Navbar Fix



Number of Faculty


Number of Students


Student-to-faculty Ratio

General Information

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book


Course Objectives
  • To provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of the mechanisms and effects of the disease process.
  • To facilitate patient care by optimizing accurate diagnostic tests for management and prevention of diseases.


  • To provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of the mechanisms and effects of the disease process.
  • To facilitate patient care by optimizing accurate diagnostic tests for management and prevention of diseases.
  • To facilitate prompt and effective prevention, cure, and treatment by providing quality investigative facilities in the shortest time.
  • To enhance the knowledge acquisition process for UG and PG students and provide a scientific platform to adapt to advancing technology.
  • To promote continuous learning among faculty.

Educational Levels and Specializations
Undergraduate (U.G.)
  • M.B.B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery)
Postgraduate (P.G.)
  • M.D. (Doctor of Medicine)
  • Surgical Pathology

Diagnostic Services

OPD Services

  • Cytology
    • FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology)
    • PAP Smear
  • Histopathology
  • Haematology
    • Routine Tests
      • CBC (Complete Blood Count)
      • ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)
      • Blood Grouping
    • Special Tests
      • Retic Count
      • Sickling Test
      • Hb Electrophoresis
    • Bone Marrow Aspiration and Trephine Biopsy

IPD Services

  • All Routine and Special Haematological Tests
  • Bone Marrow Aspiration and Trephine Biopsy
  • Cytology
    • FNAC
      • CT Guided
      • USG Guided
    • Body Fluid Cytology
    • PAP Smears
    • Squash and Imprint Cytology
    • Frozen Section
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Blood Donation Campus
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IHC (Immunohistochemistry)
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  • Immunofluorescence (IF)
  • Immunohistochemistry (IHC)

Faculty List
SN Name of the Faculty Photograph Educational Qualification Designation Registration No.
1 Dr. Charusheela Rajesh Gore Dr. Charusheela Rajesh Gore MBBS, MD Professor & HOD 72163
2 Dr. Shirish Sahebrao Chandanwale Dr. Shirish Sahebrao Chandanwale MBBS, MD Professor 60116
3 Dr. Archana Chirag Buch Dr. Archana Chirag Buch MBBS, MD, Certificate In Clinical Nephropathology Professor 73793
4 Dr. Arpana Kulkarni Dr. Arpana Kulkarni MBBS, MD Professor 2019106609
5 Dr. Vidya Viswanathan Dr. Vidya Viswanathan MBBS, MD, DCP Professor 2017083779
6 Dr. Rupali Ramakant Bavikar Dr. Rupali Ramakant Bavikar MBBS, MD Professor 2003031254
7 Dr. Tushar Jalindar Kambale Dr. Tushar Jalindar Kambale MBBS, MD Professor 2007040719
8 Dr. Banyameen Iqbal Dr. Banyameen Iqbal MBBS, MD Professor 8226
9 Dr. Komal Devanand Sawaimul Dr. Komal Devanand Sawaimul MBBS, MD Professor 2004083123
10 Dr. Sushama Govindrao Gurwale Dr. Sushama Govindrao Gurwale MBBS, MD, Certificate In Clinical Nephropathology Associate Professor 76007
11 Dr. Yaminy Narendra Kale Dr. Yaminy Narendra Kale MBBS, MD Associate Professor 2008040879
12 Dr. Mangesh Machindra Londhe Dr. Mangesh Machindra Londhe MBBS, MD, DNB Associate Professor 2014041142
13 Dr. Mayur Ravindrarao Ambekar Dr. Mayur Ravindrarao Ambekar MBBS, MD Assistant Professor 2012082345
14 Dr. Tanmayi Vilas Kulkarni Dr. Tanmayi Vilas Kulkarni MBBS, MD Assistant Professor 2013020203
15 Dr. Neha Vishwanath Kamble Dr. Neha Vishwanath Kamble MBBS, MD, Fellowship in Diagnostic Haematology & Experimental Haematology Assistant Professor 2013062194
16 Dr. Parag Jayant Ratnakar Dr. Parag Jayant Ratnakar MBBS, MD Assistant Professor 2001031589
17 Dr. Madhuri Singh Dr. Madhuri Singh MBBS, MD Assistant Professor 2015030776
18 Dr. Akshi Raj Dr. Akshi Raj MBBS, MD Assistant Professor 2018094808
19 Dr. Rutika Madan Ghatge Dr. Rutika Madan Ghatge MBBS, MD Assistant Professor cum BTO 2012030690
20 Dr. Shraddha Lobhas Khanke Dr. Shraddha Lobhas Khanke MBBS, MD Assistant Professor 2016071863
21 Dr. Naresh Jaikumar Kulkarni Dr. Naresh Jaikumar Kulkarni MBBS, MD, PDC IN ADVANCE HISTOPATHOLOGY Assistant Professor 2021118251
22 Dr. Suraj Ashok Desai Dr. Suraj Ashok Desai MBBS, DNB Senior Resident cum BTO 2013123583
23 Dr. Pooja Jawansing Naik Dr. Pooja Jawansing Naik MBBS, MD Senior Resident 2015041678
24 Dr. Ashima Binny Dr. Ashima Binny MBBS, MD Senior Resident 2024010223
25 Dr. Ashwini Sunil Sonwane Dr. Ashwini Sunil Sonwane MBBS, MD Senior Resident 2016082713
26 Dr. Anjali Hemant Deshpande Dr. Anjali Hemant Deshpande MBBS, DCP Tutor 60842
27 Dr. Wrunda Chandrashekhar Raut Dr. Wrunda Chandrashekhar Raut MBBS Tutor 73288
28 Dr. Anand Jayant Nagarkar Dr. Anand Jayant Nagarkar MBBS Tutor 61764
29 Dr. Advait Ajit Gaikwad Dr. Advait Ajit Gaikwad MBBS Tutor 2018030639
30 Dr. Kanchan Dattatray Gaikwad Dr. Kanchan Dattatray Gaikwad MBBS Tutor 2021043107
31 Dr. Satyajit Bajarang Paymal Dr. Satyajit Bajarang Paymal MBBS Tutor 2021055152
32 Dr. Sneha Singh Dr. Sneha Singh MBBS Tutor 2024052525
33 Dr. Santosh Govind Rathod Dr. Santosh Govind Rathod MBBS, MD (Pathology), DM (Clinical Hematology) Assistant Professor 2007072707
34 Dr. Umakant Hanmantrao Mokalikar Dr. Umakant Hanmantrao Mokalikar MBBS, MD (IHBT) Assistant Professor 2017073573

Facilities Overview
Facility Quantity
Total Area 10000 Sq Ft
Demonstration Rooms 04
Staff Rooms 14
Research Laboratory 01
Library and Seminar Room 01
Morbid Anatomy and Cytology Lab 01
CCL With Haematology and Clinical Pathology Lab 01
Museum 01
Practical Laboratories 02
Library as a Learning Resource
  1. Books: 214 Titles
  2. Reference Books: 10
  3. Educational CDs
  4. Journals & e-Journals
  5. Wi-Fi network and access to e-books
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Departmental Library
  1. Library containing 193 latest Reference books, Educational DVDs & CDs.
  2. Latest Reference books on General, Systemic, and Surgical Pathology for diagnostic work.
  1. A large and beautifully organized museum with over 700 well-dissected and mounted rare specimens, whole autopsy specimens, and unmounted specimens with several copies of catalogues available.
  2. Short descriptions printed and displayed with suitable microphotographs arranged system-wise in cubicles. Innovative display on glass shelves and desks with Transillumination and good lighting arrangement.
  3. Convenient working/mounting area and specimen store available. A special room for small group specimen discussion with an artificially designed display table, seating, and teaching aids is an added attraction.
  4. Many paintings of important personalities and events in the history of Medicine are aesthetically displayed.
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Academics Extension and Research

