambarish Mathesule, Dr. S.S. Daniel, Dr. Ajay Chandanwale.
  10. Medical, Surgical & Orthopaedic Disorders in an annual pilgrimage during Wari at Pandharpur. IJSS, October 2016.
    Pravin Deokate, Ambarish Mathesule, Dr. S.S. Daniel.
  11. Case Report: Anti-tuberculosis treatment-induced drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University, Volume 9, Issue 2, March-April 2016, Pages 271-273.
  12. Original Article: Comparison of neutrophil to lymphocyte count ratio, APACHE II, and SOFA score as prognostic markers in the setting of Emergency Medicine. International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Volume 04, Issue 04, July 2016, Pages 46-51. Impact Factor 0.85, IC value 5.99.
  1. Oral Midazolam and Ketamine as premedicants in children. A randomized open-label single-center study. Volume 83, Page 27, ISSN (e) 2347-176X, doi:10.18535/jmscr/v5i13.106.
  2. Intravenous clonidine for suppression of laparoscopy – a prospective randomized placebo-controlled single-center study. Internal Journal of Advances in Medicine. Accepted for publication in June 2017, Volume 4, Issue 3.
  1. Lamba I. Fear and uncertainty around the Lancet's editorial. Medical Journal of Dr. DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2019 Sep 1;12(5):383.
  2. Sumalya Tripathi, Varsha Shinde, Zahid Shaikh. Study of clinical profile of patients intubated and those on non-invasive ventilation in Emergency Medicine Department. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 2019 November 11;7(11):27-35.
  3. Sumalya Tripathi, Varsha Shinde, Zahid Shaikh. Lemon Score: A tool to predict difficult airway in ED in Indian setting. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Research 2019;3(12):62-67.
  4. Zahid Shaikh, Daniel S. S., Sumalya Tripathi, Shinde V. S., Avinav Luthra, Sonali Patil, Arjun H. M., Suhrith Bhattaram. A study of clinical profile of low-risk Acute Coronary Syndrome in a teaching tertiary care hospital - A prospective observational study. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 2019 November 26;8(1):107-133.
  5. Zahid Shaikh, V. S. Shinde, Sumalya Tripathi, Dhiraj Jadhav, Ishan Lamba, Alok Gangurde, Sweta K. Comparative analysis of various risk assessment scores for low risk acute coronary syndrome in an Indian scenario: an ED based observational study. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Research 2019;3(11):188-192.
  1. Lamba I, Jadhav D, Shinde V. Hydrocarbon Associated Toxicities: a Case Series and Review of Literature. Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology. 2020 Jan 1;9(1).
  2. Lamba I. Why India needs to extend the nationwide lockdown. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020 Apr 15.
  3. Lamba I. Utility of cinema in medical pedagogy: a novel ideology based on a case study of “apocalypse now”. International Journal of Ethics Education. 2020 Aug 4:1-8.
  1. Lamba Ishan, Luthra Avinav, Shinde Varsha, Daniel S.S. Using Canadian CT head rule in a developing nation: Validation and comparing utilization by emergency physicians and neurosurgeons. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 1 March 2021. Publisher: Elsevier. Vol-45, P-112-116. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajem.2021.02.064
  2. Lamba Ishan. Losing the numbers game: revisiting quality metrics through the spectrum of Goodhart’s law. European Journal of Emergency Medicine. 16 March 2021. Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health. Vol-28, Issue-3, P-176-177. DOI: 10.1097/MEJ0000000000825
  3. Bhattaram Suhrith, Bhattaram Manoj. Humbled: life in the emergency department under the shadow of a pandemic. European Journal of Emergency Medicine. 22 March 2021. Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health. Vol-28, P-178-179. DOI: 10.1097/MEJ00000000000827
  4. Patil Sonali, Shinde Varsha, Khuraijam Sweta, Luthra Avinav. Study of co-morbidities with acute Cerebrovascular accident in emergency medicine. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research. June 2021. Publisher: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Vol-10, Issue-3, P-158-162. DOI: 10.36848/IJBAMR/2020/29215.55640
  5. Gupta Nishtha, Luthra Avinav, B. Shailaja, Chaudhury Suprakash, Saldanha Daniel. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health of health-care workers in a tertiary care teaching and dedicated COVID-19 hospital. Industrial Psychiatry Journal. 22 October 2021. Publisher: Wolters Kluwer. Vol-30, Issue-1, P-S56-S62. DOI: 10.4103/1972-6748.328790
  1. Khuraijam S, Shinde V, Dahale AS. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding in pregnancy: An unexpected cause. Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock. 2022 Jan; 15(1):72.
  2. Lamba I, Shinde V, Shaikh Z, Tripathi S, Bhatt V. Deconstructing structural racism and structural capitalism in academic publishing. Medical Journal of Dr. DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2022 Jan 1; 15(1):3.
  3. Bhattaram S, Shinde VS. COVID-19 pandemic: A three-step protocol for ED triage. Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences. 2022 Jan 1; 11(1):101.
  1. Dr. Varsha Shinde, Dr. Anjeeth Puthoor Anilkumar, Dr. Dhruva Kumar Reddy. “Profile of Geriatric patients presenting to the Emergency Department.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2023 Jan.
  2. Dr. Anjeeth Puthoor Anilkumar, Dr. Dhruva Kumar Reddy, Dr. Varsha Shinde. “A case of Supraventricular Tachycardia reverted using modified Valsalva manoeuvre.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2023 Jan.
  3. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde. “Star in the storm: percutaneous stellate ganglion blockade for drug-refractory electrical storm in the emergency department.” Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine, 2023 Feb.
  4. Dhruv Kumar Reddy, Varsha Shinde, Sweta Khuraijam, Anjeeth Puthoor. “Two Cases of Dextromethorphan Overdose Reversed by Naloxone.” Cureus, 2023 Feb.
  5. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde. “Chat GPT: The next-gen tool for triaging?” American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023 Mar.
  6. Dr. Arjun H. M., Dr. Varsha Shinde, Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Zahid Shaikh. “Clinico-Epidemiological study of Snake Bite Presenting to the Emergency Department of a Tertiary Care Hospital.” Toxicology International, 2023 Apr-Jun; 30(2).
  7. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde, Dr. Princy Khumujam, Dr. Anjeeth Puthoor, Dr. Dhruv Kumar Reddy. “Capnography as a tool for triaging and diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis in the emergency department: A prospective observational study.” Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023 July; 23(3).
  8. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde. “Novel use of motor-sparing genicular nerve blocks for knee injuries in the emergency department.” American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023 Nov; 8:8.
  9. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram, Dr. Varsha Shinde. “Response to comment on 'Novel Use of Motor-sparing Genicular Nerve Blocks for Knee Injuries in the Emergency Department.'” American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023 Nov.

