Navbar Fix



Number of Faculty


Number of Students


Student-to-faculty Ratio

General Information

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book


Mission Statement

To make India free from infectious agents through updation of scientific knowledge, dedicated research, and a humanitarian approach to medicine.


Mission of the Department

The mission of the department is to excel in all aspects of academics. The purpose is to empower the budding doctors by imparting knowledge and skills in Microbiology of the highest standards.

Educational Qualifications

  • MBBS
  • MD
  • M.Sc Medical Microbiology
  • Ph.D.

Value Added Course

Automation in Clinical Microbiology

Samples Received

  • Sputum
  • Stool
  • Blood
  • CSF
  • Catheter tips
  • All body fluids
  • Throat swabs
  • Pus
  • Urine
  • Corneal scrapings
  • Skin scraping
  • Hair
  • Nail
Sample Image
Microscopy Techniques
  • Bacterial: Gram Stain, Albert Stain, Wet Mount, Darkground Microscopy
  • Mycobacterial: Ziehl-Neelsen
  • Fungal: Negative Stain, KOH Mount, Lactophenol Cotton Blue
  • Parasitic: Saline Mount, Iodine Mount, Giemsa Stain
Microscopy Image

Culture & Sensitivities

  • Bacterial: Aerobic bacterial culture & sensitivity, Anaerobic bacterial culture
  • Mycobacterium: Culture & sensitivity
  • Fungal: Culture & sensitivity
Culture Image 1
Culture Image 2


Generic identification & speciation of various fungal isolates by special phenotypic methods.

Vitek-2 for identification of yeasts & antifungal sensitivity testing.

Mycology Image

Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre

  • Malaria antigen detection test
  • PBS for Malaria parasite, Microfilaria
  • Saline and Iodine mount for stool ova & Cyst
Parasitology Image

  • Aerobic & Anaerobic for Operation Theatres & Critical Care Units
  • MRSA surveillance of Medical & Paramedical staff
  • Detection of ESBL, MBL, AmpC, Inducible Clindamycin among MDR strains

Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre

Air Sampler
Air Sampler

  • R.A Factor Quantitative
  • ASO Quantitative
  • CRP Quantitative

  • HIV-1 & 2 test (Tridot, CMIA)
  • HbsAg test (ICT, CMIA)
  • Dengue IgM & IgG test
  • NS1 Ag (ICT & ELISA)
  • Chikungunya (ICT)
  • Viral load of HIV assay by Real Time PCR

ICT - Immunochromatography, CMIA - Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay

Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre

First Image
Second Image

Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre

  • WIDAL test
  • VDRL/RPR test
  • Brucella (SAT)
  • Leptospira IgG & IgM (ICT)
Second Image

  • Bact/ Alert for faster detection of septicaemia, Enteric fever and bacterial endocarditis.
  • MB Bact for liquid culture of M. tuberculosis.
  • Rapid detection of causative agents and MIC of drugs by Vitek-2 system.

Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre

First Diagnostic System
First Diagnostic System
Second Diagnostic System
Second Diagnostic System

Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre

Immunofluorescence Microscope 1
Immunofluorescence Microscope 1
Immunofluorescence Microscope 2
Immunofluorescence Microscope 2


  • Detection of M. tuberculosis and NTM by PCR & Hybridization as well as MDR-TB by molecular methods (LiPA). Result available within 6-8 hrs.
  • Gene-probe (rRNA amplified) method of diagnosis of M. tuberculosis by quantitative RNA method. Result available in 3 hrs.
  • GeneXpert (detects DNA) for M. tuberculosis with Rifampicin sensitivity. Results available within 3 hrs.

Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre

GeneXpert (CBNAAT)

Molecular Biology Equipment 1
GeneXpert (CBNAAT)


NABL Accredited, ICMR approved, Fully Functional PCR Laboratory
rRT PCR COVID-19 testing

PCR Laboratory Image 1
PCR Laboratory
PCR Laboratory Image 2
PCR Laboratory
PCR Laboratory Image 3
Biosafety Cabinets
PCR Laboratory Image 4
PCR Laboratory Image 5
PCR Laboratory Image 6
Deep Freezer (-70⁰C)
PCR Laboratory Image 7
PCR Laboratory Image 7
PCR Laboratory Image 8
Automated Extractor
PCR Laboratory Image 9


Confocal microscopy and Flow cytometry for Research purpose.

National Programmes Being Carried Out in the Department

Prevention of Parent To Child Transmission of HIV (PPTCT) is a programme of MSACS with UNICEF. The Department of Microbiology carries out the serological part of the programme. One staff member is a qualified Trainer in this programme. We are also involved in the training process of the health personnel, as this programme is now being extended up to primary health care centers. ICTC - Integrated Counselling and Testing Center.


Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme. The microscopy and sputum smear reporting are carried out in the Microbiology Department.

Genexpert (CBNAAT)

Genexpert (CBNAAT, detects DNA) for M. tuberculosis with Rifampicin sensitivity. Results available within 3 hours.

NABL Accredited Service Laboratory

The laboratory is NABL Accredited.

Faculty Information
SN Name of the Faculty Photograph Educational Qualification Designation Registration No.
1 Dr. Nageswari Rajesh Gandham Dr. Nageswari Rajesh Gandham MBBS, MD Professor & HOD 65142
2 Dr. Chanda Virendrakumar Saitwal Dr. Chanda Virendrakumar Saitwal MBBS, MD Professor 2005020631
3 Dr. Rajashri Vilasrao Patil Dr. Rajashri Vilasrao Patil MBBS, MD Professor 2009041825
4 Dr. Shahzad Beg Mirza Dr. Shahzad Beg Mirza MBBS, MD Associate Professor 2018062881
5 Dr. Sameena Khan Dr. Sameena Khan MBBS, MD Associate Professor 108747
6 Dr. Prachi Virendra Athavale Dr. Prachi Virendra Athavale MBBS, DPB, MD Assistant Professor 2005031366
7 Dr. Jyoti Nitin Ajagunde Dr. Jyoti Nitin Ajagunde MBBS, MD Assistant Professor 2005124193
8 Dr. Deepali Sahebrao Desai Dr. Deepali Sahebrao Desai MSc, Phd (Medical Microbiology) Assistant Professor NA
9 Dr. Preethy Edavaloth Dr. Preethy Edavaloth MBBS, MD Assistant Professor 2024075841
10 Dr. Tejashree Rajgouda Nare Dr. Tejashree Rajgouda Nare MBBS, MD Assistant Professor 2018062612
11 Dr. Savita Bhatia Dr. Savita Bhatia MBBS, MD Senior Resident 2024031037
12 Mr. Amitesh Datta Mr. Amitesh Datta MSc Tutor NA
13 Miss. Snehal Mayanand Deshmukhe Miss. Snehal Mayanand Deshmukhe MSc Tutor NA
14 Miss. Snehal Sanjay Wagh Miss. Snehal Sanjay Wagh MSc Tutor NA
15 Mrs. Manisha Mukesh Ratnaparkhi Mrs. Manisha Mukesh Ratnaparkhi MSc Tutor NA
16 Mrs. Chaitrali Sudhir Marulkar Mrs. Chaitrali Sudhir Marulkar MSc Tutor NA
17 Dr. Shweta Kundalik Choure Dr. Shweta Kundalik Choure MBBS Tutor PR21812023
18 Dr. Sankalp Ashok Rajage Dr. Sankalp Ashok Rajage MBBS Tutor PR05702023

U.G. Practical Hall

U.G. Practical Hall Image 1
U.G. Practical Hall - Image 1
U.G. Practical Hall Image 4
U.G. Practical Hall - Image 4

P.G. Practical Hall

P.G. Practical Hall Image 1
P.G. Practical Hall - Image 1
P.G. Practical Hall Image 2
P.G. Practical Hall - Image 2
Library Information
Category Count
No. of Books 218
Complementary Books 50
Manuals 13
Library Image 1
Library Image 1
Library Image 2
Library Image 2

Wi-Fi Network and Access to e-books

Wi-Fi Network and Access to e-books
Wi-Fi Network and Access to e-books
Museum Items
Item Type Total Number
Exhibits 33
Charts 160
Model of Specimens 22
Preserved Specimens 5
Museum Exhibit Image 1
Museum Exhibit Image 1
Museum Exhibit Image 2
Museum Exhibit Image 2

Academics Extension and Research

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book

Co-curricular Activities and Major Achievements
Co-curricular Activities
  • All faculty and P.G. students actively involved in PUNE CHAPTER ASSOCIATION OF MICROBIOLOGIST.
  • All faculty members and P.G. students actively participate in HOSPITAL INFECTION CONTROL SOCIETY PUNE which is regularly held on the third Wednesday at RUBY HALL CLINIC.
  • All faculty members and PGs actively participated in webinars, virtual workshops, and conferences.
  • First place to Faculty (Dr. Chanda Vyawahare, Dr. Neetu Gupta, Dr. Sameena Khan, Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde) in design of Molecular Lab in ACCENDO 2020 workshop cum course conducted by SRM.
  • Vocational Excellence Award to Dr. Shahzad Mirza by Rotary Club on 1st July 2020.
  • Dr. Sahjid Mukhida, JR1 in the Department of Microbiology, presented a poster titled “Detection of isoniazid mono-resistance in rifampicin sensitive MTB” at the NATCON 2020 75th Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases and won first prize on 18th, 19th, and 20th December 2020.
Major Achievements of the Department
  • Dr. Savita V Jadhav - Young Researcher Award - 1st prize on 5th Sept 2014.
  • Dr. Nabamita Chaudhari won the First Prize in oral presentation at the 2nd National Conference of Pediatrics Association of India, held from 31st October to 2nd November 2014 in Burdwan, West Bengal.
  • Dr. Nikunja Kumar Das, Assistant Professor, received the Chief of the Army Staff award for the best published article titled “Emergence of multidrug-resistant enterococci at a tertiary care centre” in the field of Pathology, Microbiology, Hematology & Biochemistry for the year 2016 as a “Co-author.”
  • Mrs. Swarupa Hatolkar - Best poster award for “Molecular Epidemiology: Drug Resistance and spoligotyping pattern of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Western Maharashtra” at the 72nd National Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases NATCON on 17th Dec 2017.
  • Mrs. Swarupa Hatolkar - Research Poster nominated for Mumbai-Belgaum prize for Mycobacteriology best poster (Molecular Genotyping of Drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis by spoligotyping from Western Maharashtra) at MICROCON 2017, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, dated 22nd – 26th November 2017.
  • Dr. Shahzad Mirza: Second Prize for Poster Presentation - “Role of CBNAAT in early and rapid detection of pulmonary and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis and Rifampicin resistance in a tertiary care setup with special reference to pediatric cases” at the Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine held on 22nd and 23rd December 2018 at Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune.
  • Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar: First Prize for Oral Paper Presentation on “Molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis” at the Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine held on 22nd and 23rd December 2018 at Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune.
  • Dr. Savita V Jadhav received the 1st prize in the best poster award category at the International Conference of Antimicrobial Resistance: ICAR 2018, CSIR India and Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India on 20th Jan 2018.
  • Regional Undergraduate Microbiology Quiz of Pune region (XXXIII Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM MAHAMICROCON-2017), conducted at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune on 24/08/2017, and secured 2nd Position. Participants: Ms. P. Deepthi, Mr. Kiran John Koshy.
  • Regional Undergraduate Microbiology Quiz of Pune region (9 Medical Colleges) XXIV Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM MAHAMICROCON-2018, conducted at Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College, Pune on 24/08/2018, and secured 2nd Position. Participants: Mr. Nilashis Dutta, Ms. Jinisha Pahuja.
  • II/III MBBS students participated in the Regional Undergraduate Microbiology Quiz of Pune region (9 Medical Colleges), XXV Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM MAHAMICROCON-2019, conducted at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune on 28/08/2019, and secured 4th Position. Participants: Prince Saha, Nishtha Gadia.
  • On 5th September 2019, the following faculty members received appreciation certificates by Dr.D.Y.Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune for their achievements:
  • First place to Faculty (Dr. Chanda Vyawahare, Dr. Neetu Gupta, Dr. Sameena Khan, Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde) in the design of Molecular Lab in ACCENDO 2020 workshop cum course conducted by SRM.
  • Vocational Excellence Award to Dr. Shahzad Mirza by Rotary Club on 1st July 2020.
  • In the MahaMicroCon-2022 XXVI-Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM with the theme “Molecular Epidemiology” held at BJ Government Medical College, Pune on the 17th and 18th of September 2022:
    • Dr. N. R. Gandham, Professor and HOD of the Department of Microbiology, chaired a session and was also a judge for oral paper presentations.
    • Dr. Shalini Bhaumik, JRIII, presented a paper for “Dr Late P. M. Khare Junior Best Research Paper” Award paper presentation. Her paper was among the best three out of 43 papers shortlisted for the same.
  • The Department of Microbiology successfully participated in the Microbiology External Quality Assessment Scheme, Basic Bacteriology and Serology: Tier 1 under the aegis of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM) for the year 2021 organized by the Department of Clinical Microbiology Christian Medical College Vellore-632 004, securing 97.1% in the 109th EQAS cycle.
  • Dr. Sahjid Mukhida, JR II in the Department of Microbiology, received approval for Grant-in-aid for his thesis proposal entitled “Evaluation of Rapid Diagnostic Methods For Molecular Characterization of MDR Genes From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Isolates From Western Part of India” under NTEP by the State TB Cell, Govt. of Maharashtra, Jt. Director and Health Services (Leprosy and TB), Pune, and granted ₹30,000/- for the research activity.
  • The Department of Microbiology participated in the External Quality Assurance Program (EQAS January-2022) for Medical Mycology at Mycology Division, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh (PGI), scoring 100% with “excellent” performance.
  • Jyoti Ajagunde, Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology, was felicitated with a memento on the occasion of National Doctor's Day on 1st July 2022 organized by Inner Wheel Club of Nigdi Pride Chapter No.5907 International Inner Wheel Theme 2022-23 Work Wonders.
  • A Webinar on “Monkeypox, What We Know and What We Don’t – A Practical Guide” was successfully organized by the Department of Microbiology and Dermatology on 3rd August 2022 at 7 PM on a virtual platform through Zoom app. Speakers included Dr. Rajeev Jayadevan, Vice Chairman, Kerala State IMA Research Cell, Dr. Aravind R., HOD Infectious, Govt. Medical College, Trivandrum, and Dr. Vinod Scaria, Principal Scientist, CSIR-IGIB, New Delhi.
Faculty Achievements
Sr. No. Name of Faculty Event Place
1 Dr. Savita Jadhav 1st Prize in International Conference for Antimicrobial Resistance: ICAR 2018 from CSIR New Delhi
2 Dr. Shahzad Mirza “Best performance” from JIPMER, ACINUS-2018 Pondicherry
3 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Best Poster Presentation Award at NATCON 2017 Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh
4 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar 1st Prize for Oral Paper Presentation at Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine 2018 Pune

Publications Summary
Year International National Total
2024 3 5 8
2023 27 52 79
2022 11 27 38
2021 7 13 20
2020 3 2 5
2019 8 - 8
2018 15 - 15
2017 9 3 12
2016 10 5 15
2015 7 6 13
2014 8 4 12
Total 108 117 225

Publications in High Impact Factor Journals
  • Arif Hussain, Amit Ranjan, Nishant Nandanwar, Anshu Babbar, Savita Jadhav and Niyaz Ahmed. “Genotypic and Phenotypic Profiles of Escherichia coli Isolates Belonging to Clinical Sequence Type 131 (ST 131), Clinical Non- ST131, and Fecal Non- ST131 Lineages from India” International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2014: 58(12); 7240. Impact factor-6.66
  • Vivek. V. Manade, Arjun Kakrani, Siddharth N. Gadage, Rabindra Nath Misra. “Brucella endocarditis in a non-endemic area presenting as pyrexia of unknown origin” BMJ Case Rep 2014 doi: 10.1136/bcr-2014-203555.pp1-5. Impact factor-23.6
  • A.Acharya, S. Vaniawala, P. Shah, R. N. Misra, M. Wani, Pratap N. Mukhopadhyaya “Development, Validation and Clinical Evaluation of a Low Cost In-House HIV-1 Drug Resistance Genotyping Assay for Indian Patients” PLOS ONE 2014:9(8); e102790. Impact factor-5.6
  • Amit Ranjan, Sabiha Shaik, Arif Hussain, Nishant Nandanwar, Torsten Semmler, Savita Jadhav, Lothar H. Wieler. “Genomic and Functional portrait of a highly virulent, CTX-M-15- Producing H30-Rx subclone of Escherichia coli sequence Type 131” International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2015: 59(10); P-6087-6095. Impact factor-6.66
  • Savita Jadhav, Rabindra Nath Misra, Nageswari Gandham, Kalpana Angadi, Chanda Vyawahare, Neetu Gupta, Deepali Desai. “Pandemic of Escherichia coli clone O25:H4-ST131 producing CTX-M-15 extended spectrum-β- lactamase-as serious cause of multidrug resistance extraintestinal pathogenic E.coli infections in India” Critical Care 2016;20suppl1:p9. Impact factor-5.3
  • Amit Ranjan, Sabiha Shaik, Nishant Nandanwar, Arif Hussain, Sumeet K. Tiwari, Torsten Semmler, Savita Jadhav, Lothar H. Wieler, Munirul Alam, Rita R. Colwell, Niyaz Ahmed. “Comparative Genomics of Escherichia coli Isolated from Skin and Soft Tissue and Other Extraintestinal Infections” Journal of American Society for Microbiology 2017:8(4);1-9. Impact factor-6.68
  • Swarupa M. Hatolkar, Rabindra N. Misra, Rajesh Mahato, Savita Jadhav “Whole-Genome Sequencing and Annotation of a Drug- Resistant Extrapulmonary clinical lsolate of Beijing Genotype Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Pune, India” Journal of American Society for Microbiology 2018:6(25);1-2. Impact factor-6.68
  • An article published by Dr. N.R. Gandham, Professor in the Department of Microbiology, has been quoted in the chapter titled “Protothecosis and chlorellosis in the post graduate” Textbook of Medical Mycology by Jagdish Chander 4th edition -2018.
  • Gupta A, Bhoyar RC, Mirza SB, Jolly B, Senthival V, Shamnath A et al. SARS-Cov-2 vaccine breakthrough infection following a previous infection in a health care worker Journal of Infection; 2021; 4 (4); 1139-47.
  • Yadav PD, Sahay RR, Agrawal S, Shete A, Adsul B, Tripathy S, et al. “Clinical, immunological and genomic analysis of the post vaccinated SARS-CoV-2 infected cases with Delta derivatives from Maharashtra, India, 2021” J Infect. 2022 Jul;85(1):e26-e29. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2022.04.014. Epub 2022 Apr 8. Impact Factor : 38.637
  • Gupta A, Bhoyar R, Mirza S, Jolly B, Senthivel V, Shamnath A, et al. SARS-CoV-2 vaccine breakthrough infection following a previous infection in a healthcare worker J Infect. 2022 Mar;84(3):418-467. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2021.10.008. Epub 2021 Oct 19. PMID: 34678389; PMCID: PMC8523545. Impact Factor : 38.637
  • Mukhida S, Khan S, Kannuri S, Mali V, Bhaumik S, Das NK. “Wearing a white coat in theory class during medical school, is it justified? reply to development and validation of the knowledge, attitude and practice questionnaire (LAUNDERKAP) regarding white coat use among medical students during clinical practice” Am J Infect Control. 2022 Aug;50(8):966-967. doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2022.04.009. PMID: 35908831. Impact Factor : 4.303

Programmes and Faculty Participation
Sr. No. Title of the Programme Name of Faculty Dates and Duration
1 “Observance of World Zoonosis Day” Organized by Eastern Regional Coordinator National One Health Program for Prevention and Control of Zoonotic Diseases, School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata Under aegis of National Centre for Diseases Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Govt. of India, Delhi Dr. N.R. Gandham 6th July 2021
2 International Symposium on "Chronomedicine: Relevance in COVID times“ Under the aegis of Indian Society of Chronomedicine & Association of Physiologists of India Dr. Sameena Khan 18th September 2021
3 Workshop on “Clinico Mycological Updates” Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde 27th October 2021, e-Poster presented
4 2nd Annual National Conference of Epidemiology Foundation of India “EFICON 2021” Dr. Sahjid Mukhida 29th -30th October 2021, e-Poster presented

CMEs, Conferences, Workshops, Training Programmes
Sr. No. Title of the Programme Name of Faculty Dates and Duration
1 SIHAM 2014, tenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Indian Human & Animal Mycologists, Le Meridien, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. Dr. N R Gandham 10th to 12th January 2014
2 2nd International Science symposium on HIV & Infectious Diseases, The ACCORD Metropolitan Hotel T. Nagar, Chennai Dr. S V Jadhav 30th January to 1st February 2014
3 2nd International Science symposium on HIV & Infectious Diseases, The ACCORD Metropolitan Hotel T. Nagar, Chennai Dr. C R Vyawahare 30th January to 1st February 2014
4 2nd International Science symposium on HIV & Infectious Diseases, The ACCORD Metropolitan Hotel T. Nagar, Chennai Ms. Deepali Desai 30th January to 1st February 2014
5 One day workshop on Sanger Sequencing Vs NGS Technology at Bioera R & D Centre & Training Facility Tathawade, Pune Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar 8th November 2014
6 Bioethics Training 3T Training Programme DYPMC, Pimpri, Pune-18 Dr. N R Gandham 3rd to 6th August 2015
7 12th Infectious Disease Certificate Course, P.D. Hinduja Hospital Medical Research Center, Mumbai Dr. Neetu Gupta 7th to 12th September 2015
8 MICROCON 2015 Pondicherry Dr. Shahzad Mirza 25th to 29th November 2015
9 22nd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine International Sepsis Forum, Agra, The City of Taj Dr. S V Jadhav 5th - 7th February 2016
10 Attended MAHAMICROCON 2016 (IAMM State Chapter) Dr. V.M. Govt. Medical College and Ashwini Rural Medical College, Solapur Dr. N K Das 24th to 25th September 2016
11 Training Course on “Advances in Biology of Communicable Diseases 2017” National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, Mumbai (Indian Council of Medical Research) Dr. Neetu Gupta 8th May to 2nd June 2017
12 PUNEINFECON 2017, Bharti Vidyapeeth Medical College and Hospital, Pune Dr. R A Patil 9th to 10th December 2017
13 Certificate of Completion 3Msm Health Care Academy, Half Day Seminar on Best Practices in Sterilization Dr. N K Das 2nd February 2018
14 “Microbiome: A World Within a Body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture Attended by all faculty members 20th April 2018
15 ISO 9001-2015 Training Dr. C R Vyawahare 24th April 2018
16 HISICON 2018, XV National Conference of Hospital Infection Society India Dr. Shahzad Mirza 4th to 6th October 2018
17 Train the Trainer Workshop for IQAC Coordinators, DYPMC Dr. S V Jadhav 29th October to 2nd November 2018
18 National Conference of Microbiology “MICROCON 2018” at NIMHANS, Bengaluru Dr. R N Misra 28th November to 1st December 2018
19 The Indian Program of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa). Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-18 Dr. C R Vyawahare 6th - 8th December 2018
20 CME on Recent Updates & Guidelines of Pediatric Tuberculosis Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s Medical College and Hospital, Vilad Ghat, Ahmednagar Dr. D.P. Pandit 18th January 2019
21 4th National Workshop on Hospital Infection Control Dr. Shahzad Mirza 29th January to 1st February 2020
22 7th National CME and Live Audit Workshop on “Audits in Infection Prevention & Control”. At Breach Candy Hospital Trust, Mumbai Dr. Neetu Gupta 28th and 29th February 2020
23 Training for COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing, at BJMC Medical College, Pune Dr. N.R. Gandham, Dr. Kalpana Angadi, Dr. Nikunja Das, Dr. Shahzad Mirza, Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar, Mrs. Swati Bhirange 22nd April 2020
24 COVID-19: Tackling the Novel Coronavirus (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine) Online Course Dr. Sameena Khan April to 14th May 2020
25 Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for Novel Coronavirus (COVID) Online Course Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde 3rd May 2020
26 AIIMS – National Grand Round on COVID Dr. Chanda Vyawahare 22nd July 2020
27 Webinar on “Implementing Competency Based Medical Education During COVID Pandemic” Dr. Nikunja K. Das 10th July 2020
28 Scopus Webinar Dr. Rajashri Patil 29th July 2020
29 Basic Course in Biomedical Research As Mandated by the National Medical Commission Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde March - June 2020
30 IPS Masterclass: Occupational Safety for HCW in Pandemics Online A Series of 4 Webinars Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde 4th to 25th August 2020
31 “Curriculum Implementation Support Program II” (Online) at the MCI Regional Centre, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune Dr. N. R. Gandham 19th – 20th August 2020
32 Sri Ramchandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (Category -1 (Deemed to be University) Porur, Chennai (Online) ACCENDO-2020, 3rd Workshop cum Techniques in Molecular Biology and Clinical Virology, A Virtual Event Dr. Chanda Vyawahare, Dr. Neetu Gupta, Dr. Sameena Khan, Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde 26th to 29th August 2020
33 International Webinar “Bioethics in COVID-19 Pandemic Organised by DR.D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth (DPU), Pune Unit of Bioethics, University of Haifa and UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Melbourne, Australia, Online International Webinar Dr. Sahjid Mukhida 23rd September 2020
34 MCI Curriculum Innovation Support (CISP) II Workshop at MEU Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare, Dr. Nikunja Das, Dr. Rajashri Patil, Dr. Sameena Khan 24th - 25th September 2020
35 AIIMS-ASM 2020 Antibiotic Resistance Renewed Fight Jointly Organized by All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi and the American Society for Microbiology Dr. Shahzad Mirza, Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde 7th to 8th October 2020
36 The Universities Press Webinar on the Teaching of Microbiology: Transitioning to the New CBME Curriculum Dr. N.R. Gandham 10th October 2020
37 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Health Sciences Dr. Sriram Kannuri, Dr. Shalini Bhaumik 27th to 29th October 2020
38 Healthcare Professional – BSL (Basic Life Support) CPR (Adult/Child/Infant/Choking) AED Dr. Prachi Athavale 3rd November 2020
39 13th Annual Workshop on Basic and Molecular Diagnostic in Mycology at Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Porur, Chennai (Online Workshop) Dr. Shahzad Mirza, Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde, Dr. Sriram Kannuri, Dr. Shalini Bhaumik, Dr. Sahjid Mukhida 24th to 27th November 2020
40 CME Workshop “Diagnostic Challenges and Complications in Post COVID-19 Infections”, hosted by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi. First Virtual Annual Congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists E-MICROCON 2020 Surging Ahead with Clinical Microbiology in Current Challenging Scenario Dr. Shahzad Mirza, Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar, Dr. Sriram Kannuri, Dr. Shalini Bhaumik 8th December 2020
41 NATCON 2020 75th National Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases in COVID Era Dr. Chanda Vyawahare, Dr. Neetu Gupta, Dr. Shahzad Mirza, Dr. Sameena Khan, Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar, Dr. Shalini Bhaumik, Dr. Sriram Kannuri, Dr. Sahjid Mukhida 18th, 19th and 20th December 2020
42 Certificate Course in Antimicrobial Stewardship (CCAMS) delivered by Public Health Foundation of India & Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs Dr. Shahzad Mirza 19th to 24th December 2020
43 Internal Quality Controls and External Quality Assurance in Clinical Labs held at 360 Diagnostics and Health Service PVT. Ltd. Noida Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde 26th December 2020
44 International Bioethics Webinar titled “CO-OPTED” Concept of Post Traumatic Embitterment Disorder (CPTED)-Responding to Today’s Need Dr. N.R. Gandham 8th to 9th February 2021
45 Online Certificate Course Cum Workshop on “Learner Centric Content Design Tools” organized by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt Dr. Neetu Gupta 11th February 2021 to 20th February 2021
46 Online Course on “Laboratory Management and Internal Audit As per ISO/IEC 17025:2017” at CETE Pune Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar 15th - 18th February 2021
47 “Implementing CBME Curriculum in Microbiology” organized by KMCH Institute of the Health Science and Research Department of Microbiology and Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists Tamilnadu Chapter Dr. N.R. Gandham, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde 6th March 2021
48 Revised Basic Course Workshop and AETCOM Dr. N.R. Gandham, Dr. Chanda Vyawahare, Dr. Nikunja Das 16th – 18th March 2021
49 Webinar on Hematology Updates as a Delegate Member: Webinar Code: MMC/WEB/2021/C-000652 Dr. Prachi Athavale 23rd May 2021

Research Achievements
  • Submission of three whole genome sequences and 156 partial sequences for MDR and XDR TB genes to NCBI, USA.
  • 40 spoligotypes credited to SITVIT international database.
Future Plans
  • To undertake collaborative funded projects, FDPs, and enhance publications.
  • To become a Referral Centre for Molecular Biology for other institutes in the Pune region.
  • To set up a state-of-the-art Whole Genome Sequencing facility.
Hospital Infection Control
  • Hospital Infection Control Committee with defined composition, roles, and responsibilities has been established to implement policies, guidelines, recommendations, and working protocols.
  • Key components include hand hygiene and Standard Precautions.
  • Educational programmes for all HCWs in the use of such policies and guidelines are conducted by the committee.
  • Monitoring process for HCWs health to identify and prevent staff-to-patient and patient-to-staff spread of infection, including programmes like Hepatitis B Vaccination for all HCWs.
  • The Committee is responsible for incorporating Antimicrobial Management programs or Antimicrobial Stewardship programs.

Achievements and Awards
Year 2021
Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements
1 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Secured 2nd place in ‘World Antibiotic Awareness Week’ - National PG Seminar competition at Vinayaka Mission Kirupanada Variyar Medical College, Salem held from 22nd-23rd Nov 2021.

Year 2022
Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements
1 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Professor Appreciation certificate: First place in the design of Molecular lab organized by Department of Microbiology, Sri Ramchandra Medical College and Research Institute in ACCENDO-2020 on occasion of Teacher's Day (5th September 2022), Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth.
2 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Dr. P.D. Patil Young Researcher Award for the Year 2021-22 on occasion of Teacher's Day (5th September 2021).
3 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Won 2nd prize with Rs. 5000/- Cash in oral paper presentation at the “Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine” organized by the Department of Respiratory Medicine on 25th December 2022, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune.
4 Miss Ansika Ahuja MSc. Medical Microbiology I Won 2nd prize with Rs. 2500/- Cash in poster presentation at the “Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine” organized by the Department of Respiratory Medicine on 25th December 2022, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune.

Achievements and Awards - Year 2023
Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements
1 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Professor National Tuberculosis Elimination Program recognition for efforts and contribution towards ending Tuberculosis on 24th March 2023, City Tuberculosis Elimination Centre (PCMC).
2 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Professor Awarded certificate of appreciation for being registered as a Nikshay Mitra under Pradhan Mantri TB Mukta Bharat Abhiyan, City Tuberculosis Elimination Centre (PCMC).
3 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Awarded for participation as Judge at the Unmesh 2023 Science Festival on 12th & 13th April 2023, Research and Development Cell of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune.
4 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida and Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III Awarded Scholarship for the academic year 2022-2023. They each received a scholarship of 30,000 rupees in cash, presented on 26th March 2023, Metroplus Foundation in MEDENGAGE SCHOLARSHIP SUMMIT.
5 Mr. Amitesh Datta (Ph.D Medical Microbiology) Tutor and Ph.D Student Presented poster and awarded 1st Prize and a cheque of 1,000 rupees on 18th March 2023 at G.B. Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, New Delhi at the 1st Quarter Meet of IAMM Delhi Chapter.
6 Ms. Anshika Ahuja MSc. Medical Microbiology First Year Student Gold Medal for obtaining First Position in the university in B.Sc. Microbiology degree program in 2022, JECRC University, Jaipur.

Delegations and Distinguished Visitors
Sr. No. Name of Dignitary Designation & Institution Date of Visit Purpose of the Visit
1 Patricia Trish Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine 14th January 2023 at 11:00 am at College Auditorium Site Visit including laboratory and ICU Visit
Patricia Trish Visit

Other Information
  • Dr. Matthew Robinson, Assistant Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
  • Dr. Bharat Randive, Ph.D

Sr. No. Name of Dignitary Designation & Institution Date of Visit Purpose of the Visit
1 Sarah Fisseha, MPH JHU Project Principle Investigator 25th July 2023 Site Visit and ICU Visit
2 Dr. Meghan Murray, PhD, MPH, RN Epidemiologist, International Infection Control Program Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 25th July 2023 Site Visit and ICU Visit
3 Molly Patrick, M.Eng Environmental Engineer, SHEPheRD Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 25th July 2023 Site Visit and ICU Visit
Sarah Fisseha, Dr. Meghan Murray, and Molly Patrick

Other Information

  • Yehudit Bergman, BS
  • Dr. Sweety Singh
  • Dr. Anushruti Gupta

Yehudit Bergman, Dr. Sweety Singh, and Dr. Anushruti Gupta
Sr. No. Name of Dignitary Designation & Institution Date of Visit Purpose of the Visit
1 Yehudit Bergman, BS JHU Laboratory Research Specialist 31st July - 1 August 2023 Site Visit and Laboratory Visit
2 Dr. Sweety Singh JHIPL Microbiologist 31st July - 1 August 2023 Site Visit and Laboratory Visit
3 Dr. Anushruti Gupta JHU Project Manager 31st July - 1 August 2023 Site Visit and Laboratory Visit

Achievements and Awards
  • Microbiology department achieved 91.8% accuracy in the 110th IAMM EQAS Evaluation Report conducted by the Department of Clinical Microbiology, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, and obtained 67/73 marks in Bacteriology and Serology.
  • Microbiology department achieved 100% accuracy in the 111th IAMM EQAS Evaluation Report conducted by the Department of Clinical Microbiology, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, and obtained 75/75 marks in Bacteriology and Serology.
  • Microbiology department achieved 97.4% accuracy in the 112th IAMM EQAS Evaluation Report conducted by the Department of Clinical Microbiology, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, and obtained 75/77 marks in Bacteriology and Serology.
  • Microbiology department achieved 99.2% accuracy in the 113th IAMM EQAS Evaluation Report conducted by the Department of Clinical Microbiology, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, and obtained 5/66 marks in Bacteriology and Serology.
  • Microbiology department achieved 100% accuracy in the EQAS Program in Medical Mycology conducted by the Department of Mycology Division, PGIMER Chandigarh in Mycology.
  • Rajashri Patil, Associate Professor, and Dr. Sahjid Mukhida, JR-III, participated in the “Incidence of adverse outcomes and risk factors for mortality among Mucormycosis patients in India: a multi-centric ambispective cohort study, 2021-2022” Multi-centric study conducted between July 2021 to August 2022.
  • Isha Sangtani, MSc. Medical Microbiology, won 3rd prize in the poster competition organized on the occasion of World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2022 Celebration, held on 24th November 2022.
  • The Department of Microbiology participated in the Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology (IATP) External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS) for Microscopy in the year 2022 and scored Grade A.
  • The Department of Microbiology participated in the External Quality Assurance Program (EQAS January 2023) for Medical Mycology at the Mycology Division, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh (PGI), and scored 80% with “Good” performance for the same.
  • Deepali Desai, Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology, was awarded a Ph.D. degree in Medical Microbiology on 19th January 2023.
  • Prachi Athavale, Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology, was awarded the appreciation certificate as one of the 10 best publications in the year 2022-2023.
  • D. Y. Patil Medical College and Hospital achieved a certificate of appreciation awarded by Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, City Tuberculosis Elimination Center (NTEP), for being registered as a Nikshay Mitra under ‘Pradhan Mantri TB Mukta Bharat Abhiyan’ with an ID 234275897.


  • Pandit DP, Pagaro PM, Chaudhury N. Prevalence of Antibodies to Hepatitis C Virus in Voluntary Blood Donors: Are Women Better Donors? Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014:8(4);20-23.
  • Gandham NR, Sardar M, Jadhav SV, Vyawahare CV, Misra RN. Tuberculous Otitis with Proteus mirabilis Co-infection: An Unsuspected Presentation Encountered in Clinical Practice Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014:8(5);1-3.
  • Acharya A, Vaniawala S, Shah P, Parekh H, Misra RN, Wani M, Mukhopadhyaya PN. A robust HIV-1 viral load detection assay optimized for Indian sub type C specific strains and resource limiting setting Biological Research. 2014;47(22):1-8.
  • Vyawahare CR, Misra RN, Gandham NR, Angadi KM, Paul R. Penicillium Keratitis in an Immunocompetent Patient from Pune, Maharashtra, India Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014;8(7):1-2.
  • Manade VV, Kakrani A, Gadage SN, Misra RN. Brucella endocarditis in a non-endemic area presenting as pyrexia of unknown origin BMJ Case Reports. 2014. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2014-203555. pp1-5.
  • Hussain A, Ranjan A, Nandanwar N, Babbar A, Jadhav S, Ahmed N. Genotypic and Phenotypic Profiles of Escherichia coli Isolates Belonging to Clinical Sequence Type 131 (ST 131), Clinical Non-ST131, and Fecal Non-ST131 Lineages from India Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2014;58(12):7240.
  • Acharya A, Vaniawala S, Shah P, Misra RN, Wani M. Development, Validation and Clinical Evaluation of a Low Cost In-House HIV-1 Drug Resistance Genotyping Assay for Indian Patients PLOS ONE. 2014:9(8); e102790.
  • Godbole SV, Mane AK, Chidrawar SR, Katti UR, Kalgutkar S, Athavale PV, Pawar JS, Ratnaparkhi MM, Alexander M, Risbud AR, Paranjape RS. Prevalence of anal human papillomavirus infection among HIV-infected women from India Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2014 Nov 1;67(3):e111-4.


  • Neetu Gupta, Gandham NR, Misra RN, Jadhav SV, Ujgare MT, Vyawahare. The Potential Role of Stethoscopes as a Source of Nosocomial Infection Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil University. 2014:7(2);156-159.
  • Prasanna K Satpathy, Pradnya M Diggikar, Rabindra Nath Misra, Mukund Sudhakar Wasekar. Case of Severe Friedlander’s Pneumonia with Review of the Literature Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil University. 2014:7(2);232-235.
  • Kalpana M. Angadi, Rabindranath Misra, Urvashi Gupta, Savita Jadhav, Moumita Sardar. Study of the Role of Mobile Phones in the Transmission of Hospital Acquired Infections Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil University. 2014:7(4);435-438.
  • Sunita Bamanikar, Arvind Bamanikar, Vinay Sawlani, Dakshayani Pandit. Gastroscopic Diagnosis of Ankylostomaduodenale Infestation as a Cause of Iron-Deficiency Anemia Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University. 2014;7(5)631-63.


  • Gupta N, Gandham N, Jadhav S, Misra RN. Isolation and Identification of Acinetobacter Species with Special Reference to Antibiotic Resistance Journal of Natural Science, Biology, and Medicine. 2015;6(1):159-62.
  • Desai D, Misra RN, Yedidi K, Gandham NR, Angadi KM, Jadhav SV. Comparative Analysis of Inducible Clindamycin Resistance Among Community and Hospital Associated Staphylococcus aureus Infection in Tertiary Care Hospital Maharashtra, India International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2015;7(2):623-6.
  • Vyawahare CR, Jadhav SV, Misra RN, Gandham N, Angadi K, Gupta N. Occurrence and Microbial Profile of Blood Stream Infection in Tertiary Care Hospital, India International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2015;7(2):631-5.
  • Pawar M, Misra RN, Gandham NR, Angadi K, Jadhav S, Vyawahare C, Hatolkar S. Prevalence and Antifungal Susceptibility Profile of Candida Species Isolated from Tertiary Care Hospital, India Journal of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences. 2015;5(10):812-6.
  • Jadhav SV, Misra RN, Gandham N, Angadi KM, Vyawahare C, Gupta N. Comparative Analysis of Conventional Procedure and Rapid Molecular Line Probe Assay (LPA) for Diagnosis of Multidrug Resistance Mycobacterium tuberculosis Clinical Isolates from Western Part of India International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2015;7(3):636-40.
  • Ranjan A, Shaik S, Hussain A, Nandanwar N, Semmler T, Jadhav S, Wieler LH. Genomic and Functional Portrait of a Highly Virulent, CTX-M-15-Producing H30-Rx Subclone of Escherichia coli Sequence Type 131 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2015;59(10):6087-95.
  • Khan SC, Ramalingam AJ. Study of Surgical Site Infections Amongst Orthopaedic Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences. 2015;5(2):283-7.


  • Ghadgepatil SS, Sharma YK, Misra RN, Dash KN, Patvekar MA, Deo KS. An Unusual Case of Tinea Capitis Caused by Trichophyton schoenleinii in an Elderly Female Indian Dermatology Online Journal. 2015;6(1):49-50.
  • Gandham NR, Vyawahare CR, Chaudhury N, Shinde RA. Onychoprotothecosis: An Uncommon Presentation of Protothecosis Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2015;33(3):435-7.
  • Pandit DP, Pagaro PM, Chaudhury NN, Sharma MM. Magnitude of Asymptomatic Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen Carrier State in Voluntary Blood Donors: Predonation Screening and Gender Considerations Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil University. 2015;8:463-7.
  • Vyawahare CR, Gandham NR, Misra RN, Jadhav SV, Gupta N, Angadi K. Occurrence of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Critical Care Units Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil University. 2015;8(5):585-9.
  • Bhatt P, Patel A, Sahni AK, Praharaj AK, Grover N, Chaudhari CN, Das NK, Kulkarni M. Emergence of Multidrug Resistant Enterococci at a Tertiary Care Centre MJAFI. 2015;71(2):139-44.
  • Bhatt P, Tandel K, Das NK, Rathi KR. New Delhi Metallo-β-Lactamase Producing Extensively Drug-Resistant Raoultella ornithinolytica Isolated from Drain Fluid Following Whipple's Pancreaticoduodenectomy MJAFI. 2015;71(2):609-11.