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book

Departmental Activities
  1. Dr. C.R. Gore (Prof & H.O.D) was appointed as a speaker at the conference IMAKON Mumbai. She delivered a lecture on Interpretation of common Pathological parameters on 5th December 2020.
  2. Dr. Archana Buch, Professor in Pathology, delivered a Guest Lecture in a workshop on “Health awareness session in Bhatnagar Project Vatsalya,” which is being run by SNEH Foundation and focuses on maternal health care in the urban slums of PCMC. The lecture on Anaemia and nutrition was delivered.
  3. Dr. Archana Buch (Professor Pathology) delivered a lecture on Journey of Publication: from Conception to Delivery.
  4. Dr. Archana Buch (Professor Pathology) delivered a lecture on Fundamentals of Health Professions Education.
    • TOPIC: Assessment of Performance – Methods on 19th Dec 2020, 2-4 pm
  5. Dr. Harsh Kumar, Dr. Sushma Kulkarni, Dr. A.C. Buch, Dr. Sunita Bamanikar, Dr. Aniket, Dr. Bhavana, Dr. Aditi, Dr. Madhuri, Dr. Barnali, Dr. Mukta, Dr. Meesha, Dr. Rajeshwari, Dr. Mayuri, Dr. Ruchi participated in the KLE Academy of Higher Education & Research 38th Annual National CME (Online) at Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgavi, Karnataka from 4-8 August 2020.
  6. Dr. A.C. Buch participated as a delegate in TAPCON 2020 on 10, 11, 12 July 2020 (online).
  7. Dr. Harsh Kumar, Dr. Arpana, Dr. Vidya, Dr. Aniket Bhide, Dr. Bhavana Vasu, Dr. Prachi Khandekar, Dr. Kanika Jain, Dr. Akshay Bondge participated in MACYCON 2021 at Topiwala Medical College, Mumbai on 06 February 2021.
  8. Dr. Arpana Dharwadkar, Dr. Tushar Kambale, Dr. Sushma Kulkarni participated in the Molecular Pathology Department of Pathology, Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Tamaka, Kolar on 23rd February 2021.
  9. The Department of Pathology is well-equipped with the latest infrastructure, including highly qualified and experienced faculty, automated sample processing equipment such as cell counters and tissue processors, a state-of-the-art central clinical laboratory, and a modern hospital blood bank.
  10. The faculty and PG students are actively involved in research and publications in national and international journals.
  11. Prof. Dr. C.R. Gore (Prof) successfully moderated a Slide Seminar Session in the MAPCON 2016 conference held at Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Nerul Navi Mumbai.
  12. Dr. Harsh Kumar (Prof & H.O.D Pathology) delivered a lecture on Stem Cell Therapy as External Faculty in the Dept. of Pathology AFMC, Pune on 21/02/16.
  13. Dr. Archana Buch, Professor in Pathology, was invited to deliver a Guest Lecture on ‘Health awareness’ at Indira College of Engineering & Management, Parandwadi on 28th September 2017.
  14. Dr. C.R. Gore (Prof), Dr. P.M. Pagaro (Prof), and Dr. Anjali Deshpande (Demonstrator) attended a CME on Oncopathology conducted at Rural Medical College, Loni on 21/01/07. Dr. C.R. Gore was appointed as a judge for posters presented during the CME and was appreciated with a memento.
  15. Dr. Aditi Pande won the first prize for her poster presentation titled ‘Histiocytic Proliferation mimicking metastatic clear cell carcinoma in hydrocele sac.’
  16. Dr. Jay Sheth, Post-Graduate Student, attended the Gujarat Indian Medical Association conference (GIMACON), Rajkot on 15-16th October 2016 and presented a poster on “Unusual alveolar pattern in node-based Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma,” winning 3rd prize.
  17. Dr. Rohan Joshi, Post-Graduate Student, presented an e-poster titled “A focal nodular Hurthle cell hyperplasia in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis - A diagnostic dilemma on fine needle aspiration” at the 8th International CME on Oncopathology, Pune, on 21-22 January 2017, winning Third Prize.
  18. Dr. C.R. Gore served as Moderator for the Slide Seminar MAPCON (2016 – 2018).
  19. Dr. Sahiba Kaur won a prize in the PG Quiz held during the Conference “THE PUNE CHAPTER.”
  20. Dr. Archana Buch, Professor in Pathology, completed short-term training in Nephropathology at AIIMS, New Delhi from 13th May to 13th June 2019.
  21. Dr. C.R. Gore & co-authors published a short communication in the Asian Pacific Journal Of Cancer Prevention on the topic “Induction of Apoptotic Death & Cell Cycle Arrest In Hela Cells By Extracellular Factors of Breast Cancer Cells.”
  22. Dr. C.R. Gore & Dr. Anjali Deshpande contributed a chapter on Semen Analysis in the book “Male Infertility Problems & Perspectives,” edited by Dr. Hemant Deshpande and published by CBS Publications & Distributors.
  23. Dr. Archana Buch, Professor in Pathology, delivered a guest lecture on “Health awareness session in Bhat Nagar Project Vatsalya,” which focused on maternal health care in urban slums of PCMC. The lecture on Anaemia and nutrition was delivered to 60 females aged 10-40 years, who actively participated in the discussion.
  24. Dr. Pratyush Mishra (1st year PG Student) and Dr. Manoj.S (3rd year PG) participated as delegates in the 25th ICP AIPNA International CME 2020 organized by the Department of Pathology, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad from 31st January to 2nd February 2020. Dr. Pratyush Mishra also presented a poster on ‘Series of Adrenal Gland Tumors over a period of 1 Year.’
  1. Dr. C.R. Gore (Professor Pathology) conducted a two and a half hour session of Histopathology Slide Seminar at the State Conference MAPCON-2017 in Solapur. Dr. C.R. Gore also presented a case in the PG Quiz session.
  2. Dr. Archana Buch, Professor in Pathology, was invited to deliver a Guest Lecture on ‘Health Awareness’ at Indira College of Engineering & Management, Parandwadi on 28th September 2017.
  3. Dr. C.R. Gore (Prof), Dr. P.M. Pagaro (Prof), and Dr. Anjali Deshpande (Demonstrator) attended a CME on Oncopathology conducted at Rural Medical College, Loni on 21/01/07. Dr. C.R. Gore was appointed as a judge for posters presented during the CME.
  4. Dr. Harsh Kumar (Prof & HOD), Dr. Shruti Vimal, Dr. Arpana Dharwadkar, Dr. Vidya Viswanathan, and three PG students attended the Maharashtriyan chapter of IAPM 1st Mid Term CME Pathology conference at AFMC on 29 & 30 April 2017 in Pune. Dr. Harsh Kumar chaired a session in the conference.
  5. Dr. Charusheela Gore was invited as a chairperson to an International CME in Oncopathology held on 3rd & 4th February 2018 at Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College, Pune.
  6. The Conference of “THE PUNE CHAPTER” of the Indian Association of Pathologists was held at AFMC Pune on 11th April 2018. Dr. Sahiba Kaur (PG student) won a prize in the PG Quiz held during the Conference.
  7. Dr. Harsh Kumar received a certificate for reviewing medical publications in the Medical Journal Armed Forces India (certificate attached).
  8. Department of Pathology conducted an educational workshop on “Prevalence and Current Concepts of Laboratory Approach towards Hemoglobinopathies” on 06/07/18. This workshop, conducted by Ms. Biorad India, aimed to sensitize Faculty and PG students with HPLC and interpretation of results concerning hemolytic anemias.
  9. Dr. C.R. Gore conducted the slide seminar during the state Conference from 2016-2018, a matter of great pride for our Institution.
  10. Dr. Archana Buch, Professor in Pathology, completed short-term training in Nephropathology at AIIMS, New Delhi from 13th May to 13th June 2019.
  11. Dr. C.R. Gore & co-authors published a short communication in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention on the topic “Induction of Apoptotic Death & Cell Cycle Arrest In Hela Cells By Extracellular Factors of Breast Cancer Cells.”