Coverage for 24x7 in Emergency medicine

Use of video laryngoscope for difficult intubation.

Point of care investigation and ultrasonography for better patient management.

Dr. Prasad Sale: Now working at his own hospital in Solapur district.

Dr. Sonia Aganihotri: Now working at Kokilaben Hospital, Mumbai.

Dr. Tejas Jain: Now working at Apollo Hospital, New Mumbai.

  • Once a week Seminar
  • Once a week Journal class
  • Once a week Dissertation progress report
  • Twice a week case presentation
  • Once a week grand round
  • Once a week EM Text book chapter discussion
  • Once a week assessment
  • Term end theory & Practical Exam

Sr. No Name of the Student Name of the Faculty Year
1. Dr. Suhrith Bhattaram Dr. Varsha Shinde 2019
2. Dr. Arjun H.M Dr. S. S. Daniel 2019

Sr. Name of the Project and duration Name of Teachers Amount of Seed money provided(INR in Lakhs) Sanctioned Year
1. Use of High Flow nasal cannula(hfnc)in the emrgency departement & comparison of its efficacy with non-invasive ventilation Dr. Varsha Shinde 2,50,000 2019-2020
2. Alumni Placement (Till date)

Dr. Prasad Sale : Now working at his own hospital at Solapur district Dr. Sonia Aganihotri : Now working at Kokilaben Hospital, Mumbai Dr. Tejas Jain : Now working at Apollo hospital New Mumbai