  • Ujagare MT, Misra RN, Gandham NR, Jadhav SV, Deshmukh AD, Angadi KM, Vyawahare CR, Gupta NG. Growing Concern of Methicillin Resistance Staphylococcus aureus from a Tertiary Care Hospital, India International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2016;8(7):69-72.
  • Das NK, Grover N, Sriram R, Kumar M, Dudhat VL, Prasanna S. Prevalence of Carbapenem Resistance and Comparison Between Different Phenotypic Methods for Detection of Metallo-β-Lactamases in Gram Negative Non-Fermentative Bacteria in the Acute Wards of a Tertiary Care Centre International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2016;5(5):109-19.
  • Prasanna S, Roy P, Grover N, Bhatt P, Dudhat V, Rao L, Das NK. A Comparative Analysis on Identification and Antifungal Susceptibility Profile of Candida Isolates Using Conventional and Automated Techniques International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2016;5(3):579-89.
  • Andhale JD, Misra RN, Gandham NR, Angadi KM, Jadhav SV, Vyawahare CR, Pawar M, Hatolkar S. Incidence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with Special Reference to Drug Resistance and Biofilm Formation from Clinical Samples in Tertiary Care Hospital Journal of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences. 2016;6(6):387-91.
  • Bharambe VK, Rathod H, Angadi K. Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Organ Donation Among Medical Students BANTAO Journal. 2016;14(1):34-40.
  • Khan S, Naz R, Girotra R, Malik AK. Prevalence and Antibiogram of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Haryana International Journal of Science Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. 2016;2(1):635-7.
  • Naz R, Khan S, Hussain A, Farooqui MK, Malik AK. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Multidrug Resistant Uropathogens International Journal of Science Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. 2016;2(4):90-94.
  • Farooqui MK, Vohra P, Naz R, Goel A, Hussain A, Khan S, Malik AK. Bacterial Aetiology and Their Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Otitis Media in Paediatric Age Group International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2016;5(8):387-93.
  • Naz R, Khan S, Farooqui MK, Girotra R, Malik AK. Comparison of Microscopic Determination and Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) in the Detection of Plasmodium Infection Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences. 2016;4(7):2539-43.
  • Prasanna S, Dharanidevi S, Das NK, Raj S. Prevalence, Phenotypic Characterisation and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Non-Fermentative Gram Negative Bacilli Isolates at a Tertiary Care Center International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2016;5(10):442-54.


  • Satpathy PK, Wasekar MS, Diggikar PM, Misra RN, Patil A, Zagde P. Clinical, Serological, Microbiological and Outcome Study of 200 Cases of Short Duration Fever Without Prior Exposure to Antibiotic Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil University. 2016;9(1):23-9.
  • Gandham NR, Vyawahare CR, Jadhav SV, Misra RN. Candidemia: Speciation and Antifungal Susceptibility Testing from a Tertiary Care Hospital in Maharashtra, India Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil University. 2016;9(5):596-9.
  • Jadhav S, Misra RN, Gandham N, Angadi K, Vyawahare C, Gupta N, Desai D. Pandemic of Escherichia coli Clone O25:H4-ST131 Producing CTX-M-15 Extended Spectrum-β-Lactamase as a Serious Cause of Multidrug Resistant Extraintestinal Pathogenic E. coli Infections in India Critical Care. 2016;20 Suppl:p9.
  • Dabhade S, Pandit P, Tiwari S, Pandit D, Chopra A. Reasons for Patient’s Withdrawal from Clinical Trials of Rheumatoid Arthritis in India Journal of Orthopaedics and Allied Sciences. 2015;3(1):08-11.
  • Singh L, Cariappa MP, Das NK. Drug Sensitivity Pattern of Various Staphylococcus Species Isolated at a Tertiary Care Hospital MJAFI. 2016;72 S(1):S62-S66.


  • Ghosh P, Misra RN, Paul R. Neonatal sepsis - Culture positive sepsis vs clinical sepsis International Journal of Medicine and Dental Sciences. 2017;6(1):1362-6.
  • Dudhat VL, Chaudhari CN, Kumar M, Grover N, Das NK. AmpC and Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase Producing Isolates of E. coli, Klebsiella spp., and P. mirabilis in a Tertiary Care Center and Their Sensitivity to Other Antibiotics International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2017;6(3):868-77.
  • Chavan YG, Pawar SR, Wani M, Raut AD, Misra RN. A Multiplex Snapshot Assay for Rapid and Simultaneous Detection of Major HBV Drug Resistance Mutations Along with Precore (Pre-C) and Basal Core Promoter (BCP) Mutations Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2017;8(2):2410-8.
  • Jadhav SV, Misra RN, Mirza SB, Siddharth M. Dissemination of CTX-M-15 β-Lactamases Harbouring E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae Strains from Tertiary Care Hospital India Journal of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences. 2017;7(3):66-71.
  • Grover N, Das NK, Kumar M, Sriram R, Dudhat VL, Prasanna, Pandit P. An Evaluation of Antibiotic Profile, Molecular Characterization, and Risk Factors Associated with Carbapenem Resistant Non-Fermentative Gram Negative Isolates in a Tertiary Care Centre International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2017;6(5):1057-66.
  • Ranjan A, Shaik S, Nandanwar N, Hussain A, Tiwari SK, Semmler T, Jadhav S, Wieler LH, Alam M, Colwell RR, Ahmed N. Comparative Genomics of Escherichia coli Isolated from Skin and Soft Tissue and Other Extraintestinal Infections mBio. 2017 Sep 6;8(4):1-9.
  • Vyawahare CR, Jadhav SV, Misra RN, Gandham NR, Hatolkar SM. Incidence of M. mucogenicum Infection in Tertiary Care Hospital India: Recent Increase in Number of NTM Cases International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2017;9(10):959-62.
  • Patil R, Patil A. Study of Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern of Salmonella typhi in Tertiary Care Centre International Journal of Healthcare and Biomedical Research. October 2017;6(1):75-80.
  • Jojan J, Davane M, Dawle C, Nagoba B. Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Pregnant Women from Rural Area of Latur District of Maharashtra, India Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. 2017;6(3):48-54.


  • Misra RN, Angadi KM, Chaudary N, Dighe TA. A Cluster of Cases of Nocardiosis Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil University. 2017;10(1):89-91.
  • Patil A, Patil R. Study of Comparison of ADA Activity Alone vs ADA Activity Combined with L/N Ratio for Diagnosing TB Pleuritis Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research. 2017;6(2):173-7.
  • Patil A, Patil R. Study of Etiological Factors of TB Pleuritis in Indian Population Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research. 2017;6(2):178-81.


  • Gupta N, Jadhav S, Gandham NR, Misra RN, Varma A. Phenotypic Detection of AmpC β-Lactamase Production in Gram Negative Clinical Isolates International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2018;10(1):997-1000.
  • Hatolkar SM, Misra RN, Gandham NR, Angadi K, Jadhav SV, Gupta N. Frequency of Mutation in Isoniazid Resistant Isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex from Western Maharashtra, India International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2018;10(3):1043-5.
  • Mukherjee S, Misra RN, Jadhav S, Das NK, Mirza SB. Culture Profile and Antibiogram of Infective Organisms from Endotracheal Secretions in Mechanically Ventilated Patients of a Tertiary Care Centre International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2018;10(3):1066-9.
  • Athavale VS, Lad AP, Raval BG, Bhide PC, Shetty IA. Importance of Handwashing Prior to Wound Dressing in Prevention of Nosocomial Infection in Surgical Wards International Surgery Journal. 2018;5(4):1422-7.
  • Angadi K, Jadhav S, Misra RN, Mirza SB, Desai D. Incidence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Enterococcal Infections in Tertiary Care Hospital International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2018;10(4):1135-8.
  • Patil R, Bhakre J, Patil A. Study of Prevalence of Salmonella typhi in Tertiary Care Centre International Journal of Healthcare and Biomedical Research. January 2018;6(2):159-64.
  • Hatolkar SM, Misra RN, Mahato R, Jadhav S. Whole-Genome Sequencing and Annotation of a Drug-Resistant Extrapulmonary Clinical Isolate of Beijing Genotype Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Pune, India Genome Announcements. 2018;6(25):1-2.
  • Gupta N, Gandham N, Jadhav S, Misra RN, Angadi K, Vyawahare C. Epidemiology of Acinetobacter Species in a Tertiary Care Hospital with Special Reference to Seasonal Variation International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2018;10(6):1283-6.
  • Chaudhury N, Paul R, Misra RN, Mirza S, Chaudhuri SS, Sen S. Emerging Importance of Acinetobacter and Its Antibiogram in the Recent Care Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences. 2018;5(2):1-8.
  • Chaudhury N, Paul R, Misra RN, Ghosh P, Chaudhuri SS, Sen S. The Emergence and Importance of Moraxella catarrhalis as a Human Respiratory Tract Pathogen and Its Antibiogram Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research. 2018;6(4):457-63.
  • Gandham NR, Jadhav SV, Misra RN, Vyawahare CR, Gupta NS. Clinical Significance of Non-Candidal Yeast Like Genera with Special Reference to Trichosporon and Malassezia Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2018;12(8):28-31.
  • Desai D, Jadhav S, Vyawahare C, Mirza SB, Misra RN. Detection and Efficacy of Daptomycin Versus Vancomycin in Bloodstream Infections by Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus with High Vancomycin Minimum Inhibitory Concentration International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2018;10(7):1295-8.
  • Mirza SB, Misra RN, Gandham NR, Angadi KM, Das NK, Jadhav S. β-Lactamase Producing Enterobacteriaceae: A Growing Concern in Community Acquired Infections International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2018;10(11):1418-21.
  • Chaudhury N, Mirza S, Misra RN, Paul R, Chaudhuri SS, Sen S. Isolation and Identification of Various Pseudomonas Species from Distinct Clinical Specimens and the Study of Their Antibiogram Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences. 2018;6(12):4964-76.
  • Athavale VS, Tonape T, Athavale P, Batra G, Rege I, Batra P. A Study of Intra-Abdominal Masses in Pediatric Age Group (Hepatosplenomegaly Secondary to Portal Hypertension Excluded) Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research. 2018;4(11):13785-90.


  • Izna, Gandham NR, Misra RN, Das NK, Mirza SB. A Study of Risk Factor, Occurrence, and Aetiology of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) and Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern from Confirmed Cases of CAUTI in a Tertiary Care Hospital Saudi Journal of Medicine. 2019;4(5):376-84.
  • Izna, Gandham NR, Misra RN, Mirza SB, Das NK. Isolation of Staphylococcus aureus in Purulent Infective Conditions with Special Reference to MRSA Saudi Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences. May 2019;5(5):419-24.
  • Chaudhury N, Paul R, Misra RN, Chaudhari SS, Mirza S, Sen S. Evaluating the Trends of Bloodstream Infection by Nonfermenting Gram Negative Bacilli Among the Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Western Part of India and Its Antibiogram International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2019;8(1):1149-62.
  • Bhirange S, Misra RN, Hatolkar S, Gupta N, Jadhav S. Comparative Study Between Benzalkonium Chloride, Tri-Sodium Phosphate, and Nalc-NAOH Decontamination Methods for Recovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Pulmonary Samples International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2019;11(3):1518-20.
  • Angadi K, Misra RN, Das NK, Kapoor S, Mirza S. Study of the Etiological Agents of Dermatophytosis in Patients Attending Dermatology Clinics of a Suburban Tertiary Care Centre in Western Maharashtra, India International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2019;8(6):493-501.
  • Vyawahare CR, Gandham NR, Jadhav SV, Misra RN. Study of Predisposing Factors and Aetiological Diagnosis of Infectious Keratitis International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2019;11(9):1697-1700.
  • Mirza S, Jadhav S, Misra RN, Das NK. Coexistence of β-Lactamases in Community-Acquired Infections in a Tertiary Care Hospital in India International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2019;1:1-5.
  • Khan S, Mane P, Sangwan J, Ramalingam AJ, Mustaq S. Prevalence of Inducible Clindamycin Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Coagulase Negative Staphylococci at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Haryana International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research. 2019;3(3):16-20.


  • Gupta N, Gandham NR, Misra RN, Mirza SB, Angadi KM, Vyawahare CR. Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of E. coli Isolates from Urine: 3-Year Retrospective Study International Journal of Microbiological Research. 2020;12(3):1781-4.
  • Mushtaq S, Khan S, Rashid MR. Study of Glycated Haemoglobin and Lipid Profile in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research. 2020;7(6):F1-F4.
  • Kaushal P, Patil R, Wani M, Das NK, Mirza S, Gandham NR, Misra R, Vyawahare CR. Microbiological Profile and Antibiogram Pattern of Bacterial Isolates of UTI in Pregnant Women in Tertiary Care Hospital in Western Maharashtra International Journal of Healthcare and Biomedical Research. 2020;8(4):76-87.


  • Das NK, Mirza S, Patil R.V., Misra RN, Khan S. Two Cases of Recurrent Hydatid Cyst in Liver at a Tertiary Care of Western Maharashtra, India National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2020;9(4):MC01-MC03.
  • Kumar L, Pandit D. Evaluation of Microscopy, Adenosine Deaminase, and Lactate Dehydrogenase Levels as Diagnostic Methods of Tubercular Pleural Effusion National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2020;9(4):MO13-MO18.
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2021 14 0 1 5


  • Andhale JD, Misra RN. Study of detection of plcH gene and its phenotypic expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from various clinical samples. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2021;20(1):42-46.
  • Khan S, Das NK, Patil R, Mirza SB, Misra RN. Strongyloides stercoralis in a Patient with Hansen’s disease: A Case Report. Journal of Medical Sciences and Health 2021;6(3):79-81.
  • Mukhida Sahjid S, Mirza Shahzad, Vyawahare Chanda R, Gandham Nageswari R, Patil Rajashri A, Ajagunde Jyoti, Bhaumik Shalini, Kannuri Sriram. Fungal Profile in Urinary Tract Infections in A Tertiary Care Setup. International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research 2021:9(3):11-16.
  • Patil R, Bhakre J. Phage typing, Biotyping & antimicrobial resistance profile of Salmonella Enterica serotype Typhi from West Central part of Maharashtra. International Medical Journal. 2021:28(7):5445-53.
  • Mahajan M, Prasanna S, Das NK, Khade M, Malokar D. Rare case series of Eumycetoma among Post Covid-19 and immunosuppressed individuals. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research. 2021:4(4):1139-47.
  • Gupta A, Bhoyar R, Mirza S, Jolly B, Senthivel V, Shamnath A et al. SARS-CoV-2 vaccine breakthrough infection following a previous infection in a health care worker. Jour of Infection 2021 (Oct). Ahead of print.
  • Naz R, Hussain A, Khan S. Impact of knowledge and practice of hand hygiene in health care workers towards infection control measures in a tertiary care hospital in India. International J of Scientific Research. Mar 2021;10(3):69-71.


  • Misra RN. Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to Disinfectants. Med J DY Patil Univ 2021;14(1):51.
  • Gandham NR, Mirza SB, Das NK, Misra RN. A Rare Case of Subcutaneous Dirofilariasis from a Tertiary Care Hospital in Western Maharashtra. Med J DY Patil Univ 2021;14(1):80-83.
  • Das NK, Bhatt P, Khan S, Mirza SB. Should New Zealand Be Really Enthusiastic About Zero Cases in the Middle of a Pandemic: A Thought. Med J DY Patil Univ 2021;14(1):105-106.
  • Ajagunde J, Vyawahare CR, Patil R, Das. Chasing the Virus: Not Only Difficult but also Impossible. Are we Going to Hit a Dead End?: Reply. Med J DY Patil Univ 2021;14(2):237-238.
  • Pandit P, Sahni AK, Grover N, Dudhat V, Das NK, Biswas AK. Catheter related blood stream infections: Prevalence, risk factors and antimicrobial resistance pattern. MJAFI 2021.
  • Savita V. Jadhav, Deepali S. Desai, Shahzad Beg Mirza, Anjali D. Apte-Deshpande, Sumedh Deshpande. Molecular Characterization of Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mecA and Concomitant Panton-valentine Leukocidine in Clinical Isolates of Community-acquired Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University, 2021:10(2):85-99.
  • Das NK, Khan S, Patil R, Mirza S. Reply to “science in the time of corona: That uneasy feeling”. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2021;14:581.
  • Neetu Gupta, Nageswari Gandham, Chanda Vyawahare, Shahzad Beg Mirza, Rabindra Nath Misra. A Study of Trends in Bacteremia with their Antibiotic Susceptibility in Different Age Groups from a Tertiary Care Hospital of Pune. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University 2021:10(1):52-63.
  • Gandham NR, Gupta N, Vyawahare CR, Mirza S, Misra RN. Molecular characterization identifies upstream presence of ISAb1 to OXA carbapenemase genes in CRAB isolated from a tertiary care hospital in Western Maharashtra. Journal of Laboratory Physicians ISSN No.-09742727 (Ahead of the print).
  • Khan S, Mirza S, Das NK, Patil R. Herd immunity: Deadly or Defensive. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2021. 10:3522-3.
  • Shah BM, Ganvir D, Sharma YK, Mirza SB, Misra RN, Kothari P et al. Utility of real-time fluorescence imaging device in guiding antibiotic treatment in superficial skin infections. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology. Mar 2021. (Ahead of the print).
  • Naz R, Saxena N, Khan S. The impact and outcome of training programme of health care workers with reference to sample collection in microbiology laboratory. Journal of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences. 2021. 10(37):3237-41.
  • Sangwan J, Lathwal S, Naik SM, Mane P, Khan S, Lohan K, et al. Case-based learning: Introducing an innovative paradigm for learning medical microbiology in a rural medical college of North India. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2021;10:99-104.
Publication Summary – 2022
Year International National Total
2022 11 27 38
  • Vyawahare CR, Mirza SB, Gandham NR, Das NK*, Chaudhary N. Bacteriological analysis of Hospital water using membrane filter method. International Medical Journal 2022;29 (1):6887-6894.
  • Naru N, Gandage DS*, Das NK, Kurhade S, Mahagaonkar PA, Jagtap A, Rajpurohit L, Bulbule N. Denture-Cleansers And Denture Biofilm. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology 2022;54(5):149-60.
  • Singla K, Kumar M, Chenicherri M, Khan S. Do the Advantages Overweigh the Disadvantages of Online Teaching: Student’s Point of View? International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2022;14(6):250-255.
  • Yadav PD, Sahay RR, Agrawal S, Shete A, Adsul B, Tripathy S, et al. (Athavale P) Clinical, immunological and genomic analysis of the post vaccinated SARS-CoV-2 infected cases with Delta derivatives from Maharashtra, India. Journal of Infection. 2022 ;(85):26-29.
  • Mukhida S, Khan S, Kannuri S, Mali V, Bhaumik S, Das NK*. Wearing a white coat in theory class during medical school, is it justified? American Journal of Infection Control 2022:(50):966-67.
  • Mukhida S, Vyawahare CR*, Mirza SB, Gandham NR, Khan S, Kannuri S, et al. Role of GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay for the diagnosis of cervical lymph node tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance. Tzu Chi Med J 2022;34(4):418-22.
  • Athavale P*, Pandit D, Das N. ‘Nitric Oxide’ A Dual Performer in Dengue Virus Infection. Iran J Med Microbiol. 2022;16(6):537-42.
  • Anand et al. (Patil R) A case control investigation of COVID-19 associated mucormycosis in India. BMC Infectious Diseases (2022) 22:856.
  • Das NK, Khan S, Patil R, Mirza S*. What is A H-Index and is it Losing its shine Already? The journal of International Medical Sciences Academy, 2022 (July-September), 35(3).
  • Mukhida S, Mirza S, Kannuri S, Das NK*, “Are the Diagnosed Cases of Tuberculosis Just the Tip of Iceberg? Comments on “Syndemic of Tuberculosis and COVID-19 in Bangladesh, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health.
  • Khan S, Mukhida S, Patil R, Mirza S, Ajagunde J, and Das NK* “I-, You-, and We-Centered Approach Toward Hygienic Hands” Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 1–2.
  • Khan S, Gandham NR, Mirza S, Das NK, Kannuri S. Diarrhea associated with Pentatrichomonas hominis in an infant: A case report. MGM Journal of Medical Sciences 2022;9 (1):120-22.
  • Das NK, Gandham N, Angadi K, Misra RN. Competency based Curriculum… Bed of Procrustes… Deck Chairs on the Titanic”. A phase II Subject Perspective. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15(3):448-449.
  • Das NK, Misra RN, Patil R, Mirza S. SARS-CoV-2 and Microbiologists. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, 15(3):450-451, 2022.
  • Khan S*, Gandham NR, Mirza S, Das NK. Are We COVID Fatigued or Craving for Normalcy at the Cost of Health? Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15(3):244-245.
  • Bhaumik S, Das NK, Gandham NR, Mirza S*, Misra RN, Gupta N, et al. Microbiological Profile and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Gram-Negative Isolates From Tracheal Secretions in A Tertiary Care Setup. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15(3):440-43.
  • Parasnis A, Athavale VS, Athavale P, Kumar B, Gutta O. A clinical study of resections in oral cavity carcinomas. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15(4).
  • Trivedi P, Mirza S*, Gandham NR, Das NK, Misra R, Kharel R, et al. Environmental colonization and transmission and carbapenem resistant enterobacteriaceae and carbapenem resistant A baumannii in intensive care unit. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth.
  • Bhatt P, Tandale K, Das NK, Grover N, Ranjan, Rathi KR. Phenotypic detection and molecular characterization of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae at a tertiary care center. Journal of Marine Medical Society. 2022;24(3):40-46.
  • Tripathy AS, Trimbake D, Suryawanshi PV, Tripathy SP, Gurav YK, Potdar VA, et al. Peripheral lymphocyte subset alteration in patients with COVID-19 having differential clinical manifestations. Indian J Med Res. 2022 Jan;155(1):136-147. doi: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_453_21. PMID: 35859440; PMCID: PMC9552374.
  • Bhatt P, Tandale K, Das NK, Grover N, Ranjan, Rathi KR. Phenotypic detection and molecular characterization of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae at a tertiary care center. Journal of Marine Medical Society. 2022;24(3):40-46.
  • Mahajan M, Prasanna S*, Das NK, Mahajan N. Post COVID-19 Mixed Fungal Orbito-Pansinusitis Caused By Rhizopus Oryzae and Exophiala Jeanselmei-Review and Reports. Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University. 2022;17(1):S132-S133.
  • Das NK, Khan S, Patil R, Mirza S, New Zealand in snap lockdown. Was it not inevitable? Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, 2022;15(1):S132-S133.
  • Mishra N, Raut C, Prasad N, Bhawalkar JS, Farooqui S, Mirza S, Madan VV. Presence of SARS-CoV-2 in human tears detected by quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR). Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, 2022;15(1):S46-S48.
  • Khan S*, Vyawahare C, Singla K, Singh G. The AarogyaSetu mobile application as a bodyguard against covid-19. Journal of Family Medicine, 2022;11(7):4115-4116.
  • Das NK, Mirza S*, Vyawahare CR, Patil R. Is it really necessary to consider entire India as one entity while implementing important policies? Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15:820-1.
  • Das NK, Mirza S, Ajagunde J, Khan S*. The syndemic of “COVID-19 and tuberculosis”. J Family Med Prim Care 2022;11:6609-10.
  • Gandham NR, Gupta N*, Vyawahare CR, Mirza S, Misra RN. Molecular characterization identifies upstream presence of ISAb1 to OXA carbapenemase genes in CRAB isolated from a tertiary care hospital in Western Maharashtra. Journal of Laboratory Physicians, 2022;14(1), March 2022, 006-010. ISSN No.-0974272.
  • Raman A*, Deo K, Sharma YK, Iqbal B, Mirza S, Gupta A. Nodular secondary syphilis with granulomatous inflammation. Indian J Sex Transm Dis 2022;43:91-3.
  • Vyawahare CR, Jadav V, Das NK, Mukhida S* National Doctors' Day-2022 Theme: Is It Appreciating for Past or Preparing for the Future? Journal of the Indian Medical Association 2022;12(10):76, October 2022.
  • Das NK, Prasanna S, Pandit P, Dudhat VL*. How much can we rely on a scrambled COVID-19 vaccine? It is not the only way out! Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15:S353-5.
  • Das NK, Mirza S*, Patil RA, Misra RN. Conduct of online classes for medical curriculum during the COVID-19 lockdown: Our first-hand experience. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15:S359-60.
  • Ajagunde J, Kapoor A, Gandham NR, Patil R*. Trichophyton ajelloi: A rare case of Tinea cruris. J Krishna Inst Med Sci Univ 2022;11(3):95-9.
  • Mahajan M, Prasanna S*, Das NK, Mahajan N. Case series of invasive lung infections by Aspergillus species and zygomycosis among post COVID-19 and post-transplant individuals. J Family Med Prim Care 2022;11:7469-75.
  • Kannuri S, Mirza S*, Misra RN, Vyawahare RC, Das NK, Gandham NR, et al. Role of cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification test in diagnosing extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15:912-5.
  • Mukhida S, Khan S, Das NK, Patil R, Vyawahare C*. How long time to learn lessons and move on from pandemic? Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15:960.
  • Patil R, Ajagunde J, Kannuri S, Khan S, Mukhida S* A rare case of postsurgical nosocomial infection of Conjunctiva by Trichosporon species. Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical Journal (BVMJ) | 2022;2(4):41-3.
  • Mukhida S, Kannuri S, Bhaumik S, Das NK*, Patil R, Conducting Practical examination for second professional first Competency-Based Medical Education batch: An experience of a resident. Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical Journal (BVMJ) | 2022;2(4):3-4.
Publication Summary – 2023
Year International National Total
2023 27 52 79


  • Athavale VS, Athavale PV, Rao C*. Rare Case of Cystic Hygroma In Adolescent rare. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2022;9(7): 7318-7325.
  • Athavale VS, Athavale PV, Rodda S*. Clinical profiles and different management Strategies of giant pseudocyst of pancreas. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2023;10(1):901-910.
  • Ramalingam AJ*, Khan S, Manonmoney J, Archana R. Unlocking The Human Urobiome: Impact On Health and Disease- A Review. International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research. 2023;13(1): L81-95. Doi: 10.22376/ijlpr.2023.13.1.L81-95
  • Kulkarni PS et al. (Mirza S, Athavale P). Safety and immunogenicity of SII-NVX-CoV2373 (COVID-19 vaccine) in adults in a phase 2/3, observer-blind, randomised, controlled study. The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia 2023;10:100139.
  • Lohariwal Y, Das NK, Gandham NR, Mirza S, Patil R, Mukhida S, Shah H, Khan S*. Evaluation of in vitro susceptibility of Fosfomycin against Uropathogens in a Tertiary care centre in Western Maharashtra. IMC Journal of Medical Science. 2023;17(1):8.
  • Kannuri S, Patil R, Khan S, Prabhakar V*, Das NK, Mukhida S. Correlation between clinical features and immunological parameters with viral load in hospitalized Covid positive patients. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2022;9(7): 9116-26.
  • Nimmagadda N, Khillare K M, Satpathy P, Athavale P et al. The Clinical and Laboratory Profiles of Immunocompetent Patients with Short-Duration Fever with Neutropenia in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Pune, India. Cureus. 2023;15(2): e34818. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.34818
  • Das NK, Khan S, Patil R, Das P, Prasanna S, Mukhida S*. What will be the precaution for healthcare-associated rhinovirus infection outbreaks? American Journal of Infection Control; 2023;51:358.
  • Mukhida S, Vyawahare C, Verma P, Khan S, Das NK*. Are the current COVID-19 cases post phase of 3rd wave or pre-phase of 4th wave in India. Iran J Med Microbiol. 2023;17(2): 269-271. DOI:
  • Das NK, Patil RA, Prasanna S, Das P, Mukhida S* Drones for medical supply during disaster: A game changer in Health for all policy. Health Services Insight. 2023;16(1):1-2. DOI: 10.1177/11786329231160013
  • Das NK, Khan S, Algule S, Mukhida S*. Japanese Encephalitis in India: current situation and future need. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2023;72:001677. DOI: 10.1099/jmm.0.00167
  • Mukhida S, Jadav V*, Rathod H, Das NK, Borah N. Introduction of Diphtheria component addition in immunization during pregnancy. Health Services Insight. 2023;16(1):1-2. DOI: 10.1177/11786329231162993
  • Suryawanshi P, Takbhate B, Athavale P, Jali P, Memane N, Mirza S, Karandikar M, Kakrani A, Kanitkar S, Gandham NR et al. Lymphopenia with Altered T Cell Subsets in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Pune, India. 14 Apr 2023. Viral Immunology 2023;36(3).
  • Khan U, Pandey E, Gandham NR, Das NK, Mukhida S, Kannuri S, Bhaumik S, Mirza S* “A case series and literature review of infections due to Myroides spp.: Identification of contributing factors and emerging antibiotic susceptibility trends”. Access Microbiology, 2023;5(5):1-10. DOI:10.1099/acmi.0.000549.v2
  • Jahan A A*, Md.Raziur R, Ahmed JU, Khan S*. Prognostic Value of Serum Procalcitonin in Patients with Sepsis in a Tertiary Level Hospital. Journal of Medicine, 2023;24:18-22. Doi:10.3329/jom.v24i1.64899
  • Naz R, Sangwan JJ, Ramalingam AJ, Khan S*. Prevalence and antibiogram of non-urinary isolates among patients attending a tertiary care hospital. Biomedicine, 2023;43(1):399-402.
  • Khan S, Bansal H, Gandham N, Mirza S, Vyawahare C, Patil R, Mukhida S, Das NK. Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of enterococci isolated from various clinical samples in a tertiary care hospital in India. IMC J Med Sci. 2023;17(2):004. DOI:
  • Patil R, Pandey R, Gandham N, Mirza S, Vyawahare C, Khan S, Ajagunde J, Das NK, Mukhida S. Bacterial coinfection in Covid-19 patients visiting a tertiary care hospital in Maharashtra. IMC J Med Sci. 2023;17(2): 006. DOI:
  • Gandham NR, Mirza S, Vyawahare C, Patil R, Mukhida S, Kannuri S, Bhaumik S. Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of high-level gentamicin resistant enterococci isolated from urine at a hospital in Pune, India. IMC J Med Sci. 2023;17(2):008. DOI:
  • Khan S, Patil R, Das NK, Kannuri S, Mukhida S*. The emerging threat of Japanese encephalitis in Australia: is it the time to worry? Journal of Medical Microbiology 2023;72:001738. DOI: 10.1099/jmm.0.001738
  • Dhandapani et al. Mirza S. Comparison of Hand Hygiene Compliance Among Healthcare workers in Intensive care units and wards of COVID-19: A Large scale multicentric study In India. American Journal of Infection Control 2023;51:304−312. doi: 1016/j.ajic.2022.09.028
  • Satija A, Patil R. et al. Satellite Epidemic of Covid-19 Associated Mucormycosis in India: A Multi-Site Observational Study. Mycopathologia.
  • Mukhida S, Kannuri S*, Das NK, Khan S, Patil R. Is a vaccine one of the factors that will contribute to the end of the Pandemic? Iran J Med Microbiol. 2023;17(3): 378-389.
  • Mukhida S, Das P, Das NK*, Khan S, Kannuri S. Medical Aid in Natural Disasters: India an Emerging Global Power. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 2023;1-2.
  • Patil R, Ajagunde J, Khan S, Kannuri S, Gandham NR, Mukhida S*. Rhino-orbital cerebral mycosis: a case series of non-mucorales in COVID patients. Access Microbiology. 2023:5(10);1-18. DOI: 10.1099/acmi.0.000575.v4
  • Gandham NR, Kannuri S, Gupta A, Mukhida S, Das NK, Mirza S*. A post-transplant infection by Nocardia cyriacigeorgica. Access Microbiology. 2023;5(11);1-10. DOI 10.1099/acmi.0.000569.v3
  • Horby PW et al. (Prachi Athavale). Empagliflozin in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 2023;11(12):905-14. DOI:10.1016/S2213-8587(23)00253-X


  • Athavale VS, Athavale PV, Agrawal R*. A Case of Hepato-Gastro Cutaneous Fistula. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022;13(9): 10284-88. DOI: 47750/pnr.2022.13.S09.1205
  • Bhaumik S, Khan S, Patil R, Vyawahare C, Gandham NR, Kannuri S*. Comparative Evaluation of Colistin Susceptibility Testing Methods and the resistant pattern of colistin among Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates in a tertiary care setup. Journal Of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022;13(S6):4008-15. DOI: 10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S06.533
  • Athavale VS, Athavale P, Rao C*. Xanthogranulomatous Orchitis Presenting As A Scrotal Swelling In An Elderly Male: Case Report. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022;13(S9):10777-80. DOI: 10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S09.1259
  • Das NK, Patil R*, Mirza S, Khan S. Don't shoot the messenger. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth. 2023;16(1):137. DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_957_21
  • Bhaumik S, Kannuri S. When can we hope for Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology? J Fam Med Prim Care. 2023;12(1):415-6. DOI: 4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_2473_22
  • Das NK, Khan S. Reply to Role and importance of journal reader: Scientific contribution of letter to editor. J Fam Med Prim Care. 2023;12:412. DOI: 4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_2015_22
  • Mukhida S, Khan S, Das NK, Patil R*, Lekshmi R. Manuscript Writer: Are they Eligible for Authorship in scientific Article? If Yes, then which Place. Journal of Indian Medical Association. 2023;12(2):76.
  • Mukhida S, Palal D, Vyawahare C, Mali V, Das NK*. Is re-use of surgical and N95 mask dangerous? An opinion. Journal of Patient Safety and Infection Control. 2022;10(2):57-8. DOI: 10.4103/jpsic.jpsic_34_22
  • Das NK, Khan S, Gandham N, Patil R, Mukhida S*. How to ensure the Linen is changed on daily basis in hospitals? Bharti Medical Journal. 2023;3(1):3-4. DOI: 10.56136/BVMJ/2022_00105
  • Ajagunde J*, Das NK, Algule S, Lekshmi R, Shah H. Journal of a novice Academic writer “Manuscript Writing till Publication. Journal of Indian Medical Association. 2023;12(3):73.
  • Bhaumik S, Mukhida S, Das NK, Khan S, Patil R, Kannuri S*. Can vaccines along bring an end to this pandemic. National Journal of Community Medicine. 2023;14(3):208-9. DOI: 10.55489/njcm.140320232647
  • Khan S, Vyawahare C, Gandham NR, Mirza S, Mukhida S*. Lest we forget Spinal tuberculosis (Pott’s spine): Case Series with unusual presentation. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. 2023;70(2):258-262. DOI: 1016/j.ijtb.2022.08.003
  • Mukhida S*. Tuberculosis poem. MRIMS J Health Sci. 2023;11(2):171. DOI: 4103/mjhs.mjhs_168_22
  • Mukhida S, Vyawahare CR, Das P, Das NK*. In need of new drug; forgetting current use of the available drug for tuberculosis. Lung India. 2023;40:289-90. DOI: 10.4103/lungindia.lungindia_23_23
  • Mukhida S, Das NK*. When should we be able to divert the cost of tuberculosis to other diseases? Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2023;12(5):1024-5. DOI: 4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_214_23
  • Das NK, Kannuri S, Bhaumik S, Mukhida S*. How virtual conferences are changing the dynamics of traditional conferences. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth. 2023;16(3):474. DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_13_22
  • Desai D, Misra RN, Das NK, Gandham NR, Vyawhare CR, Mirza SB*. Prevalence of Extended Spectrum β-Lactamases Klebsiella pneumoniae in various Clinical Samples and Characterization of the bla Genes in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Western Maharashtra. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth. 2023;16(3):398-402. DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_286_22
  • Mukhida S, Khan S, Patil R, Das NK. Standard precautions: Its importance before, during and after a COVID-19 pandemic. J Patient Saf Infect Control. 2022;10:87-8. DOI: 10.4103/jpsic.jpsic_8_23
  • Mukhida S, Khan S, Patil R, Kannuri S, Das NK. Why is strict monitoring of hand hygiene required for patient safety in hospitals? J Patient Saf Infect Control. 2022;10:89-90. DOI: 10.4103/jpsic.jpsic_523
  • Mukhida SS, Patel A. Can health insurance help to improve the personal and economical health of India? Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2023;12:1474-5. DOI: 4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_186_23
  • Mukhida S. मच्छर और मलेरिया. MRIMS Journal of Health Sciences. 2023;11:221. DOI: 4103/mjhs.mjhs_32_23
  • Das P*, Singh GK, Sapra D, Mukhida S. An intriguing case of catamenial anaphylaxis treated with omalizumab during peri-menopausal period. Indian Journal of Drug of Dermatology. 2023;9(1):38-9. DOI: 10.4103/ijdd.ijdd_22_23
  • Vyawahare C, Ajagunde J*, Mukhida S, Algule S. Diagnosis and treatment of latent tuberculosis infections in high burden settings: A herculean task. Lung India. 2023;40(5):480-1. DOI: 10.4103/lungindia.lungindia_163_23
  • Mukhida S, Borah N*. How precautionary medicine and public health are attached? J Family Med Prim Care. 2023;12(8):1743-4. DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_2220_22
  • Das NK, Patil RA*. Pakistan floods: Many lessons for all nations. J Family Med Prim Care. 2023;12:1742. DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_400_23
  • Edavaloth P, Mukhida S, Kannuri S, Shah H, Datta A*. Co-Existence of Two Multidrug-Resistant Non-Fermenter Gram-Negative Bacilli: The Dead End or is There Still Hope? National Journal of Community Medicine. 2023;14(8):547-8. DOI: 10.55489/njcm.140820233139
  • Khan S, Das NK, Patil R, Mukhida S. Do we understand the actual importance of world zoonosis day? – An opinion. Sri Ramachandra Journal of Health Science. 2023;3:36-7. DOI: 10.25259/SRJHS_23_2023
  • Das NK, Vyawahare C, Patil R, Das P, Mukhida S. Can scoring system to predict the antibiotic-associated diarrhea be a boon in any resource limited setup? J Clin Infect Dis Soc. 2023;1:165. DOI: 10.4103/CIDS.CIDS_3_23
  • Datta A, Mukhida S, Mukherjee S, Korat A, Khan S, Edavaloth P*. Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Dose and The Indian Scenario: When We Will Have a Fully Immunized Population? National Journal of Community Medicine. 2023;14(9):624-5. DOI: 10.55489/njcm.140920233171
  • Mukhida S, Khan S, Das NK, Kannuri S. Is there any Vaccine available which does have Zero side effects? Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 2023;121(9):70.
  • Patil RA, Mukhida SS. Reply to the syndemic of “COVID-19 and tuberculosis”. J Family Med Prim Care. 2023;12(9):2185. DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_2175_2
  • Khan S, Mukhida S*, Das NK, Khan S. Marburg virus outbreak in Equatorial Guinea: Asian countries to act or not? Environ Dis. 2023;8:81-2. DOI: 10.4103/ed.ed_9_2
  • Das NK, Khan U, Gandham NR, Mirza SB. MDR strains in solid organ transplantation: A deterrent and obstacle. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2023;16:651. DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_1088_22
  • Desai D, Das NK, Mukhida S, Paranjpe R. Is India Quietly Becoming a Favorable Hub for Clinical Trials? National Journal of Community Medicine. 2023;14(9):626-7. DOI: 10.55489/njcm.140920233201
  • Ajagunde J*, Khan S, Gandham NR, Athavale P, Desai D. Improvisation of Lifestyle: Move it or lose it. Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical Journal (BVMJ). 2023;3(3):4-5. DOI: 10.56136/BVMJ/2023_00040
  • Das NK, Khan S, Das P, Mukhida SS*. Real effects of loss of vaccination will be known in coming times reply to Measles-Rubella vaccination campaign: Pandemic as speed breaker. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2023;16:S326-7. DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_32_23
  • Mukhida SS, Kannuri S, Bhaumik S, Das NK, Patil R. Do negative results of laboratory investigation have any importance? J YSR Univ Health Sci. 2023;12:78-9. DOI: 10.4103/jdrntruhs.jdrntruhs_28_22
  • Das NK, Mukhida SS, Prasanna S, Ajagunde J, Khan S. Cybersecurity in medical field: A threat looming large. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2023;16:S325. DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_34_23
  • Raghavan L, Mukhida SS, Das NK, Algule S. Can CRP alone be used as a predictive marker for infective disease? Reply to usefulness of CRP as a prognostic marker in the clinical course of COVID-19 infection during the three waves: A retrospective study. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2023;16:S321-2. DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_2_23
  • Singla K*, Khan S, Kumar M. Assessment of Seminar-based Teaching in Medical Education: Students’ Point of View. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 2023;12(10):42-3.
  • Mukhida SS, Edavaloth P. Can multidrug resistant Candida auris infect the neonates? Opinion on neonatal Candidemia. J Family Med Prim Care. 2023;12:3013-4. DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_1019_23
  • Shah HA, Lekshmi R. Does C-reactive protein help to diagnose the infection in new-born and neonatal in context to maternal immunological marker? An opinion. J Family Med Prim Care. 2023;12:3005-6. DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_993_23
  • Datta A, Gandham N, Mirza S. Healthcare-Associated Acinetobacter Infections: An Urgent Call for Action. Natl J Community Med. 2023;14(11):783-4. DOI: 10.55489/njcm.141120233325
  • Mukhida SS, Datta A. Involvement of the tutor in competency-based teacher education in medical college: How much need it? J Family Med Prim Care. 2023;12:3011-2. DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_1005_23
  • Desai D, Mukhida S, Das NK, Algule S, Mukherjee S. Outbreak of Pink Eye in Pune: What is Better; Precautions or Treatment? Natl J Community Med. 2023;14(10):702-3. DOI: 10.55489/njcm.141020233292
  • Paranjape R, Desai D*, Mukhida S, Kamdar GA, Gandhi S. Nurturing emotional growth in medical postgraduates via eye donation poster competition unlocking emotional quotient through art. Natl J Community Med. 2023;14(12):878-9. DOI: 10.55489/njcm.141220233408
  • Das P, Das NK, Khan S, Mukhida S*. Revisiting Mpox: A dermatologist’s perspective. Journal of Clinical Infectious Disease Society. 2023;1(3):279-80. DOI: 10.4103/CIDS_CIDS_36_23
  • Sahastrabudhe TS*, Gujral HS, Muthukareppan NA, Bagrecha M, Barthwal M, Mirza S. Relationship between disease severity, immune response, and viral clearance in unvaccinated patients with COVID-19: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023;17(2):OC01-5. DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2023/63744.18788
  • Qureshi D, Gandham NR, Vyawahare CR, Bhaumik S, Kannuri S, Mukhida S, Mirza S*. Susceptibility of contemporary Staphylococcus aureus isolates to a novel antibiotic Levonadifloxacin: A report from a tertiary care centre. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth. 2023;16(6):941-3. DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_370_22
  • Ajagunde J. Myco-Crossword. Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical Journal. 2023;3(4):4-5.
  • Khan S, Patil R, Das NK, Mukhida S. The resurgence of sexually transmitted diseases in the United Kingdom: Need to worry or not? Environ Dis. 2023;8(4):108-9. DOI: 10.4103/ed.ed_19_2
  • Waje JS, Das NK, Mirza S, Gandham NR, Vyawahare CR, Khan S, Mukhida S, Patil R. An assessment of minocycline sensitivity in multidrug-resistant gram-negative isolates in a tertiary care center of Western Maharashtra. JDRY SRUHS. 2023;12(3):261-6. DOI: 10.4103/jdrysruhs.jdrysruhs_146_22
Category International National Total
2024 3 5 8
Publication List - 2024
  • Das P, Vasudevana B, K Lekshmi Priya, Verma P, Das NK, Mukhida S. A rare case of solitary pedunculated schwannoma of the scalp. Egypt J Dermatol Venereol, 44(1); 67–68. 2024. DOI: 10.4103/ejdv.ejdv_23_23.
  • Mirza S et al. Impact of COVID 19 outbreak on healthcare workers in a Tertiary Healthcare Center in India: a cross sectional study. Scientific Reports. 14;1504:2024.
  • Bhatlekar T, Swarup S, Mukhida S, Gandham NR, Patil R, Bhandari A, et al. Chitosan: A naturally occurring viable alternative to nystatin as an antifungal agent incorporated in heat polymerized denture base resin-II. Sci Dent J. 7(3); 96-101, 2023.
  • Mukhida SS, Das NK. Who required the counselling to stop intimate partner violence, victim or perpetrators? J Family Med Prim Care 2023; 12:2190 1. DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_311_23.
  • Mukhida SS, Das NK. What is actual condition of working parents about child nurturing and what they have to do? J Family Med Prim Care 2023; 12:2183 4.
  • Mukhida SS, Das NK. Should we have to submit a letter to editor only in those journals which previously published our letter? J Family Med Prim Care 2023; 12:2192 3.
  • Buch A, Khan U, Rathod H, Jain K, Dwivedi A, Rajesh A. Tumor budding in breast carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Can Res Ther 2023; 19:1697-713. DOI: 10.4103/jcrt.jcrt_188_22.
  • Mukhida S, Palal D, Mali V, Das NK. Blood demand and supply: Can world blood donor day theme support? J Hematol Allied Sci. 2023; 3:74-5. DOI: 10.25259/JHAS_12_2023.