  12. Dr. C.R. Gore & Dr. Anjali Deshpande contributed a chapter on Semen Analysis in the book “Male Infertility Problems & Perspectives,” edited by Dr. Hemant Deshpande and published by CBS Publications & Distributors.
  13. Dr. Aishwarya Desai won the best poster award at the Mid Term Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM CME on GI Pathology held at Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College, Pune.
  14. The Department of Pathology successfully conducted a clinical meet on 26th July 2019 with the presentation of interesting cases.
  15. Dr. Kanika Jain, Dr. Prachi Khandekar, Dr. Aditi Malhotra, and Dr. Sadbhavana, Post Graduate students from the Pathology Department, participated in the International Medical Conference (RESPIRARE 2019) at B.J. Medical College, Pune on 08th August 2019. They presented posters in the conference.
  16. Dr. C.R. Gore, Dr. S.S. Chandanwale, and Dr. A.C. Buch attended Mapcon 2019 conference at Akola. Dr. Sunita Bamanikar (Professor Pathology) attended the 11th National Conference on Health Professions Education held from 21st to 23rd November 2019 at KLE Centenary Convention Center, KAHE, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgavi, Karnataka. Dr. Aishwarya, Dr. Prachi, and Dr. Kanika attended the International CME on Pediatric Non-Neoplastic Lesions on 8th & 9th November 2019.
  17. Dr. Madhuri Singh, Dr. Akshi Raj, and Dr. Namrata Patro attended the Vapcon 2019 conference at Nagpur from 23rd to 24th November 2019.
  18. Dr. Sahiba, Dr. Namrata, Dr. Dayananad, and Dr. Manoj attended a workshop on the Six Sigma Approach in Clinical Laboratory held on 26 June 2019 at Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune.
  19. The Department of Pathology conducted a clinical meet on 26/07/2019 with interesting case presentations, chaired by Dr. C.R. Gore, H.O.D Pathology.
1 Dr. Bhavana Vasu (JRII) Adrenocortical adenoma
2 Dr. Aniket Bhide (JRII) An unusual case of pleural effusion
3 Dr. Namrata Patro (JRIII) A mysterious case of liver dysfunction
  1. Dr. C.R. Gore (Prof & H.O.D) was appointed as a speaker at the conference IMAKON Mumbai. She delivered a lecture on "Interpretation of Common Pathological Parameters" on 5th December 2020.
  2. Dr. Archana Buch, Professor in Pathology, delivered a guest lecture in a workshop on "Health Awareness Session in Bhatnagar Project Vatsalya," run by the SNEH Foundation. The project focuses on maternal health care in the urban slums of PCMC, and Dr. Buch's lecture covered "Anaemia and Nutrition."
  3. Dr. Archana Buch (Professor Pathology) delivered a lecture on "Journey of Publication: From Conception to Delivery."
  4. Dr. Archana Buch (Professor Pathology) delivered a lecture on "Fundamentals of Health Professions Education" with the topic "Assessment of Performance – Methods" on 19th December 2020 from 2-4 PM.
  5. Dr. Harsh Kumar, Dr. Sushma Kulkarni, Dr. A.C. Buch, Dr. Sunita Bamanikar, Dr. Aniket, Dr. Bhavana, Dr. Aditi, Dr. Madhuri, Dr. Barnali, Dr. Mukta, Dr. Meesha, Dr. Rajeshwari, Dr. Mayuri, and Dr. Ruchi attended the 38th Annual National CME (Online) at KLE Academy of Higher Education & Research, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgavi, Karnataka from 4-8 August 2020.
  6. Dr. A.C. Buch participated as a delegate in TAPCON 2020 on 10th, 11th, and 12th July 2020 (online).
  7. Dr. Harsh Kumar, Dr. Arpana, Dr. Vidya, Dr. Aniket Bhide, Dr. Bhavana Vasu, Dr. Prachi Khandekar, Dr. Kanika Jain, and Dr. Akshay Bondge attended MACYCON 2021 at Topiwala Medical College, Mumbai on 6th February 2021.
  8. Dr. Arpana Dharwadkar, Dr. Tushar Kambale, and Dr. Sushma Kulkarni attended a Molecular Pathology event at the Department of Pathology, Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Tamaka, Kolar on 23rd February 2021.
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  1. Chandanwale SS, Gore CR, Bamnikar SA, Gupta N, Gupta K. Cytomorphologic Spectrum of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and its Clinical Correlation: A Retrospective Study of 52 Patients. Cytojournal 2014;11:9.
  2. Chandanwale SS, Vimal S, Panicker NK, Gupta K. Recurrent Angioleiomyoma in the Neck: A Rare Case Report. Clin Cancer Investig 2014;3:245-47.
  3. Chandanwale SS, Gore CR, Sami AB, Shah KR, Kaur PR. Recurrent Solitary Fibrous Tumor in Distal Lower Extremity: An Extremely Rare Entity. Int J App Basic Med Res 2014;4:134-36.
  4. Chandanwale SS, Gupta K, Dharwadkar AA, Pal S, Buch AC, Mishra N. Pattern of Palpable Breast Lesions on Fine Needle Aspiration: A Retrospective Analysis of 902 Cases. J Mid-life Health 2014;5:186-91.
  5. Chandanwale SS, Kulkarni TV, Patel RJ, Thakkar D. A Focal Nodular Hurthle Cell Hyperplasia in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: A Diagnostic Dilemma on Fine Needle Aspiration. J Cytol 2014;31:236-8.
  6. Buch AC, Kumar H, Panicker NK, Misal S, Sharma YK, Gore CR. A Cross Sectional Study of Direct Immunofluorescence in Diagnosis of Immunobullous Dermatoses. Indian J Dermatol 2014;59:364-8.
  7. Buch AC, Chandanwale SS, Bamanikar SA. Interactive Teaching Understanding Perspectives of II Year MBBS Students in Pathology. Med J DY Patil Univ 2014;7:693-5.
  8. Bamanikar SA, Baravkar DS, Chandanwale SS, Dapkekar P. Study of Cervical Pap Smears in a Tertiary Hospital. Indian Medical Gazette July 2014;250-254.
  9. Bamanikar S, Bamanikar A, Sawlani V, Pandit D. Gastroscopic Diagnosis of Ankylostoma Duodenale Infestation as a Cause of Iron-Deficiency Anemia. Med J DY Patil Univ 2014;7(5):631-3.
  10. Bamanikar S, Buch A, Gupta N. Sacral Chordoma – A Diagnostic Predicament. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014;1(2):452-57.
  11. Bamanikar S, Buch A, Bamba D. Adult Presentation of Retroperitoneal Cystic Teratoma: A Case Report. Medical Science 2014;13(53):93-97.
  12. Dharwadkar A, Sadana D, Sharma Y, Dash K, Chaudhari N, Dogra B. Angiokeratoma Circumscriptum in a Young Male. Indian J Dermatol 2014;59(1):85–87.
  13. Dharwadkar A, Vimal S, Buch A, Panicker NK. HIV Infection Presenting as Bone Marrow Cryptococcosis. Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil University 2014.
  14. Kambale T, Iqbal B, Jain A, Sawaimul K. Littoral Cell Angioma of Spleen: A Rare Case Report. Trop J Med Res 2014;17:143-5.
  15. Iqbal MB, Kambale T, Jain AK, Mushta I. Study of Different Types of Chordomas: A Case Series. International Journal of Current Research 2014;6(1):4589-4594.
  16. Iqbal MB, Kamble T. Neurolipoma: A Rare Variety. Journal of Clinical Sciences 2014;11(2):July-December.
  1. Viswanathan Vidya, Juluri Ravichandra, Goel Seema, Madan Jyotsna, Mitra K Subhir, Dharmarajan Gopalakrishnan. Apoptotic Index and Proliferative Index in Premalignant and Malignant Squamous Cell Lesions of the Oral Cavity. Journal of International Oral Health 2015;7(1):40-43.
  2. Chandanwale Shirish, Gupta Kanika, Viswanathan Vidya, Jadhav Rahul, Mishra Neha, Patel R Anand, Ahmed Parwin. Haematological Profile in Splenomegaly – A Study of 50 Cases. International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 2015;5(2):368-378.
  3. Buch AC, Choudhary S, Chandanwale SS, Kumar H. Study of Renal and Lipid Profile in Diabetic Patients. IJPBS 2015;5(1).
  4. Sunita Bamanikar, Ruchir Patel, Tushar Kamble, K. Sushen Kumar, Arvind Bamanikar. Case Study: Identification of Rare Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis in Maharashtra, India. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports 2015;8(2).
  5. Arpana Dharwadkar, Shruti Vimal, N.K. Panicker, S.S. Chandanwale, Vidya Vishwanathan, Harsh Kumar. Study of Sideroblast and Iron Stores in Bone Marrow Aspirates Using Perls Stain. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University 2015;9(2).