3. Mentorship details (For current year)

Sr.No Title of study PG student PG Guide Year
1 Clinical evaluation of patients presenting to emergency medicine with partial epilepsy Dr. Prasad Sale Dr. S.K. Thombre
2 Study of clinical profile of patients presenting to emergency medicine with non traumatic acute chest pain including their prehospital management. Dr. Sonia Agnihotri Dr. Rajeshwari Vhora
3 Study of clinical Profile of patients presenting with acute onset altered mental status to the emergency department in a teaching tertiary care hospital. Dr. Ishan Lamba Dr. Rajeshwari Vhora
4 To study clinical profile of patients presenting to emergency department with acute dyspnea and role of BNP to differentiate between cardiac and a Non –cardiac cause. Dr. Alok Gangurde Dr. S.K. Thombre
5 Study of risk stratification in patients presenting with chest pain by TIMI risk score in acute coronary syndrome. Dr. Sweta Khuraijam Dr. Rajeshwari Vhora
6 Evaluation of arterial lactate as a predictive marker in cases of severe sepsis and septic shock presenting in Emergency Medicine Department. Dr. Tejas Jain Dr. Varsha Shinde
7 To Study the clinical profile of patients intubated and those on non-invasive ventilation in emergency medicine department. Dr. Sumalya Tripathi Dr. Varsha Shinde
8 Clinical profile of patients presenting to EM with low probability ACS Dr. Zahid Shaikh Dr. Rajeshwari Vhora

Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements
1 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor 1st Prize in CPC in INDUSEM
2 Dr. Sweta Khuraijam Sr. Resident 1st Prize in international for poster presentation in Doha, Qatar
3 Dr. Arjun H.M. Junior Resident For the best e-presentation Andre Award on the topic “Surviving Serpentine Sufferings”

Sr. No. Title Date Guest Speaker No of Delegates Attended
1 Changing trend of Acute Coronary Syndrome and role of Emergency Medicine in ACS 16th Jan Dr. M.S Hiremath 114
2 ABG, ECG, Ventilator 24th & 25th March
3 Airway Management in Emergency Medicine 7th Dec 29
4 BLS, ACLS Provider workshop American Heart Association 21st, 22nd, 23rd Jan 53
5 BLS, ACLS Provider workshop American Heart Association 7, 8, 9 May 114
6 “Approach to Shock” 13th September Dr. Sameer Jog 181