  • Hospital Infection Control Practices (HICC)
  • External Quality Assurance (EQAS) Programme for
    • Bacteriology
    • Serology
    • Mycology
    • CBNAAT
    • Parasitology
  • Methodical Sample processing for rapid diagnosis using Automations
  • Molecular testing methods - CBNAAT, Genprobe, Line Probe assay
  • NABL Accredited, ICMR approved, Fully functional COVID-19 testing Laboratory
  • All lab personnel follow strict Bio-safety practices
  • Biomedical management practices strictly followed
  • In UG Teaching - Problem Based Learning, Integrated Teaching, Tutorials and also classes for slow learners
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II MBBS Programmes - Mapping of Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs)
Programme Outcomes (POs)
PO No. Description
PO 1 Knowledge and Skills: By the end of the programme, the MBBS Graduate will have a comprehensive understanding of medical sciences and clinical skills.
PO 2 Planning and Problem Solving Abilities: Ability to plan and solve problems effectively in medical practice.
PO 3 Communication: Demonstrate effective communication skills with patients, families, and healthcare teams.
PO 4 Research Aptitude: Ability to conduct and understand research relevant to medical practice.
PO 5 Professionalism and Ethics: Uphold professional and ethical standards in medical practice.
PO 6 Leadership: Exhibit leadership qualities in healthcare settings.
PO 7 Societal Responsibilities: Acknowledge and address societal health issues and responsibilities.
PO 8 Environment and Sustainability: Understand and apply principles of environmental health and sustainability.
PO 9 Lifelong Learner: Commitment to ongoing learning and professional development throughout their career.

Subject with code - Microbiology MB 203
CO No. Course Outcome Description At the end of the course, the learner should be able to:
203.1 The student should be well equipped with the knowledge of prevalent communicable diseases of national importance and of the newer emerging pathogens. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
203.2 Know and describe the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases caused by microorganisms. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO7, PO9
203.3 Plan and interpret laboratory investigations for diagnosis of infectious diseases and correlate the clinical manifestations with the etiological agent. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO9
203.4 Be conversant with proper methods of collection, storage & transport of clinical material for microbiological investigations. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
203.5 Understand the principles of immunology and its application in the diagnosis and prevention of infectious diseases including vaccinology. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
203.6 Understand methods of disinfection and sterilization and their application to control and prevent hospital and community acquired infections including universal biosafety precautions and waste disposal. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
203.7 The student will understand the use of the different antimicrobial agents including antibiotics to use judiciously and prevent misuse. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9

Post Graduate Programme Programme Outcomes
PO No. Programme Outcome Description
PO 1 Knowledge and Skills
PO 2 Planning and problem solving abilities
PO 3 Communication
PO 4 Research Aptitude
PO 5 Professionalism and Ethics
PO 6 Leadership
PO 7 Societal Responsibilities
PO 8 Environment and Sustainability
PO 9 Lifelong Learner

Course Outcomes and Mapping with Programme Outcomes
Year Course Code Course Title CO No. Course Outcome Description Mapped Programme Outcomes
Year MD Microbiology Course Title PCO6 The student should have advanced knowledge in medical microbiology with an emphasis on diagnostic techniques and their applications in clinical settings. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9

Course 1 (Subject Code) - Outcomes and Mapping
CO No. Course Outcome Description Mapped Programme Outcomes
PCO6.1 Recognize the importance of clinical microbiology in the context of the health needs of the community and the national priorities in the health sector. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO9
PCO6.2 Practice clinical microbiology ethically and in step with the principles of primary health care. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO9
PCO6.3 Demonstrate sufficient understanding of the basic sciences relevant to clinical microbiology. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO9
PCO6.4 Identify social, economic, environmental, biological, and emotional determinants of health in a given case, and take them into account while planning therapeutic, rehabilitative, preventive, and primitive measures/strategies. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
PCO6.5 Diagnose and manage the majority of the conditions in clinical microbiology based on clinical assessment and appropriately selected and conducted investigations, including prevention. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
PCO6.6 Demonstrate skills in documentation of individual case details as well as morbidity and mortality rates relevant to infectious diseases. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
PCO6.7 Demonstrate empathy and humane approach towards patients and their families and exhibit interpersonal behavior in accordance with societal norms and expectations. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
PCO6.8 Organize and supervise the chosen/assigned health care services demonstrating adequate managerial skills in the clinic/hospital or the field situation. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
PCO6.9 Develop skills as a self-directed learner, recognize continuing education needs; select and use appropriate learning resources in clinical microbiology. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO7, PO8, PO9
PCO6.10 Demonstrate competence in basic concepts of research methodology and epidemiology, and be able to critically analyze relevant published research literature as well as effectively and responsibly implement national health programmes. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
PCO6.11 Develop skills in using educational methods and techniques as applicable to the teaching of medical/nursing students, general physicians, and paramedical health workers. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
PCO6.12 Function as an effective leader of a health team engaged in health care, research, or training. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9

Postgraduate Students' Placement Details by Year
Sr. No. Name of the P.G. Student Year of Passing Placement
1 Dr. Retina Paul Jun-14 Metropolis Lab, Kolkata
2 Dr. Indranath Roy Jun-14 Govt. Service – West Bengal
3 Dr. Moumita Sardar Jun-14 Professor, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University, Budhera, Gurugram, 122505
4 Dr. Nabamita Chaudhury Jun-15 Demonstrator, Burdwan Medical College, West Bengal
5 Dr. Shahzad Beg Mirza Jun-17 Working as an Asst. Professor Cum Manager Quality and Hospital Infection Control, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-18
6 Dr. Sopia Mukharjee Jun-18 Consultant Microbiologist at Park View Superspeciality Hospital, Salt Lake, Kolkata, WB
7 Dr. Izna June-19 Sr. Resident, GMC Rajouri, J&K
8 Dr. Prachi Bhide June-19 Assistant Professor in Dr. D.Y Patil Medical College
9 Dr. Shalini Bhaumik 2023 SR- Department of Microbiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani
10 Dr. Sriram Kannuri 2023 SR- NRI Institute Of Medical Sciences, Sangivalasa, Bheemunipatnam, Visakhapatnam
11 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida 2023 SR- G.M.E.R.S Medical College, Hospital, Junagadh, Gujarat

News Articles on Health Topics by Date and Faculty
Sr. No. Date Topic Name Newspaper Name Faculty Name
1 30/01/14 Most leprosy cases detected late Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
2 16/02/14 Did you sterilize your stethoscope, doctor? Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
3 26/04/14 In setback, new TB test may not give accurate results The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
4 05/07/14 Portable device to test for TB in 30 minutes Indian Express Dr. R.N. Misra
5 07/08/14 Ebola threat looms over India Times Nation Dr. N.R. Gandham
6 30/07/14 Over 1,500 lives lost to diarrhea in 2013, delay in treatment blamed Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
7 29/09/14 11 die of H1N1 in state in September 2014 Times of IndiaTimes City Dr. R.N. Misra
8 12/05/15 ICMR Newspaper times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
9 23/06/15 Filariasis may be history by year-end Newspaper times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
10 02/07/15 Fat lot of good Indian Exp Dr. R.N. Misra
11 01/09/15 Dengue yo-yo Indian Express Dr. R.N. Misra
12 25/09/15 Medicine for drug The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
13 06/10/15 Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine, 2015 Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
14 28/10/15 5-in one vaccine rollout in Nov Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
15 04/11/15 Rotavirus vaccine pilot trial in Pune Times of India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
16 29/11/15 Drug-resistant bug causes worry Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
17 28/01/16 Zika reaches Europe The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
18 28/01/16 Zika Threat The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
19 29/01/16 Zika Indian Exp Dr. R.N. Misra
20 06/01/17 GM vaccine for malaria without side effects soon Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
21 18/01/17 There were great expectations from stem cell research. Here’s why it fell short Indian Exp Dr. N.R. Gandham
22 25/01/17 World’s first stable semi-synthetic organism, a bacterium, created Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
23 02/03/17 Most superbugs present in India: WHO The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
24 04/03/17 Pollution reduces antibiotic effectiveness The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
25 28/03/17 Stool transplant offers hope to treat alcoholic hepatitis The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
26 18/09/17 An all-in-one injection to immunize children Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
27 04/10/17 Personal genetic testing is here. Do we need it? Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
28 05/10/17 H1N1 virus transmission peaked twice: Report Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
29 16/10/17 Zika vaccine shows promise in early human trial: Report Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
30 22/10/17 JE virus makes inroads into state’s virgin spots Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
31 01/11/17 NIV finds new dengue virus of Asian genotype Times of India Mrs. Swarupa Hatolkar
32 04/12/17 Cases of full-blown filariasis increase across Maharashtra The Times of India Mrs. Anjali Deshmukh
33 02/02/18 New NIV tech to inactivate deadly viruses at source Time of India Dr. R.N. Misra
34 06/02/18 A game of chicken: how Indians poultry farms are spawning global superbugs The Hindu Dr. Shahzad Mirza
35 22/03/18 2 new drugs in combo found to help sickest of TB patients The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
36 27/03/18 Why anti-asthma drug has its use in the fight against tuberculosis, too Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
37 04/05/18 Supercomputer Simulations Reveal New Achilles Heel in Dengue Virus University of California San Diego Dr. Shahzad Mirza
38 29/05/18 Nipah Kills 3; Kerala, Centre take steps to tackle virus The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
39 30/05/18 NIV scientists focus on checking more samples The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
40 30/05/18 Check on warming can prevent dengue cases The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
41 27/06/18 Polio virus new weapon in fight against cancer The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
42 06/07/18 Studies show poor hand washing is a common problem CNN Report Dr. Shahzad Mirza
43 06/08/18 How mosquito VS Mosquito can fight dengue Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
44 30/08/18 Will simplici TB make TB treatment simpler & Mangalorean news Dr. Shahzad Mirza
45 05/10/18 SII rotavirus vaccine gets WHO nod, to be available in poor countries soon The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
46 14/11/18 WHO: Overuse of antibiotics driving spread of superbugs The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
47 14/11/18 NOW, MBBS students to do course on ethics too The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
48 04/12/18 Doctors detect rare fungal infection in Pimpri woman The Times of India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
49 03/01/19 Rubella syndrome death uncommon, say experts The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
50 06/03/19 London patient may be second in world to be cured of HIV The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
51 11/03/19 Curing HIV The English Patient: A second case of someone probably cured of HIV has been reported The Economist Newspaper Dr. N.R. Gandham
52 08/04/19 A Mystery Fungal Infection Immune to Drugs Is secretly sweeping The Globe. The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
53 09/04/19 Fungal Infection in India not the virulent type. The Times of India Dr. Shahzad Beg Mirza
54 24/04/19 Shigellosis is recognized as a disease mainly affecting Asian and African nations Down to Earth News. Dr. Shahzad Beg Mirza
55 25/04/19 World’s first malaria vaccine Launched in Africa Millennium Post, Delhi. Dr. Shahzad Beg Mirza
56 01/05/19 Doc’s white coat can be a threat to your health Symbol of Profession May Be Teeming With Harmful Bacteria & Not Washed As Often As Hoped The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
57 25/06/19 Why WHO is creating four new classifications for antibiotics The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
58 10/07/19 Shrilanka eliminates measles: WHO Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
59 18/08/19 Genome sequencing gains traction in public health depts. for TB cure Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
60 17/09/19 Common antibiotics linked with heart issues. Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
61 30/09/19 Why babies born by C-sec are likely to have weak immunity Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
62 30/09/19 Bacteria can make themselves invisible to antibiotics: Study Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
63 20/10/19 TB cases dip, 5.4L went unreported in 18, says WHO Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
64 31/10/19 Gene-editing tool Crispr could be the next antibiotic Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
65 10/11/19 Superbug crisis: Are doctors to blame? Doctors are responsible for 10% or less of Global misuse of antibiotics The Hindu Dr. Shahzad Mirza
66 19/11/19 Superbugs get tough, 25% patients in Mumbai resistant to strong antibiotics The Times of India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
67 30/11/19 Authorities cite drop in HIV Positive cases, experts want ‘Zero infection rate’ target The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
68 14/12/20 Tackling drug-resistant A baumannii In 2-4 hours the novel molecule killed actively diving- drug-resistant strains The Hindu Dr. Shahzad Mirza
69 16/01/20 Wockhardt gets DGCI approval for new antibiotics The Economic Times Dr. Shahzad Mirza
70 30/01/20 Two out of every 3 new global Leprosy cases detected in India Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
71 23/02/20 AI discovers antibiotic that kills drug-resistant superbugs The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
72 23/02/20 Virus cases swell in S Korea and Iran, spark pandemic fear. The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
73 29/02/20 WHO raises global virus risk to top level after 56 nations hit. The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
74 28/03/20 Donning sequence and doffing sequence for PPE Infection Prevention And Control (IPC) SOP for COVID-19, Jipmer Version. Dr. N.R. Gandham
75 28/03/20 Forecast of COVID-19 cases India by Lockdown Pattern. Centre for Mathematical Science, University of Cambridge Dr. N.R. Gandham
76 19/03/20 Your guide staying safe - COVID-19 Hindustan Times Dr. N.K. Das
77 29/05/20 50% of Indians will have Covid-19 by Dec, 90% will never know about it. The Hindu Business Line Dr. Shahzad Mirza
78 15/06/20 ICMR, AIIMS Approve Antigen Kit that Gives Covid-19 Test Results in 30 Minutes. News 18 India Dr. R.N. Misra
79 02/06/20 CSIR research identifies unique trait in virus India Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
80 17/06/20 Doctor discover marker for critical Covid-19 cases The Times of India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
81 27/06/20 Use the Covid-19 antigen test sensibly Financial Express Dr. Shahzad Mirza
82 04/07/20 Covaxin, other vaccines The Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
83 06/07/20 Covid’s Kawasaki symptoms The Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
84 08/07/20 Doubts over herd immunity The Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
85 27/07/20 Bengaluru Organisation Gets US FDP, EU Approval For Medical Device that Can Neutralise Coronavirus News 18 India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
86 29/07/20 Coronavirus: 57% of Mumbai slum population has developed antibodies: Study Dr. Shahzad Mirza
87 21/08/20 Why Antibody Tests Won’t Help You Much Dr. Shahzad Mirza
88 17/08/20 Worse to Come? Malaysia Detects New Coronavirus Strain ‘D614G’ Which is ‘Ten Times Deadlier Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar
89 24/08/20 COVD-19 Hong Kong Researchers Report First Documented Reinfection Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar
90 17/09/20 What is Covid-19 reinfection The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
91 06/09/20 AIIMS Researchers Sound Caution After Finding ‘Zoonotic’ Malarial Parasites in Indian Patients Dr. Shahzad Mirza
92 07/09/20 ALERT! “Vaccines Have No Role in Controlling the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic”, Health Specialists Wrote to PM Modi! Dr. Shahzad Mirza
93 09/09/20 Vaccinating children against the flu is ‘more important than’ this year: Dr. Shahzad Mirza
94 09/09/20 A new theory asks: Could a mask be a crude ‘vaccine’? Dr. Shahzad Mirza
95 27/10/2020 State govt reduces minimum cost of RT-PCR test from rupees 1.2k to rupees 980 Dr. Shahzad Mirza
96 18/11/20 Chapare Virus: All about the deadly virus that can spread between humans Dr. Shahzad Mirza
97 11/12/20 Singapore Approves COVID-19 Test Using Saliva From Inside Throat Dr. Shahzad Mirza
98 11/12/20 Australia ends Covid-19 vaccine trials due to HIV antibody positive. Dr. Shahzad Mirza
99 21/01/21 Finally, a Single-dose Covid vaccine is within sight Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
100 01/01/21 Anti-Microbial Resistance – The Next Pandemic Dr. Shahzad Mirza
101 12/01/21 Coronavirus No option to select between Covishield and Covaxin, says Union Health Secretary The Dr. Shahzad Mirza
102 13/01/21 Govt defer national polio immunisation programme Hindustan Times Dr. Shahzad Mirza
103 08/02/21 Israel Invents Inhaler That Cures COVID-19 In Just 5 Days Dr. Shahzad Mirza
104 18/02/21 Exclusive: Two variants have merged into heavily mutated coronavirus News Scientist Dr. Shahzad Mirza
105 01/03/21 Why coronavirus didn’t hit India as hard as America and Europe Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
106 24/03/21 World TB Day World Health Organization Dr. Shahzad Mirza
107 29/04/21 Pfizer’s ‘at-home’ pill to cure Covid in the works Trials of the antiviral are underway in US, Belgium Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
108 28/04/21 Expert: Serious fungal infection seen in some Covid patients with co-morbidities Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
109 09/05/21 Black fungus claims eyesight on some Covid survivors in Gujarat The Times of India Dr. R.N. Misra
110 28/05/21 Microscope can detect Mucor but people are after automated tests The Times of India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
111 29/05/21 Death certificate should reflect what has happened: SC The Times of India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
112 04/06/21 Highest O2 used in Rajasthan to among lowest: How Bikaner govt hospital caught PM attention Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
113 05/06/21 How Corbevax is different Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
114 09/06/21 IISc beats world's best in research impact: QS List The Times of India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
115 11/06/21 Patients' genes may decide Covid-19 severity: Study DC Correspondent Dr. Shahzad Mirza
116 23/08/21 65% samples test positive for Delta variant genome sequencing at Kasturba Hospital Hindustan Times Dr. Shahzad Mirza
117 08/11/21 WHO recommends world's first malaria vaccine for children at risk The Economics Times News Dr. N.R. Gandham
118 22/11/21 Pune man catches Delta variant after infection, 2 doses The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
119 08/11/21 Pfizer Falsefield Covid Vaccine trial data, Claims UK journal The Times of India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
120 15/11/21 Rare Case Of Black Fungus Linked To Dengue Found, Says Delhi Hospital The Times of India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
121 25/11/21 Two patients die of new strain of fungus in AIIMS The Times of India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
122 13/12/21 Mimic molecule distracts superbugs to help old antibiotics work again New Atlas Dr. Sriram Kannuri
123 19/12/21 With Covid third-wave likely in February, children must be vaccinated: Virologists Jacob John The Hindu Dr. Shahzad Mirza
124 20/12/21 Immunity following COVID-19 vaccination and natural infection in India News Medical Life Science Dr. Shahzad Mirza
125 25/12/21 PM announces booster shots for frontline workers, 60-plus population; vaccination also to begin for 15-18 age group The New Indian Express Dr. Sahjid Mukhida
126 05/01/22 SPPU team develops nano formulation to treat candida with lignin from bagasse The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
127 06/01/22 Every Pore on Your Face Is a Walled Garden The New York Times Dr. Sahjid Mukhida
128 06/01/22 Viruses unleashed into a woman’s wound to slay superbug in her leg Live Science Dr. Sriram Kannuri
129 28/01/22 What WHO Said on NeoCov Coronavirus, Discovered By Chinese Scientists NDTV Coronavirus Dr. Sahjid Mukhida
130 30/01/22 Covid-19 nasal vaccine could be a game-changer: AIIMS epidemiologist Mint Dr. Sameena Khan
131 01/02/22 CDRI scientists develop RT-PCR kit for detection of Omicron variant Mint Dr. Sameena Khan
132 03/02/22 Mylab launches CoviSwift, a ‘point-of-care testing solution’ Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
133 11/02/22 Luc Montagnier, Nobel-winning discoverer of HIV, dead at 88 Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
134 20/02/22 Polio returns to Africa WHO, Reuters Dr. Shahzad Mirza
135 23/03/22 No need to invoke Disaster Management Act for COVID-19 containment measures from April 1, Union Home Ministry tells States The Hindu Dr. Shahzad Mirza
136 24/03/22 World Tuberculosis Day 2022: Date, theme, history, significance of the Day Hindustan Times Dr. Shahzad Mirza
137 23/03/22 World Tuberculosis Day 2022 - Date, Theme, Symptoms & Treatment For TB NDTV Dr. Sahjid Mukhida
138 24/03/22 World TB Day 2022 – Online Talk Show World Health Organization Dr. Sahjid Mukhida
139 09/04/22 AMR accounts for 7L deaths globally: A silent pandemic, as deadly as COVID Pune Mirror Dr. Shahzad Mirza
140 28/05/22 Similar Symptoms, Less Fatal: How is Different from Smallpox and Chickenpox News 18 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida
141 30/05/22 National Dengue Day 2022: Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment of Mosquito-borne Disease News 18 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida
142 02/06/22 Fighting tobacco product waste WHO Dr. Sahjid Mukhida
143 19/07/22 Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia is Killing Patients. Yet There Is A Simple Way to Stop It. Dr. N.R. Gandham
144 23/07/22 W.H.O. Declares Monkeypox Spread a Global Health Emergency The New York Times Dr. Shahzad Mirza
145 27/07/22 State surpasses 2021’s cholera cases in seven months, reports most fatalities in a decade Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
146 28/07/22 Monkeypox Virus in India The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
147 11/08/22 Study: BCG Vax for TB works only for under five The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
148 13/08/22 Walking a tightrope in messaging transmission routes The Hindu Dr. Shahzad Mirza
149 19/08/22 ICMR Plans serosurvey to spot asymptomatic monkeypox patients The Times of India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
150 06/09/22 Covid-H1N1 coinfections pose treatment challenge The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
151 13/09/22 Lidocaine could save IL cancer patients globally: MH director The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
152 14/09/22 BV154-a NOVEL adenovirus vectored, intranasal vaccine for COVID-19 Bharat Biotech Dr. Shahzad Mirza
153 03/10/22 IIT-Roorkee discovers antiviral molecules to treat Covid-19 Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
154 10/10/22 India facing a pandemic of antibiotics-resistant superbugs Dr. Shahzad Mirza
155 20/10/22 IISER scientists measure viscoelasticity of heart muscles The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
156 25/10/22 Fitter XBB strains seen; XBB.3 leads India with most cases The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
157 25/10/22 Covid boosts harmful fungi in human body, reveals study The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
158 29/11/22 Antibiotics to prevent infection at surgical site should not continue beyond 48 hours: ICMR Dr. Shahzad Mirza
159 22/12/22 No antibiotics without prescription in Kerala The Hindu Bureau Dr. Shahzad Mirza
160 27/01/2023 First intranasal Covid vaccine launched in India Onmanorama Dr. Shahzad Mirza
161 21/02/2023 Mumbai scientist invent special mask to swiftly detect TB in kids Times Nation Dr. Shahzad Mirza
162 07/04/23 World Health Day The Economic Time Dr. Sahjid Mukhida
163 11/06/2023 End of kala azar is near but not time for cheer Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham
164 04/08/23 How the hospital pathogen Acinobacter baumanni quickly adapts to new environmental conditions Science Daily Dr. Shahzad Mirza
165 09/08/23 Synthetic antibiotic could be effective against drug-resistant superbugs. Decades of work by a series of Duke investigators yields new drug, patents and a startup company Science Daily Dr. Shahzad Mirza
166 28/08/23 Dengue vaccines under development in India: a status report. Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
167 04/09/2023 New Covid-19 variant may be ‘reason to worry’: What is known about ‘Pirola’ so far Indian Express Dr. Shahzad Mirza
168 05/09/2023 How Rampant Overuse Of Antibiotics During Covid Impacted India NDTV World Dr. Shahzad Mirza
169 06/09/2023 Covid-H1N1 coinfections pose treatment challenge The Times of India Dr. N. R. Gandham
170 11/09/2023 Nipah alert in Kozhikode Two unnatural deaths reported following fever at a private hospital. Relatives of a deceased admitted in ICU. The Dr. Shahzad Mirza
171 12/09/2023 Centre confirms Nipah virus deaths in Kozhikode, district on high alert Dr. Shahzad Mirza
172 13/09/2023 Lodocaine could save IL cancer patient globally: TMH Director The Times of India Dr. N. R. Gandham
173 24/09/2023 Resistance to last-resort antibiotics growing in India, Says ICMR report Times of Nation Dr. Shahzad Mirza
174 27/10/2023 Mylab & Serum Institute Launch India’s first influenza vaccine Nasivac S4 The Times of India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
175 10/10/2024 Paradigm shift in medicine why gene and cell therapy are the future of healthcare in India Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
176 10/10/2024 Genes that boost fertility also shorten our life, suggest studies Indian Express Dr. N.R. Gandham
177 16/12/2023 Covid-19 sub-strain JN.1 detected in Kerala woman; centre monitoring situation Indian Express Dr. Shahzad Mirza
178 17/12/2023 The era of CRISPR therapeutics is here – what can we expect? | Explained The Hindu Dr. Shahzad Mirza
179 04/01/2024 55% of patients given antibiotics only as a preventive measure, says survey. The Hindu Dr. Shahzad Mirza
180 17/01/2024 Mumps may assume form of epidemic this year: IAP The Times of India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
181 18/02/2024 Trekkers warned as KFD outbreak grips Malnad areas The Times of India Dr. Shahzad Mirza
182 18/02/2024 Scientist, startups fight antibiotic apocalypse The Times of India Dr. N.R. Gandham

Under Graduate Teaching Programme

Topics and Teachers

Sr. No Topics Name of the Teacher
1 Introduction Dr. R.N. Misra
2 Morphology-I Dr. S.V. Jadhav
3 Morphology-II Dr. S.V. Jadhav
4 Growth and Nutrition Dr. R.A. Patil
5 Sterilization-I Dr. R.N. Misra
6 Sterilization-II Dr. R.N. Misra
7 Hand Hygiene Dr. K.M. Angadi
8 Genetics-I Dr. N.S. Gupta
9 Genetics-II Dr. N.S. Gupta
10 Host-Parasite Relationship-I Dr. S.V. Jadhav
11 Host-Parasite Relationship-II Dr. S.V. Jadhav
12 Antibiotic Sensitivity and Resistance Dr. S.B. Mirza

Immunology Topics and Teachers

Sr. No Topics Name of the Teacher
1 Introduction of Immunology Dr. D.P. Pandit
2 Antigen Dr. N.R. Gandham
3 Antibody Dr. N.R. Gandham
4 Complements Dr. K.M. Angadi
5 Structure and Function of Immune System-I Dr. D.P. Pandit
6 Structure and Function of Immune System-II Dr. D.P. Pandit
7 Immune Response-I Dr. R.N. Misra
8 Immune Response-II Dr. R.N. Misra
9 Ag-Ab Reaction-I Dr. S.B. Mirza
10 Ag-Ab Reaction-II Dr. S.B. Mirza
11 Hypersensitivity Dr. N.K. Das
12 Autoimmune Diseases Dr. N.K. Das
13 Immunodeficiency Diseases Dr. R.N. Misra
14 Immunology of Transplantation and Malignancy Dr. D.P. Pandit

Bacterial Topics and Teachers

Sr. No Topics Name of the Teacher
1 Staphylococci Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
2 Streptococci Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
3 Streptococcus Pneumonae Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
4 Gram Negative Cocci Dr. D.P. Pandit
5 Enterobacteriaceae - E. coli, Klebsiella, Proteus Dr. S.V. Jadhav
6 Salmonella - I Dr. N.K. Das
7 Salmonella - II Dr. N.K. Das
8 Shigella Dr. N.R. Gandham
9 Vibrio Dr. R.A. Patil
10 Pseudomonas Dr. S.B. Mirza
11 Corynebacterium Dr. N.S. Gupta
12 Bacillus Dr. K.M. Angadi
13 Haemophilus influenzae Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
14 Brucella Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
15 Bordetella Dr. S.B. Mirza
16 Yersinia Dr. N.S. Gupta
17 Anaerobiasis and Clostridia - I Dr. N.K. Das
18 Clostridia - II Dr. N.K. Das
19 Mycobacteria - I Dr. N.R. Gandham
20 Mycobacteria - II Dr. N.R. Gandham
21 Mycobacterium leprae Dr. N.R. Gandham
22 Non-Sporing Anaerobes Dr. S.B. Mirza
23 Spirochaetes - I Dr. D.P. Pandit
24 Spirochaetes - II Dr. D.P. Pandit
25 Mycoplasma and Chlamydia Dr. K.M. Angadi
26 Rickettsiae - I Dr. N.R. Gandham
27 Rickettsiae - II Dr. N.R. Gandham
28 Miscellaneous Bacteria Dr. S.V. Jadhav

Mycology Topics and Teachers

Sr. No Topics Name of the Teacher
1 Mycology-I Dr. S.V. Jadhav
2 Mycology-II Dr. S.V. Jadhav
3 Mycology-III Dr. S.V. Jadhav

Virus Topics and Teachers

Sr. No Topics Name of the Teacher
1 General properties of viruses-I Dr. D.P. Pandit
2 Lab diagnosis of viral infection Dr. R.A. Patil
3 Bacteriophage Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
4 Herpes viruses -I Dr. K.M. Angadi
5 Herpes viruses -II Dr. K.M. Angadi
6 Pox and adenovirus Dr. N.K. Das
7 Picorna viruses Dr. K.M. Angadi
8 Orthomyxovirus Dr. N.S. Gupta
9 Paramyxovirus Dr. N.S. Gupta
10 Retroviruses-I Dr. R.N. Misra
11 Retroviruses-II Dr. R.N. Misra
12 Arbovirus-I Dr. N.S. Gupta
13 Arbovirus-II Dr. N.S. Gupta
14 Rhabdovirus Dr. K.M. Angadi
15 Hepatitis- I Dr. R.A. Patil
16 Hepatitis- II Dr. R.A. Patil
17 Oncogenic viruses Dr. S.B. Mirza
18 Miscellaneous viruses Dr. S.B. Mirza

Parasitology Topics and Teachers

Sr. No Topics Name of the Teacher
1 Introduction and lab. Diagnosis Dr. R.A. Patil
2 Intestinal protozoa-I Dr. N.K. Das
3 Intestinal protozoa-II Dr. N.K. Das
4 Leishmaniasis Dr. R.A. Patil
5 Trypanosomes Dr. R.N. Misra
6 Malaria-I Dr. K.M. Angadi
7 Malaria-II Dr. K.M. Angadi
8 Cestodes-I Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
9 Cestodes-II Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
10 Trematodes Dr. N.K. Das
11 Intestinal nematodes-I Dr. N.S. Gupta
12 Intestinal nematodes-II Dr. N.S. Gupta
13 Tissue Nematodes Dr. R.A. Patil
14 Cryptosporidium and Toxoplasma Dr. D.P. Pandit

Lab Diagnosis Topics and Teachers

Sr. No Topics Name of the Teacher
1 Lab diagnosis of PUO Dr. N.K. Das
2 Lab diagnosis of meningitis Dr. N.R. Gandham
3 Lab diagnosis of UTI Dr. N.K. Das
4 Lab diagnosis of STD Dr. R.N. Misra
5 Lab diagnosis of GIT infections Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
6 Lab diagnosis of wound infection Dr. D.P. Pandit
7 Lab diagnosis of respiratory infection Dr. R.N. Misra
8 Lab diagnosis of food poisoning Dr. R.A. Patil
9 Microbiology of food, water and milk Dr. S.B. Mirza
10 Hospital acquired infections Dr. N.R. Gandham

Practical Topics

Sr. No Practical
3Morphology of Bacteria –I
4Morphology of Bacteria –II
5Common Methods of Sterilization
6Growth Requirements of Bacteria Culture Media
7Principles and Methods of Diagnostic Microbiology-I
8Principles and Methods of Diagnostic Microbiology-II
9Common Serological Reactions
11Streptococci & Streptococcus Pneumonae
15Vibrio & Pseudomonas
17Yersinia, Brucella, Haemophilus, Bordetella
19Gram Positive bacilli
22Rickettsia and Viruses
24Parasitology Introduction
25Intestinal protozoa
29Helminthology: Phylum Platyhelminths-Cestodes
30Phylum Platyhelminths –Trematodes
31Intestinal nematodes
32Tissue nematodes
33Toxoplasma, Cryptosporidium, Pneumocystis
35General Microbiology revision
36Bacteriology, Virology & Mycology revision
37Media/slide revision
38Journal correction

CBME-Based Programme

Sl No. Competency Lecture Topic
11.1Introduction and History
21.1Overview of bacterial infections and bacterial taxonomy
31.1Morphology of bacteria
41.1Bacterial Genetics
51.1General Virology and Overview of Viral infections-I
61.1General Virology and Overview of Viral infections-II
71.1General Parasitology and Overview of Parasitic infections-I
81.1General Parasitology and Overview of Parasitic infections-II
91.1General Mycology and Overview of Fungal infections-I
101.1General Mycology and Overview of Fungal infections-II
111.3Epidemiology of common Infectious diseases
121.4Classify and describe the different methods of sterilization and disinfection
131.6Describe the mechanisms of drug resistance in microbials
141.7Describe the immunological mechanisms in health, Immunity (Innate and Acquired) and Immune mechanisms
151.8Describe the components of the immune system its structure and functions
171.8Antigen-Antibody reactions-I
181.8Antigen-Antibody reaction-II
201.8Immune responses, Cell-mediated and Antibody mediated
211.9Discuss the immunological basis of vaccines and describe the Universal Immunisation schedule
221.10Describe the immunological mechanisms in Hypersensitivity and discuss the laboratory methods used in its detection
231.10Describe the immunological mechanisms in Autoimmunity and discuss the laboratory methods used in its detection
241.10Describe the immunological mechanisms in Immunodeficiency diseases and discuss the laboratory methods used in its detection
251.11Describe the immunological mechanisms of Transplantation and tumor immunity
262.1Describe the Etiologic agents in rheumatic fever and their diagnosis
272.2Describe the classification, etio-pathogenesis, clinical features and discuss the diagnostic modalities of Infective Endocarditis
282.5, 1.1Describe the etio-pathogenesis and discuss the clinical evolution and the laboratory diagnosis of Malaria
292.5, 1.1Describe the etio-pathogenesis and discuss the clinical evolution and the laboratory diagnosis of Leishmaniasis
302.5Describe the etio-pathogenesis and discuss the clinical evolution and the laboratory diagnosis of filariasis and other common parasites prevalent in India
312.7Describe the epidemiology, the etio-pathogenesis, evolution, complication of HIV
322.7Opportunistic infections, diagnosis, prevention and the principles of management of HIV
333.1Gastrointestinal infective syndromes
343.1Enumerate the microbial agents causing diarrhea and describe the epidemiology, morphology, pathogenesis, clinical features and diagnostic modalities of these agents-I
353.1Enumerate the microbial agents causing diarrhea and describe the epidemiology, morphology, pathogenesis, clinical features and diagnostic modalities of these agents-II
363.1Enumerate the microbial agents causing dysentery and describe the epidemiology, morphology, pathogenesis, clinical features and diagnostic modalities of these agents-I
373.1Enumerate the microbial agents causing dysentery and describe the epidemiology, morphology, pathogenesis, clinical features and diagnostic modalities of these agents-II
383.1Intestinal nematodes-1
393.1Intestinal nematodes-2
403.3Describe the enteric fever pathogens and discuss the evolution of the clinical course and the laboratory diagnosis of the diseases caused by them
413.5Enumerate the causative agents of food poisoning and discuss the pathogenesis, clinical course and laboratory diagnosis
423.6Describe the etio-pathogenesis of Acid peptic disease (APD) and the clinical course. Discuss the diagnosis and management of causative agents of APD
433.7Describe the epidemiology, the etio-pathogenesis and discuss the viral markers in the evolution of viral hepatitis
443.7Discuss the modalities in the diagnosis and prevention of viral hepatitis
454.1Enumerate the microbial agents causing anaerobic infections, etiopathogenesis and clinical course
464.1Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of Anaerobic infections
474.1, 1.1Gas gangrene, tetanus, Botulism
484.2Describe the etio-pathogenesis, clinical course and lab diagnosis of bone and joint infections
494.3Describe the etio-pathogenesis of infections of skin and soft tissue infections, discuss the clinical course and the laboratory diagnosis
504.3Describe the etio-pathogenesis, clinical course of Viral exanthems and its laboratory diagnosis
514.3Describe the etio-pathogenesis, clinical course of Superficial fungal infections and its laboratory diagnosis
524.3Describe the etio-pathogenesis, clinical course of Sub-cutaneous infections, candidiasis and P marneffei and its lab diagnosis
535.1Etio-pathogenesis, clinical course and discuss the laboratory diagnosis of Meningitis, focal CNS infections and drain infections
545.1Discuss agents, clinical course of pyogenic meningitis, S pneumoniae, H influenzae, N meningitidis, Listeria, S agalactiae and its laboratory diagnosis
555.2Describe the etio-pathogenesis, clinical course and laboratory diagnosis of agents of encephalitis-I (Herpes, Rabies)
565.2Describe the etio-pathogenesis, clinical course and laboratory diagnosis of viral agents of encephalitis – II (Arbovirus, Nipah, Slow virus)
576.1Describe the etio-pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and prevention of URTI-1 (Influenza-like illness, Orthomyxovirus)
586.1Describe the etio-pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and prevention of LRTI (Tuberculosis)
596.1Describe the etio-pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and prevention of LRTI (Non-tuberculosis mycobacteria)
607.1, 7.3Describe the normal commensals of urinary tract, Etiopathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and prevention of infections of genitourinary systems
617.2Describe the etio-pathogenesis, prevention, laboratory diagnosis of Agents of sexually transmitted infections
627.2Agents of vaginal discharge, Candidiasis, T vaginalis, other Bacterial agents of STDs. Recommend preventive measures
637.3Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, the appropriate method for specimen collection and discuss the lab diagnosis of urinary tract infections
648.1 1.1Enumerate the microbial agents and their vectors causing Zoonotic diseases. Describe the morphology, mode of transmission, pathogenesis and discuss the clinical course, laboratory diagnosis and prevention (Rickettsiae)
658.2Describe the etio-pathogenesis of opportunistic infections (OI) and discuss the factors contributing to OI, and laboratory diagnosis of opportunistic infections
668.3Describe the role of Oncogenic viruses in the evolution of virus-associated malignancy
678.4Describe the etiologic agents of emerging and reemerging infections, clinical course and diagnosis
688.5Define healthcare-associated infections. Enumerate the types: HAI, CAUTI, CRBSI, VAP, SSI
698.5Surveillance and prevention including care bundle, Antimicrobial stewardship, rational use of antimicrobial agents
708.16Describe the national health programs in the prevention of common infectious diseases