  6. Shruti Vimal, Arpana Dharwadkar, S.S. Chandanwale, Vidya Vishwanathan, Harsh Kumar. Cytomorphological Study of Lymph Node Lesions: A Study of 187 Cases. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University 2015;9(1).
  7. Chandanwale SS, Panicker NK, Kulkarni SP, Shah KR, Kumar H, Sharma YK. Morphometry Analysis of Psoriasis and Psoriasiform Dermatitis: A Retrospective Study of 50 Cases. Med J DY Patil Univ 2015;8:43-7.
  8. Chandanwale SS, Buch AC, Kumar H, Mishra N. Epidermoid Cyst in the Breast: A Common Benign Lesion at a Rare Site. Clin Cancer Investig 2015;4:99-101.
  9. Chandanwale SS, Pal SS, Kumar HB, Sami AB. Serous Cystadenoma and Fibrothecoma: A Rare Combination in Collision Tumor of Ovary with Pseudo-Migs Syndrome. J Pathol Trans Med 2015;49:163-166.
  10. Chandanwale SS, Dey I, Kaur S, Nair R, Patil AA. Xanthogranulomatous Appendicitis Mimicking Appendicular Lump: An Uncommon Entity. Clin Cancer Investig J 2015;4:769-71.
  11. Buch AC. Role of Direct Immunofluorescence in the Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University 2015;8(4):July-August.
  12. Buch AC. Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis: Unusual Presentation of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Diagnosed by FNAC. JKIMSU 2015;4(3):July-September.
  13. Yadav P, Gujrati A, Buch AC. Paravertebral and Epidural Sarcoma with Spinal Cord Compression in a Child: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Med J DY Patil Univ 2015;8:520-4.
  14. Wadhokar M, Sharma YK, Deo K, Buch AC, Gupta A. Pemphigus Foliaceus Occurring with Adenocarcinoma of Prostate. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2015;81:525-6.
  15. Kumar H, Iqbal MB, Buch AC, Panicker NK. Extensive Squamous Metaplasia in a Benign Phyllodes Tumor: A Rare Case Report. Med J DY Patil Univ 2015;8:404-6.
  16. Kumar H, Siddarth Dubhashi, Arpana Dharwadkar, Rajat Sindhawani. Nodular Hidradinoma Over the Chin: Rare Presentation. International Journal of Health Issue 2015;4(3).
  17. Bamanikar SA, Panicker NK, Dhaigude B, Choudhary S, Buch AC. Carcinoma of the Cystic Duct Presenting as Obstructive Jaundice. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University 2015;8(2):220-22.
  18. Bamanikar SA, Pagaro M, Kaur P, Chandanwale SS, Bamanikar A, Buch AC. Histopathological Study of Primary Bone Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions in a Medical Teaching Hospital. JKIMSU 2015;4(2):46-55.
  19. Vidya Viswanathan. Association of Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis and Periodontal Disease – A Double Blind Case Control Study. Journal of International Oral Health 2015.
  20. Vidya Viswanathan. Importance of Malarial Exclusion in a Thrombocytopenic Febrile Patient in an Endemic Area. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015.
  21. Kambale T, Iqbal B, Jain A. A Case Report of Synovial Chondromatosis of the Knee. Clin Cancer Investig J 2015;4:105-7.
  22. Kambale T, Iqbal B, Jain A. Pilomatricoma with Florid Osseous Metaplasia – A Rare Case Report. Menoufia Med J 2015;28:780–782.
  23. Iqbal MB. Copying with Academic Anarchy: An Appeal to Reviewers, Authors, and Readers to Raise the Bar. Medical Journal of DPU 2015;8(2).
  24. Iqbal MB, Katul, Tushar Kamble. Molluscum Contagiosum. Medical Journal of DPU 2015;4(8).
  25. Iqbal B, Kambale T, Jain AK. Cytological Diagnosis of Solitary Plasmacytoma of the Skull: A Rare Case Report. J Sci Soc 2015.
  26. Iqbal MB, Mushtaq I, Jain A, Arun S. Conjunctival-Corneal Intraepithelial Neoplasia: Presenting as a Pterygium. Clin Cancer Investig J 2015.
  27. Iqbal MB. Principles and Practice of Plagiarism: Perpetrators and Prospective Measures. Medical Journal of DPU September 2015;8(5).
  1. Buch AC, Banyameen I. Poster presentation at medical conferences: Points to ponder. Med J DY Patil Univ 2016;9:224-6.
  2. Buch AC. Comparative study of FNAC and computerized cytology scan in diagnosis of extra thyroidal neck masses. VIMS Health Science Journal Vol 3 Issue 1 2016.
  3. Buch A, Iqbal B, Bordawekar R, Jain A, Jariwala P, Rathod H. Patterns of hemoglobinopathies diagnosed by high-performance liquid chromatography in and around Pune (Western Maharashtra, India): A pilot study. J Med Soc 2016;30:111-5.
  4. SA Bamanikar, AA Bamanikar, A Arora. Study of Serum Urea and Creatinine in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients in a Tertiary Teaching Hospital. J Med Res, 2016;2(1):13-17.
  5. Kambale T, M B Iqbal, Sonali Salave, Iqra Mushtaq. Zika Virus Infection: The Resurgence of a Neglected Disease. Medical Journal of DPU Vol 9 Issue 2, 2016.
  6. M B Iqbal. Quality and Impact of Journal and Authors. Medical Journal of DPU Vol 9 Issue 2, March-April 2016.
  7. M B Iqbal, Kamble Tushar. Being Too Myopic About Plagiarism. Medical Journal of DPU Vol 9 Issue 3, 2016.
  8. Guruwale S, Kambale T, Iqbal B, Jain A. Poorly Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma: A Case Report. Med J DY Patil Univ 2016.
  9. Kumar H, Buch AC, Iqbal B, Kakrani AL. Hypoplastic Acute Myeloid Leukaemia – M4: A Rare Case Report. Med J DY Patil Univ 2016;9:129-31.
  10. Kumar H, Iqbal B, Dogra BB, Chandanwale SS. Giant Aggressive Angiomyxoma of the Vulva. J Med Soc 2016;30:58-60.
  11. Kumar H, Archana Buch, Pal Sukanya, Chandanwale SS, Rohan Joshi. Role of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology as “One Stop Diagnosis for Assessment of Breast Lump in Women”. Journal of Life Sciences Issue 2, Vol 6, April 2016.
  12. A Rare Case of Signet Ring Cell Lymphoma: Diagnosis Aided by Immunofluorescent Staining. Charusheela R Gore, N K Panicker, Harsh Kumar, Archana Buch, SS Chandanwale. Journal of Cytology.
  13. Mucinous Carcinoma of Breast in a 30-Year-Old Female: A Rare Case Report and Discussion. Iqbal MB, Bedarshi Banerjee. Volume 5, Issue 5, September-October 2016, 489-491.
  14. Sunita Arvind Bamanikar, Dadaso Baravkar, Shirish Chandanwale, Arpana Dharwadkar, Sourabh Paranjape. Study of Cervical Cytology and Its Correlation with Clinical and Histopathological Findings. Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal, 5 (5), 2016.
  15. Ruchir Jitendra Patel, Archana Chirag Buch, Shirish S. Chandanwale, Harsh Kumar. Role of Histochemical Stains in Differentiating Hemangioma and Vascular Malformation. Indian Journal of Dermatopathology and Diagnostic Dermatology, 3 (1), 2016.
  16. Kambale T, Iqbal B, Ramraje S, Swaimul K, Salve S. Placental Morphology and Fetal Implications in Pregnancies Complicated by Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension. Med J DY Patil Univ 2016;9:341-7.
  1. Archana C. Buch, Jay Y. Sheth, Sunita A. Bamanikar, Aditi A. Pandey. Unusual Alveolar Pattern in Node Based Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University Vol. 6, No. 1, January-March 2017, p. no 104-108.
  2. Archana C. Buch, Karia Kunjal M, Agrawal Neekita S, Ingale Yamini, Harsh Kumar. Primary Adrenal Lymphoma: A Rare Entity. Rep Cancer Treat | Volume 1 | Issue 1 | June 2017, p. no 9-11.
  3. Ruchir Jitendra Patel, Archana Chirag Buch, Shirish S. Chandanwale, Harsh Kumar. Role of Histochemical Stains in Differentiating Hemangioma and Vascular Malformation. Indian Journal of Dermatopathology and Diagnostic Dermatology Vol 3, Issue 1, Jan-Jun 2016.
  4. Archana Buch, Supreet Kaur, Rahul Nair, Ambuj Jain. Platelet Volume Indices as Predictive Biomarkers for Diabetic Complications in Type 2 Diabetic Patients. Volume 9, Issue 2, April-June 2017.
  5. Ansari JN, Iqbal B, Nikam SR, Siddique AK. A Case Control Study to Ascertain the Relationship of Metabolic, Biochemical and Hormonal Changes in Women Suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Ejpmr 4 (6), 2017.