Sr. No. Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/Conference/Workshop Date & Venue/Place
1 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD International Best of Brussels Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 11th to 13th July, 2014 Pune
2 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Emergency Medicine Practices Clinical and Advanced Clinical Therapeutics (EMPACT) 23rd and 27th July, 2014 Bangalore
3 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD BLS workshop (American Heart Association) at Sanjeevan Hospital Pune, Organized by SIHS Symbiosis University of Health Sciences 4th September 2014
4 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Cardiac Life Support (American Heart Association) at Sanjeevan Hospital Pune, Organized by SIHS Symbiosis University of Health Sciences 5th and 6th September 2014
5 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD INDO- US Emergency Medicine at King George’s Medical University 18th and 19th October 2014 Lucknow
6 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Advanced International Trauma Life Support at Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences 21st and 22nd November, 2014 Pune
7 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Advanced International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) at Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences 9th and 20th December, 2014 Pune
8 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Best of Brussels – National Conference on Critical Care Medicine and Emergency Medicine, organized by Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine 10th to 12th July 2015 Grand Hyatt Pune
9 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Advanced Trauma Life Support workshop, Symbiosis Institute of Medical Sciences as faculty 2nd to 4th July 2015 Pune
10 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD DPU respiratory Update 2015 attended 30th August 2015, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune
11 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD ATLS workshop at Apex Academy 17th to 19th Sept 2015 Ahmedabad, Gujarat as Faculty
12 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Emergency Care Course for Nursing staff Topic- First aid Lecture Log roll skill station. 21 and 22nd Sept 2015, Dr.D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune
13 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD BLS, ACLS workshop (American Heart Association approved), at Sanjeevan Hospital, Organized by ITC Symbiosis University of Health Sciences 24th to 26th Sept 2015 Pune
14 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Emergency Medicine update - workshop for EMOs Lecture on Cardiovascular Collapse. 6th Sept. 2015 Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical College, Pune
15 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor Attended national Workshop on public Health Preparedness, Response and Medical Management 24th and 25th April 2015, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri
16 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor Attended Programme on Advances in Critical Care & Emergency Medicine (PACE) August 2nd to 4th, 2015 Yercaud
17 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor Attended “Current Practices in Emergency Medicine 6th September, 2015 Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical College, Pune
18 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor Attended INDUSEM 2015 2nd to 4th October 2015 in New Delhi
19 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor Attended the 2nd International Workshop on Paediatric Emergency Ultrasonography 2nd October, 2015 PGIMER, Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi
20 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Attended national Workshop on Public Health Preparedness, Response and Medical Management 24th and 25th April 2015, Dr DY Patil Medical College, Pimpri
21 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Attended Programme on Advances in Critical Care & Emergency Medicine (PACE) at Yercaud August 2nd to 4th, 2015
22 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor “Current Practices in Emergency Medicine 6th September, 2015 Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical College, Pune
23 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor INDUSEM 2015 2nd to 4th October 2015 in New Delhi
24 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor 2nd International Workshop on Paediatric Emergency Ultrasonography 2nd October, 2015 PGIMER, Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi
25 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Clinical-Pathological Case Competition for the Best Case Presented at 11th Annual INDO-US World Congress of Emergency Medicine organized at AIIMS New Delhi
26 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Awarded certificate of appreciation by Captain and Crew of Indigo flight 6E671 for assisting a passenger during a mid flight emergency and preventing an emergency landing 5 October, 2015
27 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD BLS, ACLS workshop (American Heart Association approved) at Organized by ITC Symbiosis University of Health Sciences 18th to 20th April 2016
28 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Epilepsy Update 2016 - As Delegate 12th March 2016 at Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune
29 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Best of Brussels – National Conference on Critical Care Medicine and Emergency Medicine, organized by Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine 10th July 2016 Grand Hyatt Pune on 8th as delegate
30 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Basic Life Support, American Heart Association approved, Organized by ITC, Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences 20th July 2016, Pune
31 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Integrated teaching at lecture hall 2, on “Emergency management of Pneumonia” 2-8-16, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College
32 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Invited as chairperson for the academic session at Airway Workshop 10 and 11th Sept. 2016 Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Emergency Medicine department
33 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Respiratory Update 2016 2nd October 2016 Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune
34 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Emergency Management of Pneumonia 8-11-16 Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune
35 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) at Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences 13th to 15th October, 2016 Pune
36 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD BLS, ACLS (AHA) workshop 17th to 21st October 2016 Pravara Medical College, Loni
37 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor and HOD National conference Emergency Medicine 11th to 13th November 2016 Madurai
38 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor Airway Workshop 10th and 11th September, 2016 Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and Research Centre, Pune
39 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor 12th World Congress of Academic Emergency Medicine (INDUSEM) October 2016 Bengaluru
40 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor 18th Annual Conference of Society of Emergency Medicine India (EMCON) 11th to 13th November, 2016 Madurai
41 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor Presented a poster titled “Adverse Drug Reactions Presenting As ECG Changes” 2016 EMCON
42 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Winner of Faculty Debate Competition Annual college gathering SYNAPSE- 2016
43 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Winner of Student vs. Faculty Debate Competition Annual college gathering SYNAPSE- 2016
44 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Completed NNF Neonatal Resuscitation Program Project (Indian Academy of Paediatrics certified) 6th April, 2016
45 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Participated in Airway Workshop organized 10th and 11th September, 2016 Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and Research Centre, Pune
46 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Participated in the DPU- Pulmonary Update-2016 2nd October, 2016
47 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Participated in Poster Making Competition organized by the DPU Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa) 19th October, 2016