SGD Sessions

Sr. No. Name of SGD
1Microscopy (1.1)
2Discuss the application of the different methods of sterilization and disinfection in the laboratory, in clinical and surgical practice (1.4)
3Hospital acquired infection (definition, risk factors, hand hygiene, PPE), NSI (MI 8.5, 8.6, 8.7)
4Discuss the appropriate method of collection of samples in the performance of laboratory tests in the detection of microbial agents causing infectious diseases (MI 8.9)
5Identification of bacteria (Conventional methods, Culture media and culture methods (1.1)
6Choose appropriate lab test in diagnosis of infectious diseases (8.13)
7Giardiasis, Intestinal coccidian parasite, microsporidia infection (MI3.1)
8Normal microbial flora of human body (MI 1.1)
9Staphylococcal infections (4.1, 4.3, 8.15)
10Microbial pathogenesis (MI 1.1)
11Intestinal cestode infection- D latum, Taenia, Hymenolepis, Intestinal trematode infection- Fasciolopsisbuski (MI3.1)
12Describe the basics of infection control: Hand hygiene, BMW, Environment hygiene, Use of equipment, respiratory hygiene, cough etiquettes, PEP, spill management, Vaccination (MI. 8.6)
13Infections due to Actinomycetes, Nocardia (MI 4.3, 6.1, 6.3)
14Parasitic infection of respiratory tracts (6.1)
15Parasitic infections of skin, soft tissue, musculoskeletal system: Onchocerca, Loa loa, Mansonella, Dracunculosis, Trichinella, Cutaneous leishmaniasis, cysticercosis, Larva migrans (MI 4.3)
16Identification of bacteria (Automation methods (MI 1.1)
17Describe the methods of antimicrobial susceptibility testing and monitoring of antimicrobial therapy (MI 1.6)
18Etio-pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and prevention of agents of atypical pneumonia (bacterial): Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Legionella and others (MI 6.1)
19List the common microbial agents causing anemia. Describe the morphology, mode of infection, pathogenesis, clinical course, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of microbial agents causing anemia: Hookworm, Trichuris (MI 2.4)
20Describe the methods used and significance of assessing the microbial contamination of food, water, air (MI 8.8)
21Misc bacteria: Bartonella, Ehrlichia (MI 4.3, 6.1)
22Vector borne infections, Lab acquired infections, transfusion transmitted infections, ectoparasitic infestations (MI 1.1)
23Infective syndromes of oral cavity (MI 1.1)
24Shigellosis, Non-typhoidal salmonellosis, diarrhogenic E. coli, Yersiniosis (MI 3.1)
25Agents of UTI: Enterococcus (In detail), Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Streptococcus agalactiae and other agents, BK virus, Schistosoma haematobium, fungal infections (MI 7.3)
26Infective syndromes of ear and nose (MI 1.1)
27Identification of bacteria (Molecular methods, typing and other methods) (MI 1.1)
28Echinococcosis (hydatid disease), Other parasitic infections of liver: Amoebic liver abscess, Fasciola hepatica infection, parasitic infections infecting bile duct: Clonorchis, Opisthorchis (MI 1.1)
29Aseptic meningitis, tubercular, Cryptococcal meningitis and encephalitis (MI 5.3)
30Viral hemorrhagic fevers: KFD, Ebola, Marburg (MI 1.1)
31Infection due to non-fermenters: Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Stenotrophomonas, Burkholderia including Melioidosis (MI 4.3, 6.1, 6.3)
32Infective syndromes of eye, periocular/periorbital infections, eyelid infections, Lacrimal gland infection (Preseptal infection and orbital infections (MI 1.1)
33Agents of aseptic meningitis-2: Other agents, Spirochaetal meningitis and other fungi affecting CNS (MI 5.1)
34Trypanosomiasis, Schistosoma (MI 1.1)
35Brucellosis, Leptospirosis, Borreliosis (MI 8.1)
36Describe the etio-pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and prevention of agents of typical pneumonia: Pneumococcal pneumonia in detail, H influenzae in detail, Bordetella infection in detail (MI 6.1)
37Describe the etio-pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and prevention of infections of upper and lower respiratory tract (URTI -2): Rhinovirus, Adenovirus and infectious mononucleosis (EBV), Viral agents of LRTI: Paramyxovirus infections: Parainfluenzae, RSV, Coronaviruses including SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, COVID-19 (MI 6.1)
38Parasites causing encephalitis: Neurocysticercosis, Toxoplasmosis and others (MI 5.2)
39Bacterial URTI: Diphtheria (in detail), Group A Streptococcus in detail
40Dengue, Chikungunya, Hantaanvirus, Zikavirus (1.1)
41Etio-pathogenesis, lab diagnosis and prevention of fungal agents causing respiratory tract infections: zygomycosis, aspergillosis, Pneumocystosis and other fungal infections (MI 6.1)
42Mycetoma (MI 4.3, 8.15)
43Non-sporing anaerobes (MI 4.1, 4.3, 8.15)
44Systemic mycosis and systemic candidiasis (MI 1.1)
45Microbial agents of bioterrorism (MI 8.4)
46Agents of genital ulcers: LGV, Granuloma inguinale, soft chancre, HSV (MI 7.2)
47Discuss confidentiality pertaining to patient identity in lab results (MI 8.12)
48Interactive session: Pandemic module (2.1)
49SGD followed by plenary: Pandemic module (2.1)
50Exploratory and interactive theory session: Pandemic module (2.3)
51SGA: Students are to interpret and choose different test reports: Pandemic module (2.3)
52Discussion and closure (1): Pandemic module (2.3)
53The foundation of communication-2 (AETCOM) (2.1)
54Focused small group discussion (2.1): AETCOM
55Discussion and closure (2.1): AETCOM

Practicals/DOAP Sessions

Sr. No. Name of Practicals/DOAP
1Microscopy (MI 1.1)
2Choose the most appropriate method of sterilization and disinfection to be used in specific situations in the laboratory, in clinical and surgical practice (MI 1.5) (Integrated with G.S.)
3Hand hygiene, Biomedical waste-1 (MI 8.5, 8.6, 8.7)
4Demonstrate the appropriate method of collection of samples in the performance of laboratory tests in the detection of microbial agents causing infectious diseases (8.10)
5Gram staining-1 (MI 1.2)
6Acid fast staining-1 (MI 1.2, 6.3)
7Stool Microscopy-1 (MI 1.2)
8PPE-1 (MI 8.7)
9Gram staining-2 (MI 1.2)
10Acid Fast staining-2 (MI 1.2)
11Stool Microscopy-2 (MI 1.2)
12Hand hygiene, Biomedical waste-2 (MI 8.7)
13PPE-2 (MI 8.7)
14Ag-Ab reactions (1.8, 8.15)
15Lab diagnosis of fungal infections: KOH mount, Gram stain (Yeast), India ink, LPCB mount (MI 1.1, 1.2)
16Revision Practical
17Identify the microbial agents causing Rheumatic heart disease & Infective endocarditis. CRBSI and Sepsis (MI 2.3, 2.4, 8.15), Blood collection, blood culture, swab collection, ASO interpretation
18Gram staining-3 (MI 1.2)
19Acid Fast staining-3 (MI 1.2)
20Stool microscopy-3 (MI 1.2)
21Hand hygiene, Biomedical waste-3 (MI 8.7)
22PPE-3 (MI 8.7)
23Identify the causative agent of Malaria and Lymphatic Filariasis and Leishmaniasis (MI 2.6, 8.15)
24Throat swab Gram staining (smears made from S. pyogenes and certification) (MI 6.2)
25Identify the common etiologic agents of diarrhea and dysentery (MI 3.2, 8.15), stool routine microscopy, Hanging drop
26Lab diagnosis of UTI (7.3, 8.10, 8.15)
27Gram staining-4 (MI 1.2)
28Acid-fast staining-4 (MI 1.2)
29Stool Microscopy-4 (MI 1.2)
30Tubercular meningitis, Cryptococcal meningitis, Lyme’s disease and Encephalitis (MI 5.3)
31Appropriate Laboratory test in the diagnosis of Viral hepatitis with emphasis on viral markers (3.8)
32Identify the microbial agents of pyogenic meningitis (MI 5.3, 8.15)
33Gram Staining-5 (MI 1.2)
34Acid fast staining-5 (MI 1.2)
35Stool microscopy-5 (MI 1.2)
36Identify the different modalities for diagnosis of enteric fever, Brucellosis, and Borreliosis. Choose the appropriate test related to the duration of illness: Widal test, Blood culture, Stool culture, Clot culture (MI 3.4, 8.15)
37LRTI Sputum Gram and ZN staining-1 (smears made from S. pneumoniae and certification) (MI 6.3)
38Lab diagnosis of COVID and Influenza (MI 6.2, 6.3)
39Lab diagnosis of viral infections: Microscopy, Cultivations, serology, molecular tests (MI 1.1)
40Revision Practical
41Throat swab Gram staining-2 (smears made from C. diphtheriae and certification) (MI 6.2)
42HIV and Dengue (2.7, 8.15)
43LRTI Sputum Gram and ZN staining-3 (smears made from H. influenzae and certification) (MI 6.3)
44Lab diagnosis of STI (7.1, 7.2, 8.10, 8.15)
45LRTI Sputum Gram and ZN staining-2 (smears made from Klebsiella and certification) (MI 6.3)
46Throat swab Gram staining (smears made from Candida) and certification (MI 6.2)
47Vaccine (1.9)
48Demonstrate respect for patient samples sent for laboratory investigations (MI 8.11)
49Confidentiality pertaining to patient identity in lab results (MI 8.14/AETCOM)
50Visit to isolation ward in the hospital (1 hour) Pandemic module (2.1)
51Debriefing and feedback Pandemic module (2.1)
52Sample collection demo and hands-on in skill lab Pandemic module (2.3)
53Visit to lab with demo of diagnostic test Pandemic module (2.3)
54Skill lab session (2.1) AETCOM
55Revision Practical

SDL Sessions

Sl No. Faculty Competency Topic
1SK1.1Physiology of bacteria
3SZM8.5, 8.6Biomedical waste
5CRV3.1Viral Gastro-enteritis
6NSG4.3Streptococcal infections pertaining to SSTI, Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis)
8RNM5.1Aseptic meningitis (Polio, Coxsackie, Mumps, Diphtheria)
9RAP7.1, 7.2Sexually transmitted infections (In brief), Infections of the female reproductive organs, Agents of urethritis
10SK8.1Congenital infections and TORCH

Journal Clubs

Sr. No. Name of Journal Year/Vol/Issue/Pg Nos Title of Paper P.G. Student Guide Date
1Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil VidyapeethMarch 2022 Vol-16 Page-687A 5-Year Retrospective Study of Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Various Clinical Sample at tertiary Care HospitalMs. Anshika AhujaDr Prachi Athavale13/01/2024
2Lab PhysiciansJuly 2021 Vol-13 Page-374Evaluation of the performance of Direct Susceptibility Test by VITEK 2 from Positively flagged Blood Culture Broth for Gram-Negative BacilliDr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Preethy Edavaloth20/01/2024
3Lancet Infectious Disease2022 Volume: 23 Page: 167-176Risk of reinfection, vaccine protection, and severity of infection with the BA.5 omicron subvariant: a nation-wide population-based study in DenmarkDr. Sriram KannuriDr. R. A. Patil21/01/2023
4Indian Journal of Medical MicrobiologyVol.42, March-April 2023, 25-29A Study on Candiduria in neonates and infants from a tertiary care centre, North IndiaDr. Shital AlguleDr. R. A. Patil11/02/2023
5Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology evaluation of serological tests used for the diagnosis of rickettsial diseases prevalent in the temperate region of North IndiaDr. Shital AlguleDr. Sameena Khan03/03/2023
6Pathogens Global HealthVolume: 115 Issue: 4 (page no 267-272)Comparison of polymerase chain reaction, microscopy, and rapid diagnostic test in malaria detection in a high burden state (Odisha) of IndiaDr. Heer ShahDr. Jyoti Ajagunde17/03/2023
7Gut Pathogens11 Article number: 21 (2019)High primary resistance to metronidazole and levofloxacin and a moderate resistance to clarithromycin in Helicobacter pylori isolated from Karnataka patientsDr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Prachi Athavale28/03/2023
8AntibioticsYear: 2022 Volume 11, Issue 11, Pages 1570Macrolide Resistance in Bordetella pertussis: Current Situation and Future ChallengesDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Sameena Khan08/04/2023
9Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection ControlYear: 2023 Vol 12, Issue 42 pp. 889-894The danger of the toxicity and inefficacy of alcohol-based hand rubs in Iran during COVID-19: a cross-sectional studyDr. Heer ShahDr. Jyoti Ajagunde28/04/2023
10Tropical ParasitologyYear: Jul–Dec 2022 Vol 12(2) Page: 69-77Host-parasite interactions in infections due to Entamoeba histolytica: A tale of known and unknownDr. Heer ShahDr. Prachi Athavale10/05/2023
11The LANCET Infectious DiseasesYear: March 2022, Volume 22, Issue 3 Pages 349-356Effectiveness of an inactivated virus-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, BBV152, in India: a test-negative, case-control studyDr. Lekshmi RDr. Jyoti Ajagunde20/05/2023
122023 Patel et al. Cureus15(4): e37761 DOI 10.7759/cureus.37761Assessment of the Diagnostic Utility of GeneXpert Mycobacterium tuberculosis/Rifampicin (MTB/RIF) Assay in the Suspected Cases of Tuberculous MeningitisDr. Lekshmi R.Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde10/06/2023
13Vaccine ResearchVacRes, Year: 2019 Vol. 6, No.2, Page no - 42-46A Community Based Cohort Study on Usefulness of Leishmanin Skin Test in Detection of Immunoreactivity Against Leishmania donovani Infection in an Endemic Area of Kala-Azar, Bihar, IndiaDr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Prachi Athavale22/06/2023
14Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology40 (2022) 35–45Treatment of MRSA infections in India: Clinical insights from a Delphi analysisDr. Lekshmi RDr. Prachi Athavale15/07/2023
15Transpl Infect Dis2023;25:e14070.1-13Epidemiology, management, and burden of cytomegalovirus in solid organ transplant recipients in selected countries outside of Europe and North America: A systematic reviewDr. Lekshmi RDr. Preethy Edavaloth22/08/2023
16Journal of Fungi2022, 8, 757Trichophyton indotineae – An emerging pathogen causing Recalcitrant dermatophytoses in India worldwide - A Multidimensional PerspectiveDr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Preethy Edavaloth12/09/2023
17Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance2023; 14(1).1-9A prospective study evaluating the effect of a “Diagnostic Stewardship Care-Bundle” for automated blood culture diagnosticsDr. Shital AlguleDr. Shahzad Mirza14/10/2023
18Indian Journal of Pathology and MicrobiologyYear: Jun-2022 Vol 64(4) Page: 314Phaeohyphomycosis: A study from tertiary health care center in North IndiaDr. Heer ShahDr. Rajashri Patil12/12/2023
19European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infection Disease2020, Vol. 39, Page 281–286Ventilator associated pneumonia diagnosis: a prioritization exercise based on multi-criteria decisionDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. N. K. Das01/01/2022
20Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology2016, Vol. 34, Page 275-85The changing face of community acquired Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureusDr. Sriram KannuriDr. R. A. Patil05/02/2022
21Journal of Medical Microbiology2020, Vol. 38, Page 362-70The impact of antimicrobial stewardship program on regulate the policy adherence and antimicrobial usage in selected intensive care unit in tertiary care center: A prospective interventional studyDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Shahzad Mirza18/02/2022
22Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology2019, Vol. 37, Page 337-44Geographically distinct North-East Indian Helicobacter pylori strains are highly sensitive to clarithromycin but are levofloxacin resistantDr. Sriram KannuriDr. C.R. Vyawhare05/03/2022
23Indian Journal of Medical Research2019, Vol. 149(6), Page 771-777Differential susceptibility & replication potential of Vero E6, BHK-21, RD, A-549, C6/36 cells & Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to three strains of chikungunya virusDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. N.K. Das30/03/2022
24Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology2018, Vol. 36, Page 61-64Histoplasmosis in non-endemic North Western part of IndiaDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. C.R. Vyawhare09/04/2022
25Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology2019, Vol. 37, Page 318-25Protocol for developing a surveillance system for surgical site infectionDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. R. A. Patil30/04/2022
26European Journal of Clinical Microbiology2020, Volume: 39, Page: 1021-126Searching therapeutic strategy of new coronavirus pneumonia from angiotensin-converting enzyme 2: the target of COVID-19 and SARS CoVDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Shahzad Mirza07/05/2022
27ASM: mSystems2021, Volume: 6, E00964-21Baseline gut metagenomic functional gene signature associated with variable weight loss responses following a health lifestyle intervention in humansDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. N. K. Das21/05/2022
28American Journal of Infection Control2020, Volume: 48, Page: 68-76Moving beyond hand hygiene monitoring as a marker of infection prevention performance: development of tailored infection control continuous improvement toolDr. Sriram KannuriDr. N. R. Gandham18/06/2022
29Indian Journal of Dermatology2022, Volume: 67, Page 121-126Evaluating the effect of supplementation with Bacillus clausii on therapeutic outcomes in atopic eczema- Results of an observer blinded parallel group randomized controlled studyDr. Sriram KannuriDr. N. K. Das09/07/2022
30Journal of Clinical Microbiology2018, Volume: 56, Page 1417-1419The complexities of Nocardia taxonomy and identificationDr. Lekshmi RDr. C. R Vyawahare23/07/2022
31PLOS One2018, Volume: 13(12), Page: e0208458 (1-11)Bacterial infections among patients with psychiatric disorders: Relation with hospital stay, age, and psychiatric diagnosesDr. Shital AlguleDr. N. K. Das06/08/2022
32BMJ Global Health2019, Volume: 4, Page: e001114 (1-10)Diagnostic tests for Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever: a widespread tick-borne diseaseDr. Sriram KannuriDr. Shahzad Mirza20/08/2022
33Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology2020, Volume: 38, Page: 397-400Use of foldoscope as an effective tool for detection of biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosaDr. Heer ShahDr. Shahzad Mirza10/09/2022
34Clinical Microbiology and Infection2016, Volume: 22, Page: 12-21Emerging bacterial pathogens: the past and beyondDr. Shital AlguleDr. Chanda Vyawahare24/09/2022
35PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases2022, Volume: 16 (6), Page: e0010514Detecting the impact of temperature on transmission of Zika, dengue, and chikungunya using mechanistic modelsDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Shahzad Mirza15/10/2022
36Journal of Infection2020, Volume: 80, Page: 623-629Microbial aetiology of brain abscess in a UK cohort: Prominent role of Streptococcus intermediusDr. Lekshmi RDr. Chanda Vyawahare29/10/2022
37Iranian J of Med. Micro2020, Volume: 14 (3), Page: 183-197Optimization of Chitosan Production from Iranian Medicinal Fungus Trametes Versicolor by Taguchi Method and Evaluation of Antibacterial PropertiesDr. Sriram KannuriDr. R. A. Patil12/11/2022
38Nature2018, Volume: 88, Page: 6244Difference in virulence and composition of a cariogenic biofilm according to substratum directionDr. Shital AlguleDr. Shahzad Mirza26/11/2022
39European J of Microbiology and Immunology2020, Volume: 10 (4), Page: 210-216Comparison of two commercial and one in-house real-time PCR assays for the diagnosis of bacterial gastroenteritisDr. Heer ShahDr. Shahzad Mirza03/12/2022
40Indian Journal of Medical Research2020, Volume: 152(6), Page: 656-661Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of Burkholderia cepacia complex & Stenotrophomonas maltophilia from North India: Trend over a decade (2007-2016)Dr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. R. A. Patil17/12/2022
41Plos Biology2015, 7(3), 1-23Biofilm Formation as a response to ecological competitionDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. N. K. Das10/07/2021
42Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf2008, April 34(4), 228-243A practical, robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM) for Integrating Research Findings into PracticeDr. Sriram KannuriDr. N. K. Das24/07/2021
43Indian Journal of Medical Research2019, 150, August, 194-198Detection of heterogenous Vancomycin intermediate staphylococcus aureus – A preliminary report from South IndiaDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Sameena13/08/2021
44Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology2020, 38(1), January – March 2020Colistin susceptibility testing of gram negative bacilli: Better performance of Vitek-2 System than E-test compared to broth microdilution method as the gold Standard testDr. Sriram KannuriDr. N. R. Gandham28/08/2021
45Indian Journal of Medical Research2020, May, 152: 88-94Pooled testing for Covid-19 diagnosis by real-time RT-PCR: A multi-site comparative evaluation of 5 & 10 sample poolingDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. N. K. Das11/09/2021
46European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease2021, AugustLow risk of reinfections and relation with serological response after recovery from the first wave of COVID-19Dr. Shalini BhaumikDr. C. R. Vyawahare25/09/2021
47Journal of Scientific Reports2019, Volume 9, Page 1-8Higher abundance of Enterovirus A species in the gut of children with islet autoimmunizationDr. Sriram KannuriDr. R. A. Patil09/10/2021
48Journal of Clinical Microbiology2019, Volume 57, Issue 3, Page 1797-18Evaluation of ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin disk diffusion and E-test using the 2019 Enterobacteriaceae CLSI breakpointDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. C. R. Vyawahare23/10/2021



2024 Seminars
Sr. No. Topic Speaker Faculty I/c Date
1 Seminar – Sterilization and Disinfection Ms. Jinal Jadhav Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde 02/01/2024
2 Seminar - Cultivation and isolation of anaerobic bacteria of clinical significance Dr. Heer Shah Dr. Sameena Khan 16/01/2024


2023 Seminars
Sr. No. Topic Speaker Faculty I/c Date
1 Viral Hemorrhagic fever Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Dr. N. R. Gandham 12/10/2022
2 Neglected fungal pathogens Dr. Lekshmi R Dr. C.R. Vyawahare 16/11/2022
3 Pox Virus Dr. Heer Shah Dr. N. R. Gandham 30/11/2023
4 Picorna virus Dr. Shalini Bhaumik Dr. C. R. Vyawahare 28/12/2022
5 Emerging coccidian pathogen Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Dr. N. R. Gandham 18/01/2023
6 Rhabdovirus Dr. Heer Shah Dr. Shahzad Mirza 15/02/2023
7 Opportunistic infections in HIV parasitic and fungal Dr. Shalini Bhaumik Dr. R. A. Patil 15/03/2023
8 Major Histocompatibility Complex Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Dr. C. R. Vyawahare 24/03/2023
9 Different methods of detection of ESBL Dr. Shital Algule Dr. Shahzad Mirza 17/04/2023
10 Microbiological perspective in common skin rashes Dr. Shalini Bhaumik Dr. C. R. Vyawahare 21/04/2023
11 Human Leptospirosis Dr. Heer Shah Dr. Rajashri Patil 26/04/2023
12 Seminar: Biochemical Reaction -1 Dr. Sundip Mukherjee Dr. Sameena Khan 23/05/2023
13 Seminar: Biochemical Reaction-2 Dr. Sundip Mukherjee Dr. Sameena Khan 25/05/2023
14 Practical Seminar: Streaking Methods and Biochemical reaction Dr. Heer Shah Dr. C R Vyawahare 26/05/2023
15 Autoimmunity Dr. Heer Shah Dr. Rajashri Patil 13/06/2023
16 Infective endocarditis Dr. Lekshmi R Dr. Shahzad Mirza 27/06/2023
17 MGIT Dr. Sundip Mukherjee Dr. Shahzad Mirza 11/07/2023
18 Dermatophytes Dr. Heer Shah Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde 25/07/2023
19 Culture Media Anshika Ahuja Dr. Sameena Khan 08/08/2023
20 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Dr. Shital Algule Dr. Rajashri Patil 29/08/2023
21 Rabies Dr. Lekshmi R Dr. Sameena Khan 26/09/2023
22 Culture Media Anshika Ahuja Mr. Amitesh Datta 10/10/2023
23 Culture Methods Isha Sangtani Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde 17/10/2023
24 Malarial Vaccines Dr. Sundip Mukherjee Dr. N. R. Gandham 31/10/2023
25 Vancomycin resistant Enterococci Dr. Heer Shah Dr. Preethy Edavaloth 21/11/2023
26 Diphtheria Vishal Pawar Dr. Sameena Khan 28/11/2023
27 Seminar: Slide Seminar Dr. Shital Algule Dr. Prachi Athvale 05/12/2023
28 Seminar: Recent Advances in the Lab Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Dr. Lekshmi R Dr. Sameena Khan 19/12/2023


2022 Seminars
Sr. No. Topic Speaker Faculty I/c Date
1 Lymphadenitis Dr. Sriram Kannuri Dr. R. A. Patil 05-01-2022
2 HIV Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Dr. Shahzad Mirza 29-01-2022
3 Hepatitis Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Dr. Shahzad Mirza 09-02-2022
4 CLBSI Dr. Sriram Kannuri Dr. C. R. Vyawahare 23-02-2022
5 Microscopy Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Dr. Shahzad Mirza 16-03-2022
6 Sterilization Methods Dr. Shalini Bhaumik Dr. N.K. Das 30-03-2022
7 Hand hygiene and BMW/ General Mycology and Overview of Fungal infections-II (1.1 ) Dr. Shital Alagule Dr. N. R. Gandham 13-04-2022
8 Staining Techniques Dr. Lekshmi R Dr. N. K. Das 27-04-2022
9 Roles of Animal In Microbiology Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Dr. Sameena Khan 11-05-2022
10 Sterilization And Disinfection Dr. Shital Alagule Dr. Rajashri Patil 25-05-2022
11 Mycetoma Dr. Lekshmi R Dr. Shahzad Mirza 10-06-2022
12 CLSI guidelines and Newer Amendments Dr. Lekshmi R Dr. N.K. Das 10-06-2022
13 Neisseria Dr. Heer Shah Dr. Shahzad Mirza 13-07-2022
14 Bacterial Oncology disease Dr. Shalini Bhaumik Dr. Rajashri Patil 10-08-2022
15 Enteric fever Dr. Lekshmi R Dr. C.R. Vyawahare 24-08-2022
16 Emerging Bacterial infection Dr. Sriram Kannuri Dr. Rajashri Patil 14-09-2022
17 Meningitis Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Dr. N.K. Das 28-09-2022


2021 Seminars
Sr. No. Topic Speaker Faculty I/c Date
1 Syphilis: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Lab Diagnosis Dr. Shalini Bhaumik Dr. Chanda Vyawahare 07/07/2021
2 Transfusion Transmitted infections Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Dr. N. R. Gandham 28/07/2021
3 CSSD Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Dr. Shahzad Mirza 04/08/2021
4 Intestinal Protozoa and Parasites Dr. Sriram Kannuri Dr. Chanda Vyawahare 18/08/2021
5 Quality Control Dr. Shalini Bhaumik Dr. R. A. Patil 01/09/2021
6 Cytokines Dr. Sriram Kannuri Dr. N. R. Gandham 22/09/2021
7 Pyogenic meningitis Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Dr. N. R. Gandham 06/10/2021
8 Viral Encephalitis and Viral Meningitis Dr. Sriram Kannuri Dr. N. K. Das 20/10/2021

PG Lectures

P. G. Lectures
Sr.No. Date Topic Faculty Name
1 05/01/18 Role of MRSA in hospital acquired infections Dr. R.N. Misra
2 12/01/18 Role of Automated system in diagnosis Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
3 19/01/18 Dermatophytes Dr. K.M. Angadi
4 25/01/18 Role of Molecular methods in diagnosis Dr. S.V. Jadhav
5 02/02/18 Malaria Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
6 09/02/18 Anti-viral drugs Dr. R.N. Misra
7 16/02/18 Immunology of transplantation Dr. D.P. Pandit
8 01/03/18 Dimorphic Fungi Dr. S.V. Jadhav
9 09/03/18 Hepa filters Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
10 16/03/18 RNTCP/PMDT guidelines for treatment of TB (MDR/XDR) Dr. R.N. Misra
11 23/03/18 Autoimmune diseases Dr. N.R. Gandham
12 04/04/18 Surgical site infections Dr. K.M. Angadi
13 13/04/18 Sepsis syndrome Dr. S.V. Jadhav
14 20/04/18 Guest Lecture - Microbiome: The world within a body Dr. Vijay Nema
15 26/04/18 Non-fermenters Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
16 11/05/18 Rapid and Molecular diagnosis of MTB, MDR-TB, XDR-TB Dr. S.V. Jadhav
17 18/05/18 Leprosy Dr. R.N. Misra
18 01/06/18 Opportunistic fungal infections Dr. K.M. Angadi
19 08/06/18 E.coli Dr. S.V. Jadhav
20 15/06/18 Shigella Dr. N.R. Gandham
21 22/06/18 Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
22 06/07/18 Lab diagnosis of SSI Dr. K.M. Angadi
23 13/07/18 Lab diagnosis of meningitis Dr. N.R. Gandham
24 20/07/18 Laboratory diagnosis of Blood Stream infections Dr. S.V. Jadhav
25 27/07/18 Lab diagnosis of Respiratory tract infections Dr. R.N. Misra
26 03/08/18 Biomedical waste management Dr. R.N. Misra
27 24/08/18 Autoimmune diseases Dr. R.N. Misra
28 03/09/18 Typing methods of M.tuberculosis Dr. Savita Jadhav
29 10/09/18 Bacteriology of water, milk and air Dr. Neetu Gupta
30 17/09/18 Legionella Dr. Shahzad Mirza
31 24/09/18 Histocompatibility systems Dr. Nikunja Das
32 29/10/18 Actinomycetes Dr. K.M. Angadi
33 05/11/18 Slow virus infection and prions Dr. R.N. Misra
34 12/11/18 Lab diagnosis of virus infections Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
35 19/11/18 ESBL Producers Dr. Neetu Gupta
36 26/11/18 Helicobacter pylori Dr. S.V. Jadhav
37 24/12/18 Antimicrobial susceptibility testing Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
38 04/01/19 Diagnostic Mycobacteriology Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
39 11/01/19 Diagnostic Mycology Dr. K.M. Angadi
40 18/01/19 Diagnostic Virology Dr. R.N. Misra
41 25/01/19 Diagnostic Parasitology Dr. N.R. Gandham
42 17/07/20 Biochemical Reactions Dr. R.N. Misra
43 21/08/20 Specimen Collection Dr. R.N. Misra
44 24/09/20 Nosocomial Infections Dr. R.N. Misra
45 02/11/20 Mycology: Basic Introduction including Sample collection, Culture Media, LPCB, basic morphology wise differentiation Dr. R.A. Patil
46 05/11/20 Salmonella Dr. N.K. Das
47 26/11/20 NTM Dr. Sameena Khan
48 04/12/20 Diphtherias Dr. Nikunja Das
49 11/12/20 Mycobacteria Dr. N.R. Gandham
50 24/12/20 Gram Positive Cocci Dr. C.R. Vyawahare
5107/01/2021StrongyloidiasisDr. R.N. Misra
5214/01/2021Basic Mycology TechniquesDr. Rajashri Patil
5321/01/2021Humoral Immune responseDr. N.R. Gandham
5428/01/2021Culture MethodDr. Nikunja Das
5504/02/2021Fungal KeratitisDr. N.R. Gandham
5611/02/2021Rapid Diagnostic MethodsDr. R.N. Misra
5718/02/2021- HICDr. Shahzad Mirza
5825/02/2021ABSTDr. Chanda Vyawahare
5904/03/2021Anaerobic InfectionsDr. N.R. Gandham
6018/03/2021Data management in researchDr. Neetu Gupta
6125/03/2021Antibiotic StewardshipDr. R.N. Misra
6208/04/2021BioterrorismDr. Neetu Gupta
6315/04/2021CandidiasisDr. C.R. Vyawahare
6422/04/2021- LeprosyDr. N. K. Das
6529/04/2021TrichomonadsDr. Sameena Khan
6606/05/2021Immuno deficiencyDr. R.N. Misra
6720/05/2021Transplant ImmunologyDr. N. K. Das
6827/05/2021Cellular ImmunityDr. R.N. Misra
6903/06/2021- Investigation in COVID-19Dr. R.N. Misra
7010/06/2021Investigation in Fungal infectionDr. N.R. Gandham
7117/06/2021Investigation in Mycobacterial diseasesDr. Chanda Vyawahare
7224/06/2021Investigation in Parasitic diseasesDr. Neetu Gupta
7301/07/2021Atypical MycobacteriaDr. C. R. Vyawahare
7408/07/2021BrucellosisDr. N. R. Gandham
7515/07/2021HACEK group of organismsDr. C. R. Vyawahare
7622/07/2021ESKAPE pathogensDr. N. R. Gandham
7729/07/2021Helicobacter pyloriDr. C. R. Vyawahare
7805/08/2021Non-Agglutinable VibrioDr. N. R. Gandham
7912/08/2021Non-typhoidal SalmonellaDr. N. K. Das
8026/08/2021Strains in BacteriologyDr. R. A. Patil
8102/09/2021CorynebacteriumDr. C. R. Vyawahare
8209/09/2021Dimorphic FungiDr. R. A. Patil
8316/09/2021PoliovirusDr. N. R. Gandham
8423/09/2021ChlamydiaeDr. C. R. Vyawahare
8530/09/2021SpirochetesDr. N. K. Das
8607/10/2021The Selective Media for Specific organismDr. N. K. Das
8714/10/2021Single Amplification MethodDr. N. R. Gandham
8821/10/2021Blood and Tissue HelminthesDr. C. R. Vyawahare
8928/10/2021LegionellaDr. R. A. Patil
9004/01/2022Parvo virusDr. N. R. Gandham
9110/01/2022LeishmaniasisDr. C. R. Vyawahare
9203/02/2022GonorrheaDr. N. R. Gandham
9310/02/2022RickettsiaDr. N. K. Das
9417/02/2022PlagueDr. C. R. Vyawahare
9524/02/2022AMR development against newer antibioticsDr. R. A. Patil
9603/03/2022Introduction of MicrobiologyDr. N. R. Gandham
9710/03/2022Introduction of BacteriologyDr. N. K. Das
9817/03/2022Introduction of MycologyDr. R. A. Patil
9924/03/2022Introduction of MycobacteriologyDr. C. R. Vyawahare
10031/03/2022Introduction of ImmunologyDr. Shahzad Mirza
10107/04/2022ImmunityDr. N. K. Das
10221/04/2022General introduction of ParasitologyDr. R. A. Patil
10328/04/2022Drug resistance mechanismDr. Shahzad Mirza
10405/05/2022ComplementsDr. C. R. Vyawahare
10512/05/2022Basal Vaccines and universal immunization scheduleDr. N. R. Gandham
10619/05/2022Autoimmunity and Infectious diseaseDr. Shahzad Mirza
10726/05/2022Immunological mechanism of transplantation and tumor MarkersDr. N. K. Das
10809/06/2022Bacterial metabolismDr. R. A. Patil
10916/06/2022Rheumatic Heart DiseaseDr. Shahzad Mirza
11023/06/2022Infective EndocarditisDr. C. R. Vyawahare
11107/07/2022MalariaDr. R. A. Patil
11214/07/2022FilariasisDr. C. R. Vyawahare
11321/07/2022LeishmaniasisDr. N. R. Gandham
11404/08/2022Epstein Barr VirusDr. C. R. Vyawahare
11511/08/2022CestodesDr. N. K. Das
11618/08/2022InfluenzaDr. N. R. Gandham
11725/08/2022TrematodeDr. R. A. Patil
11801/09/2022Superficial fungal infectionsDr. N. K. Das
11908/09/2022Bone and joint infectionsDr. C. R. Vyawahare
12015/09/2022Viral exanthemsDr. N.R. Gandham
12129/09/2022Vector Borne InfectionDr. R. A. Patil
12206/10/2022DiphtheriaDr. N. R. Gandham
12313/10/2022BactiuriaDr. C. R. Vyawahare
12420/10/2022Oral ThrushDr. R. A. Patil
12527/10/2022Bio safety managementDr. N. K. Das
12603/11/2022National Health ProgramDr. N. K. Das
12710/11/2022HAIDr. Shahzad Mirza
12817/11/2022BioterrorismDr. N. R. Gandham
12924/11/2022Emerging and reemerging infectionDr. C. R. Vyawahare
13001/12/2022Emerging Viral InfectionDr. C. R. Vyawahare
13122/12/2022Zoonotic diseaseDr. N. R. Gandham
13229/12/2022Bio safetyDr. N. K. Das
13305/01/2023Viral CultureDr. C. R. Vyawahare
13412/01/2023Parasitic culture mediaDr. R. A. Patil
13519/01/2023DisinfectantsDr. Shahzad Mirza
13609/02/2023MycoplasmaDr. N. R. Gandham
13716/02/2023Systemic Fungal InfectionDr. R. A. Patil
13823/02/2023Diarrhea and Food PoisoningDr. C. R. Vyawahare
13902/03/2023Superficial MycosisDr. R. A. Patil
14009/03/2023Lecture: Rodent born viral infectionsDr. C. R. Vyawahare
14116/03/2023Immunology of transplantationDr. Sameena Khan
14223/03/2023Lecture: Viral host interaction: viral infectionsDr. Shahzad Mirza
14311/04/2023Lecture: Intestinal Cestode infectionsDr. Prachi Athavale
14420/04/2023Lecture: Bacterial pharyngitisDr. Shahzad Mirza
14527/04/2023Lecture: Viral encephalitisDr. Shahzad Mirza
14604/05/2023Lecture: CRBSIDr. C. R. Vyawahare
14711/05/2023Lecture: Bacterial MetabolismDr. N. R. Gandham
14818/05/2023Lecture: AntibiogramDr. Shahzad Mirza
14905/06/2023Streptococcus pneumoniaeDr. C. R. Vyawahare
15012/06/2023PG Lecture: Approach to diarrheal caseDr. C. R. Vyawahare
15119/06/2023PG Lecture: Tumor antigensDr. Shahzad Mirza
15224/06/2023PG Lecture: Emerging and re-emerging viral infection-IDr. Rajashri Patil
15326/06/2023PG Lecture: Emerging and re-emerging viral infections-IIDr. Rajashri Patil
15410/07/2023Non-Agglutinable VibrioDr. Sameena Khan
15524/07/2023Non-gonococcal UrethritisDr. N. R. Gandham
15631/07/2023Bacterial toxinDr. Shahzad Mirza
15701/08/2023ImmunoprophylaxisDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
15807/08/2023Non-sporing anaerobesDr. Preethy Edavaloth
15921/08/2023Rodent born viral infectionsDr. Prachi Athavale
16028/08/2023Laboratory Control of Antimicrobial TherapyDr. N. R. Gandham
16104/09/2023PG Lecture: Emerging and re-emerging diseasesDr. Rajashri Patil
16211/09/2023PG Lecture: Newer modalities for diagnosis tuberculosisDr. Chanda Vyawahare
16318/09/2023PG Lecture: Antimicrobial StewardshipDr. Shahzad Mirza
16425/09/2023PG Lecture: Rickettsial infections and laboratory diagnosisDr. N. R. Gandham
16509/10/2023PG Lecture: FilariasisDr. Prachi Athavale
16616/10/2023PG Lecture: CestodesDr. C. R. Vyawahare
16723/10/2023PG Lecture: VDRL testDr. Sameena Khan
16830/10/2023PG Lecture: Complement pathwayDr. Rajashri Patil
16906/11/2023PG Lecture: Sterilization methodsDr. Shahzad Mirza
17020/11/2023PG Lecture: Cell mediated immunityDr. N. R. Gandham
17104/12/2023PG Lecture: Antimicrobial resistance development in Staphylococcus aureusDr. Rajashri Patil
17211/12/2023PG Lecture: EnterovirusDr. N. R. Gandham
17318/12/2023PG Lecture: Polio virus
17401/01/2024PG Lecture: Calculation of BMQDr. Shahzad Mirza
17508/01/2024PG Lecture: Free living amoebaDr. N. R. Gandham
17615/01/2024PG Lecture: LPADr. C. R. Vyawahare
17722/01/2024PG Lecture: Viral Hemorrhagic feverDr. Rajashri Patil