  6. Ansari JN, Baravkar A, Joshi RV, Pandey A, Rajendra SN, Iqbal B. Bone Marrow Aspiration: A Diagnostic Tool in Understanding the Broad-Spectrum of Haematological Disorders: A 15-Year Study. Ejpmr 4 (7), 2017.
  7. Sunita A. Bamanikar, Padmakar Bardapurkar, Harsh Kumar, Archana Buch. Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Caecum Presenting in a Female: A Case Report. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research EJPMR 4 (2), 2017.
  8. Sunita Bamanikar, Megha Jha, Kushal Shah, Jay Sheth, Shirish Chandanwale, Shruti Vimal. Diagnostic Accuracy of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Breast Lump in a Tertiary Teaching Hospital. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences EJBPS 4 (3), 2017.
  9. Chandanwale SS, Kaur S, Nair R, Sheth JY, Nikam S, Nizam JA, Kaur M, Koshy A. Precancerous Breast Lesions in Benign Breast Lesions: Review of 430 Benign Breast Lesions. Clin Cancer Investig J 6 (1), 2017.
  10. Kambale Tushar, Iqbal Banyameen, Patil Amardeep, Kumar Harsh. Diagnostic Role of FNAC in Salivary Gland Lesions and Its Histopathological Correlation. 3 (3), 2017.
  11. Arpana Dharwadker, Shruti Vimal, Abhinav Shetty, Vidya Vishwanathan, Shrish Chandanwale, Harsh Kumar. Giant Cell Tumor of Tendon Sheath: A Cytomorphological Study of 21 Cases. Ejpmr 4 (6), 2017.
  12. Shruti Vimal, Sushma Kulkarni, Arpana Dharwadker, Karia Kunjal Mukesh, Sunita Bamanikar, Harsh Kumar. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology as a Diagnostic Tool in Lymphadenopathy for Pediatric Age Group in a Tertiary Care Centre. Ejpmr 4 (5), 2017.
  13. Sawaimul KD, Sawaimul VD, Iqbal MB, Kambale TJ. Spectrum of Haematological Parameters and Haemoglobinopathies (Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia) in Antenatal Cases. Sch J App Med Sci 5 (2), 2017.
  14. Sawaimul KD, Sawaimul VD, Iqbal MB, Kamble T, Kumar H. Spectrum of Superficial Lesions Diagnosed by Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Pediatric Population: A Retrospective Study. Sch J App Med Sci 5 (4), 2017.
  15. Gulati I, Kumar H, Sheth J, Dey I. Diagnostic Implication of Mean Platelet Volume in Thrombocytopenia. Med J DY Patil Univ 1 (10), 2017.
  16. Chandanwale SS, Jadhav R, Rao R, Naragude P, Bhamnikar S, Ansari JN. Clinicopathologic Study of Malignant Ovarian Tumors: A Study of Fifty Cases. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 10 (1), 2017.
  17. Chandanwale SS, Gupta N, Sheth J, Naragude P, Gambhir AS, Pathak P, et al. Histopathological Study of Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy Using Gastric Biopsy. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 10 (1), 2017.
  18. Sunita A. Bamanikar, Pratiksha Yadav, Kunjal M. Karia, Arpana Dharwadkar, Harsh Kumar, Charusheela Gore. A Rare Case of Supratentorial Desmoplastic Infantile Ganglioglioma with Heterogeneous Differentiation and Calcification. Journal of Medical Society 10 (1), 2017.
  1. Chandanwale SS, Nair R, Gambhir A, Kaur S, Pandey A, Shetty A, Naragude P. Cytomorphological Spectrum of Thyroiditis: A Review of 110 Cases. Journal of Thyroid Research 2018. DOI: 10.1155/2018/5246516.
  2. Sawaimul KD, Iqbal MB, Sawaimul VD, Kambale T, Hanmante R. Study to Identify the Role of High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Detecting Haemoglobinopathies in Antenatal Patients. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology 2018;5(1).
  3. Agrawal NS, Iqbal MB, Patil AA, Karia KM, Kumar H. Study to Evaluate the Histopathological Spectrum of Hepatic Lesions in Liver Biopsies in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2018;5(3).
  4. Kambale TJ, Sawaimul KD, Iqbal MB, Bardapurkar P, Kumar H, Baravkar A. Correlation of Serological Markers with Haematological Parameters in Early Diagnosis of Dengue Infection in Dengue Prone Areas. Accepted for publication in Tropical Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 2018;4(26).
  5. Sawaimul KD, Iqbal MB, Sawaimul VD, Kambale T, Kumar H. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology: A Diagnostic Tool in Evaluation of Lymphadenopathy in Paediatric Age. Accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology 2018;5(3).
  6. Shruti Vimal, Arpana Dharwadkar, Vidya Viswanathan, Manpreet Mathru, S.L. Jadhav. Role of C-Reactive Protein, White Blood Cell Counts, Polymorph Percentage and Histopathological Findings in Diagnosing Appendicitis. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 2018;7(2):February.
  7. Arpana Dharwadkar, Shruti Vimal, Vidya Viswanathan, Manoj Sawadkar. Diagnostic Utility of Body Fluid Cytology. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 2018;7(3):March.
  8. Bamanikar S, Khandelwal A, Shah K, Bamnikar A, Buch AC. Detection of Helicobacter Pylori in Gastric Biopsies of Patients with Chronic Gastritis: Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Study. Int J Health Sci Res 2018;8(3):39-47.
  9. Buch AC, Jadhav S, Patel S, Patil A, Patro N. Comparison of Traditional Pathology Practical Examination versus Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) among II MBBS Students. International Journal of Scientific Research 2018;7(4):72-74.
  10. Ansari JN, Buch AC, Pandey A, Ruby R, Siddique A. Spectrum of Histopathological Changes in Fibroadenoma of Breast. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2018;5(3):429-434.
  11. Buch AC, Patil AA, Agrawal NS, Karia KM, Kaur M, Patro N. Evaluation of Platelet Count and Platelet Indices and Their Significance in Preeclampsia. Sch. J. App. Med. Sci 2018;6(4):1598-1602.
  12. Gurwale S, Gore CR, Karia KM, Paranjape SP, Bardapurkar PR, Kumar H, Buch AC. Extranodal Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma: A Case Series. Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:137-142.
  13. Buch AC, Tiwari SM, Rathi SM, Patro N, Kaur S, Sonkawade D. Study of Effect of Alcohol on the Microscopic Analysis of Semen. Rec. Adv. Path. Lab. Med. 2018;4(4):13-17.
  14. Iqbal B, Bedarshi B, Kambale T, Mushtaq I. Pure Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Ovary: A Recently Recognized Rare Subtype of Ovarian Epithelial Cancer. Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:81-83.
  15. Bamanikar S, Chandanwale SS, Pathak P, Gambhir A, Sheth J. A Rare Case of Xanthogranulomatous Mastitis with Intraductal Papilloma. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 2018;11:348-351.
  16. Chandanwale SS, Nair R, Gambhir A, Kaur S, Pandey A, Shetty A, Naragude P. Cytomorphological Spectrum of Thyroiditis: A Review of 110 Cases. Journal of Thyroid Research 2018. DOI: 10.1155/2018/5246516.
  17. Gore CR, Shende P, Paranjape S, Bardapurkar P, Chandanwale SS, Namrata P. Study of Dermal Vascular Changes in Inflammatory Skin Diseases. Saudi J Path Micro 2018. DOI: 10.21276/sjpm.2018.3.3.5.
  1. Buch AC, Patil A, Haldar N, Iqbal B, Pandit D, Kakrani AL. Relation of Lymphocyte Subsets and Cytokines in Different Grades of Alcoholic Cirrhosis. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2019;13(1):8-11.
  2. Ingale YP, Buch AC, Ulhas PN, Kumar H. Incidental Detection of Chorangioma with Chorangiosis of Placenta: A Rare Case Report. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2019;12(2):174-176.
  3. Buch AC, Haldar N, Kheur S, Chandanwale SS, Kumar H. Correlation between Ki-67 Labeling Index and Mitotic Index in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Clin Cancer Investig J 2019;8:90-95.
  4. Komal S, Gore CR, Patro N, Buch AC. Giant Pulmonary Hamartoma with Foci of Placental Transmogrification of Lung. Accepted for publication in Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2019.
  5. Tayade S, Bondge A, Buch AC, Kumar H. Adrenal Myelolipoma: A Rare Entity. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2019.