48 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Attended the 12th World Congress of Academic Emergency Medicine (INDUSEM) October 2016 Bengaluru
49 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Attended the skill school “Fundamentals in Trauma Resuscitation FORT 2016” 21st October, 2016 held at Manipal Hospital, Bengaluru
50 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Attended the 18th Annual Conference of Society of Emergency Medicine India (EMCON) 11th to 13th November, 2016 Madurai
51 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Presented a poster titled “Dehydration Induced Haemo-Concentration Leading to Acute Myocardial Infarction” EMCON 2016
52 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Presented a poster titled “Adverse Drug Reactions Presenting As ECG Changes” EMCON 2016
53 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) 9th to 11th February, 2017 Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences, Pune
54 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) 2nd to 4th March 2017 Apex Academy, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
55 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD CRRT Update, conducted by ISCCM 19th March 2017 ISCCM training centre Pune
56 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD CME on Arterial Blood Gases 26th March 2017 ISCCM, Pune at Aaditya Birla Memorial Hospital, Chinchwad, Pune
57 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD Recent trends in critical care management May 2017 Dr. D.Y. Patil University in collaboration with IMSA and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow at Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune
58 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD ATLS workshop at SIHS 15th to 17th June, 2017 Pune
59 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD 5th annual International Best of Brussels Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 7th to 9th July 2017
60 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD BLS, ACLS course (American Heart Association approved) 3rd to 5th April 2017, Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences, Pune
61 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD BLS, ACLS course (American Heart Association approved) 7th to 9th September 2017, Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College and Hospital, Pune
62 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor Attended “Guidelines-2017” 7th and 8th January 2017, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and Research Centre, Pune
63 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor Attended CME on Emergency, Trauma and Critical Care 18th February 2017, Dr. D.Y. Patil Hospital, Navi Mumbai
64 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor Completed the AIIMS Ultrasound Trauma Life Support Course (AUTLS) provider course 19th February 2017
65 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor Participated in EMINDIA-2017 15th-16th July 2017, AIIMS and India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
66 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor Presented a case titled “Breaking the walls of convention” in the case-based learning session 15th July 2017, EMINDIA-2017
67 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Attended “Guidelines-2017” 7th and 8th January 2017, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and Research Centre, Pune
68 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Attended CME on Emergency, Trauma and Critical Care 18th February 2017, Dr. D.Y. Patil Hospital, Navi Mumbai
69 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Completed the AIIMS Ultrasound Trauma Life Support Course (AUTLS) provider course 19th February 2017
70 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Winner of Second position in the Faculty Panel Discussion in Synapse-2017 7th March 2017
71 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Awarded the position of Best Mentor in the Intercollegiate Medical Symposium (MEDICON 1.0) 24th March 2017, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri
72 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Winner of 3rd prize in oral paper presentation in “Recent Trends in Critical Care Management” 27th May 2017, Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth Pune, IMSA and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
73 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Certified as ATLS provider after successful completion of the workshop at SIHS 15th to 17th June 2017, Pune
74 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Participated in EMINDIA-2017 15th-16th July 2017, AIIMS and India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
75 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Presented a case titled “Adverse Drug Reaction Presenting As ECG Changes: A Rare Conundrum” 15th July 2017, EMINDIA-2017 at the India Habitat Centre
76 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD Advanced Trauma Course provider workshop 3rd and 4th February 2018, Civil Hospital Campus, Sangli
77 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD ABG, ECG, Ventilator Workshop 24th and 25th March 2018, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College and Research Centre, Pune
78 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support workshop 14th to 16th June 2018, Dinanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune
79 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Course 5th to 7th April 2018, Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences, Pune
80 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD Advanced Trauma Life Support workshop 26th to 28th July 2018, Symbiosis Institute of Medical Sciences, Pune
81 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) workshop 3rd and 4th February 2018, Miraj Govt. Medical College
82 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Course 19th to 21st August 2018, Apex Academy, Ahmedabad
83 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD NIO vision Marathon, 10 K and secured second runner-up 22nd August 2018, Pune
84 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD Expert group meeting for development of modules for first aid 28th August 2018, JPNA Trauma Center, AIIMS, Delhi
85 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) latest tenth edition workshop 4th to 6th October 2018, Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences, Pune
86 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor AHA certified as BLS and ACLS provider 16th June 2018
87 Dr. Dhiraj Jadhav Assistant Professor MAHAEM 2019 February 2019
88 Dr. Dhiraj Jadhav Assistant Professor FATE workshop on 2D echo April 2019
89 Dr. Dhiraj Jadhav Assistant Professor EMCARD GOA Emergency cardiology conference May 2019
90 Dr. Dhiraj Jadhav Assistant Professor SIMVENT Mechanical ventilation workshop June 2019
91 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor Attended national Workshop on Public Health Preparedness, Response and Medical Management 24th & 25th April 2019, Pimpri
92 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor AHA Certified as PALS provider 15th & 16th June 2019
93 Dr. Alok Gangurde Assistant Professor Simulator based course on mechanical ventilation 25th & 26th May 2019
94 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Participated in Scientific Symposium in EM Karnataka 2019 20th January 2019, Bengaluru
95 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Participated as Faculty Mentor in Clinical-Pathological Case competition in EM Karnataka 2019 20th January 2019, Bengaluru
96 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor Participated in NEUROMED-2019 16th March 2019, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri
97 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor AHA certified as PALS provider 16th June 2019
98 Dr. Ishan Lamba Assistant Professor AHA certified as BLS and ACLS provider 16th June 2018
99 Dr. Anjeeth Anilkumar Puthoor Junior Resident WACEM21 Virtual 10th to 19th December 2021
100 Dr. Dhruvkumar Reddy Junior Resident WACEM21 Virtual 10th to 19th December 2021
101 Dr. Anjeeth Anilkumar Puthoor Junior Resident Point of Care Ultrasound 27th September 2022
102 Dr. Varsha Shinde Professor & HOD 18th Annual India Academic Conclave of Emergency Medicine (EMINDIA22) 7th to 13th October 2022, Goa
103 Dr. Arjun H.M. Senior Resident 18th Annual India Academic Conclave of Emergency Medicine (EMINDIA22) 7th to 13th October 2022, Goa