Case Presentations
Sr. No. Date Topics Case Name of PG Students Name of Guide
103/01/18Diabetic FootA case Diabetic foot & Candida infectionDr. PrachiDr. K. M. Angadi
210/01/18CandidemiaCandidemia in a case of craniotomyDr. IznaDr. K. M. Angadi
317/01/18MeningitisEnterococcus Gellinarum Isolated CSF Sample From 3 Year Old Male Baby admitted in NICU. The strain was sensitive to linezolid confirmed by vitekDr. SopiaDr. N. R. Gandham
424/01/18GonorrheaA case of GonorrhoeaDr. PrachiDr. R. N. Misra
531/01/18Exra-pulmonary tuberculosisAcid fast bacilli seen from pus sample which is obtained from cervical lymph nodes from 22 year/m patients on AKT since last 8 months.Dr. IznaDr. N. R. Gandham
607/02/18KeratitisKeratitis by B. cereusDr. PrachiDr. N. R. Gandham
714/02/18DermatophytosisCases, Growth cultural characteristics, microconidia and diagnostic featureDr. IznaDr. K. M. Angadi
828/02/18NocardiosisCase series of nocardiosisDr. IznaDr. K. M. Angadi
907/03/18URTICase series of URTI, caused by Moraxella catarrhalis an emerging pathogenDr. PrachiDr. N. R. Gandham
1014/03/18SepticemiaCase series of bacterial septicemia, case by Stenotrophomonas maltophilaDr. IznaDr. K. M. Angadi
1121/03/18KeratitisKeratitis due to PaecilomycesDr. PrachiDr. N. R. Gandham
1228/03/18MeningitisA case of meningitis, caused by Streptococcus pneumoniaeDr. IznaDr. K. M. Angadi
1304/04/18Pott’s spineA case of Pott’s spine with right empyema caused by Candida rugosa from pleural fluidDr. PrachiDr. N. R. Gandham
1411/04/18Diabetic footA case of diabetic foot caused by Trichosporon spp.Dr. IznaDr. K. M. Angadi
1518/04/18Infected FootV.R.E in pusDr. PrachiDr. N. R. Gandham
1625/04/18Wound InfectionC-striatum – wound infectionDr. IznaDr. K. M. Angadi
1702/05/18BacteremiaGp. D streptococcal bacteremiaDr. PrachiDr. N. R. Gandham
1809/05/18OnychomycosisOnychomycosis by Scopulariopsis brevicaulisDr. IznaDr. K. M. Angadi
1916/05/18Otitis mediaOtitis media caused by P. aeruginosaDr. PrachiDr. R. N. Misra
2030/05/18UTIUTI Caused by Enterococcus speciesDr. IznaDr. K. M. Angadi
2106/06/18Mycology diagnostic methodsA case of Trichophyton schoenleiniiDr. PrachiDr. Prachi
2213/06/18DysenteryShigella dysentery from pediatric wardDr. IznaDr. N. R. Gandham
2320/06/18CandidemiaA case of Candidemia in a patient on central Venous catheterDr. PrachiDr. R. N. Misra
2427/06/18UTIA case of candiduria (Pt-Iribhuvoundan)Dr. IznaDr. K. M. Angadi
2504/07/18UTIUTI caused by P. aeruginosaDr. IznaDr. N. R. Gandham
2611/07/18CABSICABSI caused by S. epidermidisDr. PrachiDr. Savita Jadhav
2718/07/18Infective EndocarditisInfective Endocarditis caused by MRSADr. IznaDr. K. M. Angadi
2825/07/18VAPP. aeruginosa causing VAPDr. PrachiDr. R. N. Misra
2901/08/18BacteraemiaCatalase Negative GPC BacteremiaDr. IznaDr. N. R. Gandham
3008/08/18DermatophytosesT. Capitis caused by AudouiniliDr. PrachiDr. K. M. Angadi
3129/08/18SSIPost LSCS infection caused by S. epidermidisDr. IznaDr. R. N. Misra
3211/09/18Bile for culture sensitivityKnown case of Cholelithiasis 45 yr old female from surgery ward organism isolatedDr. IznaDr. N. R. Gandham
3326/09/18Pus for culture sensitivityRTA with fracture radius with soft tissue defect 32 yr old male from surgery ward organism isolated 1) K. pneumoniae ESBL Produces 2) P. mirabilisDr. PrachiDr. N. R. Gandham
3403/10/18Hospital acquired infectionMultidrug resistance Citrobacter freundii isolated from pus sample collected from necrotizing fasciitis lesionDr. PrachiDr. N. R. Gandham
3524/10/18Antibiotics resistanceCarbapenemase producer Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from pleural fluid from known case of community-acquired pneumoniaDr. PrachiDr. N. R. Gandham
3614/11/18DiarrhoeaDiarrhoea caused by E. coliDr. PrachiDr. Savita Jadhav
3728/11/18CAUTICAUTI caused by P. aeruginosaDr. IznaDr. Neetu Gupta
3826/12/18SepticaemiaSepsis due to P. aeruginosaDr. IznaDr. R. N. Misra
3909/01/19SepticaemiaMultidrug resistant Acinetobacter species and Candida albicans isolated from blood culture sample of 80 years old female patientDr. PrachiDr. N. R. Gandham
4016/01/19UTICandida albicans isolated from urine of 30 years old patientDr. IznaDr. K. M. Angadi
4123/01/19CLABSIMulti-drug resistant Citrobacter freundii isolated from blood culture of 35 year male patient K/C/O CKDDr. PrachiDr. N. R. Gandham
4230/01/19Catheter-associated infectionsCandida albicans from urine (urinary catheter), blood, and central line of 30 years old patient admitted in MICUDr. IznaDr. K. M. Angadi
4322/07/20UTICase of recurrent UTIDr. Sriram KannuriDr. R. N. Misra
4402/09/20Laboratory Investigation to GastroenteritisThree cases of diarrhea: Their differential diagnosis based on signs, symptoms, and laboratory investigationsDr. Sriram Kannuri, Dr. Shalini Bhaumik, Dr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Chanda Vyawahare
4524/09/20Pathogenesis and immunity of Candida albicansCandidemiaDr. Sriram Kannuri, Dr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. N. R. Gandham
4616/12/20CRBSICase of catheter-related bloodstream infection caused by Nocardia farcinicaDr. Sriram KannuriDr. Neetu Gupta
4705/01/21Line Probe Assay (Diagnostic of Drug Resistance TB)INH Resistant and Rifa Sensitive MTBDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. C. R. Vyawahare
4812/01/21LeprosyHansen’s DiseaseDr. Sriram KannuriDr. Neetu Gupta
4919/01/21MycobacteriaA case of MDR TBDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Neetu Gupta
5002/02/21MycologyA Case of fungal Keratitis - FusariumDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. N. R. Gandham
5109/02/21NTMImportance of acid fast bacilli in pus samplesDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. C. R. Vyawahare
5216/02/21UTI-Non fermenterCase of UTI due to Carbapenem Resistance due to Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB)Dr. Sriram KannuriDr. Neetu Gupta
5323/02/21MycetomaA case of mycetoma caused by ActinomycetesDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. N. K. Das
5402/03/21Can Fusarium do infection in eye?Follow up Speciation of Fusarium KeratitisDr. Sriram KannuriDr. N. R. Gandham
5509/03/21Infection/Abscess due to rare mycobacterium speciesSpeciation of mycobacteriumDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. C. R. Vyawahare
5616/03/21Infection due to Methylobacterium sppUrinary infection due to Methylobacterium spp in ICU patientDr. Sriram KannuriDr. Neetu Gupta
5723/03/21Candidemia – Candida rugosaCandidemia due to non-albicans Candida speciesDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Shahzad Mirza
5830/03/21S. pneumoniae: Importance in bacteremia diagnosis and treatmentBacteremia due to S. pneumoniaeDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Sameena Khan
5906/04/21MycormycosisPrevalence and characteristics of mucormycosis in post-COVID patientsDr. Kannuri SriramDr. R. A. Patil
6020/04/21Pinworm InfectionEnterobius vermicularis infections in 9-year-old childDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Sameena Khan
6104/05/2021LymphadenitisImportance of infective cause in lymphadenitisDr. Sriram KannuriDr. C. R. Vyawahare
6211/05/2021Pediatric BSIInfective Endocarditis Diagnosis and identification as per Microbiological ViewDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. N. R. Gandham
6318/05/2021Ventilator associated PneumoniaDifferentiate between ventilator associated pneumonia and Covid-19 pneumoniaDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Neetu Gupta
6425/05/2021MucormycosisClinical significance of Mucormycosis in post covid patientDr. Sriram KannuriDr. R. A. Patil
6501/06/2021Opportunistic MycosisFungal infection in human by non-pathogenic fungal organism: Lab diagnosis and clinical presentationDr. Sriram KannuriDr. R. A. Patil
6608/06/2021Pseudomonas infection in UrineMost common non-fermenter organism infection with their multidrug resistance in SICU PatientDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. N. R. Gandham
6715/06/2021BCG-granulomaBCG Vaccine induced granuloma: Clinical Presentation and Lab diagnosisDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Neetu Gupta
6822/06/2021Hydatid DiseaseA case of Hydatid cyst in travellerDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Sameena Khan
6929/06/2021Etiological agents of DermatophytesYoung Patient had tinea infection in skin – Dermatophytes clinical significance and lab diagnosisDr. Sriram KannuriDr. Shahzad Mirza
7006/07/2021Surgical Site InfectionAtypical mycobacterium infection of surgical site. Diagnosis and clinical presentationDr. Sriram KannuriDr. Neetu Gupta
7113/07/2021Mucormycosis in Covid-19 PatientInfection of more than one fungal species in Post Covid patientDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Rajashri Patil
7220/07/2021GastroenteritisEnteric Fever: Clinical presentation and Microbiological lab DiagnosisDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Chanda Vyawahare
7327/07/2021Neonatal meningitisNeonatal Meningitis caused by rare organismsDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
7403/08/2021Travellers DiarrheaA case of long-term diarrhea in frequent travelerDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Chanda Vyawahare
7510/08/2021Viral ConjunctivitisNon-healing conjunctivitis inflammation in pregnant femaleDr. Sriram KannuriDr. N. K. Das
7617/08/2021Post Surgical Intra-abdominal InfectionsA case of Enterobacter infections DiscussionDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. R. A. Patil
7724/08/2021Community Acquired PneumoniaA Bacterial pneumonia case in Covid PandemicDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
7831/08/2021Pyrexia of Unknown OriginA case of fever in old age patient without any bacterial caseDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. C. R. Vyawahare
7907/09/2021Ventilator Associated PneumoniaBacterial pneumonia in ventilated ICU patientDr. Sriram KannuriDr. C. R. Vyawahare
8014/09/2021OsteomyelitisBacterial cause of osteomyelitis in geriatric patientDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Shahzad Mirza
8121/09/2021BrucellosisDiagnosis of brucellosis in pediatric patientDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
8228/09/2021StrongyloidesChronic diarrheal patient with Strongyloides infectionDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Sameena Khan
8305/10/2021Skin Graft RejectionA case of skin grafting rejection due to microorganismDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
8412/10/2021Breast AbscessBreast abscess: causative agents and their treatmentDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. R. A. Patil
8526/10/2021Conjunctival InfectionA case of bacterial conjunctival infectionDr. Sriram KannuriDr. Shahzad Mirza
8607/01/2022MediastinitisA rare case of mediastinum infection by Klebsiella pneumoniaeDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Shahzad Mirza
8711/01/2022MicrofilariaA rare case of hydrocele due to microfilaria in Pune regionDr. Sriram KannuriDr. N. K. Das
8801/02/2022Bacterial MeningitisCase of meningitis due to MDR organismDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. N. R. Gandham
8908/02/2022Breast AbscessA breast abscess case caused by Staphylococcus aureusDr. Sriram KannuriDr. Sameena Khan
9015/02/2022Brain AbscessA rare case of brain abscess by Streptococcus anginosusDr. Sriram KannuriDr. N. K. Das
9122/02/2022Biofilm FormationPseudomonas biofilm formation in operative polytrauma patientDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. N. R. Gandham
9208/03/2022Fungal Infection in Post Renal TransplantPost renal transplant fungal infection by moldDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Sameena Khan
9315/03/2022Streptococcal Infection of VaginaGroup B Streptococcus vaginal colonization in pregnant womenDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. N. K. Das
9422/03/2022Bacteriuria due to EnterococcusEnterococcus isolation from urine specimenDr. Lekshmi RDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
9529/03/2022Breast Abscess and MRSAMethicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolation in breast abscessDr. Shital AlaguleDr. R. A. Patil
9605/04/2022DysenteryDysentery caused by ShigellaDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
9712/04/2022MycetomaA case of Mycetoma by ActinomycisDr. Lekshmi RDr. Sameena Khan
9819/04/2022GiardiasisRecurrent Gastroenteritis by GiardiaDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. R. A. Patil
9926/04/2022VREVRE causing CAUTIDr. Shital AdaguleDr. Shahzad Mirza
10010/05/2022PneumoniaLRTI due to K. pneumoniaeDr. Heer ShahDr. Sameena Khan
10117/05/2022SepticemiaCandidemia due to Candida guilliermondiiDr. Lekshmi RDr. R. A. Patil
10224/05/2022UTIUrinary tract infection caused by A. baumannii complexDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. N. K. Das
10331/05/2022VAPBurkholderia species causing VAP in adult patientDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
10407/06/2022Acute GastroenteritisShigella - Cause acute gastroenteritisDr. Shital AlguleDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
10514/06/2022DiarrheaA case of diarrhea due to Salmonella enteritisDr. Lekshmi RDr. C. R. Vyawahare
10621/06/2022Diabetic Foot UlcerDiabetic foot ulcer caused by MDR E. coliDr. Heer ShahDr. Sameena Khan
10728/06/2022Otitis MediaA case of otitis media by Staphylococcus aureusDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. N. K. Das
10805/07/2022MalariaA case of pyrexia of unknown originDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. N. K. Das
10912/07/2022OnychomycosisA case of onychomycosisDr. Lekshmi RDr. R. A. Patil
11019/07/2022NocardiosisA case of post-transplant NocardiosisDr. Shital AlguleDr. N. R. Gandham
11102/08/2022Maggot InfestationA rare case of MyiasisDr. Lekshmi RDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
11223/08/2022Bacteremia due to RalstoniaSepticemia due to rare non-fermenter - Ralstonia speciesDr. Heer ShahDr. Sameena Khan
11330/08/2022Bacterial MeningitisA case of meningitis due to H. influenzaeDr. Shital AlguleDr. N. R. Gandham
11406/09/2022Stenotrophomonas Infection in BloodNon-fermenter with multi-drug intrinsic resistant infectionDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Sameena Khan
11513/09/2022Staphylococcus aureus in Neonatal SepticemiaNeonatal septicemia due to MRSADr. Heer ShahDr. N. R. Gandham
11627/09/2022Coinfection of MDR GNB with LeprosyInfective foot ulcer in Hansen's DiseaseDr. Sriram KannuriDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
11704/10/2022Otitis MediaStaphylococcus aureus in ear dischargeDr. Heer ShahDr. Sameena Khan
11811/10/2022Pleural EffusionDevice-associated bacterial pleural effusionDr. Shital AlguleDr. R. A. Patil
11918/10/2022CandidiasisCandidiasis caused by multiple yeasts in a single patientDr. Sriram KannuriDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
12001/11/2022Bacterial VaginitisVaginitis in pregnant women by ChlamydiaDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Sameena Khan
12115/11/2022Hansen’s Disease UlcerFoot ulcer in Hansen's Disease patientDr. Heer ShahDr. Shahzad Mirza
12222/11/2022Bacterial ConjunctivitisConjunctivitis in pediatric patient by MRSADr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Sameena Khan
12329/11/2022Amoebic DysenteryDysentery and diarrhea due to parasitesDr. Sriram KannuriDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
12406/12/2022PUOA case of intermediate fever with unknown pathogensDr. Shital AlguleDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
12520/12/2022ChikungunyaAn elder patient presented with long-term joint painDr. Lekshmi RDr. Rajashri Patil
12627/12/2022Clostridium Difficile ToxinA case of Clostridium difficile diarrhea in adult patientDr. Sriram KannuriDr. N. K. Das
12710/01/2023Hydatid CystIntra-pulmonary hydatid cyst due to EchinococcusDr. Shital AlguleDr. Sameena Khan
12817/01/2023Device Associated MeningitisA non-fermenter meningitis in hydrocephalic patients with VP shunt in-situDr. Heer ShahDr. Chanda Vyawahare
12924/01/2023Liver AbscessA case of liver abscess due to ClostridiumDr. Lekshmi RDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
13007/02/2023Opportunistic Fungal InfectionA case of sporotrichosisDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. N. R. Gandham
13117/02/2023Non-Healing UlcerA case of non-healing ulcer in leprosyDr. Sriram KannuriDr. C. R. Vyawahare
13221/02/2023Pneumonia due to Gram Negative OrganismA case of pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniaeDr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
13328/02/2023Amoebic DysenteryA case of dysentery by amoebaDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. Sameena Khan
13414/03/2023Atypical PneumoniaA case of atypical pneumoniaDr. Sriram KannuriDr. Prachi Athavale
13521/03/2023BrucellosisA case of brucellaDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. N. R. Gandham
13628/03/2023Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease in ChildrenA case of Hand, Foot, Mouth diseaseDr. Sriram KannuriDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
13712/04/2023PertussisA case of respiratory tract infection in infantDr. Shalini BhaumikDr. C. R. Vyawahare
13818/04/2023Cerebral PhaeohyphomycosisA case of fungal infection in the central nervous systemDr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. N. R. Gandham
13925/04/2023Asherman’s SyndromeA case of infertility due to Asherman’s syndromeDr. Sriram KannuriDr. Sameena Khan
14009/05/2023Cryptococcus neoformansIsolation of Cryptococcus spp from blood sampleDr. Heer ShahDr. R. A. Patil
14116/05/2023Fungal Eye InfectionIsolation of Fusarium spp from corneal tissueDr. Lekshmi RDr. R. A. Patil
14201/06/2023Papiliotrema InfectionA case of Papiliotrema infectionDr. Lekshmi RDr. Shahzad Mirza
14307/06/2023Infections by Myroides sppA case of Myroides spp infectionDr. Heer ShahDr. Sameena Khan
14414/06/2023Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus aureus from BloodA case of Staphylococcus warneri isolate from bloodDr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Sameena Khan
14521/06/2023Systemic Infection due to Local InfectionIsolation of Candida tropicalis from urine and bloodDr. Heer ShahDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
14606/07/2023Specimen due to VREIsolation & Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus from bloodDr. Lekshmi RDr. R. A. Patil
14712/07/2023PANDASIsolation of Streptococcus in suspected case of PANDASDr. Heer ShahDr. Preethy Edavaloth
14819/07/2023Isolation of Salmonella from Body FluidIsolation of Salmonella from ascitic fluidDr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Sameena Khan
14926/07/2023Anaerobic Organism as a PathogenIsolation of Clostridium perfringens from breast tissueDr. Lekshmi RDr. C. R. Vyawahare
15002/08/2023Pyrexia of Unknown OriginA case of pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO)Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Rajashri Patil
15114/08/2023Japanese EncephalitisA case of Japanese encephalitisDr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
15223/08/2023Slow Virus DiseasesA case of Subacute sclerosing panencephalitisDr. Shital AlguleDr. C. R. Vyawahare
15329/08/2023Acanthamoeba KeratitisA case of Acanthamoeba keratitisDr. Lekshmi RDr. Sameena Khan
15406/09/2023TetanusA case of tetanusDr. Shital AlguleDr. Shahzad Mirza
15513/09/2023MalariaA case of malariaDr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Savita Bhatia
15603/10/2023Tubercular MeningitisA case of tubercular meningitisDr. Shital AlguleDr. C. R. Vyawahare
15718/10/2023Trichosporon asahiiA case of Trichosporon asahiiDr. Lekshmi RDr. Rajashri Patil
15801/11/2023Chryseobacterium indologenesA case of Chryseobacterium indologenes isolated from urine sampleDr. Shital AlguleDr. C. R. Vyawahare
15922/11/2023Slide DiscussionSection appendix with Taenia, E. vermicularis, E. granulosusDr. Heer ShahDr. Prachi Athavale
16029/11/2023Colistin Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniaeColistin resistant Klebsiella pneumoniaeDr. Lekshmi RDr. Shahzad Mirza
16106/12/2023SSIA case of anaerobic infection in SSIDr. Shital AlguleDr. Preethy Edavaloth
16226/12/2023CAUTIA case of CAUTIDr. Shital AlguleDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
16327/12/2023Vaccine-Induced CaseVaccine-induced case of PolioDr. Heer ShahDr. Shahzad Mirza
16403/01/2024Saprophytic Infection of NailIsolation of Aerobasidium pullulans from nail sampleDr. Shital AlguleDr. C. R. Vyawahare
16523/01/2024Surgical WoundsA silent threat to surgical wounds: A mysterious and tenacious bugDr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Lekshmi R
16624/01/2024AspergillomaIsolation of Aspergillus fumigatus from CSF sampleDr. Lekshmi RDr. Jyoti Ajagunde

Group Discussion Schedule
Sr.No. Date Topic Name of Faculty
105/01/18CorynebacteriumDr. N. R. Gandham
212/01/18Enterobacteriaceae-IDr. N. R. Gandham
319/01/18TuberculosisDr. Neetu Gupta / Dr. N. R. Gandham
425/01/18Enterobacteriaceae-II (Shigella)Dr. N. R. Gandham
502/02/18Vibrio and PseudomonasDr. Rajashri Patil
609/02/18Gram Positive BacilliDr. N. R. Gandham
716/02/18Yersinia, Brucella, Bordetella & H. influenzaDr. Neetu Gupta
823/02/18HIVDr. Rajashri Patil
909/03/18M. LepraeDr. N. R. Gandham
1016/03/18SpirochaetesDr. N. R. Gandham
1123/03/18Sterilization & Anaerobic Culture MethodsDr. Neetu Gupta
1206/04/18Rickettsia and VirusesDr. Rajashri Patil
1313/04/18MycologyDr. R. N. Misra
1420/04/18Parasitology IntroductionDr. N. R. Gandham
1528/04/18Different Staining ProceduresDr. N. K. Das
1604/05/18Intestinal ProtozoaDr. N. R. Gandham
1711/05/18HaemoflagellatesDr. Rajashri Patil
1818/05/18MalariaDr. N. K. Das
1925/05/18P.G. Paper DiscussionDr. R. N. Misra / Dr. N. R. Gandham
2006/06/18Intestinal Nematodes (Lab Diagnosis)Dr. Neetu Gupta
2115/06/18Cestodes (Pathogenesis)Dr. Rajashri Patil
2222/06/18Tissue NematodesDr. Kalpana Angadi
2329/06/18Trematodes (Pathogenesis)Dr. Kalpana Angadi
2406/07/18CestodesDr. C. R. Vyawahare
2513/07/18Intestinal NematodesDr. Neetu Gupta
2620/07/18TrematodesDr. Savita Jadhav
2727/07/18Toxoplasma, Cryptosporidium, PneumoniaDr. N. R. Gandham
2816/08/18EntomologyDr. Neetu Gupta
2924/08/18SalmonellaDr. Neetu Gupta
3031/08/18Newer Method of SterilizationDr. Savita Jadhav / Dr. C. R. Vyawahare
3107/09/18Growth Requirement of BacteriaDr. Neetu Gupta
3221/09/18Diagnostic Microbiology-IDr. C. R. Vyawahare
3328/09/18Diagnostic Microbiology-IIDr. Savita Jadhav
3412/10/18Common Serological ReactionsDr. N. R. Gandham
3519/10/18StaphylococcusDr. C. R. Vyawahare
3626/10/18Streptococcus & Streptococcus pneumoniaeDr. Neetu Gupta
3702/11/18NeisseriaDr. N. R. Gandham
3816/11/18EnterobacteriaceaeDr. R. N. Misra
3921/12/18Molecular Methods in Microbiological DiagnosisDr. Neetu Gupta
4004/01/19CorynebacteriumDr. N. R. Gandham
4111/01/19Aerobic Gram Positive BacilliDr. Neetu Gupta
4218/01/19Pseudomonas and VibrioDr. R. N. Misra
4325/01/19ShigellaDr. K. M. Angadi
4424/07/20Microteaching – Methodology and NeedDr. N. R. Gandham
4509/10/20External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS) Sample Testing for BacteriologyDr. R. N. Misra
4612/10/20District Residency Program and New P.G CurriculumDr. N. R. Gandham
4723/10/20AST in GNBDr. Neetu Gupta
4801/10/20Lactophenol Cotton Blue (LPCB) StainingDr. R. A. Patil
4907/10/20Ziehl-Neelsen Staining (Z-N Staining Method)Dr. Chanda Vyawahare
5015/10/20Slit Skin Smear of LeprosyDr. Nikunja Das
5122/10/20VDRLDr. Sameena Khan
5207/11/20Basic Introduction of VirologyDr. Nikunja Das
5303/12/20MICDr. R. N. Misra
5406/01/21Ag-Ab ReactionsDr. N. R. Gandham
5520/01/21Complement SystemDr. Chanda Vyawahare
5627/01/21Cellular Immune ResponseDr. R. N. Misra
5710/02/21Sample Processing for CBNAATDr. Chanda Vyawahare
5817/02/21Detection of Carbapenem ResistanceDr. Neetu Gupta
5924/02/21ESBL DetectionDr. R. N. Misra
6017/03/21Multiplex PCR and Clinical ApplicationDr. Neetu Gupta
6124/03/21Direct Microscopy in MicrobiologyDr. Nikunja Das
6207/04/21UTIDr. Nikunja Das
6312/05/21EnterococcusDr. N. R. Gandham
6423/06/21Approach to CAUTIDr. Nikunja Das
6530/06/21KeratitisDr. Rajashri Patil
6614/07/21Quality Assurance / Quality Control in MicrobiologyDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
6711/08/21Maintenance of Organism StockDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
6825/08/21Sugar Fermentation TestDr. R. A. Patil
6907/09/21Antibody Mediated ResponseDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
7029/09/21Non-Fermenter OrganismsDr. Nikunja Das
7113/10/21Wet Mount of High Vaginal Swab (Vaginal Discharge)Dr. Shahzad Mirza
7227/10/21Rapid Test for MRSA DetectionDr. Sameena Khan
7303/01/22Neutralizing AntibodiesDr. Sameena Khan
7431/01/22Emerging Pathogen C. aurisDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
7502/02/22Morphology of HIV VirusDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
7616/02/22Stool Microscopy: Artifact vs OrganismDr. Sameena Khan
7702/03/22Sample Acceptance/RejectionDr. N. K. Das
7809/03/22Selection of Culture MediaDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
7923/03/22Sample ProcessingDr. Sameena Khan
8006/04/22Selective Culture MediaDr. N. K. Das
8120/04/22Colony Morphology DescriptionDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
8204/05/22Cell Mediated ImmunityDr. Nikunja Das
8318/05/22Lab Investigation of Autoimmunity and Infectious DiseaseDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
8401/06/22Oxidase TestDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
8515/06/22Hanging Drop TestDr. R. A. Patil
8629/06/22Urease TestDr. Sameena Khan
8706/07/22Morphology of ParasiteDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
8820/07/22Pure Culture ProcessingDr. Sameena Khan
8903/08/22HHV ClassificationDr. Shahzad Mirza
9017/08/22Hydatid CystDr. R. A. Patil
9107/09/22BartonellaDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
9208/10/22MIC & MBCDr. N. K. Das
9319/10/22Stool Preservation TechniqueDr. Sameena Khan
9402/11/22Nosocomial InfectionDr. R. A. Patil
9509/11/22Arterial Blood Gas AnalysisDr. N. K. Das
9623/11/22Microbiology MuseumDr. R. A. Patil
9707/12/22Colonizer/PathogensDr. Sameena Khan
9821/12/22LRTI/DRTIDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
9913/01/23Germ Tube TestDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
10013/01/23Germ Tube TestDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
10125/01/23Decarboxylation TestDr. Sameena Khan
10208/02/23Various Culture MethodsDr. Prachi Athavale
10322/02/23Physiology of BacteriaDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
10401/03/23AMSPDr. Shahzad Mirza
10508/03/23Recent Updates about H3N2Dr. Deepali Desai
10629/03/23Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease in ChildrenDr. Prachi Athavale
10705/04/23Infections Due to Non-Fermenting Gram-Negative BacilliDr. Prachi Athavale
10819/04/23Bacterial Lobar PneumoniaDr. Chanda Vyawahare
10903/05/23Classification of BacteriaDr. Deepali Desai
11017/05/23Automated Methods for Bacterial IdentificationDr. Prachi Athavale
11124/05/23Types of MediaDr. Deepali Desai
11209/06/23Gram Positive Bacilli in BloodDr. Prachi Athavale
11322/07/23Filamentous BacilliDr. Deepali Desai
11409/08/23A Case of Infectious MononucleosisDr. Shahzad Mirza
11520/09/23Pyrexia of Unknown OriginDr. Prachi Athavale
11625/10/23Anaerobic Gram Positive BacilliDr. Savita Bhatia
11704/11/23PhaeohyphomycosisDr. C. R. Vyawahare
11808/11/23Anaerobic Culture MethodsDr. Deepali Desai
11925/11/23Basic Overview of MycologyDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
12002/12/23Covid JN.1 VariantDr. Sameena Khan
12113/12/23Approach in Practical ExamDr. Tejashree Nare
12223/12/23Calculation Formulas to Assess the PrevalenceDr. Preethy Edavaloth
12317/01/24Toxigenic Nasopharyngeal DiphtheriaDr. Deepali Desai
12431/01/24ObelisksDr. Savita Bhatia

P.G. Student Presentations by Date and Faculty
Sr.No. Date Topic P.G. Student Faculty
117/07/18Antigen –Antibody reactionDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Nikunja Das
224/07/18RA FactorDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.D.P.Pandit
331/07/18CRPDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Nikunja Das
421/08/18ASODr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Shahzad Mirza
527/08/18VDRL and RPRDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Nikunja Das
604/09/18ELISADr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Shahzad Mirza
711/09/18RDT (Rapid-diagnostic tests)Dr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Nikunja Das
818/09/18Antinuclear antibodiesDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.D.P.Pandit
925/09/18Weil Felix testDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Shahzad Mirza
1009/10/18HypersensitivityDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Nikunja Das
1116/10/18HLA TapingDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Shahzad Mirza
1223/10/18LeptospirosisDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Nikunja Das
1330/10/18ChikungunyaDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Shahzad Mirza
1413/11/18Widal testDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Nikunja Das
1520/11/18Immunology of transplantation and malignacyDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.D.P.Pandit
1627/11/18Standard agglutination testDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Shahzad Mirza
1710/12/18Pathogenecity islandsDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Nikunja Das
1817/12/18HIVDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Nikunja Das
1924/12/18Hepatitis B VaccinationDr.Prachi/Dr.IznaDr.Shahzad Mirza
2003/07/2021RDT in MalariaDr. Sriram / Dr. Shailini / Dr. SahjidDr. Sameena Khan
2117/07/2021CD4 count estimationDr. Sriram / Dr. Shailini / Dr. SahjidDr. N. K. Das
2231/07/2021ELISA for HCVDr. Sriram / Dr. Shailini / Dr. SahjidDr. N. K. Das
2307/08/2021Test for Cryptococcal antigenDr. Sriram / Dr. Shailini / Dr. SahjidDr. Sameena Khan
2421/08/2021CRP and procalcitoninDr. Sriram / Dr. Shailini / Dr. SahjidDr. R. A Patil
2504/09/2021ABO Blood GroupingDr. Sriram / Dr. Shailini / Dr. SahjidDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
2618/09/2021Hemogram (CBC)Dr. Sriram / Dr. Shailini / Dr. SahjidDr. R. A. Patil
2716/10/2021ADADr. Sriram / Dr. Shailini / Dr. SahjidDr. R. A. Patil
2830/10/2021GalactomannanDr. Sriram / Dr. Shailini / Dr. Sahjid
2906/01/2022Cryptococcal AgDr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Sameena Khan
3012/02/2022Antibody TitrationDr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Sameena Khan
3126/02/2022Urine Keaton testDr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Sahjid MukhidaDr. Shahzad Mirza
3212/03/2022Sample collection for serology testDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Lekshmi RDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
3326/03/2022Serum and plasma separationDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Lekshmi RDr. Sameena Khan
3416/04/2022Centrifugation Methods for serology testingDr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Lekshmi RDr. Shahzad Mirza
3514/05/2022Complete Blood Count and HemogramDr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Lekshmi RDr. Shahzad Mirza
3628/05/2022Blood Sugar (Fasting and PPBS)Dr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Lekshmi RDr. R. A. Patil
3711/06/2022Standard Agglutination TestDr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Lekshmi RDr. N. K. Das
3825/06/2022Rapid Diagnostic TestDr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Lekshmi RDr. Shahzad Mirza
3902/07/2022Lab diagnosis of MalariaDr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Lekshmi RDr. Sameena Khan
4016/07/2022Lab diagnosis of FilariaDr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Lekshmi RDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
4113/08/2022Serology tests for fungiDr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Lekshmi RDr. Sameena Khan
4227/08/2022Serology test for parasitesDr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Lekshmi R / Dr. Heer ShahDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
4303/09/2022Occult Blood for StoolDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer ShahDr. N. K. Das
4416/09/2022Latex Agglutination testDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Lekshmi R / Dr. Heer ShahDr. Sameena Khan
4510/12/2022Malaria-ELISADr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Lekshmi R / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Sameena Khan
4622/10/2022Serology - Lupus antibody detectionDr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Lekshmi RDr. N. K. Das
4705/11/2022Serology: Automated Urine analyzerDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Lekshmi R / Dr. Heer ShahDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
4819/11/2022Serology: Molecular test of Zika VirusDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Lekshmi R / Dr. Heer ShahDr. N. K. Das
4901/10/2023Urine Routine MicroscopyDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Lekshmi R / Dr. Heer ShahDr. Jyoti Ajagunde
5020/01/2023Serology: Standard Agglutination test for VibrioDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Lekshmi R / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Sameena Khan
5110/02/2023Weil-Felix testDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Lekshmi R / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Sameena Khan
5225/02/2023Indirect Immunofluorescence AssayDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Shahzad Mirza
5304/03/2023Types of AntibodiesDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. R. A. Patil
5411/03/2023Microscopic agglutination for detection of LeptospiraDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Sameena Khan
5518/03/2023HypersensitivityDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. C. R. Vyawahare
5601/04/2023Mechanism of graft rejectionDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Rajashri Patil
5729/04/2023ImmunoprophylaxisDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Sameena Khan
5812/05/2023Detection of AutoantibodiesDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. N. K. Das
5927/05/2023Assays for Antigen detectionDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Shahzad Mirza
6010/06/2023ELISA for detection of viral antigensDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. C. R. Vyawahare
6124/06/2023Immunology: Vaccination ScheduleDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Sameena Khan
6208/07/2023Diagnostic Techniques for SerologyDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. R. A. Patil
6322/07/2023Principles of Immunological TestingDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. N. K. Das
6405/08/2023ELISA: Technique and ApplicationsDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Shahzad Mirza
6519/08/2023Quantitative and Qualitative TestsDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. C. R. Vyawahare
6602/09/2023Serology: Advanced TechniquesDr. Sahjid Mukhida / Dr. Sriram Kannuri / Dr. Shalini Bhaumik / Dr. Shital Algule / Dr. Heer Shah / Dr. Sundip MukherjeeDr. Rajashri Patil

Student Details with Roll Numbers and Mentors
Sr. No Mentor Roll No Name of the Students
1 Dr. Chanda R. Vyawahare 21191 Sakore Samrudhii Ravindrakumar
21192 Saksham Dhokwal
21193 Sakshi Chhabra
21194 Sakshi Dattatray Gund
21195 Salve Siddhant Nitin
21196 Samiksha Sunil Deshpande
21197 Samriddhi Sachin Gandhi
21198 Sandipta Singha
2 Dr. Rajashri Patil 21199 Saniya Ramteke
21200 Sarvesh Sabane
21201 Saumya Singh
21202 Saurabh Kedia
21203 Shaikh Sohil Akbar
21205 Shaniya Khan
21206 Shatakshi Arvind Dahiwalkar
21207 Shatakshi Tiwari
4 Dr. Shahzad Beg Mirza 21208 Shelke Rutuja Rajabhau
21209 Shivani Dubey
21210 Shivani Yadav
21211 Shreeyansh Shreekant Lal
21212 Shreya
21213 Shreya Sharma
21214 Shreya Singh
21215 Shristi Mishra
5 Dr. Sameena Khan 21216 Shubham Shekhar
21217 Shubhangi Thard
21218 Shweta Pathak
21219 Simanto Debnath
21220 Siya Swami
21221 Sneha Singh
21222 Sneha Singh
21223 Sohini Mazumder
6 Dr. Prachi Athavale 21224 Sonawane Soham Abhijit
21225 Sowani Mehek Chetan
21226 Sthitapragyan Mahakud
21228 Sudeshna Kundu
21229 Suhani Goyal
21230 Sukanya Baruah
21231 Sukriti Kashyap
7 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde 21232 Tanisha Agarwal
21233 Taniya Agarwal
21234 Tatireddy Nithin Reddy
21235 Tiya Anna Thomas
21236 Triloki Nath Dixit
21237 Triveni Lodhi
21238 Trupti Vijay Thorat
21239 Tupe Pranjal Sachin
8 Mrs. Deepali Desai 21240 Vanika Singh
21241 Varun Prakash Sikka
21242 Varun Rahul Bhadre
21243 Varun Varma
21244 Vedika Singh
21245 Vidhi Garg
21246 Vidushee Manchanda
21247 Vikrant Gade
9 Mr. Amitesh Datta 21248 Vishal Bhardwaj
21249 Vishwakarma Anish Ajay
21250 Wani Swarangi Rajendra
20142 Patil Prathamesh Bhaiyyasaheb
20226 Tanishq Kakade
20228 Tejas Lawangare
20233 Ukhalkar Jai Santosh
20247 Yash Singh

Integrated Teaching-Classes
Topic Classes
Pyelonephritis Bacteriology of Pyelonephritis
Pathogenesis of pyelonephritis
Clinical features of Pyelonephritis
Treatment of Pyelonephritis
ICU management in Pyelonephritis
Tuberculosis Bacteriology of Tuberculosis
Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis
Clinical presentation and complications in Tuberculosis
Laboratory diagnosis of Tuberculosis
Prevention and control of Tuberculosis
Treatment of Tuberculosis
Pneumonia Bacteriology of Pneumonia
Pathogenesis of pneumonia
Clinical features of pneumonia
Prevention & control of Pneumonia
Treatment of Pneumonia
Emergency management of Pneumonia
Medico legal aspects of Pneumonia
HIV Epidemiology of HIV
HIV Virology
Pathogenesis of HIV infection
Clinical features and opportunistic infection in HIV
Diagnosis of HIV infection
Treatment of HIV infection
Critical care management of HIV patients
Prevention & control programme of HIV infection
Medico legal aspects in HIV infection
Enteric fever Bacteriology of Enteric fever
Pathogenesis of Enteric fever
Clinical features of Enteric fever
Treatment of Enteric fever
Prevention & control of Enteric fever
ICU management of Enteric fever

Completed M.D. Dissertations
Sr. No Topic PG Student Name Guide Name
1 Nosocomial pneumonia in (ICU) intensive care unit patients Dr. S.A. Kazmi Dr. MRS. V.Y. Sharma
2 Bacteriological study in suspected neonatal septicaemia Dr. Priya Dhumal Dr. R.P. Nagdawne
3 Role of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis and the utility of Ziehl-Neelsen staining Dr. Vandana Verma Dr. S.S. Chandanwale
4 Prevalence of extended spectrum beta lactamases from various clinical samples Dr. Shital Kambale Dr. R.P. Nagdawane
5 Study of bacterial vaginosis in women of reproductive age by pH determination, direct gram stain and Giemsa stain of vaginal discharge Dr. Amit Rangari Dr. R.P. Chandanwale
6 An assessment of the carcinogenicity of various infant milk formulare by microbiological and biochemical methods Dr. Shweta Dixit Dr. Asha Singh
7 Bacterial profile and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern in clinically diagnosed urinary tract infections Dr. Dharmesh Singh Dr. R.P. Nagdawne
8 Microbial profile of aural discharges (Otorrhoea) & antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of the common isolates Dr. Pallavi Tatte Dr. Nageshwari Gandham
9 Study of susceptibility pattern of mycobacterial isolates from patients of pulmonary tuberculosis Dr. Shilpa Lagali Dr. MRS. V.Y. Sharma
10 Study of detection of human rotavirus in stool specimen by ELISA technique & association of enteric pathogens in childhood diarrhea Dr. Dipali Chavan Dr. R.P. Nagdawne
11 A comparative antimicrobial analysis of various root canal irrigating solutions on endodontic pathogens: In-Vitro Study Dr. Abhinav Misuriya Dr. Shalini Aggarwal
12 Microbial etiological agents in chronic periodontitis Dr. Manpreet Kaur Dr. R.P. Nagdawne
13 Identification of fungal infections in suspected clinical samples of superficial fungal infection and anti-fungal susceptibility testing Dr. Arnob Mandol Dr. G.B. Matnani
14 Serodiagnosis of dengue antibodies in suspected cases of dengue fever by Elisa technique Dr. Suruchi Sharma Dr. V.Y. Sharma
15 Comparative study of the prevalence of intestinal parasites in HIV-reactive and NON-reactive individuals Dr. Saikat Bhawal Dr. R.P. Nagdawne
16 Incidence of healthcare associated infection and antibiotic resistance of isolates in critical care patients of a tertiary care hospital Dr. Ajay Kumar Dr. R. N. Misra
17 Isolation and identification of Acinetobacter species with special reference to antibiotic resistance Dr. Neetu Gupta Dr. N. R. Gandham
18 Isolation and identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from suspected cases of pulmonary tuberculosis and detection of multi-drug resistance tuberculosis Dr. Mukesh Sharma Dr. R.N. Misra
19 Incidence of sepsis in the neonates admitted to a tertiary care hospital and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of the isolates Dr. Purbasha Ghosh Dr. R.N. Misra
20 To compare the microbial colonization and patient’s comfort with absorbable and non-absorbable suture material in extraction socket suturing Dr. S. S. Dusane Dr. Kalyani Bhate
21 To evaluate efficacy of manuka honey dressing in the treatment of infected socket Dr. Suraj Pradip Jabde Dr. Pushkar Waknis
22 Documentation of the spectrum of microbiological flora and their antibiotic sensitivity in oral infections in local population in Pimpri-Chinchwad, Maharashtra Dr. Asmita Maruti Phirange Dr. Pushkar Waknis
23 Prospective study of anaerobic isolates from deep-seated wound infections encountered in a tertiary care hospital Dr. Retina Paul Dr. R. N. Misra
24 Spectrum and prevalence of fungi in soft tissue infections in a tertiary care hospital Dr. Moumita Sardar Dr. N. R. Gandham
25 Isolation of bacteria in acute diarrheal diseases in pediatric age group of patients attending a tertiary care hospital and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of the isolates Dr. Indranath Roy Dr. Dakshayani P Pandit
26 Comparison of efficacies of 5% Povidone-iodine solution and 0.2% Chlorhexidine solution in controlling bacteremia in patients undergoing surgical removal of mandibular third molar Dr. Faza Siddiqui Dr. Kalyani Bhate
27 The isolation and identification of non-fermenting organisms and their antibiogram from clinical samples in a tertiary care hospital Dr. Nabamita Chaudhury Dr. R.N. Misra
28 To isolate and identify the B-lactamases in Enterobacteriaceae among community acquired infections in a tertiary care hospital Dr. Shahzad Beg. Mirza Dr. R.N. Misra
29 Antibiotic resistance pattern of bacteria isolated from cases of ventilator-associated pneumonia in a tertiary care hospital Dr. Sopia Mukherjee Dr. R.N. Misra
30 A study of risk factors, occurrence and etiology of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) in critical care unit of Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Center Dr. Izna Dr. N.R. Gandham
31 Role of nitric oxide in pathogenesis of dengue fever Dr. Prachi Bhide Dr. D.P. Pandit
32 Study of colistin susceptibility and clinical profile of CRAB and CRE isolates from tertiary care hospital Dr. Shalini Bhaumik Dr. N.R. Gandham
33 Evaluation of rapid diagnostic method for molecular characterization of MDR genes from Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from western part of India Dr. Sahjid Saddrudin Mukhida Dr. Chanda Vyawahare
34 Correlation between clinical features and immunological parameters with viral load in COVID-positive patients Dr. Sriram Kannuri Dr. Rajashri Patil