  6. Bamanikar S, Pathak P, Buch AC, Nawani N, Sawaimul K. DNA Flow Cytometry and Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Effusion Specimens. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology 2019;4(1):22-26.
  7. Shah K, Bamanikar S, Pathak P, Chandanwale SS, Bamanikar A. Immunohistochemical Testing of HER2/neu Protein Overexpression in Gastric Cancer Specimens and Its Clinicopathological Correlation. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology 2019;4(1):9-15.
  8. Pathak P, Bamanikar S, Shetty A, Kumar H, Buch AC. Histopathological Analysis of Ovarian Tumours and Overexpression of HER2/neu in Ovarian Carcinomas. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology 2019;6(3).
  9. Bamanikar S, Sankawade D, Bamanikar A, Gore CR, Chandanwale SS. Histomorphology Spectrum of Gastrointestinal Lesions in a Tertiary Care Centre. V-3, Issue 12, Dec 2019.
  10. Kulkarni PS, Sonkawade D, Patro N, Kaur S, Sawadkar M. Spectrum of Lesions in Non-Neoplastic Nephrectomy Specimens and Their Clinico-Pathological Correlation - A Tertiary Care Hospital Experience. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2019;6(4):1-5.
  11. Kulkarni SP, Kulkarni PD. Current Nephrectomy Scenario with Pathological Correlation in a Tertiary Care Centre - A Three Year Study. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2019;6(3).
  12. Verma A, Kulkarni SP, Sharma R. Prevalence of Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Int J Med Res Prof 2019;5(3):129-131. DOI: 10.21276.
  13. Kulkarni SP. Diagnostic Implication of Measuring Epidermal Parameters in Psoriasis - A Study of 50 Cases. Int J Biol Med Res 2017;8(2):5958-5961. DOI: 10.21276.
  14. Anjali Verma, Sushma Praveen Kulkarni, Rina Sharma. Prevalence of Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Int J Med Res Prof. 2019 May; 5(3):129-31. DOI:10.2127 Sushma Praveen Kulkarni Diagnostic implication of measuring epidermal parameters in psoriasis-a study of 50 cases. Int J Biol Med Res.2017;8(2):5958-59616/ijmrp.2019.5.3.02
  1. Manmohan Mitruka, Charusheela R. Gore, Ajay Kumar, Sachin C. Sarode, Nilesh Kumar Sharma. Undetectable Free Aromatic Amino Acids in Nails of Breast Carcinoma: Biomarker Discovery by a Novel Metabolite Purification VTGE System. Metabolism: A Section of the Journal Frontiers in Oncology, June 2020.
  2. Tayade T, Bondge A R, Buch A, Kumar H. Adrenal Myelolipoma: A Rare Entity. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth, Jan 2020; Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 82-84.
  3. Chandanwale S S, Naragude P, Shetty A, Sawadkar M, Raj A, Bhide A, Singh M. Cytomorphological Spectrum of Granulomatous Mastitis: A Study of 33 Cases. European Journal of Breast Health, April 2020; 16(2): 146-151.
  4. Chandanwale SS, Naragude P, Singh M, Raj A, Bamanikar S, Buch AC, et al. Prevalence of Pathological Lesions in 161 Nephrectomies: An Experience from a Teaching Hospital in Urban Industrial Area of Maharashtra. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities, Jan 2020; Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 21-27.
  5. Buch AC, Patro N, Bavikar R, Gore CR. An Analytical Study of Histograms and Their Correlation with Peripheral Blood Smear Findings. Indian Journal of Applied Research, April 2020; Volume 10, Issue 4.
  6. Kulkarni (Dharwadkar) Arpana, Shetty Abhinav, Pathak Pooja. Histopathological Study of Lesions of Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology, Feb 2020; 7(1): 88-93.
  7. Sawadkar MM, Dharwadkar A, Gore CR, Chandanwale SS, Buch AC. Hematological Scoring System and Its Significance in the Early Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis. Saudi Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 2020; 5(2): 108-114.
  8. Khandekar P, Shruti Vimal, Gore CR, Jain K, Dharwadkar AA, Vidya Viswanathan. A Clinicopathological Study of Breast Carcinoma: Comparison of Triple Negative with Non-Triple Negative Breast Cancers. Saudi Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, Feb 2020; 5(2): 56-62.
  9. Sunita Bamanikar, Sadbhavana Ranjan, Harsh Kumar, Charusheela Gore, Tushar Kambale. An Atypical Meningioma Presenting at an Unusual Site. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Sep 2020; Vol 14(9): Ed04-Ed06.
  10. Shruti Vimal, Arpana Dharwadkar, Vidya Viswanathan, Neekita Agarwal. Histopathological Spectrum of Central Nervous System Tumors in Tertiary Care Centre. Indian Journal of Pathology Research & Practice, Vol 9, May-August 2020; P.No 103-110, Issue 2 (Part I).
  11. Buch AC, Rathod H. Reflection on Teaching Learning Session During COVID-19. NJIRM, 2020; 11(4): 13.
  12. Gurwale SG, Gore CR, Gulati I, Dey I. Immunoglobulin G4-Related Chronic Sclerosing Sialadenitis: An Emerging Entity. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Feb 2020; Volume 24, Issue 4, Pages 135-138.
  13. Dharwadkar Arpana, Vidya Viswanathan, Shruti Vimal, Kulkarni Pramod. A Rare Case of Fibrous Hamartoma of Infancy. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, Nov 2020; Vol 6, Issue 12, Pages 83-86.
  14. Vidya Viswanathan, Arpana Dharwadkar, Shruti Vimal, Parul Bhandari, Aditi Malhotra, Barnali Paul. Skin Adnexal Tumors: A Study of 26 Cases. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Vol 7, Issue 11, November 2020.
  15. Namrata Sengupta, Sachin C Sarode, Vidya Viswanathan, Gargi S Sarode, Sneha S Patil, Amol R Gadbail, Shailesh Gondivkar, Khaled M Alqahtani, Samar S Khan, Shankargouda Patil. Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most Cited Articles on Dental Stem Cells. Journal of Biomedical Research, October 2020; 11(4): 274-283.
  16. Buch AC, Khandekar P, Kambale T, Jain K. Metaplastic Carcinoma of Breast: A Rare Histological Entity. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology, 2020; 7(4): 1-4.
  17. Buch AC, Rathod H, Kamble R. E-learning: The Scenario During COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Medical Education, 2020; 19(2): e107227. doi: 10.5812/jme.107227.
  18. Patro N, Buch AC, Naik MD, Vimal S, Chandanwale SS. Assessment and Reliability of Suspect Flags in Automated Hematology Analyzers for Diagnosing White Blood Cell and Platelet Disorders. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth, Nov 2020; Volume 13, Issue 6, Pages 667-671.
  19. A Study of HER-2/Neu Expression in Premalignant and Malignant Lesions of the Uterine Cervix. Aditi Malhotra, Vidya Viswanathan, Shruti Vimal, Arpana Dharwadkar, Charusheela Gore, Aishwarya Desai, Khushali Parikh, Ume Sumayya, Ruchi Randive.
  1. Gore CR, Patro N, Iqbal B, Kambale T. Hepatic Amyloidosis: A Rare Entity. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2021;14:459-462.
  2. Buch AC, Bondge AR, Gore CR. The Utility of PSA and PSA Density in Assessing the Risk of Prostate Cancer. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) 2021;11(03):46-50.
  3. Chandanwale SS, Khan R, Dharwadkar A, Randive R. A Recurrent Hibernoma in Neck: An Extremely Rare Entity. J Head Neck Physicians Surg 2021;9:64-66.
  4. Buch AC, Kulkarni R. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Pathology – A Summary and Challenges. Global Journal of Medical Research 2021;21(2):35-47.
  5. Vimal S, Khandekar P, Viswanathan V, Dharwadkar A, Gore C, Waghela H. Expression of Ki-67 in Lesions of Psoriasis. International Medical Journal 2021;28(01), January.
  6. Desai A, Pagaro PM, Ingale YP, Bavikar RR, Viswanathan V, Dharwadkar A, Kulkarni SP, Gore C, Malhotra A, Jose M, Bhandri P, Patil S, Ghoshal P. Histopathological Spectrum of Pancreatic and Periampullary Neoplasms. International Medical Journal 2021;28(01), January.