PhD Thesis Information
S.No Guide Topic PhD Student Year of Completion
1 Dr. R.P Nagdawane, Dr. Niyaz Ahmed Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Multidrug resistant Uropathogenic E. coli Dr. Savita Jadhav 2012
2 Dr. R.N. Misra Evaluation of Phenotypic and Genotypic method for the detection of ESBL and MBL in Germ Negative Bacilli isolated from Clinical Specimens Dr. Deepali Kamble 2016
3 Dr. R.N. Misra Epidemiology of MDR Tuberculosis in a Tertiary Care Hospital-Pune with special Reference to Rapid Molecular Diagnostic Methods Mrs. Swarupa Hatolkar 2018
4 Dr. R.N. Misra Study of epidemiological markers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from various clinical samples received in tertiary care hospitals, India Mr. J. D. Andhale 2018
5 Dr. R.N. Misra Morphological and Genotypic characterization of Candida albicans isolated from clinical samples from a Tertiary care Hospital Mrs. Megha Pawar 2019
6 Dr. D.P. Pandit Cross Sectional Study to determine Sero prevalence of Brucellosis and pattern of Haematological, Biochemical and Immunological parameters in patients with Febrile Illness Dr. Shraddha Gunjal 2022
7 Dr. R.N. Misra Molecular characterization of extended spectrum of β lactamases producing hospital and community acquired Klebsiella pneumoniae infections Dr. Deepali Desai 2023

Completed Dissertation Topics with Prof. Ramkrishna More Arts, Commerce & Science College, Akurdi, Pune
Sr. No Year Topic Student Name Guide Name Co-Guide
1 2019 Effect of extraction of different types of medicinal plants on Ringworm Mr. Sunil Varma Dr. Abhay Khandagale Dr. Rajashri Patil

Completed Dissertation Topics with Biotechnology Institution
Sr. No Year Topic Student Name Guide Name
1 2019 Microbiological and Antibiotic Profile of Pus samples collected in a tertiary care center in Western Maharashtra Ms. Sakshi Shukla Dr. N.K. Das
2 2019 Microbial profile & antibiogram pattern of bacterial isolates of Urinary Tract infection in pregnant women in tertiary care centre Ms. Pratibha Kaushal Dr. Rajashri Patil
3 2019 Neonatal Sepsis: Bacteriological Profile and Antibiotic sensitivity pattern of isolates in a tertiary care setup Ms. Manorama Chandwadkar Dr. Shahzad Mirza
4 2022 An assessment of minocycline sensitivity in multidrug-resistant Gram Negative isolates in a tertiary care center of Western Maharashtra Ms. Janhavi Waje Dr. N.K. Das
5 2022 A Study Based on Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections In Intensive Care Units (ICU) In a Tertiary Care Hospital Ms. Akanksha Dhanraj Patil Dr. Shahzad Mirza

Ongoing PG Students Dissertation
Sr. No. Topic Guide PG Student Year
1 A Study On Culture Based Screening Of Aerobic Microbial Flora In Chronic Leg Ulcers. Dr. N. R. Gandham Dr. Lekshmi R 2022-2025
2 A Study Of Microbial Profile Of Bloodstream Infections In Critical Care Units In A Tertiary Care Hospital Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Dr. Algule Shital Sopan 2022-2025
3 Prevalence and Molecular Characterisation of Carbapenem Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa In The Critical Areas Of A Tertiary Care Centre In Western Maharashtra. Dr. Rajashri Patil Dr. Shah Heer Anill 2022-2025
4 A Study Of Epidemiology And Virulence Factors Of Candida Species In Candidemia With Special Reference To Candida auris Dr. N. R. Gandham Dr. Sudip Mukherjee 2022-2025
5 Phenotypic Characterisation, Virulence Determination and Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern of Enterococci from patients with Urinary Tract Infection in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Dr. Chanda R. Vyawahare Dr. Shazia Khan 2023-2026
6 Clinicomycological Profile Of Dermatomycosis In A Tertiary Care Centre Dr. Rajashri Patil Dr. Diganta Banerjee 2023-2026
7 Clinico-Microbiological Characterisation Of Patients Diagnosed With Mycobacterium Leprae Infection In A Tertiary Care Setup Dr. Shahzad Mirza Dr. Vandna Kumari 2023-2026

Ongoing PhD Students Thesis
Sr. No. Topic Guide PhD Student Date of Enrollment
1 AMSP in India-Status quo and the way forward –A Delphi consensus approach Dr. N.R. Gandham Dr. Shahzad Mirza -
2 The role of Microbiota and HPV in cervical oncogenesis Dr. N.R. Gandham Bhagyashri Patl-Takbhate -
3 Phenotypic and molecular characterization of antimicrobial resistance and virulence factors among Staphylococcus aureus isolates from Western part of Maharashtra Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Ms. Snehal M. Deshmukhe -
4 Study on Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) genotyping and mutation analysis in HBV positive patients in tertiary care Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Ms. Manisha Mukesh Ratnparkhi -
5 Epidemiological Profile and Genotypic Characterization of Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) and Extensively Drug-Resistant (XDR) Tuberculosis from Western Maharashtra Dr. N.R. Gandham Mrs. Shilpa Balgam 27/01/2018
6 Phenotypic and Molecular characterization of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus -Acinetobacter baumannii complex (ACB Complex) isolated from samples in a tertiary care centre in Western India. Dr. N.R. Gandham Mr. Amitesh Datta Batch 2020
7 AMSP in India-Status quo and the way forward –A Delphi consensus approach Dr. N.R. Gandham Dr. Shahzad Mirza -
8 The role of Microbiota and HPV in cervical oncogenesis Dr. N.R. Gandham Bhagyashri Patl-Takbhate -
9 Phenotypic and molecular characterization of antimicrobial resistance and virulence factors among Staphylococcus aureus isolates from Western part of Maharashtra Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Ms. Snehal M. Deshmukhe -
10 Study on Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) genotyping and mutation analysis in HBV positive patients in tertiary care Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Ms. Manisha Mukesh Ratnparkhi -

Dissertation with Pulmonary Department
Sr. No. Year Project Title PG Student Guide
1 2019-2022 Assessing Effectiveness of Cheap and Practical Ways of Sputum Disinfection for Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Home Scenario Dr. Kiran Ashok Balani Dr. Tushar Sahasrabudhe

Achievements/Awards (Calendar Year)
Year 2014
Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements
1 Dr. Savita V Jadhav Professor Young Researcher Award - 1st prize on 5th Sept 2014.
2 Dr. Nabamita Chaudhari P.G. Student First Prize in oral presentation in the 2nd National Conference of Pediatrics Association of India 31st October – 2nd November 2014, Burdwan, West Bengal.

Year 2015
Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements

Year 2016
Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements
4 Dr. Nikunja Kumar Das Assistant Professor Chief of the Army Staff Award for the best published article titled “Emergence of multidrug resistant enterococci at a tertiary care centre” in the field of Pathology, Microbiology, Hematology & Biochemistry for the year 2016 as “Co-author”.

Year 2017
Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements
5 Mrs. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator Research Poster nominated for Mumbai-Belgaum prize for Mycobacteriology best poster (Molecular Genotyping of Drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis by spoligotyping from Western Maharashtra), MICROCON 2017, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, dated 22nd – 26th November 2017.
6 Mrs. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator Best Poster Award for “Molecular Epidemiology: Drug Resistance and Spoligotyping Pattern of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Western Maharashtra” in 72nd National Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases NATCON 17th Dec 2017.
7 Ms. P. Deepthi U.G. Student Secured 2nd Position in Regional Undergraduate Microbiology Quiz of Pune region (XXXIII Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM MAHAMICROCON-2017), conducted at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune on 24/08/2017.
8 Mr. Kiran John Koshy U.G. Student Secured 2nd Position in Regional Undergraduate Microbiology Quiz of Pune region (XXXIII Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM MAHAMICROCON-2017), conducted at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune on 24/08/2017.

Year 2018
Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements
9 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Second Prize for Poster Presentation - “Role of CBNAAT in early and rapid detection of pulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis and Rifampicin resistance in a tertiary care setup with special reference to pediatric cases”. Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine held on 22nd and 23rd December 2018 at Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune.
10 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator First Prize for Oral Paper Presentation Molecular Epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pune. Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine held on 22nd and 23rd December 2018 at Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune.
11 Dr. Savita Jadhav Professor 1st Prize in Best Poster Award category at International Conference of Antimicrobial Resistance: ICAR 2018, CSIR India and Department of Biotechnology Govt of India on 20th Jan 2018.
12 Mr. Nilashis Dutta U.G. Student Secured 2nd Position in Regional Undergraduate Microbiology Quiz of Pune region (9 Medical Colleges) XXIV Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM MAHAMICROCON-2018, conducted at Bharathi Vidyapeeth Medical College, Pune on 24/08/2018.
13 Ms. Jinisha Pahuja U.G. Student Secured 2nd Position in Regional Undergraduate Microbiology Quiz of Pune region (9 Medical Colleges) XXIV Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM MAHAMICROCON-2018, conducted at Bharathi Vidyapeeth Medical College, Pune on 24/08/2018.

Year 2019
Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements
14 Prince Saha U.G. Student Secured 4th Position in Regional Undergraduate Microbiology Quiz of Pune region (9 Medical Colleges), XXV Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM MAHAMICROCON-2019, conducted at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune on 28/08/2019.
15 Nishtha Gadia U.G. Student Secured 4th Position in Regional Undergraduate Microbiology Quiz of Pune region (9 Medical Colleges), XXV Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM MAHAMICROCON-2019, conducted at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune on 28/08/2019.

Year 2020
Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements
16 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare, Dr. Neetu Gupta, Dr. Sameena Khan, Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, Demonstrator First Place in design of Molecular Lab in ACCENDO 2020 workshop cum course conducted by SRM.
17 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Vocational Excellence Award by Rotary Club.
18 Dr. Sahjid Sadurudin Mukhida JR1 Won First Prize for e-Poster Presentation at NATCON 2020.

Year 2021
Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements
1 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Secured 2nd place in ‘World Antibiotic Awareness Week’ National PG Seminar competition at Vinayaka Mission Kirupanada Variyar Medical College, Salem held from 22nd-23rd Nov 2021.

Year 2022
Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements
1 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Invited at Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) Puducherry for CME and Workshop on “Role of Imaging in Diagnosis of Wound Infection” to Chair a session on Illuminate - A Step into Comprehensive Wound Assessment and as Guest Speaker for the session on “Illuminate - Clinical study and cases presentation from Microbiology Perspective”.
2 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Invited as a panelist for sharing valuable inputs and expertise at 3rd Diagnostics Leadership Summit, 2021 organized by Elets Techno Media Pvt. Ltd.
3 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Awarded for special efforts as an Organizing Committee member at the UNMESH Science Festival for UG, PG, Interns, Ph.D. scholars, and young budding faculty on 17th -18th March 2021.
4 Dr. Rajashri Patil Associate Professor Deposited 17 strains in the NCMR-NCCS National Centre for Microbial Resource.
5 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Awarded for special effort as an Organizing Committee member at the Science Festival on 2nd & 3rd March, 2022, conducted online through Zoom platform.
6 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Professor Awarded the appreciation certificate for receiving the award of First Place in the design of Molecular Lab by the Department of Microbiology Sri Ramchandra Medical College and Research Institute in ACCENDO-2020 on occasion of Teacher’s Day dated 5th September 2022.
7 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Awarded the “Dr. P.D. Patil Young Researcher Award” for the Year 2021-22 dated 5th September 2022.
8 Dr. N. R. Gandham Professor and HOD Chaired a session and was also Judge for oral paper presentation at the MahaMicroCon-2022 XXVI-Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM. Theme: “Molecular Epidemiology” held at BJ Government Medical College, Pune on the 17th and 18th of September 2022.
9 Dr. Shalini Bhaumik JR III Presented a paper for “Dr. Late P. M. Khare Junior Best Research Paper” Award. Best three papers including hers were shortlisted from 43 papers for the same, in the MahaMicroCon-2022 XXVI-Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM. Theme: “Molecular Epidemiology” held at BJ Government Medical College, Pune on the 17th and 18th of September 2022.
10 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Presented Token of Gratitude for sharing valuable insights at the 4th Elets Diagnostics Leadership Summit 2022 organized by Elets and CrelioHealth on 22-23rd March 2022.
11 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor Participated in the Online course NIeCer 103: Scientific Writing in Health Research with a score of 86% organized by ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology on 13th March 2022.
12 Mr. Amitesh Datta Demonstrator Secured Second Place in the Indo-US Workshop held on 21st -27th March 2022 conducted by the JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research, Mysuru under the Department of Science and Technology, Synergistic Training Program Utilizing the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (STUTI) scheme.
13 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Professor Awarded the certificate by City Tuberculosis Elimination Center, Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) as recognition for her efforts and contribution towards ending Tuberculosis on 24 March 2022.
14 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Held 2nd Runner Up (Third Prize) in the E-Quiz Competition for PG Students (by Diagnostic Division of CAHO) on 19th March 2022.
15 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Secured 2nd place in ‘World Antibiotic Awareness Week’- National PG Seminar competition at Vinayaka Mission Kirupanada Variyar Medical College, Salem held from 22nd-23rd Nov 2021.
16 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor Felicitated with memento on the occasion of National Doctor’s Day 1st July 2022 organized by Inner Wheel Club of Nigdi Pride Chapter No. 5907 International Inner Wheel Theme 2022-23 Work Wonders.
17 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Invited as a speaker in Scientific Symposium on “Invasive Fungal Infections Update” organized by BSV bringing life to life and he spoke on Current Epidemiological Trends and Diagnostic Challenges in IFI held on August 4th 2022, Thursday 11.30 am -01.30 pm at Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Seminar Hall, 5th Floor, New Hi-Tech Building.
18 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Professor Appreciation certificate: First place in the design of Molecular lab organized by Department of Microbiology Sri Ramchandra Medical College and Research Institute in ACCENDO-2020 on occasion of Teacher’s Day (5th September 2022).
19 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Dr. P.D. Patil Young Researcher Award” for the Year 2021-22 on occasion of Teachers Day (5th September 2021).
20 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Won 2nd prize with Rs. 5000/- Cash in oral paper presentation in “Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine” Practical Approach by the Experts organized by the department of Respiratory Medicine on 25th December 2022, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune.
21 Miss Ansika Ahuja MSc. Medical Microbiology I Won 2nd prize with Rs. 2500/- Cash in poster presentation in “Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine” Practical Approach by the Experts organized by the department of Respiratory Medicine on 25th December 2022, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune.

Year 2023
Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements
1 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Professor Appreciation certificate from Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidhyapeeth, Pune for the year 2022-23 in recognition of receiving National Tuberculosis Elimination Centre (PCMC) on the occasion of Teachers Day (5th September 2023).
2 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Professor National Tuberculosis Elimination Program as a recognition for her efforts and contribution towards ending Tuberculosis on 24th March 2023 City Tuberculosis Elimination Centre (PCMC).
3 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Professor Awarded certificate of appreciation for being registered as a Nikshay Mitra under Pradhan Mantri TB Mukta Bharat Abhiyan City Tuberculosis Elimination Centre (PCMC).
4 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Awarded appreciation certificate from Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidhyapeeth, Pune for the year 2022-23 in recognition of receiving Best Case Report 2022 from Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology (ILDVL) on the occasion of Teachers Day (5th September 2023).
5 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Awarded for participation as Judge at the Unmesh 2023 Science Festival on 12th & 13th April 2023 Research and Development Cell of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth Pune.
6 Mr. Amitesh Datta Tutor and Ph.D. Scholar Presented poster and Awarded 1st Prize and cheque of 1000 Rupees on 18th March 2023 at G B Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, N Delhi at the 1st Quarter Meet of IAMM Delhi Chapter.
7 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida and Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III Awarded Scholarship for the academic year 2022-2023. They received a scholarship of 30000/- rupees each in cash presented on the 26th March 2023 by Metroplus Foundation in MEDENGAGE SCHOLARSHIP SUMMIT.
8 Ms. Anshika Ahuja MSc. Medical Microbiology First Year Student Gold Medal for obtaining First Position in the university degree program B.Sc. Microbiology in the year 2022, JECRC University, Jaipur.

Department Achievements
  • The Microbiology department achieved 7% accuracy in the 114th IAMM EQAS Evaluation Report conducted by the Department of Clinical Microbiology, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, and obtained 75/76 Marks in Bacteriology and Serology.
  • The department participated in the Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology (IATP) External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS) for Microscopy in 2023 and scored Grade A.
  • The department participated in the External Quality Assurance Program (EQAS July-2023) for Medical Mycology at Mycology Division, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh (PGI), scoring 80% with "Good" performance.
  • Shahzad Mirza, Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology, was awarded an appreciation award for outstanding and stellar efforts in making the Patient Safety Week a success.
  • Preethy Edavaloth, Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology, who was a Senior Resident for the last year, has cleared the DNB Microbiology Exams Part I (Theory) & Part II (Practical), conducted in April 2023 and August 2023, respectively.
  • Deepali Desai, Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology, successfully completed the basic course in biomedical research as mandated by the National Medical Commission (NMC), scoring 67% in the Proctored Examination (July 2023).
  • Shital Algule, Junior Resident in the Department of Microbiology, successfully completed the basic course in biomedical research as mandated by the National Medical Commission (NMC), scoring 58% in the Proctored Examination (July 2023).
  • Third-year UG student Ellora Pandey presented a paper titled "Urinary tract infection caused by an emerging multi-drug resistant Myroides species - A case report" at the 12th International Conference for Healthcare and Medical Students (ICHAMS), which will be published in BMC, 2023, (Suppl 17):29,2.
  • Shahzad Mirza, Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology, contributed as a judge for the “Innovation Stall Competition” at the regional meet held at Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune on 16th December, 2023.

By Department
Sr. No. Title Date Guest Speaker No. of Delegates Attended
1 Guest Lecture on “Future Molecular Diagnostics in Clinical Microbiology” 11/10/2017 Dr. Helena Enroth -
2 Quality Management Systems and Internal audit in Medical Lab as per ISO 15189-2012, NABL Training 24/05/2017 to 27/05/2017 - -
3 Quality Management Systems and Internal Audit in Medical Labs as per ISO 15789-2012, NABL Training 08/11/2017 to 11/11/2017 - 17
4 Guest Lecture on “Microbiome: A World Within a Body” 20th April 2018 Dr. Vijay Nema, Scientist ‘D’ at National AIDS Research Institute, Pune -
5 “Rational Use of Antibiotics” 25th June 2018 Gp Capt. (Dr) S.P. Singh, Professor - Microbiology, AFMC and Dr. Bharat Purandar, Infectious Disease Consultant and Associate Professor, Bharti Vidyapeeth, Pune -
6 Guest Lecture by VP-Operations and Head - Quality for NABL at AG Diagnostics, Pune 27th November 2019 Dr. Manisha Patwardhan 50
7 Webinar on Hepatitis Awareness on the Occasion of World Hepatitis Day 28/07/2021 - 80
8 Poster Presentation Competition: Celebration of “International Infection Prevention Week” 22/10/2021 Judged by Dr. Hetal Rathod 48
9 Webinar on “Community and Hospital Acquired Gram Positive Infections” 29/10/2021 Dr. Kalpana Kelkar, Dr. Prachee Sathe, Dr. Shahzad Mirza, and Dr. P Skhavalkar 32
10 1st National Hybrid Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Antimicrobial Stewardship) 3rd and 4th June 2022 Dr. Nageswari Gandham
Dr. Aruna Poojari
Dr. Sonal Saxena
Dr. Bharat Purandare
Dr. Rajeev Soman
Dr. Darshan Rana
Dr. Mathew Robinson
Dr. Sampada Patwardhan
Dr. Pricilla Rupali
Dr. Parikshit Prayag
Dr. Chanda Vyavahare
Dr. Nikunja Das
Dr. Shahzad Mirza

Conferences / CME / Workshop Attended by Faculty and Students (Year 2014)

Sr. No. Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/Conference/Workshop Date & Venue/Place Role
1 Dr. R N Misra Professor and HOD MCI recognized MET workshop- 2014 16th to 18th October 2014, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pune Delegate
2 Dr. R N Misra Professor and HOD APCON-2014, 63rd Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists 4th to 7th December 2014, AFMC, Pune Delegate
3 Dr. D P Pandit Professor MCI recognized MET workshop- 2014 16th to 18th October 2014, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pune Delegate
4 Dr. N R Gandham Professor SIHAM 2014, Tenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Indian Human & Animal Mycologists 10th to 12th January 2014, Le Meridien, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India Delegate
5 Dr. N R Gandham Professor MCI recognized MET workshop- 2014 27th to 29th January 2014, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pune Delegate
6 Dr. Kalpana M Angadi Professor MCI recognized MET workshop- 2014 16th to 18th October 2014, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pune Delegate
7 Dr. S V Jadhav Professor 2nd International Science Symposium on HIV & Infectious Diseases 30th January to 1st February 2014, The ACCORD Metropolitan Hotel, T. Nagar, Chennai Delegate
8 Dr. C R Vyawahare Associate Professor 2nd International Science Symposium on HIV & Infectious Diseases 30th January to 1st February 2014, The ACCORD Metropolitan Hotel, T. Nagar, Chennai Delegate
9 Ms. Deepali Desai Demonstrator 2nd International Science Symposium on HIV & Infectious Diseases 30th January to 1st February 2014, The ACCORD Metropolitan Hotel, T. Nagar, Chennai Delegate
10 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor Seminar on “Emotional Well-being” 18th September 2014, DYPMC Delegate
11 Dr. N K Das Assistant Professor MICROCON (IAMM National Chapter) 2014 15th to 19th October 2014, Birla Auditorium, Jaipur Delegate
12 Dr. N K Das Assistant Professor Basic Workshop in “Research Methodology” 13th to 15th November 2014, Conducted by Department at Medical Education Delegate
13 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor APCON-2014, 63rd Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists 4th to 7th December 2014, AFMC, Pune Delegate
14 Dr. R.A. Patil Assistant Professor IRCON-2014, 7th Interdisciplinary Research Conference 22nd, 23rd & 24th January 2014, Government Medical College, Aurangabad Delegate
15 Dr. Nabamita Chaudhuri P.G. Student PAICON 2014, 2nd National Conference of Pediatrics Association of India 31st October to 2nd November 2014, Town Hall, Burdwan, W.B. Delegate
16 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator National Symposium on Innovation in TB Diagnostics, Drug Target and Biomarkers. CME on Molecular and Immunodiagnostics for PTB & EPTB 27th to 28th January 2014, Wardha, Maharashtra Delegate
17 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator One Day Workshop on Sanger Sequencing Vs NGS Technology 8th November 2014, Bioera R & D Centre & Training Facility, Tathawade, Pune Delegate

Year 2015
Sr. No. Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/Conference/Workshop Date & Venue/Place Role (Delegate/Resource Person/Chairperson/Panelist)
1 Dr. R N Misra Professor and HOD CME on Psychiatric Neurosciences 10th to 11th June 2015, Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune Delegate
2 Dr. D P Pandit Professor World TB Day Program 25th March 2015, YCM Hospital Pimpri, Pune Delegate
3 Dr. D P Pandit Professor 88th Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Sammelan 9th April 2015, Ghuman, Punjab Delegate
4 Dr. D P Pandit Professor CME for Resident Doctors on TORCH Infections 17th July 2015, Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital, Pimpri Delegate
5 Dr. N R Gandham Professor Bioethics Training 3T Training Programme 3rd to 6th August 2015, DYPMC, Pimpri, Pune Delegate
6 Dr. N R Gandham Professor Bioethics Training 3T for Teachers of Health Sciences 30th May 2015, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa) Delegate
7 Dr. N R Gandham Professor International Forum of Teachers (IFT) Certificate of Membership 30th October 2015 Delegate
8 Dr. K M Angadi Professor Workshop on Laboratory Data Management (WHONET) 16th to 18th April 2015, AFMC Pune Delegate
9 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor 12th Infectious Disease Certificate Course 7th to 12th September 2015, P.D. Hinduja Hospital Medical Research Center, Mumbai Delegate
10 Dr. R A Patil Assistance Professor 9th Annual Conference RSSDI Maharashtra Chapter 1st to 3rd May 2015, Pune Delegate
11 Dr. R A Patil Assistance Professor Rhythm Pune-Midterm ISECON 2015 12th & 13th September 2015 Delegate
12 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistance Professor WHONET Workshop on Laboratory Data Management 16th to 18th April 2015, Bharti Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College, Pune Delegate
13 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistance Professor MAHAMICROCON 2015; Presented poster on Multidrug Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria 9th to 10th October 2015, Mumbai Delegate
14 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistance Professor MICROCON 2015; Presented poster on Nosocomial Infections Caused by Multidrug Resistant Klebsiella Pneumonia 25th to 29th November 2015, Pondicherry Delegate
15 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator National Tuberculosis Workshop “Lens to Genes” 14th to 15th March 2015, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka Delegate

Year 2016
Sr. No. Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/Conference/Workshop Date & Venue/Place Role (Delegate/Resource Person/Chairperson/Panelist)
1 Dr. R N Misra Professor and HOD CME for Resident Doctors on TORCH Infections 29th September 2016, Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital, Pimpri Delegate
2 Dr. R N Misra Professor and HOD Global Webcast on Antibiotic Resistance 16th November 2016, DYPMC Auditorium, Pimpri, Pune Delegate
3 Dr. R N Misra Professor and HOD CME on People’s Health & Quality of Life 21st November 2016, DYPMC Auditorium, Pimpri, Pune Delegate
4 Dr. D P Pandit Professor Guest Lecture on Epidemic Viral Diseases 23rd January 2016, H. V. Desai College, Pune Guest Lecturer
5 Dr. D P Pandit Professor International Workshop on Management of Diabetes 1st to 3rd March 2016, Mumbai Delegate
6 Dr. D P Pandit Professor National Conference on Emerging Trends in Infectious Diseases 15th to 17th July 2016, Bangalore Delegate
7 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor Advanced Course on Infectious Diseases 2nd to 6th February 2016, Delhi Delegate
8 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor Workshop on Antibiotic Stewardship 20th to 22nd September 2016, Pune Delegate
9 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistance Professor National Conference on Microbiology 5th to 7th March 2016, Mumbai Delegate
10 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistance Professor Workshop on Clinical Microbiology Techniques 10th to 12th August 2016, Pune Delegate
11 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator Annual Conference on Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases 18th to 20th June 2016, Hyderabad Delegate
12 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator Workshop on Advances in TB Diagnostics 14th to 16th October 2016, Pune Delegate

Year 2017
# Name Designation Event Date Role
1 Dr. R N Misra Professor and HOD “Future Molecular Diagnostics in Clinical Microbiology”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture by Helena Enroth., Central Library Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18. 11th October 2017 Delegate
2 Dr. D P Pandit Professor 43rd Annual Conference of Research Society of B.J. Govt. Medical College and Sassoon Hospital, Pune; For Big Innovation projects by Venture Centre, NCL Pune. 21st to 23rd February 2017 Delegate
3 Dr. D P Pandit Professor “Future Molecular Diagnostics in Clinical Microbiology”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture by Helena Enroth., Central Library Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18. 11th October 2017 Delegate
4 Dr. D P Pandit Professor NABL training, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 8th to 11th November 2017 Delegate
5 Dr. N R Gandham Professor “Future Molecular Diagnostics in Clinical Microbiology”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture by Helena Enroth., Central Library Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18. 11th October 2017 Delegate
6 Dr. Kalpana M Angadi Professor “Future Molecular Diagnostics in Clinical Microbiology”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture by Helena Enroth., Central Library Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18. 11th October 2017 Delegate
7 Dr. Kalpana M Angadi Professor NABL training, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 8th to 11th November 2017 Delegate
8 Dr. Kalpana M Angadi Professor CME- Pitfalls in Microbiology Reporting and ABST Testing 28th October 2017 Delegate
9 Dr. Kalpana M Angadi Professor PUNEINFECON 2017, Bharti Vidyapeeth Medical College and Hospital, Pune. 9th to 10th December 2017 Delegate
10 Dr. S V Jadhav Professor “Future Molecular Diagnostics in Clinical Microbiology”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture by Helena Enroth., Central Library Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18. 11th October 2017 Delegate
11 Dr. C R Vyawahare Associate Professor “Future Molecular Diagnostics in Clinical Microbiology”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture by Helena Enroth., Central Library Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18. 11th October 2017 Delegate
12 Dr. C R Vyawahare Associate Professor PUNEINFECON 2017, Bharti Vidyapeeth Medical College and Hospital, Pune. 9th to 10th December 2017 Delegate
13 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor Training course on “Advances in Biology of Communicable Diseases 2017” National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, Mumbai, (Indian Council of Medical Research) 8th May to 2nd June 2017 Delegate
14 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor “Future Molecular Diagnostics in Clinical Microbiology”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture by Helena Enroth., Central Library Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18. 11th October 2017 Delegate
15 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor NABL training, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 8th to 11th November 2017 Delegate
16 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor PUNEINFECON 2017, Bharti Vidyapeeth Medical College and Hospital, Pune. 9th to 10th December 2017 Delegate
17 Dr. N K Das Assistance Professor Attended MET workshop, at Dr. D Y Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune. 3rd to 5th January 2017 Delegate
18 Dr. N K Das Assistance Professor “Future Molecular Diagnostics in Clinical Microbiology”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture by Helena Enroth., Central Library Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18. 11th October 2017 Delegate
19 Dr. N K Das Assistance Professor CME on “Pitfalls in Microbiology reporting and ABST testing” at Bharathi Vidyapeeth Medical College and Hospital Pune 28th October 2017 Delegate
20 Dr. N K Das Assistance Professor Attended training Programme on “Quality Management system and Internal medical in medical labs as per ISO 15189-2012” 8th to 11th November 2017 Delegate
21 Dr. R A Patil Assistance Professor “Future Molecular Diagnostics in Clinical Microbiology”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture by Helena Enroth., Central Library Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18. 11th October 2017 Delegate
22 Dr. R A Patil Assistance Professor PUNEINFECON 2017, Bharti Vidyapeeth Medical College and Hospital, Pune. 9th to 10th December 2017 Delegate
23 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistance Professor Participated in Training of RNTCP and daily DOTS at DPU, Pune 13th February 2017 Delegate
24 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistance Professor National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL): Certified NABL trained microbiologist. 24th to 27th May 2017 Delegate
25 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistance Professor “Future Molecular Diagnostics in Clinical Microbiology”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture by Helena Enroth., Central Library Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18. 11th October 2017 Delegate
26 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistance Professor PUNEINFECON 2017, Bharti Vidyapeeth Medical College and Hospital, Pune. 9th to 10th December 2017 Delegate
27 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistance Professor Training Programme on “Quality Management system and Internal medical in medical labs as per ISO 15189-2012” 8th to 11th November 2017 Delegate
28 Ms. Anjali Deshmukh Demonstrator Structure of Pre-PhD course work for biotechnology and bioinformatics Jul 2017 to Oct 2017 Delegate
29 Ms. Anjali Deshmukh Demonstrator “Future Molecular Diagnostics in Clinical Microbiology”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture by Helena Enroth., Central Library Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18. 11th October 2017 Delegate
30 Ms. Deepali Desai Demonstrator Pre-PhD for Medical 20th to 24th March 2017 Delegate
31 Ms. Deepali Desai Demonstrator “Future Molecular Diagnostics in Clinical Microbiology”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture by Helena Enroth., Central Library Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18. 11th October 2017 Delegate
32 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator ICMR Advanced centre for Evidence Based Child Health, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune 22nd -23rd February 2017 Delegate
33 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator Workshop On Techniques in Molecular Diagnostics (Infectious & non-infectious), Pune 14th April 2017 Delegate
34 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator NABH Training “Quality Management system and Internal medical in medical labs as per ISO 15189-2012” 24th -27th May 2017 Delegate
35 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator Certificate of Membership for life LM3017/17 28th July 2017 Delegate
36 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator 72nd NATCON 2017, National Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases held at KIMS & RF, Amalapuram/ Riverbay Rajahmundry 26th October 2017 Delegate
37 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator MICROCON 2017, 41st Annual Conference of India Association of Medical Microbiologists, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi 22nd to 26th November 2017 Delegate
38 Dr. Sopia Mukherjee Demonstrator NABL Training 8th to 11th November 2017 Delegate
39 Dr. Sopia Mukherjee Demonstrator MICROCON 2017, 41st Annual Conference of India Association of Medical Microbiologists, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi 22nd to 26th November 2017 Delegate
40 Dr. Izna Demonstrator MICROCON 2017, 41st Annual Conference of India Association of Medical Microbiologists, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi 22nd to 26th November 2017 Delegate
41 Dr. Prachi Bhide P.G. Students Scientific Seminar, New Delhi 20th September 2017 Delegate
42 Dr. Prachi Bhide P.G. Students PSSCON 2017, Poona Hospital and Research Center, Pune 5th November 2017 Delegate
43 Dr. Prachi Bhide P.G. Students MET workshop for Residents /Demonstrators - 2017, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and research centre Pune-411018. 14th to 16th & 21st November 2017 Delegate
44 Dr. Prachi Bhide P.G. Students MICROCON 2017, 41st Annual Conference of India Association of Medical Microbiologists, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi 22nd to 26th November 2017 Delegate

Events 2018
# Name Designation Event Date Type
1 Dr R N Misra Professor and HOD Training on GenXpert Technology and software with MTB-Rif assay (Cepheid) 5th January 2018 Delegate
2 Dr R N Misra Professor and HOD CME for Resident Doctors of Dr. D. Y.Patil Hospital, Pimpri, on TORCH Infections 05th March 2018 Delegate
3 Dr R N Misra Professor and HOD “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
4 Dr R N Misra Professor and HOD CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
5 Dr R N Misra Professor and HOD National conference of Microbiology “MICROCON 2018” at NIMHANS, Bengaluru 28th November to 1st December 2018 Delegate
6 Dr R N Misra Professor and HOD NABH Training 13th December 2018 Delegate
7 Dr R N Misra Professor and HOD Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine. Auditorium, Dr. D.Y.Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-18 22nd to 23rd December 2018 Delegate
8 Dr. D P Pandit Professor 44th Annual Conference of Research Society of B.J. Govt. Medical College and Sassoon Hospital, Pune; For Big Innovation projects by Venture Centre, NCL Pune 22nd to 23rd February 2018 Delegate
9 Dr. D P Pandit Professor CME for Resident Doctors of Dr. D. Y.Patil Hospital, Pimpri, on TORCH Infections 05th March 2018 Delegate
10 Dr. D P Pandit Professor “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
11 Dr. D P Pandit Professor ISO 9001-2015 training 24th April 2018 Delegate
12 Dr. D P Pandit Professor CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
13 Dr. D P Pandit Professor NABH Training 11th December 2018 Delegate
14 Dr. N R Gandham Professor Training on GenXpert Technology and software with MTB-Rif assay (Cepheid) 5th January 2018 Delegate
15 Dr. N R Gandham Professor CME for Resident Doctors of Dr. D. Y.Patil Hospital, Pimpri, on TORCH Infections 05th March 2018 Delegate
16 Dr. N R Gandham Professor “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
17 Dr. N R Gandham Professor CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
18 Dr. N R Gandham Professor NABH Training 15th December 2018 Delegate
19 Dr. Kalpana M Angadi Professor Training on GenXpert Technology and software with MTB-Rif assay (Cepheid) 5th January 2018 Delegate
20 Dr. Kalpana M Angadi Professor “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
21 Dr. Kalpana M Angadi Professor CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
22 Dr. Kalpana M Angadi Professor NABH Training 13th December 2018 Delegate
23 Dr. S V Jadhav Professor Training on GenXpert Technology and software with MTB-Rif assay (Cepheid) 5th January 2018 Delegate
24 Dr. S V Jadhav Professor International Conference of Antimicrobial resistance: ICAR 2018, CSIR India, and department of Biotechnology Govt. of India, at Tanjawar Tamil Nadu India 19th to 20th January 2018 Delegate
25 Dr. S V Jadhav Professor CME for Resident Doctors of Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital, Pimpri, on TORCH Infections 5th March 2018 Delegate
26 Dr. S V Jadhav Professor “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
27 Dr. S V Jadhav Professor CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
28 Dr. S V Jadhav Professor Train the trainer Workshop for IQAC coordinators, DYPMC 29th October to 2nd November 2018 Delegate
29 Dr. C R Vyawahare Associate Professor Training on GenXpert Technology and software with MTB-Rif assay (Cepheid) 5th January 2018 Delegate
30 Dr. C R Vyawahare Associate Professor CME for Resident Doctors of Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital, Pimpri, on TORCH Infections 5th March 2018 Delegate
31 Dr. C R Vyawahare Associate Professor “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
32 Dr. C R Vyawahare Associate Professor ISO 9001-2015 training 24th April 2018 Delegate
33 Dr. C R Vyawahare Associate Professor CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
34 Dr. C R Vyawahare Associate Professor The Indian Program of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa). Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-18. 6th -8th December 2018 Delegate
35 Dr. C R Vyawahare Associate Professor Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine. Auditorium, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-18. 22nd to 23rd December 2018 Delegate
36 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor CME for Resident Doctors of Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital, Pimpri, on TORCH Infections 5th March 2018 Delegate
37 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
38 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
39 Dr. N K Das Assistant Professor Certificate of Completion 3Msm Health care Academy, Half Day seminar on Best Practices in Sterilization 2nd February 2018 Delegate
40 Dr. N K Das Assistant Professor CME for Resident Doctors of Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital, Pimpri, on TORCH Infections 5th March 2018 Delegate
41 Dr. N K Das Assistant Professor “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
42 Dr. N K Das Assistant Professor CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
43 Dr. N K Das Assistant Professor NABH Training 13th December 2018 Delegate
44 Dr. R A Patil Assistant Professor Training on GenXpert Technology and software with MTB-Rif assay (Cepheid) 5th January 2018 Delegate
45 Dr. R A Patil Assistant Professor CME for Resident Doctors of Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital, Pimpri, on TORCH Infections 5th March 2018 Delegate
46 Dr. R A Patil Assistant Professor “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
47 Dr. R A Patil Assistant Professor CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
48 Dr. R A Patil Assistant Professor Workshop on Research Methodology conducted by Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune 4th August 2018 Delegate
49 Dr. R A Patil Assistant Professor AETCON-Participated in MET Workshop “Basic course in medical education technology for Residents”, DPU, Pune 26-28 November 2018 Delegate
50 Dr. R A Patil Assistant Professor NABH Training 15th December 2018 Delegate
51 Dr. R A Patil Assistant Professor Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine. Auditorium, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-18. 22nd -23rd December 2018 Delegate
52 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Training on GenXpert Technology and software with MTB-Rif assay (Cepheid) 5th January 2018 Delegate
53 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Attended 2nd NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON HOSPITAL INFECTION CONTROL Organized by Department of Microbiology & Hospital Infection Control Committee, JIPMER, Puducherry 29th January to 2nd February 2018 Delegate
54 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Multidisciplinary Teams for Preventing Bloodstream Infections in NICUs, Pre-CUSP workshop, Pune March 2018 Delegate
55 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor CME for Resident Doctors of Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital, Pimpri, on TORCH Infections 5th March 2018 Delegate
56 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
57 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
58 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor HISICON 2018, XV National Conference of Hospital Infection Society India 4th to 6th October 2018 Delegate
59 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor NABH Training 13th December 2018 Delegate
60 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine. Auditorium, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-18. 22nd to 23rd December 2018 Delegate
61 Ms. Anjali Deshmukh Demonstrator CME for Resident Doctors of Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital, Pimpri, on TORCH Infections 5th March 2018 Delegate
62 Ms. Anjali Deshmukh Demonstrator “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
63 Ms. Anjali Deshmukh Demonstrator CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
64 Ms. Anjali Deshmukh Demonstrator NABH Training 13th December 2018 Delegate
65 Ms. Deepali Desai Demonstrator CME for Resident Doctors of Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital, Pimpri, on TORCH Infections 5th March 2018 Delegate
66 Ms. Deepali Desai Demonstrator “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
67 Ms. Deepali Desai Demonstrator CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
68 Ms. Deepali Desai Demonstrator Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine. Auditorium, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-18. 22nd to 23rd December 2018 Delegate
69 Dr. S K Banik Demonstrator CME for Resident Doctors of Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital, Pimpri, on TORCH Infections 5th March 2018 Delegate
70 Dr. Swarupa Hatolk Demonstrator Training on GenXpert Technology and software with MTB-Rif assay (Cepheid) 5th January 2018 Delegate
71 Dr. Swarupa Hatolk Demonstrator ICT 2018: 20TH International Conference on Tuberculosis, London, UK 14-15th May 2018 Delegate
72 Dr. Swarupa Hatolk Demonstrator XXIV Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Deemed to be University, Karad 29th – 30th September 2018 Delegate
73 Dr. Swarupa Hatolk Demonstrator MICROCON 2018, 42nd Annual Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, held in Bengaluru, Karnataka 28th November to 2nd December 2018 Delegate
74 Dr. Swarupa Hatolk Demonstrator Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine. Auditorium, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-18 22nd to 23rd December 2018 Delegate
75 Dr. S K Banik Demonstrator “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
76 Dr. S K Banik Demonstrator CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
77 Dr. P Katore Demonstrator CME for Resident Doctors of Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital, Pimpri, on TORCH Infections 5th March 2018 Delegate
78 Dr. P Katore Demonstrator “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
79 Dr. P Katore Demonstrator CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
80 Dr. P Katore Demonstrator Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine. Auditorium, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-18 22nd to 23rd December 2018 Delegate
81 Dr. S Das Demonstrator “Microbiome: A world within a body”. The Department of Microbiology organized a Guest Lecture. 20th April 2018 Delegate
82 Dr. S Das Demonstrator CME on “Rational use of Antibiotics”, Auditorium Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri, Pune-18 25th June 2018 Delegate
83 Dr. Prachi Bhide P.G. Student XXIV Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Deemed to be University, Karad 29th – 30th September 2018 Delegate
84 Dr. Prachi C Bhide P.G. Student NABH Training 13th December 2018 Delegate
85 Dr. Prachi C Bhide P.G. Student Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine. Auditorium, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-18 22nd to 23rd December 2018 Delegate
86 Dr. Izna P.G. Student CME- “Update on Diagnostic Clinical Virology Laboratory” and training on Automated Nucleic Extraction and Real-Time PCR, MAHAMICROCON 2018, held Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Deemed to be University, Karad 28th September 2018 Delegate
87 Dr. Izna P.G. Student XXIV Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Deemed to be University, Karad 29th – 30th September 2018 Delegate
88 Dr. Izna P.G. Student NABH Training 13th December 2018 Delegate
89 Dr. Izna P.G. Student Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine. Auditorium, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-18 22nd to 23rd December 2018 Delegate
90 Miss. Swati Bhirange Research Associate (Mol. bio. lab) Training on GenXpert Technology and software with MTB-Rif assay (Cepheid) 5th January 2018 Delegate
91 Miss. Swati Bhirange Research Associate (Mol. bio. lab) Hands on Training Program in Molecular Biology, held OmBio Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Pune 30th June and 1st July 2018 Delegate
92 Ms. Swati Bhirange Research Associate (Mol. bio. lab) NABH Training 13th December 2018 Delegate
93 Ms. Swati Bhirange Research Associate (Mol. bio. lab) Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine. Auditorium, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-18 22nd to 23rd December 2018 Delegate
94 Ms. Shradha Gheware Research Associate Training on GenXpert Technology and software with MTB-Rif assay (Cepheid) 5th January 2018 Delegate
95 Ms. Shradha Gheware Research Associate NABH Training 13th December 2018 Delegate
96 Ms. Projyoti Gaware Lab Technician NABH Training 13th December 2018 Delegate

Conference and Workshop Attendance - 2019 & 2020

Year 2019
# Faculty Name Designation Event Location Date Role
1 Dr. R.N. Misra Professor and HOD Curriculum Implementation Support Program Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri Pune 22-24 April 2019 Delegate
2 Dr. D.P. Pandit Professor CME on Recent Updates & Guidelines of Pediatric Tuberculosis Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s Medical College and Hospital, Ahmednagar 18 January 2019 Delegate
3 Dr. Savita V. Jadhav Professor 1-Day Workshop on Stress Management & Office Etiquettes 27 April 2019 Delegate
4 Dr. Neetu S. Gupta Associate Professor Curriculum Implementation Support Program Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri Pune 22-24 April 2019 Delegate
5 Dr. Nikunja K. Das Assistant Professor Workshop on Theory & Practical of Problem-Based Learning Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune 25-26 January 2019 Delegate
6 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor 6th National CME & Live Workshop on Audits in Infection Prevention and Control Breach Candy Hospital Trust, Mumbai 18-19 January 2019 Delegate
7 Dr. Deepali Desai Demonstrator 1-Day Workshop on Stress Management & Office Etiquettes 27 April 2019 Delegate
8 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator 73rd National Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases (NATCON) Hotel Centre Point, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur 5-6 January 2019 Delegate
9 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator National Symposium on Recent Advances in Modern Biology & Biotechnology 2019 Dr. D.Y. Patil Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Institute, Pune 14-16 March 2019 Delegate
10 Dr. N.R. Gandham Professor Molecular Biology Techniques Training on “MUTIPLEX PCR” geneOmbio Technologies Private Limited, Pune 22-23 August 2019 Delegate
11 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor Molecular Biology Techniques Training on “MUTIPLEX PCR” geneOmbio Technologies Private Limited, Pune 22-23 August 2019 Delegate
12 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Demonstrator First Conference on Trends in Interdisciplinary Research in Health Sciences Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune 27 August 2019 Delegate
13 Dr. Kalpana Angadi Professor ICT Enabled Teaching Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune 19-20 September 2019 Delegate
14 Dr. Sameena Khan Assistant Professor Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies 24-26 September 2019 Delegate
15 Dr. Sameena Khan Assistant Professor Sensitization Programme on Attitude, Ethics and Communication (AETCOM) 27 September 2019 Delegate
16 Dr. R.N. Misra Professor and HOD Workshop on Stress Management for Health Professionals Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune 10 October 2019 Delegate
17 Dr. N.R. Gandham Professor Workshop on Stress Management for Health Professionals Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune 10 October 2019 Delegate
18 Dr. Kalpana Angadi Professor Workshop on Stress Management for Health Professionals Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune 10 October 2019 Delegate
19 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Associate Professor Workshop on Stress Management for Health Professionals Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune 10 October 2019 Delegate
20 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor Workshop on Stress Management for Health Professionals Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune 10 October 2019 Delegate
21 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Workshop on Stress Management for Health Professionals Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune 10 October 2019 Delegate
22 Mrs. Sameena Khan Assistant Professor Workshop on Stress Management for Health Professionals Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune 10 October 2019 Delegate
23 Mrs. Anjali Deshmukh Demonstrator Workshop on Stress Management for Health Professionals 10 October 2019 Delegate
24 Dr. Nikunja Das Assistant Professor Continuing Laboratory Professionals Education Programme on Immunoassay Testing Hotel Sheraton Grand, Pune 9 November 2019 Delegate
25 Dr. Sameena Khan Assistant Professor Internal Auditor and Quality Management System Certificate Course (4 days) as per ISO 15189-2012 A.G. Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd. 12-15 November 2019 Delegate
26 Dr. Rajashri Patil Assistant Professor Internal Auditor and Quality Management System Certificate Course (4 days) as per ISO 15189-2012 A.G. Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd. 12-15 November 2019 Delegate
27 Miss Prajyoti Gaware Lab Technician Internal Auditor and Quality Management System Certificate Course (4 days) as per ISO 15189-2012 A.G. Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd. 12-15 November 2019 Delegate
28 Miss Shruti Amate Lab Technician Internal Auditor and Quality Management System Certificate Course (4 days) as per ISO 15189-2012 A.G. Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd. 12-15 November 2019 Delegate
29 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Annual Conference of Respiratory Critical Care and Sleep Medicine Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune 14-15 December 2019 Delegate

Year 2020 - Training and Workshops

S.No Name Designation Event Date Type
1Dr. Shahzad MirzaAssistant ProfessorNational Workshop on Hospital Infection Control Organized by Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research Puducherry (JIPMER)29th January to 1st February 2020Delegate
2Dr. Neetu GuptaAssociate Professor7th National CME & Live Audit Workshop on Audits in Infection Prevention & Control at Breach Candy Hospital Trust, Mumbai.28th February to 29th FebruaryDelegate
3Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorHot Spot Testing-Risk Management in Routine Lab Practice (Horiba Medical India) Live Webinar7th April 2020Delegate
4Dr. Swarupa HatolkarAssistant ProfessorMolecular Biology Research Laboratory Awareness Training Online18th April 2020Delegate
5Dr. Nikunja DasAssistant ProfessorTraining for COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing, at BJMC Medical College21st April 2020Delegate
6Dr. Swarupa HatolkarAssistant ProfessorTraining for COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing, at BJMC Medical College21st April 2020Delegate
7Dr. N.R. GandhamProfessorTraining for COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing, at BJMC Medical College, Pune22nd April 2020Delegate
8Dr. Kalpana AngadiProfessorTraining for COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing, at BJMC Medical College22nd April 2020Delegate
9Dr. Shahzad MirzaAssistant ProfessorTraining for COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing, at BJMC Medical College22nd April 2020Delegate
10Mrs. Swati BhirangeResearch Associate (Mol. Bio. Lab.)Training for COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing, at BJMC Medical College22nd April 2020Delegate
11Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorCytokine storm & Clinical Laboratory Features of COVID-1924th April 2020 Live WebinarDelegate
12Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorInfection Prevention and Control (IPC) for Novel Coronavirus (COVID)3rd May 2020 Online CourseDelegate
13Dr. Neetu GuptaAssociate ProfessorManaging Online Classes and Co-Creating MOOCS20th April to 6th May 2020Delegate
14Dr. Sameena KhanAssistant ProfessorCOVID-19: Tackling the Novel Coronavirus (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine) Online CourseApril to 14th May 2020Delegate
15Dr. Sameena KhanAssistant ProfessorPlagues, Pestilence and Pandemics: Are You Ready? (Griffith University) Online Course14th May 2020Delegate
16Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorSeries Of Five Webinars – Course IPC Masterclass: Outbreak, Epidemics and Pandemics21st April to 19th MayDelegate
17Dr. Chanda VyawahareAssociate ProfessorTwo Week Online Workshop on “Comprehensive E-Learning to E-Training Guide for Administrative Work”May 25th to June 5th, 2020Delegate
18Dr. Neetu GuptaAssociate ProfessorTwo Week Online Workshop on “Comprehensive E-Learning to E-Training Guide for Administrative Work”May 25th to June 5th, 2020Delegate
19Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorJournal of Visualized Experiments Organized by Balani Infotech Pvt. Ltd.4th June 2020Delegate
20Dr. Neetu GuptaAssociate ProfessorOnline One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Open Source Tools for Research”8th June to 14th June 2020Delegate
21Dr. Swarupa HatolkarAssistant ProfessorLiterature Searching Scientifically Organized by Ms. Vasumathi Sriganesh18th June 2020Delegate
22Dr. Swarupa HatolkarAssistant Professor[PacBio APAC Webinar by Dr. Adam Ameur of SciLifeLab] SMRT Sequencing Applications for Human Genomics and Medicine8th July 2020Delegate
23Dr. Chanda VyawahareAssociate ProfessorWebinar on “How To Publish With Oxford Journals / Oxford Medicine Online - Supporting Every Stage in a Medical Career”9th July 2020Delegate
24Dr. Swarupa HatolkarAssistant ProfessorWebinar on “How To Publish With Oxford Journals / Oxford Medicine Online - Supporting Every Stage in a Medical Career”9th July 2020Delegate
25Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorWebinar on “How To Publish With Oxford Journals / Oxford Medicine Online - Supporting Every Stage in a Medical Career”9th July 2020Delegate
26Dr. Kalpana AngadiProfessorWebinar on “Implementing Competency Based Medical Education During COVID Pandemic”10th July 2020Delegate
27Dr. Chanda VyawahareAssociate ProfessorWebinar on “Implementing Competency Based Medical Education During COVID Pandemic”10th July 2020Delegate
28Dr. Neetu GuptaAssociate ProfessorWebinar on “Implementing Competency Based Medical Education During COVID Pandemic”10th July 2020Delegate
29Dr. Nikunja K. DasAssistant ProfessorWebinar on “Implementing Competency Based Medical Education During COVID Pandemic”10th July 2020Delegate
30Dr. Sameena KhanAssistant ProfessorWebinar on “Implementing Competency Based Medical Education During COVID Pandemic”10th July 2020Delegate
31Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorWebinar on “Implementing Competency Based Medical Education During COVID Pandemic”10th July 2020Delegate
32Dr. Neetu GuptaAssociate ProfessorWebinar on “Update on Sexually Transmitted Infections”18th July 2020Delegate
33Dr. N.R. GandhamProfessorAIIMS – National Grand Round on COVID22nd July 2020Delegate
34Dr. Chanda VyawahareAssociate ProfessorAIIMS – National Grand Round on COVID22nd July 2020Delegate
35Dr. Rajashri PatilAssistant ProfessorAIIMS – National Grand Round on COVID22nd July 2020Delegate
36Dr. Sameena KhanAssistant ProfessorAIIMS – National Grand Round on COVID22nd July 2020Delegate
37Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorAIIMS – National Grand Round on COVID22nd July 2020Delegate
38Dr. Swarupa HatolkarAssistant ProfessorAIIMS – National Grand Round on COVID22nd July 2020Delegate
39Dr. N.R. GandhamProfessorState Level Online Awareness Programme (Shodh Shudhi) Plagiarism Karnataka23rd July 2020Delegate
40Dr. Neetu GuptaAssociate ProfessorState Level Online Awareness Programme (Shodh Shudhi) Plagiarism Karnataka23rd July 2020Delegate
41Dr. Chanda VyawahareAssociate ProfessorState Level Online Awareness Programme (Shodh Shudhi) Plagiarism Karnataka23rd July 2020Delegate
42Dr. Rajashri PatilAssistant ProfessorState Level Online Awareness Programme (Shodh Shudhi) Plagiarism Karnataka23rd July 2020Delegate
43Dr. Sameena KhanAssistant ProfessorState Level Online Awareness Programme (Shodh Shudhi) Plagiarism Karnataka23rd July 2020Delegate
44Dr. Swarupa HatolkarAssistant ProfessorState Level Online Awareness Programme (Shodh Shudhi) Plagiarism Karnataka23rd July 2020Delegate
45Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorState Level Online Awareness Programme (Shodh Shudhi) Plagiarism Karnataka23rd July 2020Delegate
46Dr. N.R. GandhamProfessorScopus Webinar29th July 2020Delegate
47Dr. Chanda VyawahareAssociate ProfessorScopus Webinar29th July 2020Delegate
48Dr. Neetu GuptaAssociate ProfessorScopus Webinar29th July 2020Delegate
49Dr. Rajashri PatilAssistant ProfessorScopus Webinar29th July 2020Delegate
50Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorScopus Webinar29th July 2020Delegate
51Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorAMR Master Webinar “Antimicrobial Stewardship in Pandemic Times: Role of Diagnostic Data Surveillance …Now and Beyond !… Real World Experience”29th July 2020Delegate
52Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorOnline National Webinar entitled “Mental Health and Coping during COVID-19: Saving Lives; Protecting People”29th July 2020Delegate
53Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorIPS Masterclass: Occupational Safety for HCW in Pandemics Online - A Series of 4 Webinars4th to 25th August 2020Delegate
54Dr. Sameena KhanAssistant ProfessorRAKCOMS COVID-19 Webinar Series – Session Four. Online Webinar16th August 2020Delegate
55Dr. N. R. GandhamProfessorCISP Workshop II Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-1817th and 18th August 2020Delegate
56Dr. Sahjid MukhidaPG StudentUpdates on Oncology 2020 (Virtual Conference)20th to 22nd August 2020Delegate
57Dr. Sameena KhanAssistant ProfessorWhat’s the Value in P Values Online International Webinar, Department of Community Medicine, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-1825th August 2020Delegate
58Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorWhat’s the Value in P Values Online International Webinar, Department of Community Medicine, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-1825th August 2020Delegate
59Dr. Sahjid MukhidaPG StudentWhat’s the Value in P Values Online International Webinar, Department of Community Medicine, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-1825th August 2020Delegate
60Dr. Chanda VyawahareAssociate ProfessorSri Ramchandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (Category-1 Deemed to be University) Porur, Chennai. (Online) ACCENDO-2020, 3rd Workshop cum Techniques in Molecular Biology and Clinical Virology, A Virtual Event26th to 29th August 2020Delegate
61Dr. Neetu GuptaAssociate ProfessorSri Ramchandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (Category-1 Deemed to be University) Porur, Chennai. (Online) ACCENDO-2020, 3rd Workshop cum Techniques in Molecular Biology and Clinical Virology, A Virtual Event26th to 29th August 2020Delegate
62Dr. Sameena KhanAssistant ProfessorSri Ramchandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (Category-1 Deemed to be University) Porur, Chennai. (Online) ACCENDO-2020, 3rd Workshop cum Techniques in Molecular Biology and Clinical Virology, A Virtual Event26th to 29th August 2020Delegate
63Dr. Swarupa HatolkarAssistant ProfessorSri Ramchandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (Category-1 Deemed to be University) Porur, Chennai. (Online) ACCENDO-2020, 3rd Workshop cum Techniques in Molecular Biology and Clinical Virology, A Virtual Event26th to 29th August 2020Delegate
64Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorSri Ramchandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (Category-1 Deemed to be University) Porur, Chennai. (Online) ACCENDO-2020, 3rd Workshop cum Techniques in Molecular Biology and Clinical Virology, A Virtual Event26th to 29th August 2020Delegate
65Dr. Sahjid MukhidaPG StudentMarginal Zone Lymphoma (MZL), Live Webinar30th August 2020Delegate
66Dr. Swarupa HatolkarAssistant ProfessorAMR Masterclass Webinar Challenges of Infection Prevention in Pandemic Times: How Good is Good… Learnings from Pandemic in Approaching Hospital Acquired Infections and Tuberculosis, Hosted by BD India Online Webinar2nd September 2020Delegate
67Dr. N. R. GandhamProfessor“Bioethics in the COVID-19 Pandemic” Organized by the Department of Education UNESCO Chair & Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences “Deemed to be University”, Karad4th September 2020Delegate
68Dr. Sahjid MukhidaPG StudentCoagulation Disorders (Live Webinar)6th September 2020Delegate
69Dr. Rajashri PatilAssistant Professor2nd Virtual Chapter Meet of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists Delhi Chapter11th to 12th September 2020Delegate
70Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstrator2nd Virtual Chapter Meet of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists Delhi Chapter11th to 12th September 2020Delegate
71Dr. Chanda VyawahareAssociate ProfessorCovid-19 – Molecular Biology including Lab & Patient Safety Online Webinar14th to 15th September 2020Delegate
72Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorCovid-19 – Molecular Biology including Lab & Patient Safety Online Webinar14th to 15th September 2020Delegate
73Dr. Sahjid MukhidaPG StudentA Case Based Discussion on Amyloidosis, WM, POEMS Syndrome and IgM Monoclonal Gammopathy Related Disorders (Live Webinar)20th September 2020Delegate
74Dr. N. R. GandhamProfessorInternational Webinar “Bioethics in COVID-19 Pandemic” Organized by DR. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth (DPU), Pune Unit of Bioethics, University of Haifa and UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Melbourne, Australia23rd September 2020Delegate
75Dr. Sriram KannuariPG StudentInternational Webinar “Bioethics in COVID-19 Pandemic” Organized by DR. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth (DPU), Pune Unit of Bioethics, University of Haifa and UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Melbourne, Australia23rd September 2020Delegate
76Dr. Sahjid MukhidaPG StudentInternational Webinar “Bioethics in COVID-19 Pandemic” Organized by DR. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth (DPU), Pune Unit of Bioethics, University of Haifa and UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Melbourne, Australia23rd September 2020Delegate
77Dr. Chanda VyawahareAssociate ProfessorMCI Curriculum Innovation Support (CISP) II Workshop at MEU Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-1824th to 25th September 2020Delegate
78Dr. Nikunja DasAssistant ProfessorMCI Curriculum Innovation Support (CISP) II Workshop MEU Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-1824th to 25th September 2020Delegate
79Dr. Rajashri PatilAssistant ProfessorMCI Curriculum Innovation Support (CISP) II Workshop at MEU Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-1824th to 25th September 2020Delegate
80Dr. Sameena KhanAssistant ProfessorMCI Curriculum Innovation Support (CISP) II Workshop at MEU Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-1824th to 25th September 2020Delegate
81Dr. Sahjid MukhidaPG StudentGuest Lecture on Eltrombopag-Based Therapies of Severe Aplastic Anaemia by Dr. Neal S. Young (Live Webinar)26th September 2020Delegate
82Dr. Sahjid MukhidaPG StudentA Case Based Discussion on AML, MDS and Transplant (Live Webinar)27th September 2020Delegate
83Dr. Neetu GuptaAssociate ProfessorCovid-19 - Molecular Biology including Lab and Patient Safety5th to 6th October 2020Delegate
84Dr. Shahzad MirzaAssistant ProfessorAIIMS-ASM 2020 Antibiotic Resistance Renewed Fight Jointly Organized by All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi and the American Society for Microbiology7th to 8th October 2020Delegate
85Dr. Swarupa HatolkarAssistant ProfessorAIIMS-ASM 2020 Antibiotic Resistance Renewed Fight Jointly Organized by All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi and the American Society for Microbiology7th to 8th October 2020Delegate
86Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorAIIMS-ASM 2020 Antibiotic Resistance Renewed Fight Jointly Organized by All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi and the American Society for Microbiology7th to 8th October 2020Delegate
87Dr. Sahjid MukhidaPG Student4th Annual International Precision Oncology and IBC Conference (Virtual)9th to 11th October 2020Delegate
88Dr. Sahjid MukhidaPG StudentHemophilia – A (Live Webinar)18th October 2020Delegate
89Dr. Shahzad MirzaAssistant ProfessorMolecular Diagnostics World Summit 2020 - COVID-19 Webinar Series24th October 2020Delegate
90Dr. Shahzad MirzaAssistant ProfessorChild Development Basics and Beyond Organized by the Department of Pediatrics, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune-1827th October 2020Delegate
91Dr. Sriram KannuriPG Student2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Health Sciences27th to 29th October 2020Delegate
92Dr. Shalini BhaumikPG Student2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Health Sciences27th to 29th October 2020Delegate
93Dr. Sahjid MukhidaPG Student2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Health Sciences27th to 29th October 2020Delegate
94Dr. N. R. GandhamProfessorCOVID-19 Disease Crossdisciplinary Perspectives Organized by Dept. of Microbiology, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences “Deemed to be University” Karad29th October 2020Delegate
95Dr. Neetu GuptaAssociate ProfessorCOVID-19 Disease Crossdisciplinary Perspectives Organized by Dept. of Microbiology, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences “Deemed to be University” Karad29th October 2020Delegate
96Dr. Sameena KhanAssistant ProfessorCOVID-19 Disease Crossdisciplinary Perspectives Organized by Dept. of Microbiology, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences “Deemed to be University” Karad29th October 2020Delegate
97Dr. Swarupa HatolkarAssistant ProfessorCOVID-19 Disease Crossdisciplinary Perspectives Organized by Dept. of Microbiology, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences “Deemed to be University” Karad29th October 2020Delegate
98Dr. Jyoti AjagundeDemonstratorCOVID-19 Disease Crossdisciplinary Perspectives Organized by Dept. of Microbiology, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences “Deemed to be University” Karad29th October 2020Delegate
99Dr. Shahzad MirzaAssistant ProfessorHealthcare Professional – BLS (Basic Life Support) CPR (Adult/Child/Infant/Choking) AED3rd November 2020Delegate
100Dr. Prachi AthavaleAssistant ProfessorHealthcare Professional – BLS (Basic Life Support) CPR (Adult/Child/Infant/Choking) AED3rd November 2020Delegate
101 Dr.Swarupa Hatokar Assistant Professor AMR Masterclass Webinar “Optimal utilization of Blood cultures : Are we there yet? hosted by BD India. 5th November 2020 Delegate
102 Dr.Sriram Kannuri PG Student 1st BSMIAB-COB International Conference on COVID-19 Pandemic 6th to 8th November, 2020. Delegate
103 Dr.Shalini Bhaumik PG Student 1st BSMIAB-COB International Conference on COVID-19 Pandemic 6th to 8th November, 2020. Delegate
104 Dr.Sahjid Mukhida PG Student 1st BSMIAB-COB International Conference on COVID-19 Pandemic 6th to 8th November, 2020. Delegate
105 Dr.Sahjid Mukhida PG Student Hybrid Conference on Annual Conference of Indian Society of Medical and Paediatric Oncology- ISMPOCON 2020 6th to 8th November, 2020. Delegate
106 Dr.Swarupa Hatokar Assistant Professor Discover QIAGEN,s new real-time PCR thermocyclers for fast and high –performance real-time PCR IN A 96 –or 384-well format 18th November 2020 Delegate
107 Dr.Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Webinar on Pharmacovigilance organized by SRIHER Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research,Porur.Chennai 21st November 2020 Delegate
108 Dr.Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor CIDSCON 2020 10th Annual Conference of Clinical Infectious Diseases Society ,Virtual Meet. 21st to 29th November 2020 Delegate
109 Dr. Sameena Khan Assistant Professor “An update on fungal infections” conducted by the Department of Microbiology, PIMS (Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences ) Online Webinar 21st November 2020 Delegate
110 Dr.Sahjid Mukhida PG Student Guest Lecture on ABC of aspergillosis in neutropenia by Prof Soniya Nityanand Online Webinar 22nd November 2020 Delegate
111 Dr.Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor 13th Annual Workshop on Basic and Molecular Diagnostic in Mycology at Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research,Porur ,Chennai. (Online Workshop ) 24th to 27th November 2020 Delegate
112 Dr.Swarupa Hatolkar Assistant Professor 13th Annual Workshop on Basic and Molecular Diagnostic in Mycology at Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research,Porur ,Chennai. (Online Workshop ) 24th to 27th November 2020 Delegate
113 Dr.Jyoti Ajagunde Demonstrator 13th Annual Workshop on Basic and Molecular Diagnostic in Mycology at Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research,Porur ,Chennai. (Online Workshop ) 24th to 27th November 2020 Delegate
114 Dr.Srirram Kannuri PG Student 13th Annual Workshop on Basic and Molecular Diagnostic in Mycology at Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research,Porur ,Chennai. (Online Workshop ) 24th to 27th November 2020 Delegate
115 Dr.Shalini Bhaumik PG Student 13th Annual Workshop on Basic and Molecular Diagnostic in Mycology at Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research,Porur ,Chennai. (Online Workshop ) 24th to 27th November 2020 Delegate
116 Dr.Sahjid Mukhida PG Student 13th Annual Workshop on Basic and Molecular Diagnostic in Mycology at Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research,Porur ,Chennai. (Online Workshop ) 24th to 27th November 2020 Delegate
117 Dr.Srirram Kannuri PG Student Dr.R.N.Ghosh Memorial CME 2020 (on virtual platform ) Organized by Association of Pathologists and microbiologists,West Bengal. 28th November 2020 Delegate
118 Dr.Sahjid Mukhida PG Student Dr.R.N.Ghosh Memorial CME 2020 (on virtual platform ) Organized by Association of Pathologists and microbiologists,West Bengal. 28th November 2020 Delegate
119 Dr.Sriram Kannuri JR 1 e-learning ,online course on “Viral Hepatitis and COVID-19” under project PRAKASH,ILBS Conducted at Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New Delhi 1st to 2nd December 2020 Delegate
120 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR 1 e-learning ,online course on “Viral Hepatitis and COVID-19” under project PRAKASH,ILBS Conducted at Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New Delhi 1st to 2nd December 2020 Delegate
121 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor CME Workshop “Diagnostic Challenges and Complications in Post Covid-19 Infections”, hosted by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi . First Virtual Annual Congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists E-MICROCON 2020 Surging Ahead with Clinical Microbiology in Current Challenging Scenario 8th December 2020 Delegate
122 Dr.Swarupa Hatolkar Assistant Professor CME Workshop “Diagnostic Challenges and Complications in Post Covid-19 Infections”, hosted by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi . First Virtual Annual Congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists E-MICROCON 2020 Surging Ahead with Clinical Microbiology in Current Challenging Scenario 8th December 2020 Delegate
123 Dr.Sriram Kannuri JR 1 CME Workshop “Diagnostic Challenges and Complications in Post Covid-19 Infections”, hosted by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi . First Virtual Annual Congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists E-MICROCON 2020 Surging Ahead with Clinical Microbiology in Current Challenging Scenario 8th December 2020 Delegate
124 Dr.Shalini Bhaumik JR 1 CME Workshop “Diagnostic Challenges and Complications in Post Covid-19 Infections”, hosted by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi . First Virtual Annual Congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists E-MICROCON 2020 Surging Ahead with Clinical Microbiology in Current Challenging Scenario 8th December 2020 Delegate
125 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR 1 CME Workshop “Diagnostic Challenges and Complications in Post Covid-19 Infections”, hosted by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi . First Virtual Annual Congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists E-MICROCON 2020 Surging Ahead with Clinical Microbiology in Current Challenging Scenario 8th December 2020 Delegate
126 Dr.Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor “First Virtual Annual Congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists E-MICROCON 2020” 8th to 11th December 2020 Delegate
127 Dr.Swarupa Hatolkar Assistant Professor “First Virtual Annual Congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists E-MICROCON 2020” 8th to 11th December 2020 Delegate
128 Dr.Sriram Kannuri JR 1 “First Virtual Annual Congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists E-MICROCON 2020” 8th to 11th December 2020 Delegate
129 Dr.Shalini Bhaumik JR 1 “First Virtual Annual Congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists E-MICROCON 2020” 8th to 11th December 2020 Delegate
130 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR 1 “First Virtual Annual Congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists E-MICROCON 2020” 8th to 11th December 2020 Delegate
131 Dr.Sameena Khan Assistant Professor “MO-ICTC Induction Course” online course organized by the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), New Delhi 11th December 2020 Delegate
132 Dr.Sriram Kannuri JR 1 E-CONFERENCE ON “Biomarkers in Clinical Practice –Expanding the Possibilities 17th -18th December 2020 Delegate
133 Dr.Shahjid Mukhida JR 1 E-CONFERENCE ON “Biomarkers in Clinical Practice –Expanding the Possibilities 17th -18th December 2020 Delegate
134 Dr.Chanda Vyawahare Professor NATCON 2020 75th National Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases in Covid Era 18th ,19 and 20 December 2020 Delegate
135 Dr.Neetu Gupta Associate Professor NATCON 2020 75th National Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases in Covid Era 18th ,19 and 20 December 2020 Delegate
136 Dr.Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor NATCON 2020 75th National Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases in Covid Era 18th ,19 and 20 December 2020 Delegate
137 Dr.Sameena Khan Assistant Professor NATCON 2020 75th National Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases in Covid Era 18th ,19 and 20 December 2020 Delegate
138 Dr.Swarupa Hatolkar Assistant Professor NATCON 2020 75th National Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases in Covid Era 18th ,19 and 20 December 2020 Delegate
139 Dr.Shalini Bhaumik JR 1 NATCON 2020 75th National Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases in Covid Era 18th ,19 and 20 December 2020 Delegate
140 Dr.Sriram Kannuri JR 1 NATCON 2020 75th National Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases in Covid Era 18th ,19 and 20 December 2020 Delegate
141 Dr.Sahjid Mukhida JR 1 NATCON 2020 75th National Conference of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases in Covid Era 18th ,19 and 20 December 2020 Delegate
142 Dr.Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Certificate Course in Antimicrobial Stewardship (CCAMS) delivered by Public Health Foundation of India & Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs 19th to 24th December 2020 Delegate
143 Dr.Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor Internal Quality Controls and External Quality Assurance in Clinical labs held at 360 Diagnostics and Health Service PVT.Ltd.Noida 26th December 2020 Delegate
144 Dr.Rajashri Patil Associate Professor E-TROPACON 2020-XIV National Conference in Parasitology Organized by Department Of Microbiology ,ACS Medical College And Hospital,Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute,Chennai in Association with Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology 28th to 29th December 2020 Delegate
145 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor E-TROPACON 2020-XIV National Conference in Parasitology Organized by Department Of Microbiology ,ACS Medical College And Hospital,Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute,Chennai in Association with Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology 28th to 29th December 2020 Delegate
146 Dr.Sameena Khan Assistant Professor E-TROPACON 2020-XIV National Conference in Parasitology Organized by Department Of Microbiology ,ACS Medical College And Hospital,Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute,Chennai in Association with Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology 28th to 29th December 2020 Delegate
147 Dr.Sriram Kannuri JR 1 E-TROPACON 2020-XIV National Conference in Parasitology, Organized by Department Of Microbiology ,ACS Medical College And Hospital,Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute,Chennai in Association with Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology 28th and 29th of December 2020 Delegate
148 Dr.Shahjid Mukhida JR 1 E-TROPACON 2020-XIV National Conference in Parasitology, Organized by Department Of Microbiology ,ACS Medical College And Hospital,Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute,Chennai in Association with Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology 28th and 29th of December 2020 Delegate