  7. Vidya Viswanathan, Aditi Malhotra, Arpana Dharwadkar, Shruti Vimal, Charusheela Gore, Harsh Kumar. An Unusual Case of Gastric Lymphoma Presenting as Linitis Plastica. January 23, 2021.
  8. Kambale TJ, Jain K, Sawaimul KD, Gore C. A Histopathological Analysis of Granulomatous Lesions of Skin and Its Clinical Correlation. International Medical Journal 2021;28(1):3923-3937.
  9. Vidya Viswanathan, Harsh Kumar, Charusheela Gore, Shrikant Kurhada, Rumaanah Khan. A Rare Case of Mixed Ductal Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Pancreas. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2021;8(2):20-24.
  10. Bamanikar S, Sonkawade D, Bhandari P, Bamanikar A, Chandanwale SS, Buch AC. Histomorphology Panorama of Neoplastic Gastrointestinal Lesions in a Tertiary Care Center. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2021;14:31-35.
  11. Buch AC, Rathod H, Naik MD. Scope and Challenges of Self-Directed Learning in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Systematic Review. J Med Edu 2021;20(1):e114077. DOI: 10.5812/jme.114077.
  12. Buch AC, Rawal A, Bondge A. Histopathological Spectrum of Lesions of Prostate. Saudi J Pathol Microbiol 2021;6(6):229-233.
  13. Gore CR, Vasu B, Chandanwale SS, Kumar H, et al. Clinicopathological Analysis of Neoplastic Kidney Lesions. International Medical Journal 2021;28:4271-4278.
  14. Gotecha S, Punia P, Chugh A, Gore C. Multifocal Intracranial and Spinal Metastasis from Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Rare Case Report. Clin Cancer Investig J 2021.
  15. Jose M, Chandanwale SS, Singh M, Raj A, Gore C. Mesenteric Cystic Lymphangioma – A Rare Entity with Unusual Presentation. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2021;14:0-0. DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_427_20.
  16. Chandanwale SS, Gore CR, Singh M, Raj A, Rashmi RK. Idiopathic Granulomatous Lobular Mastitis: A Rare Entity with Diagnostic Dilemma on Fine Needle Aspiration. J Med Sci 2021;0:0-0. DOI: 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_26_20.
  17. Ingale Y, Rupali B, Sushma K, Narendra K. Histological Spectrum of Benign Soft Tissue Neoplasms in a Tertiary Care Centre. Clinical Cancer Investigations Journal.
  18. Vimal S, Naval P, Sawadker M, Bhomia P, Jadhav N, Yadav S, Bhosale M, Dharwadker A, Viswanathan V. Convalescent Plasma Therapy in COVID-19: An Indian Scenario – Comprehensive Review. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 2021;33(44B):453-465. Article no.JPRI.74533.
  19. Chugh A, Punia P, Gotecha S, Kiyawat D, Gore C. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management. 26 (2021):101302.
  20. Buch AC, Gore CR, Mishra P, Rakesh R, Gurwale S. Mysterious Case of Anaplastic Astrocytoma: A Diagnostic Dilemma Due to Unusual Morphology. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research (IJMSCR) September-October 2021;4(5):826-829.
  21. Iqbal MB. Serous Tubal Intraepithelial Carcinoma – Emerging Trend in Ovarian Neoplasm: A Must Know for a Pathologist. Clinical Cancer Investigations Journal 28-Oct-2021;10(5):225-226.
  22. Gore CR, Patro N, Iqbal B, Kambale T. Hepatic amyloidosis: A rare entity. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2021;14:459-62.(June-2021 Case Report )
  1. Sushama Gurwale, Merin Jose, Neha Agarwal, Yaminy Pradeep Ingale, Charusheela R. Gore, Col. Harsh Kumar. Prevalence of Hepatitis B among Voluntary Blood Donors in the Industrial Zone of Western Maharashtra. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, Feb 2022; 34: 54-61.
  2. Dr. Sushma Kulkarni. Age and PSA between 11-50 ng/dl - Will Help in Deciding to Take a Biopsy for Suspected Prostate Carcinoma: Crucial to Avoid Unnecessary Biopsy. Clinical Cancer Investigation, Feb 2022.
  3. Agarwal N, Kumar H, Jose M, Paul B, Ume Sumayya M Patil, Iqbal MB, Gore CR. Haematological Pattern of Anaemia in Geriatric Patients and Its Aetiology: A Study of 500 Cases. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 34(24B): 17-25, 2022; Article no. JPRI.84478.
  4. Sadbhawana Ranjan, Harsh Kumar, Charusheela Gore, Shirish Chandanwale, Aniket Bhide, Aishwarya Desai. Histopathological Pattern of Endometrial Biopsies in Patients with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding. Department of Pathology, Dr. D Y Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
  5. Barnali Paul, Arpana Dharwadkar, Vidya Viswanathan, Shruti Vimal, Rupali Bavikar. Cytological Study of Salivary Gland Lesions in Accordance with the Milan System of Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 34(36A): 55-63, 2022; Article no. JPRI.86922.
  6. Dr. Arpana Dharwadkar, Dr. Vidya Viswanathan, Dr. Anubhaw Verma, Dr. Ruchi Randive, Dr. Shruti Vimal, Dr. S. S. Chandanwale. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Early Diagnosis of Tumors. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, Vol 9, Issue 6, 2022; pg 282-285.
  7. Bhandari P, Buch AC, Patil SU, Dharwadkar A, Gore CR. Histopathological Spectrum of Malignancies in a Tertiary Care Center in Western Maharashtra. International Medical Journal, 2022; 29(3): 8051-8062.
  8. Buch AC, Agarwal N, Kambale T, Gore CR. Pituitary Adenoma with Gangliocytoma: A Rare Mixed Tumor in Sellar Region. Journal of Clinical Sciences, 2022; 19(2): 67-70.
  9. Shirish Sahebrao Chandanwale, Diva Sutreja, Payal Patel, Anubhaw Verma, Sushma Kulkarni. Prevalence of Thyroid Lesions in Thyroidectomy Specimens: A Histomorphological Study in Urban Industrial Area.
  10. Buch AC, Kulkarni R, Kulkarni S, Bhandari P. Journey of Natural Killer Cells and Their Role in Liver Diseases. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Apr 2022; 16(4): EE01-EE05.
  11. Buch AC, Naik M, Chandanwale S, Rathod H, Paul B, Gore CR. Comparative Analysis of Ki-67 in Different Scoring Patterns and Its Association with Other Prognostic Markers of Breast Carcinoma. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, May 2022; Vol 16(5): EC01-EC06.
  12. Dharwadkar A, Paul B, Buch AC, Agarwal N, Naik M, Gore CR. Cytological Study of Salivary Gland Lesions Along with Histopathological Correlation in a Tertiary Care Centre. International Journal of Scientific Research in Dental and Medical Sciences, 2022; 4(3): 101-109. DOI.
  13. Chandanwale SS, Randive RS, Rashmi RK, Ravishankar R, Yadav SR, Patel N. An Intracerebral Sporadic Mixed Cavernous Angioma: An Extremely Rare Entity with Review of Literature. Journal of Cerebrovascular Sciences, 2022; 10: 60-62.
  14. Chandanwale SS, Ravishankar R, Garg AA, Ambekar MR. Image-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology or Core Biopsy – A Key to Definitive Diagnosis of Tuberculous Mastitis. International Journal of Mycobacteriology, 2022; 11: 323-325.
  15. Ingale YP, Buch AC, Jose M, Bavikar RR. Invasive Papillary Carcinoma of the Breast – A Rare Case Report. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth, 2022; 15: 782-784.
  16. Mangesh Machindra Londhe, Tushar Vitthalrao Patil, Kishor Hiraman Suryawanshi, Grishma Satishrao Digraskar. Harlequin Fetus: A Case Report. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 2022; 6: 52462-464.
  17. Qian-Qian Yuan et al. Management of Granulomatous Lobular Mastitis: An International Multidisciplinary Consensus (2001 Edition) Position Article Guidelines. International Journal of Military Medical Research, 2022-09-20.
  18. Arpana Dharwadkar, Vidya Viswanathan, Anubhaw Verma, Ruchi Randive, Shruti Vimal, S. S. Chandanwale. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Early Diagnosis of Tumors. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2022; 9(6).
  19. Barnali Paul, Arpana Dharwadkar, Vidya Viswanathan, Shruti Vimal, Rupali Bavikar. Cytological Study of Salivary Gland Lesions in Accordance with the Milan System of Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 2022; 34: 55-63.