Year 2021
S. No. Name Designation Event Date Role
1 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida (JR I) JR 1 Technical assistance for Improving the Blood Transfusion Management System in Turkey International Patient Blood Management Symposium 11th -12th January 2021 Delegate
2 Dr. Sameena Khan Assistant Professor COVID -19 Updates 15th January 2021 Delegate
3 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida (JR I) JR 1 e-learning module titled “Testing Time during COVID-19, Laboratory View” 16th January 2021 Delegate
4 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor “Quality and Accreditation in clinical Laboratories” organized by Biochemistry Section, Department of Pathology and Microbiology at Breach Candy Hospital Trust Mumbai 19th and 20th January 2021 Delegate
5 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR 1 Five days E-Workshop on Molecular Taxonomy –DNA Barcodes 25th -30th January 2021 Delegate
6 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida (JR I) JR 1 Five days E-Workshop on Molecular Taxonomy –DNA Barcodes 25th -30th January 2021 Delegate
7 Dr. Sameena Khan Assistant Professor CME on “Current trends in Neonatal and Pediatric Practice” organized by RAK College of Medical Sciences, RAKMHSU in association with RAK Hospital 29th January 2021 Delegate
8 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR 1 “1st International E-Conference on Microbiology: COVID-19 and Current Issues” organized by department of microbiology, Primeasia University 31st January 2021 Delegate
9 Dr. N.R. Gandham Professor & HOD International Bioethics webinar titled “CO-OPTED” Concept of Post Traumatic Embitterment Disorder (CPTED)-responding to today’s need 8th to 9th February 2021 Delegate
10 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR 1 Digital Pathology Virtual Summit 2021 “Dawn of Virtual Digital Era in Pathology” 10th February 2021 Delegate
11 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor Online Certificate Course Cum Workshop on “Learner Centric Content Design Tools” organized by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt 11th February 2021 to 20th February 2021 Delegate
12 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR 1 “Intact and peptide level characterization of nanobodies by high resolution HPLC-MS/MS” 11th February 2021 Delegate
13 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor “Carbapenem Resistance-‘The North India Summit’ A series of clinical updates on carbapenem resistance –epidemiology, detection and management, brought to you by Indian Sepsis Forum 12th February 2021 Delegate
14 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR 1 2nd Edition of the Novel Biomarker Testing for Precision Oncology Certificate Course 12th to 14th February 2021 Delegate
15 Dr. N.R. Gandham Professor & HOD “AMR Masterclass Webinar “Reporting AST results: What’s in it for a treating physicians?” 17th February 2021 Delegate
16 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Professor “AMR Masterclass Webinar “Reporting AST results: What’s in it for a treating physicians?” 17th February 2021 Delegate
17 Dr. Rajashri Patil Associate Professor “AMR Masterclass Webinar “Reporting AST results: What’s in it for a treating physicians?” 17th February 2021 Delegate
18 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor “AMR Masterclass Webinar “Reporting AST results: What’s in it for a treating physicians?” 17th February 2021 Delegate
19 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Assistant Professor “AMR Masterclass Webinar “Reporting AST results: What’s in it for a treating physicians?” 17th February 2021 Delegate
20 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor “AMR Masterclass Webinar “Reporting AST results: What’s in it for a treating physicians?” 17th February 2021 Delegate
21 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor Online Certificate Course Cum Workshop on “Learner Centric Content Design Tools” organized by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt 11th February 2021 to 20th February 2021 Delegate
22 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Assistant Professor Online course on “Laboratory Management and Internal Audit As per ISO/IEC 17025:20217” at CETE Pune 15th -18th February 2021 Delegate
23 Dr. N.R. Gandham Professor and HOD Anaerobic Forum India 2021 AIIMS-ASM 2021 Anaerobes: Microbes of the Millennium Jointly organized by All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi & The American Society for Microbiology 4th –5th March 2021 Delegate
24 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Professor Anaerobic Forum India 2021 AIIMS-ASM 2021 Anaerobes: Microbes of the Millennium Jointly organized by All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi & The American Society for Microbiology 4th –5th March 2021 Delegate
25 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor Anaerobic Forum India 2021 AIIMS-ASM 2021 Anaerobes: Microbes of the Millennium Jointly organized by All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi & The American Society for Microbiology 4th –5th March 2021 Delegate
26 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor “18th Annual National Conference of Association of Industrial Psychiatry of India” 4th - 6th March 2021 Delegate
27 Dr. N.R. Gandham Professor and HOD “Implementing CBME Curriculum in Microbiology” organized by KMCH Institute of the Health Science and Research Department of Microbiology and Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists Tamilnadu Chapter 6th March 2021 Delegate
28 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor “Implementing CBME Curriculum in Microbiology” organized by KMCH Institute of the Health Science and Research Department of Microbiology and Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists Tamilnadu Chapter 6th March 2021 Delegate
29 Dr. Rajashri Patil Associate Professor 5th International Diabetes Summit 12th -14th March 2021 Delegate
30 Dr. N.R. Gandham Professor and HOD Revised Basic Course Workshop and AETCOM 16th –18th March 2021 Delegate
31 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Professor Revised Basic Course Workshop and AETCOM 16th –18th March 2021 Delegate
32 Dr. Nikunja Das Associate Professor Revised Basic Course Workshop and AETCOM 16th –18th March 2021 Delegate
33 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor “UNMESH” Science Festival for UG, PG, Interns, Ph.D scholars and young budding Faculty 17th -18th March 2021 Delegate
34 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR I “UNMESH” Science Festival for UG, PG, Interns, Ph.D scholars and young budding Faculty 17-18 March 2021 Delegate
35 Dr. Shalini Bhaumik JR I “UNMESH” Science Festival for UG, PG, Interns, Ph.D scholars and young budding Faculty 17-18 March 2021 Delegate
36 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR I “UNMESH” Science Festival for UG, PG, Interns, Ph.D scholars and young budding Faculty 17-18 March 2021 Delegate
37 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor Online Seminar on “Current Status of Sars-CoV-2” 20th March 2021 Delegate
38 Dr. Rajashri Patil Associate Professor Webinar on Lab Diagnostics – New Challenges, New Frontiers 21st March 2021 Delegate
39 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor Webinar on Lab Diagnostics – New Challenges, New Frontiers 21st March 2021 Delegate
40 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor XVII UP-UK-MICROCON -2021 (e-conference) All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Rishikesh 22-23 March 2021 Delegate
41 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Workshop on “CBNAAT” in the XVII UP-UK-MICROCON-2021 (e-conference) All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Rishikesh 22-23 March 2021 Delegate
42 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Assistant Professor “The Importance of Laboratory Diagnostics in the Fight Against Tuberculosis” 24th March 2021 Delegate
43 Dr. Rajashri Patil Associate Professor 4th Masterclass and International Virtual Conference of Fungal Infections study Forum (FISF) 26th -28th March 2021 Delegate
44 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor 4th Masterclass and International Virtual Conference of Fungal Infections study Forum (FISF) 26th -28th March 2021 Delegate
45 Dr. Sameena Khan Assistant Professor MYCOCON “4th Masterclass and International Virtual Conference of Fungal Infections Study Forum (FISF)” 26th -28th March 2021 Delegate
46 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor COVID-19 PANDEMIC: LESSON LEARNT CME Organized by the Department of Transfusion Medicine, ESIC Medical College & Hospital 27th March 2021 Delegate
47 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Professor and HOD “Pre-Conference Workshop” during 22nd Annual Maharashtra State Joint Conference of IAPSM and IPHA-2021 Organized by department of Community Medicine of JIIUS Indian Institute of Medical Science and Research Medical College, Warudi Tq. Badnapur Dist. Jalna 2nd April 2021 Delegate
48 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR I 22nd Annual Maharashtra State Joint Conference of IAPSM and IPHA-2021 Organized by department of Community Medicine of JIIUS Indian Institute of Medical Science and Research Medical College, Warudi Tq. Badnapur Dist. Jalna 3rd and 4th April 2021 Delegate
49 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR I Webinar entitled “Complete Life Cycle of a Publication Document: Job Roles Associated With Publication and Scientific Journals” 4th April 2021 Delegate
50 Dr. Rajashri Patil Associate Professor Panel discussion Webinar on “Updates in Diagnosis and Management of Drug Resistant TB” Hosted by BD India in Association with Indian Chest Society 7th April 2021 Delegate
51 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Panel discussion Webinar on “Updates in Diagnosis and Management of Drug Resistant TB” Hosted by BD India in Association with Indian Chest Society 7th April 2021 Delegate
52 Dr. Rajashri Patil Associate Professor “Diagnostic Day- 02” on Virtual Platform organized by Medical Education and Learning Point 11th April 2021 Delegate
53 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Assistant Professor Webinar “Microbial Identification and Confirmation using the Bruker MALDI Biotyper: The Contract Laboratory Perspective” 22nd April 2021 Delegate
54 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Professor 47th Annual Conference of Research Society of B.J. Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune 28th & 29th April 2021 Delegate
55 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor 47th Annual Conference of Research Society of B.J. Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune 28th & 29th April 2021 Delegate
56 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Delegate in the CME on “COVID 19-Vaccines VS Waves” organized by the Department of Microbiology, Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Medical College & Hospital, Salem 28th April 2021 Delegate
57 Dr. Prachi Athavale Assistant Professor Online Guest Lecture on “Crime, Court and Doctor” organized by the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Rural Medical College of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University) Loni (BK) 29th April 2021 Delegate
58 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor WEB AMR series Panel Discussion on “Integrating Diagnosis of Secondary Infections in COVID-19 Management” hosted by BD India 30th April 2021 Delegate
59 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Assistant Professor WEB AMR series Panel Discussion on “Integrating Diagnosis of Secondary Infections in COVID-19 Management” hosted by BD India 30th April 2021 Delegate
60 Dr. Sameena Khan Assistant Professor The Impact of SARS-Cov-2 Genomic Surveillance Locally, Nationally, and Globally 5th May 2021 Delegate
61 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR I National CME on “Current and Future Perspective of Cytokines as Biomarkers in Human Diseases” 13th May 2021 Delegate
62 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor AMR Masterclass Webinar “Characterizing Co-infections in Paediatric COVID-19 Patients” 14th May 2021 Delegate
63 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR I E-learning module titled: FAQ’S on Oxygen and Ventilation in ICU 15th May 2021 Delegate
64 Dr. Neetu Gupta Associate Professor Online Certificate Course cum Workshop of 32 hours on “Designing Captivating Presentations with PowerPoint” organized by Department of Computer Science and Applications in Collaboration with Career Guidance Cell, Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra 15th May 2021 to 24th May 2021 Delegate
65 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Clinical Infectious Diseases Society Webinar on “COVID 19” 22nd May 2021 Delegate
66 Dr. Prachi Athavale Assistant Professor Webinar on Hematology Updates as a Delegate Member: Webinar Code: MMC/WEB/2021/C-000652 23rd May 2021 Delegate
67 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor AMR Masterclass Webinar “Management of Fungal Co-Infections in COVID-19” hosted by BD India 4th June 2021 Delegate
68 Dr. Rajashri Patil Associate Professor AMR Masterclass Webinar “Management of Fungal Co-Infections in COVID-19” hosted by BD India 4th June 2021 Delegate
69 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Webinar on Emerging Fungal Infection Challenges in COVID-19 Patients 5th June 2021 Delegate
70 Dr. Sameena Khan Assistant Professor 6th International Conference on Infectious Diseases and Vaccination 17th-19th June 2021 Delegate
71 Dr. N.R. Gandham Professor and HOD Celebration of International Day of Yoga (IDY) 2021, under the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India as per the Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) using digital media 21st June 2021 Delegate
72 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Celebration of International Day of Yoga (IDY) 2021, under the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India as per the Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) using digital media 21st June 2021 Delegate
73 Dr. Nikunja Das Associate Professor Celebration of International Day of Yoga (IDY) 2021, under the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India as per the Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) using digital media 21st June 2021 Delegate
74 Dr. Sameena Khan Assistant Professor Celebration of International Day of Yoga (IDY) 2021, under the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India as per the Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) using digital media 21st June 2021 Delegate
75 Dr. Sameena Khan Assistant Professor National E-Conference on “Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Revisit” 1st July 2021 Delegate
76 Dr. N.R. Gandham Professor and HOD “Observance of World Zoonosis Day” Organized by Eastern Regional Coordinator National One Health Program for Prevention and Control of Zoonotic Diseases, School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata under aegis of National Centre for Diseases Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Govt. of India, Delhi 6th July 2021 Delegate
77 Dr. Nageswari Gandham Professor and HOD A lecture “Relevance of Fungal Infections in Clinical Practice” 8th July 2021 Delegate
78 Dr. Sourav Sen Professor Webinar “World Zoonoses Day” organized by Manipal Institute of Virology (MIV), MANIPAL Academy of Higher Education 6th July 2021 Delegate
79 Dr. N.R. Gandham Professor and HOD Diagnosis Co-Infections in COVID-19: Lesson Learnt and Preparatory Strategies from AIIMS Delhi, hosted by BD India 16th July 2021 Delegate
80 Dr. Rajashri Patil Associate Professor Diagnosis Co-Infections in COVID-19: Lesson Learnt and Preparatory Strategies from AIIMS Delhi, hosted by BD India 16th July 2021 Delegate
81 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Diagnosis Co-Infections in COVID-19: Lesson Learnt and Preparatory Strategies from AIIMS Delhi, hosted by BD India 16th July 2021 Delegate
82 Dr. Swarupa Hatolkar Assistant Professor Diagnosis Co-Infections in COVID-19: Lesson Learnt and Preparatory Strategies from AIIMS Delhi, hosted by BD India 16th July 2021 Delegate
83 Dr. N.R. Gandham Professor and HOD Webinar on Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights organized by Start-up and Incubation Centre 20th July 2021 Delegate
84 Dr. N.R. Gandham Professor and HOD Three Days Workshop on “Art of Living” organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune 2nd July 2021 to 24th July 2021 Delegate
85 Dr. N.R. Gandham Professor and HOD Webinar on Surveillance for Adverse Events Following Immunization 22nd July 2021 Delegate
86 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR I Webinar The Power of Autofluorescence Extraction Using Full Spectrum Profiling 5th August 2021 Delegate
87 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor 11th Annual Conference of Clinical Infectious Diseases Society, India 25th -29th August 2021 Delegate
88 Dr. Rajashri Patil Associate Professor Webinar on “New Developments in Medical Horizon” 29th August 2021 Delegate
89 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR I IPHACON 2021. 65th Annual National Conference of Indian Public Health Association 23rd -26th September 2021 Delegate
90 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR I IPHACON 2021. 65th Annual National Conference of Indian Public Health Association 23rd -26th September 2021 Delegate
91 Dr. Shalini Bhaumik JR I IPHACON 2021. 65th Annual National Conference of Indian Public Health Association 23rd -26th September 2021 Delegate
92 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR I Workshop on ‘Decode-Va: Deriving Cause of Death from Verbal Autopsies 10th September 2021 Delegate
93 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR I Workshop on ‘Decode-Va: Deriving Cause of Death from Verbal Autopsies 10th September 2021 Delegate
94 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR I Workshop on ‘Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 14th September 2021 Delegate
95 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor CME and Workshop on “Role of Imaging in Diagnosis of Wound Infection” 7th September 2021 Delegate
96 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Revised Basic Course Workshop and Training in Attitude Ethics and Communication (AETCOM) 1st -3rd September 2021 Delegate
97 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor “Sepsis Management, What Has Changed” 13th September 2021 Delegate
98 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Assistant Professor Annual National Meet of Sepsis, SEPSISCON 2021 11th -12th September 2021 Delegate
99 Dr. Rajashri Patil Associate Professor Workshop: A Virtual Experience “Essentials of Clinical Mycology Diagnostics with Orientation on Data Management and Scope of Fungal Disease Research” 20th -26th September 2021 Delegate
100 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor Workshop: A Virtual Experience “Essentials of Clinical Mycology Diagnostics with Orientation on Data Management and Scope of Fungal Disease Research” 20th -26th September 2021 Delegate
101 Dr. Sameena Khan Assistant Professor Sample Collection and Transport in the Age of COVID: A Retrospective -What Have We Learned. 17th October 2021 Delegate
102 Dr. Sameena Khan Assistant Professor International Symposium on "Chronomedicine: Relevance in COVID times“ Under the aegis of Indian Society of Chronomedicine & Association of Physiologists of India 18th September 2021 Delegate
103 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR I The science of HBV cure meeting 2021 online 11th -15th October 2021 Delegate
104 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR I Webinar on “Nipah Virus” 22nd October 2021 Delegate
105 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR I Webinar on “Nipah Virus” 22nd October 2021 Delegate
106 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR I Workshop on Electronic Data Capture in Epidemiology and Research 26th October 2021 Delegate
107 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR I Workshop on “Clinico Mycological Updates” 27th October 2021 Delegate
108 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR I Workshop on “Clinico Mycological Updates” 27th October 2021 Delegate
109 Dr. Shalini Bhaumik JR I Webinar on “Community and Hospital Acquired Gram Positive Infection” 29th October 2021 Delegate
110 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR I Webinar on “Community and Hospital Acquired Gram Positive Infection” 29th October 2021 Delegate
111 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR I Webinar on “Community and Hospital Acquired Gram Positive Infection” 29th October 2021 Delegate
112 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III 2nd annual National Conference of Epidemiology Foundation of India “EFICON 2021” 29th -30th October 2021 Delegate
113 Dr. Shalini Bhaumik JR III Webinar on “Filing procedures for patents and design” 30th October 2021 Delegate
114 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on “Filing procedures for patents and design” 30th October 2021 Delegate
115 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III Webinar on “Filing procedures for patents and design” 30th October 2021 Delegate
116 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Webinar on Antimicrobial Resistance - Where do we Stand 19th November 2021 Delegate
117 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor CME on Establishing Antimicrobial Stewardship Program: A Roadmap by the Expert 27th November 2021 Delegate
118 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor International E-Conference on Advanced Molecular Diagnostics For Infectious Diseases 30th November 2021 Delegate
119 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Online CME on Antimicrobial Resistance and Prevention – An Update 18th November 2021 Delegate
120 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III Online CME on Antimicrobial Resistance and Prevention – An Update 18th November 2021 Delegate
121 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III 9th Annual Research Society Conference - 2021 18th -19th November 2021 Delegate
122 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III 9th Annual Research Society Conference - 2021 18th -19th November 2021 Delegate
123 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III International Virtual Conference on Combating Antimicrobial Resistance, WAAW 2021 18th -23rd November 2021 Delegate
124 Dr. Shalini Bhaumik JR III International Virtual Conference on Combating Antimicrobial Resistance, WAAW 2021 18th -23rd November 2021 Delegate
125 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III International Virtual Conference on Combating Antimicrobial Resistance, WAAW 2021 18th -23rd November 2021 Delegate
126 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III Online CME on Establishing Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Roadmap by the Experts 27th November 2021 Delegate
127 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Online CME on Establishing Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Roadmap by the Experts 27th November 2021 Delegate
128 Dr. Shalini Bhaumik JR III Online CME on Establishing Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Roadmap by the Experts 27th November 2021 Delegate
129 Dr. Shalini Bhaumik JR III International Conference on Advanced Molecular Diagnostics For Infectious Disease 30th November 2021 Delegate
130 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III International Conference on Advanced Molecular Diagnostics For Infectious Disease 30th November 2021 Delegate
131 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III International Conference on Advanced Molecular Diagnostics For Infectious Disease 30th November 2021 Delegate
132 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor 3rd Annual Conference ASPICON-2021 on “Antimicrobial Stewardship Practices in India” organised by AIIMS Patna 3rd-4th December 2021 Delegate
133 Dr. Shalini Bhaumik JR III National Conference on “Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease 2021” Organised by Madras Medical College and RGGGH Chennai 3rd-4th December 2021 Delegate
134 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on WORLD AIDS DAY 5th December 2021 Delegate
135 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare First National Conference on Haemovigilance organised by National Institute of Biologicals, Noida, MOHFW, Govt of India 9th to 11th December 2021 Delegate
136 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor 3rd Edition of “International Conference of Contemporary Antimicrobial Research 2021” Organized by the Department of Biotechnology, Acharya Institute of Technology and Acharya & BM Reddy College of Pharmacy under the Society for Antimicrobial Research in collaboration with Biotech Hub, Assam University 9th - 10th December 2021 Delegate
137 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III 3rd Edition of “International Conference of Contemporary Antimicrobial Research 2021” Organized by the Department of Biotechnology, Acharya Institute of Technology and Acharya & BM Reddy College of Pharmacy under the Society for Antimicrobial Research in collaboration with Biotech Hub, Assam University 9th - 10th December 2021 Delegate
138 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III 3rd Edition of “International Conference of Contemporary Antimicrobial Research 2021” Organized by the Department of Biotechnology, Acharya Institute of Technology and Acharya & BM Reddy College of Pharmacy under the Society for Antimicrobial Research in collaboration with Biotech Hub, Assam University 9th - 10th December 2021 Delegate
139 Dr. Sameena Khan 15th National Conference of the Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology (IATP) “One Health Approach for the Control of Parasitic Infections” 10th - 11th December 2021 Delegate
140 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III 15th National Conference of the Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology (IATP) “One Health Approach for the Control of Parasitic Infections” 10th - 11th December 2021 Delegate
141 Dr. Shalini Bhaumik JR III 15th National Conference of the Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology (IATP) “One Health Approach for the Control of Parasitic Infections” 10th - 11th December 2021 Delegate
142 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III Webinar on Vaccinology in COVID-19 Era organized by The Pathologist Association of Thane 22nd - 23rd December 2021 Delegate
143 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on Vaccinology in COVID-19 Era organized by The Pathologist Association of Thane 22nd - 23rd December 2021 Delegate
144 Dr. Sameena Khan Tamilnadu Medical Council VIRONATCON Conducted by TNMC 28th December 2021 Delegate

Conference and Webinar Participation - 2022

# Participant Designation Event Date Role
1 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on Antimicrobials: Awareness and Appropriateness 2nd January 2022 Delegate
2 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Two Day International Scientific Writing Workshop 8th -9th January 2022 Delegate
3 Dr. Shahzad Beg Mirza Associate Professor Two Day International Scientific Writing Workshop 8th -9th January 2022 Delegate
4 Dr. Prachi Athavale Two Day International Scientific Writing Workshop 8th -9th January 2022 Delegate
5 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III Two Day International Scientific Writing Workshop 8th -9th January 2022 Delegate
6 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Two Day International Scientific Writing Workshop 8th -9th January 2022 Delegate
7 Dr. Rajashri Patil 3rd edition of BUG TALES webinar 22nd January 2022 Delegate
8 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on “Multi speciality” 23rd January 2022 Delegate
9 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Medical Education and Learning Point Hospital Infection Prevention And Control 29th January 2022 Delegate
10 Jyoti Ajagunde Webinar on Multispecialty, IMA House, Haji Ali, Mumbai 6th February 2022 Delegate
11 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on Multispecialty, IMA House, Haji Ali, Mumbai 6th February 2022 Delegate
12 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III Webinar on Multispecialty, IMA House, Haji Ali, Mumbai 6th February 2022 Delegate
13 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Medical Education and Learning Point, Diagnostics Day-4, Paschim Vihar, Delhi, 110063 12th February 2022 Delegate
14 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Evidence-to-Action: Standard Treatment Guidelines'' Certificate No. DSPRUD ECHO STG series/214 Organized by the Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Medicines (DSPRUD) and ECHO India Trust, Delhi 12th February 2022 Delegate
15 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on “Superspeciality Approach to speciality Cases organized by Indian Medical Association, Nanded 13th February 2022 Delegate
16 Dr. Sameena Khan Webinar on “Decoding Antibiograms” organized by BD India 16th February 2022 Delegate
17 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Webinar on “Decoding Antibiograms” organized by BD India 16th February 2022 Delegate
18 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on “Decoding Antibiograms” organized by BD India 16th February 2022 Delegate
19 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III Webinar on “Decoding Antibiograms” organized by BD India 16th February 2022 Delegate
20 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Webinar on “National Workshop on WHONET”, Tagore Medical College and Hospital, Chennai - 600127 16th February 2022 Delegate
21 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on “National Workshop on WHONET”, Tagore Medical College and Hospital, Chennai - 600127 16th February 2022 Delegate
22 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III Webinar on “National Workshop on WHONET”, Tagore Medical College and Hospital, Chennai - 600127 16th February 2022 Delegate
23 Dr. Shalini Bhaumik JR III Webinar on “National Workshop on WHONET”, Tagore Medical College and Hospital, Chennai - 600127 16th February 2022 Delegate
24 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on “Differential Diagnosis and Management of the Day Today Clinical Ailments, Indian Association Sangali Branch 20th February 2022 Delegate
25 Dr. N.R. Gandham Webinar on “Export Controls Relating to Intangible Technology Transfers (ITT) and SCOMET”, Virtual, Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India 23rd February 2022 Delegate
26 Dr. Nikunja Kumar Das “Workshop on Curriculum Outcome Analysis”, Jointly organized by Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth’s University Centre for Professional Education and Faculty Development (UCPE & FD), & Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) 22nd October 2021 Delegate
27 Dr. Nikunja Kumar Das “Advanced Workshop in Newer Methods of Assessment”, Jointly organized by Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth’s University Centre for Professional Education and Faculty Development (UCPE & FD), & Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) 1st November 2021 Delegate
28 Dr. Sriram Kannuri, Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on “Module on Hepatitis-A”, Organized by Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Beed in association with Indian Medical Association, Beed 26th February 2022 Delegate
29 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III 45th Annual Conference of Mumbai Hematology Group, Mumbai 7th March 2022 to 13th March 2022 Delegate
30 Mr. Amitesh Datta Operational Training on MTBDRplus and MTBDRsl organized by Biomerix Company 23rd February to 25th February 2022 Delegate
31 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor “CHET HICCON-2021”, A National level e-CME, Department of Microbiology at Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, Kanchipuram 9th March 2022 Delegate
32 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor “CHET HICCON-2021”, Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, Kanchipuram 9th March 2022 Delegate
33 Mr. Amitesh Datta Workshop on Good Clinical Practice; organized by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik Dindori Road, Mhasrul, Nashik - 422004 10th March 2022 Delegate
34 Dr. Shahzad Beg Mirza Associate Professor Online Workshop on 'Evidence-to-Action: Standard Treatment Guidelines' The Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Medicines (DSPRUD) and ECHO India Trust 12th March 2022 Delegate
35 Dr. Rajashri Patil, Dr. Sahjid Mukhida World Kidney Day, World TB Day and International Women's Day, Indian Medical Association Mumbai Branch, IMA House, Haji Ali, Mumbai 13th March 2022 Delegate
36 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor 8th International Sysmex Scientific Seminar Advances in the Evaluation and Management of Haematolymphoid Malignancies, Organized by Sysmex, lighting the way with Diagnostics Japanese company headquartered in Kobe 14th March 2022 Delegate
37 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor 8th International Sysmex Scientific Seminar Sysmex Transfusion Medicine: Donor. Patients. Our Solutions., Sysmex, lighting the way with Diagnostics Japanese company headquartered in Kobe 15th March 2022 Delegate
38 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor 8th International Sysmex Scientific Seminar Critical Care in Infection Management, Organized by Sysmex, lighting the way with Diagnostics Japanese company headquartered in Kobe 16th March 2022 Delegate
39 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III E-learning Module: Clinical Updates and Innovation in Tuberculosis for 2022, Medical Learning Hub Online Platform 19th and 20th March 2022 Delegate
40 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Oncology Webinar, Indian Medical Association Mumbai Branch, IMA House, Haji Ali, Mumbai 20th March 2022 Delegate
41 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III E-learning Module Can Artificial Intelligence Transform TB Care, Medical Learning Hub Online Platform 23rd March 2022 Delegate
42 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Online CME on Tuberculosis: Recent Updates and Emerging Challenges, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar 23rd March 2022 Delegate
43 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Allergic Rhinitis Webinar, Indian Medical Association Mumbai Branch, IMA House, Haji Ali, Mumbai 23rd March 2022 Delegate
44 Dr. Rajashri Patil, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde, Dr. Sriram Kannuri, Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Microquest 2 “Quiz Webinar on Tuberculosis” Society of Clinical Microbiologists, Mumbai and BD India 24th March 2022 Delegate
45 Dr. Rajashri Patil, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Webinar on “Updates in Diagnosis of Tuberculosis, BD India in association with Yashoda Group of Hospitals, Hyderabad 25th March 2022 Delegate
46 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Online CME on Pathology Updates, Association of Practicing Pathologist-India 27th March 2022 Delegate
47 Dr. Rajashri Patil Updates in Diagnosis and Management of Drug Resistance TB, BD India in Association with KIMSHHEALTH Trivandrum 28th March 2022 Delegate
48 Mr. Amitesh Datta Indo-US Workshop, Conducted by the JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research, Mysuru under the Department of Science and Technology, Synergistic Training Program Utilizing the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (STUTI) scheme 21st March to 27th March 2022 Delegate
49 Dr. Sriram Kannuri, Dr. Sahjid Mukhida, Dr. Shital Algule, Dr. Lekshmi R JR III and JR II 14th Annual Workshop on Basic and Molecular Diagnostics in Mycology, Conducted by Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Porur, Chennai 30th March to 2nd April 2022 Delegate
50 Dr. N.R. Gandham J.Mitra Scientific Webinar Series on the Topic “Emerging Trends in Dengue Diagnosis” Organized by J.Mitra & Co. Pvt. Ltd. 20th May 2022 Delegate
51 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III e-Learning module titled “Treatment of TB, MDR TB & Case Presentation: New Regimens for TB & MDR TB” Organized by Medical Learning Hub 23rd April 2022 Delegate
52 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on Multi Speciality Organized by Indian Medical Association Mumbai Branch, IMA House, Haji Ali, Mumbai 24th April 2022 Delegate
53 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III e-Learning module titled “Why should you screen for MDR in any suspected case” Organized by Medical Learning Hub 30th April 2022 Delegate
54 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III e-Learning module titled “Treatment of TB, MDR TB & Case Presentation: New Regimens for TB & MDR TB” Organized by Medical Learning Hub 5th May 2022 Delegate
55 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III e-Learning module titled “ADR & Drug Interactions With ATT & HIV Drugs” organized by Medical Learning Hub 19th May 2022 Delegate
56 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III “Immucor APAC webinar session on ABO Isoagglutinin Titration” Organized by IMMUCOR 19th May 2022 Delegate
57 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Meniscus of Oncology Conference 2022 Organized by Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, Faridabad & TYACAN (Teen & Young Adult Cancer), Indore and Manage Health Foundation, Ahmedabad 21st & 22nd May 2022 Delegate
58 Mr. Amitesh Datta Microbiology updates-4 (Online), Organized by Medical Education & Learning Point MELAP 21st May 2022 Delegate
59 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III The Preceptorship Programme 2022 for the following modules Day 1 – 23 May 2022 Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) And Interpretation Of The Medical Literature Investigation Of Abnormal LFTs Day 2 – 24 May 2022 Benign Liver Diseases And How To Diagnose Them: Fibrosing Nodular Hyperplasia, Hemangioma, Hepatic Adenomas And Hepatic Cysts Is Cirrhosis Present? Diagnosis Of Cirrhosis, Non Invasive Markers And When To Biopsy Day 3 – 25 May 2022 Progression Of Liver Disease From Cirrhosis To Decompensation Overview Of Biliary Diseases 23rd & 25th May 2022 Delegate
60 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III “Virtual Thyroid Update” as a faculty member: webinar code: MMC/WEB/2022/F-015495 Organized by Indian Medical Association, Aurangabad 25th May 2022 Delegate
61 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on “World No Tobacco Day” webinar code: MMC/WEB/2022/F-015522 Indian Medical Association Mumbai Branch, IMA House, Haji Ali, Mumbai 29th May 2022 Delegate
62 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Singapore Hepatology Conference 2022 (Day 1: Chronic Hepatitis B, Day 4: HCC Symposium) Organized by Singapore 30th May to 2nd June 2022 Delegate
63 Dr. Nageswari Gandham 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
64 Dr. Chanda R. Vyawahare 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
65 Dr. Nikunja Kumar Das Associate Professor 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
66 Dr. Rajashri Patil Associate Professor 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
67 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
68 Dr. Sameena Khan 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
69 Dr. Prachi V. Athavale 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
70 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
71 Mrs. Deepali Desai 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
72 Mr. Amitesh Datta 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
73 Miss Ankita Navale 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
74 Dr. Tanmay Bhagwatkar 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
75 Dr. Uzair Khan 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
76 Dr. Preethy Edavaloth 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
77 Dr. Shalini Bhaumik 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
78 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
79 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
80 Dr. Heer Shah JR II 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
81 Dr. Algule Shital Sopan JR II 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
82 Dr. Lekshmi R JR II 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
83 Mr. Vishal Pawar MSc Medical Microbiology Student 1st National Conference “MARSCON 2022” (on Microbiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship) organized by Department of Microbiology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune-18 3rd & 4th June 2022 Resource Person
84 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on Research Methods and Research Methodology 18th June Delegate
85 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on “Challenges of Setting up a BMT unit, in LMIC 19th June, 2022 Delegate
86 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Virtual meeting Sickle Cell Disease An update (2022) 19th June, 2022 Delegate
87 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Online 1 Day Advanced Excel Training 21st June 2022 Delegate
88 Dr. Nikunja Kumar Das, Dr. Sameena Khan Awareness training course for EMS (ISO 14001:2015) & Green Certification organized by Prerana Consultancy Services 7th April 2022 Delegate
89 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde MAMB-DMH Molecular Workshop 25th to 26th June 2022 Delegate
90 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida E-learning module: What’s New for TB Vaccines & Recommendations to Control Spread of TB Infection 29th June 2022 Delegate
91 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida 2 Hour Live Training Webinar on Data Collection, Data Analysis and Data Interpretation 16th July 2022 Delegate
92 Dr. Rajashri Patil, Dr. Sahjid Mukhida BUG Tales webinar Jointly Hosted by Society of Clinical Microbiologists, Mumbai and BD India 23rd July 2022 Delegate
93 Mr. Amitesh Datta Molecular Epidemiology –Critical Applications in Public Health and Clinical laboratories 26th July 2022 Delegate
94 Dr. Uzair Khan Workshop on No-Clear to Nuclear Medicine at Confluence 2022 Participate in Confluence X Ascension 2022, An International Medical Research and Humanities Conference at Seth GSMC AND KEM Hospital 27th to 31st July 2022 Delegate
95 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida 2 Hour Live Training Webinar on Journal Submission, Discussion and Conclusion 30th July 2022 Delegate
96 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Lactacon 2022 An Initiative: To Step Up for Breast Feeding organized by “Yashoda” Advanced Human Milk Bank & CLMTRC: Department of Paediatrics 7th August 2022 Delegate
97 Dr. Sameena Khan “3T-IBHSc Training course for Health Science 10th to 12th August 2022 Delegate
98 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III A 2 Hour Live Webinar on Plagiarism, Citation and Proofreading 13th August 2022 Delegate
99 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on A novel and rapid platform to generate gram-level antibodies for diagnostics and therapeutic use 16th August 2022 Delegate
100 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Educational Webinar: TORCH Infections - Screening vs. Diagnosis 16th August 2022 Delegate
101 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Webinar on Driving Lab Efficiency with PCR Power 17th August 2022 Delegate
102 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Mentorship “How to Get Published” Webinar - Sage Journals 24th August 2022 Delegate
103 Dr. Shahzad Mirza 6th Advanced National Workshop on Hospital Infection Control organized by HICP Unit, JIPMER Puducherry 23rd to 27th August 2022 Delegate
104 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida, Dr. Sriram Kannuri ID-ABC-Infectious Diseases-Antibiotics, Bacteria & Core Concepts Workshop 27th August 2022 Delegate
105 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida, Dr. Sriram Kannuri ID-CON 2022 1st Annual Conference of Infectious Diseases Academic Activities 28th August 2022 Delegate
106 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Completed 15 hours of Certificate Course in “AST Reporting and Beyond” supported by American Society of Microbiology April to August 2022 Delegate
107 Dr. Sameena Khan Reovirus Webinar presented by Prof. Guillermo Zavala 1st September 2022 Delegate
108 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Challenges in Sepsis: Diagnostic and Patient Management 13th September 2022 Delegate
109 Dr. N. R. Gandham, Dr. Chanda Vyawahare, Dr. Rajashri Patil, Dr. Shahzad Mirza, Dr. Prachi Athavale, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde, Mr. Amitesh Datta, Dr. Shalini Bhaumik, Dr. Shital Algule, Dr. Lekshmi R, Dr. Heer Shah MahaMicroCon-2022 XXVI-Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM. Theme: “Molecular Epidemiology” 17th and 18th September 2022 Delegate
110 Mr. Amitesh Datta, Dr. Shalini Bhaumik Hands-on Workshop SARS-Cov-2 Whole Genome Sequencing held at BJ Government Medical College, Pune during MahaMicroCon-2022 XXVI-Maharashtra Chapter Conference of IAMM. Theme: “Molecular Epidemiology” 17th and 18th September 2022 Delegate
111 Dr. Shahzad Mirza, Dr. Sahjid Mukhida IMPACT 2022 online workshop & conference on “Writing And Reviewing” 15th to 17th September 2022 Delegate
112 Dr. Shahzad Mirza 3rd Annual National Sepsis Forum Meet SEPSISCON 2022. Theme: Sepsis Management: Navigating the Future online Conference 17th and 18th September 2022 Delegate
113 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Mahatelemedicon 2022 under the aegis of Telemedicine Society of India (MH) September 2022 Delegate
114 Mr. Amitesh Datta Microbiology Update -7 (Online) 24th September 2022 Delegate
115 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Webinar on Breaking through RT-Qpcr Boundaries in Gene Expression Analysis 20th September 2022 Delegate
116 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Navigating Peer Review: How to Get Published Webinar 21st September 2022 Delegate
117 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Webinar on Real Time PCR for Molecular Detection and Research of Infectious Pathogens Beyond SARS-COV-2 28th September 2022 Delegate
118 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III How to Get Published Webinar “Open Access and Author Rights” - Sage Journal 19th October 2022 Delegate
119 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on World Mental Health Day 16th October 2022 Delegate
120 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on Endotoxin Testing Platforms: How Traditional Techniques Compare to Recent Industry Developments and How Ease of Use, Productivity, and Data Integrity Can Be Improved 26th October 2022 Delegate
121 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida, Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III IAMM PG Assembly organized by PGIMER Chandigarh 6th to 8th October 2022 Delegate
122 Dr. Shahzad Mirza, Dr. Sahjid Mukhida, Dr. Shalini Bhaumik, Dr. Sriram Kannuri, Dr. Shital Algule, Dr. Lekshmi R, Dr. Heer Shah Startup Conclave 2022 organized by DPU Vidyapeeth and DPU Foundation For Innovation, Incubation And Entrepreneurship 14th October 2022 Delegate
123 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on World Mental Health Day 16th October 2022 Delegate
124 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Open Access and Author Rights “How To Get Published” Webinar 16th October 2022 Delegate
125 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on World Osteoporosis Day: Strong Bones For Healthy Aging 20th October 2022 Delegate
126 Mr. Amitesh Datta Tutor / Ph.D Student Clinic and Conference in the SYMRESEARCH 2022 National Conference on Research in the Health and Biomedical Sciences 3rd, 4th, and 5th November 2022 Delegate
127 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III International e-Conference CHET MYCOCON-2022 November 2022 Delegate
128 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III How to Promote Your Article “How To Get Published” Webinar 16th November 2022 Delegate
129 Dr. Prachi Athavale, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technology under the supervision of NMC Regional Centre 22nd to 24th November 2022 Delegate
130 Dr. Nikunja Kumar Das Associate Professor 45th Annual Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists 24th to 27th November 2022 Delegate
131 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Online CME - "Tackling Multidrug Resistant Pathogens" to commemorate the “World Antibiotic Awareness Week” 22nd November 2022 Delegate
132 Dr. Deepali Desai JR III Two-Day 4th National Level Workshop on NIRF India Rankings 2023 21st and 22nd December 2022 Delegate
133 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Course on VTE Management in Medically Ill Hospitalization 13th December 2022 Delegate
134 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III VTE Management in Surgery: From Risk Assessment to Appropriate Thromboprophylaxis 14th December 2022 Delegate
135 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Course on Moving the Needle in Cancer-Associated Thrombosis: Updates and Recommendations 15th December 2022 Delegate
136 Dr. Shahzad Mirza, Dr. Shalini Bhaumik, Dr. Sriram Kannuri, Dr. Sahjid Mukhida, Dr. Shital Algule, Dr. Lekshmi R, Dr. Heer Shah, Dr. Sundip Mukherjee, Mr. Vishal Pawar, Miss. Ansika Ahuja, Miss. Isha Sangtani Associate Professor, JR, MSc Students Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine 24th and 25th December 2022 Delegate

Year 2023
ID Name Designation Event Date Status
1 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR II A Webinar on Freelancing in medical writing- Ocean of opportunities 23 January 2023 Delegate
2 Dr. Shahzad Mirza, Dr. Heer Shah Associate Professor, JR II “Advanced National Workshop on Antimicrobial Stewardship” 06th February to 10th February 2023 Delegate
3 Dr. Shahzad Mirza, Dr. Heer Shah Associate Professor, JR II Investigator meeting of V-AMR project titled “Surveillance of multidrug resistance” 10th February 2023 Delegate
4 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida, Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR II CME on World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day (WNTDD) 6th February 2023 Delegate
5 Amitesh Datta Tutor/Ph.D Student Webinar on “Gamification to Promote Student Engagement in Health Professions Education” 16th February 2023 Delegate
6 Dr. Deepali Desai Assistant Professor Two Days Hands-on Workshop on “Chick Embryo Model For Biomedical Research” 21st & 22nd February 2023 Delegate
7 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on Journal club and Journal Scan 23rd February 2023 Delegate
8 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Diagnosis and management of TB and DR TB 11th March 2023 Delegate
9 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida, Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III AMR Master class Webinar BUGTALS on Non-tuberculous Mycobacterial Infections 11th March 2023 Delegate
10 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III E-learning Module Titled “Akshay Bharat Diagnosis & Management of DS TB and DR TB” 19th March 2023 Delegate
11 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor Sahyadri Hospital Conference on “Cancer Case Discussion-Panel Based” 12th March 2023 Delegate
12 Mr. Amitesh Datta Tutor/Ph.D Student 1st Quarter Meet of IAMM Delhi Chapter 18th March 2023 Delegate
13 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III National CME on Tuberculosis Theme :” Yes! We can End TB!” 18th March 2023 Delegate
14 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on Journal Club and Journal Scan organized by The Indian Myeloma Academic Groupe (IMAGe) 23rd March 2023 Delegate
15 Dr. Heer Shah JR II AIIMS Jodhpur –IIT Jodhpur Joint Conclave and Workshop on stem Cells, Cellular Therapy, Gene Therapy and Tissue Engineering (ICSCTE-2023) 26th -28th March 2023 Delegate
16 Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III AMR Master class 4.0 - Session 2 –Optimization of Blood Culture Practice 29th March 2023 Delegate
17 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on World Tuberculosis Day conducted in Collaboration with the Indian Chest Society (Haryana Chapter) 24th March 2023 Delegate
18 Dr. Shahzad Mirza, Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Associate Professor, JR III International e-Conference CHET TBCON -2023 on the theme Tuberculosis 30th and 31st March 2023 Delegate
19 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida, Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III E-Learning module titled “Clinical Updated & Innovations in Tuberculosis-2023” 15th April 2023 Delegate
20 Amitesh Datta Tutor/Ph.D Student Overview of Whole Genome SequencingPACE# awarded 1 hour of continuing education by ASM 16th April 2023 Delegate
21 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on AMR Masterclass 4.0 - “Optimization of Blood culture Practices for better patient outcomes - Session 2” 29th March 2023 Delegate
22 Dr. Rajashri Patil Associate Professor Successfully Completed Internal Auditor Training of QMS based on ISO 9001:2015 25th – 26th April 2023 Delegate
23 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor 4th World Sepsis Congress One Global Health Threat: Sepsis, Pandemic and Antimicrobial Resistance 25th – 26th April 2023 Delegate
24 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on World Tuberculosis Day conducted in Collaboration with the Indian Chest Society (Haryana Chapter) 24th March 2023 Delegate
25 Dr. Shahzad Mirza, Dr. Sahjid Mukhida Associate Professor, JR III International e-Conference CHET TBCON -2023 on the theme Tuberculosis 30th and 31st March 2023 Delegate
26 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida, Dr. Sriram Kannuri JR III E-Learning module titled “Clinical Updated & Innovations in Tuberculosis-2023” 15th April 2023 Delegate
27 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on AMR Masterclass 4.0 –Session 3 “Best Practices in Urine Culture for Better Patient Outcomes” 28th April 2023 Delegate
28 Mr. Amitesh Datta Tutor and Ph. D Scholar Overview of Whole Genome SequencingPACE# awarded 1 hour of continuing education by ASM 16th April 2023 Delegate
29 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Training workshop on CME on “Clinical Updates in DRTB” 07th June 2023 Delegate
30 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Participated in the webinar AMR Masterclass 4.0 –Session 5 “Sepsis in paediatric Patients” 28th June 2023 Delegate
31 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Webinar on World Zoonoses Day organized by Manipal Institute of Virology (MIV) 07th July 2023 Delegate
32 Dr. Sahjid Mukhida JR III Antibody titration: Technical aspects and Clinical co-relation 20th July 2023 Delegate
33 Dr. Prachi Athavale, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor Online CME Surgical Site Infection Prevention (S.S.I.P) Webinar 29th July 2023 Delegate
34 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor 1st International CME on Viral Hepatitis organized by the Department of Microbiology, AIIMS Rajkot 28th July 2023 Delegate
35 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde, Dr. Prachi Athavale Assistant Professor Rational antimicrobial use – right drug for right bug organized by Department of Microbiology, SKNMC AND GH 27th July 2023 Delegate
36 Dr. Heer Shah JR II Hands-on Workshop “An Encounter With Anaerobes” at FMRC, Mangalore 31st July - 4th August 2023 Delegate
37 Dr. Prachi Athavale, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor Online CME Surgical Site Infection Prevention (S.S.I.P) Webinar 29th July 2023 Delegate
38 Ms. Snehal Deshmukhe, Mrs. Manisha Ratnaparkhi Tutor and Ph. D Scholar Live training webinar on Literature review writing for research scholars 03 September 2023 Delegate
39 Dr. N. R. Gandham, Dr. Rajashri Patil, Dr. Shahzad Mirza Professor and HOD, Associate Professor CPD Workshop/Conference Clinical Mycology Workshop, Lab Diagnostics Workshop 8th, 9th & 10th September 2023 Delegate
40 Dr. Prachi Athavale Assistant Professor National Medicolegal CME 2023 on Prevalent medicolegal Challenges in clinical Practice 17 September 2023 Delegate
41 Dr. C.R. Vyawahare, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Professor, Assistant Professor 15th Annual Workshop On Basic And Molecular Diagnostics in Mycology 20th to 24th September 2023 Delegate
42 Dr. Rajashri Patil, Dr. Sameena Khan, Dr. Prachi Athavale, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Associate Professor, Assistant Professor CME on “Revisiting Emerging And Re-emerging Infections, Recent advances In Diagnosis” 18th September 2023 Delegate
43 Dr. Rajashri Patil Associate Professor Webinar on best of allergy on Impact of Air Pollution on Asthma and allergic rhinitis 30th September 2023 Delegate
44 Dr. Lekshmi R JR 5th National Conference & Workshop on Antimicrobial Stewardship Practices In India ASPICON 2023 29th September to 1 October 2023 Delegate
45 Dr. N. R. Gandham, Dr. Shahzad Mirza Professor and HOD, Associate Professor 5th National Conference & Workshop on Antimicrobial Stewardship Practices In India ASPICON 2023 29th September to 1 October 2023 Delegate
46 Lekshmi R JR Delegate During IAMM PG Assembly 2023 12-14 October 2023 Delegate
47 Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde Assistant Professor National CME on Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore 12-14 October 2023 Delegate
48 Dr. Preethy Edavaloth, Mr. Vishal Pawar, Mrs. Nilima Patil Assistant Professor Hands on Workshop on Broth Micro Dilution Technique 21 October 2023 Delegate
49 Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Professor J. Mitra Scientific Webinar Series on “Diagnosis Of Typhoid Fever” 27th October 2023 Delegate
50 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor CME on New Paradigms for Organ Donation and Transplantation Program 29th October 2023 Delegate
51 Dr. Prachi Athavale, Dr. Jyoti Ajagunde, Ms. Snehal Deshmukhe, Mrs. Manisha Ratnaparkhi, Ms. Snehal Wagh Assistant Professor, Tutor and Ph. D Scholar Technology Workshop on Flow Cytometry 30th October 2023 - 01st November 2023 Delegate
52 Mr. Amitesh Datta Tutor and Ph. D Scholar 6th National Workshop On “Statistical Methods In Biomedical Research 01st November to 03rd November 2023 Delegate
53 Dr. Shital Algule, Dr. Heer Shah, Dr. Sundip Mukherjee JR 2023 Microcon.46th Annual Conference Of Indian Association Of Medical Microbiologists 23rd November 2023 Delegate
54 Mrs. Manisha Mukesh Ratnaparkhi Tutor and Ph. D Scholar Completed International Lead Auditors & Management System Requirement On-line Transition Certificate Course for ISO 15189:2022 10th and 11th December 2023 Delegate
55 Dr. Shahzad Mirza Associate Professor Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Conference 2024 6th to 7th February 2024 Delegate
56 Dr. Hrishikesh Gilankar Tutor Received the ERC qualification Advanced Life Support (ALS) Provider in Colombo, Sri Lanka 15th February 2023 Delegate