  20. Parul Bhandari, Archana C. Buch, Ume Sumayya Patil, Arpana Dharwadkar, Charusheela Gore. Histopathological Spectrum of Malignancies in a Tertiary Care Center in Western Maharashtra. International Medical Journal, 2022; 29(30): 8051-8062.
  21. Vidya Viswanathan, Ume Sumayya Patil, Arpana Dharwadkar, Shruti Vimal, Parul Bhandari, Padmakar Rajabhau. A Study of Rare Hyperpigmented Lesions of the Skin in a Tertiary Care Centre in Western Maharashtra. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 2022.
  22. Tushar Kambale, Payal Patel, Yaminy Pradeep Ingale, Charusheela Gore. Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome: A Rare Case Report. National Journal of Clinical Anatomy, Volume 11, Issue 4, October-December 2022.
  23. Tushar Kambale, Kanika Jain, Komal D Sawaimul, C R Gore. A Study of Histopathological Analysis and Clinico-Pathological Correlation of Leprosy in Urban Industrial Area. Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022; 12(2): 311–317.
  24. Yaminy Pradeep Ingale, Archana Chirag Buch, Merin Jose, Rupali Ramakant Bavika. Invasive Papillary Carcinoma of the Breast – A Rare Case Report. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Volume 15, Issue 5, September-October 2022; 282-284.
  25. Imerin Jose, Anshita Garg, Tushar Jalindar Kambale, Charusheela Gore. Diagnostic Predicaments in a Case of Intestinal Obstruction with Strictures to Distinguish Intestinal Koch’s and Crohn’s Disease. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology, 2022; 7(3): 201–203.
  26. S. Kulkarni. Histopathological Spectrum of Non-Neoplastic Nephrectomy Specimens: An Insight and Feedback of a Pathologist to the Clinician. Issues and Developments in Medicine and Medical Research, Vol. 8, 12 February 2022; Page 1-9.
  27. Mangesh Londhe. Colocutaneous Fistula with Incidental Finding of Submucosal Angiolipofibromatous Polyps: A Rare Case Report. International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research.
  28. S. Kulkarni. Evidence-Based Decision Making: An Unavoidable Reality in Medical Practice.
  29. Arpana Dharwadkar. A Study of Thyroid Tumors Based on WHO Classification of 2017. International Medical Journal.
  30. Akshi Raj. Effect of Alcohol and Smoking on Semen Analysis Parameters. Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth.
  31. Iqbal B, Mishra P, Kumar R. An Unusual Case of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Associated with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in a Young Male Presenting with Priapism. Journal of Medical Society.
  32. Tushar Kambale. Histopathological Spectrum of Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Endoscopic Biopsies. The Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology (IJFMP).
  33. Arpana Dharwadkar. Cytological Study of Salivary Gland Lesions Along with Histopathological Correlation in a Tertiary Care Center. International Journal of Scientific Research in Dental and Medical Sciences.
  34. Iqbal B, Ravishankar R, Zaheer M, Chandanwale SS, Gore CR. Megakaryocytic Alterations in Thrombocytopenia: A Bone Marrow Aspiration Study. Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal.
  35. Iqbal B, Dey I, Mushtaq. Erdheim-Chester Disease: Histopathological Perspective of a Rare Condition. Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal.
  36. A.C. Buch. Incidental Detection of Low-Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth.
  37. A.C. Buch. Tumor Budding in Breast Carcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics.
  1. Vijay Ghule1, Dr. Anjali Deshpande2, Dr. Tushar Kambale3*, Dr. Sushama Gurwale4, Dr. M B Iqbal. "Chondroblastoma in a distal phalanx of the great toe – A rare case report." European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 2023, 10-011449.
  2. Vijay Ghule1, Dr. Tushar Kambale2, Dr. Padmakar Bardapurkar3, Dr. Mayur Ambekar4, Dr. Charusheela Gore5, Dr. M B Iqbal. "Study of Spectrum of Head Neck and Face Swellings with Cyto-Histopathological Correlation Negative Results." Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 2023, 14, 01, 170-184.
  3. Archana C Buch, Dr. Sakshi Garg*, Arpana Dharwadkar, Shirish S Chandanwal. "Giant Pancreatic Pseudocyst: A Rare Case Report With Review of Literature." European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 2023, 09, 08, 1778.
  4. Shraddha Yadav, Resident, Dr. Shirish S. Chandanwale, Dr. Akshi Raj, Dr. Madhuri Singh, Dr. Anshita Garg. "Histomorphological Spectrum of Hansen’s Disease at Urban Teaching Hospital – A Prospective Study." European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 2023, 10, 01.
  5. Shirish Sahebrao Chandanwale, Pubali Ghoshal, Shraddha Yadav, Mangesh Londhe. "Soft-tissue metastasis in the neck: An unusual presentation of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue in a young adult." J Oral Research and Review 2022-23, 15, 01.
  6. Shirish Sahebrao Chandanwale, Yesha Parimalbhai Lad, Padmakar Rajabhau Bardapurkar, Archana Chirag Buch. "Coexistence of Ectopic Tubal Pregnancy with Serous Tubal Intraepithelial Carcinoma: A Rare Case Report with Review of Literature." J. Hum Report Sci 2022, 15, 04, 399-401.
  7. Diva Sutreja1, Dr. Vidya Viswanathan2, Dr. Rupali Bavikar3, Dr. Arpana Dharwadkar4, Dr. Shirish Chandanwale5, Dr. Nayan Odedra. "Comparing Gross Morphological and Histopathological Changes in Placenta of Mothers with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus with Normal Pregnancy." Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 2022, 13, 06, 3948.
  8. Archana Buch, Sargam Dhaliwal, Mangesh Londhe, Pramila Menon. "Diagnostic Dilemma in Infantile Refractory Diarrhea: A Rare Case of IPEX Syndrome." Medical Journal Armed Forces India 2023.
  9. Archana Chirag Buch, Gayatri Bhuibhar, Mangesh Londhe, Sargam Dhaliwal, Sushama Gurwale. "Extrarenal Rhabdoid Tumor of Axillary Soft Tissue: A Diagnostic Challenge Resolved by Immunohistochemistry." BMJ Case Report 2023, 16, 01.
  10. Arpana A Dharwadkar, Vidya Viswanathan, Sakshi Garg*, Mangesh M Londhe, Rupali Bavikar, Yaminy Pradeep Ingale. "Paediatric Neural Tumours: Study at a Tertiary Care Center in Western Maharashtra." European Journal of Clinical Medicine 2023, 09, 08, 1746-1752.
  11. Mangesh Londhe1, Dr. Diva Sutreja2, Dr. Padmakar Bardapurkar3, Dr. Charusheela Gore4, Dr. Nayan Odedra. "Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia in Non-Down Syndrome Child: A Rare Case Report." European Journal of Clinical Medicine 2022, 09, 07, 8595.
  12. Pubali Ghoshal1, Dr. Mangesh Londhe2, Dr. Rajat Kumar Das3. "Spectrum of Neuroblastic Tumors: A Case Series with Review of Literature." Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 2023, 13, 07, 7403-7409.
  13. Pubali Ghoshal, Dr. Komal Sawaimul, Dr. Tushar Kambale, Dr. Charusheela Gore. "Comparative Evaluation of Two Cytological Grading Systems with Histopathological Grading in Carcinoma Breast." Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 2023, 13, 07.
  14. Sakshi Garg1, Arpana A Dharwadkar2*, Vidya Viswanathan3, Mangesh M Londhe4, Rupali Bavikar5, Charusheela Gore6. "A Histopathological Profile of Childhood Paediatric Tumours." Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 2022-2023, 13, 09, 9266-9274.
  15. Iqbal B, Kambale T, Gore Ch, Vishwanathan V, Dharwadkar. "Frantz's Tumor: An Unusual Pancreatic Neoplasm with Rare Presentation." Clin Cancer Investig J 2022, 11, 06, 21-24.
  16. Payal A Patel1, Shirish S Chandanwale2, Anubhaw Verma3, Prachi Chouhan4, Vidya Viswanathan5, Charusheela Gore6, Ruchi Randive. "A Histomorphological Spectrum of Papulosquamous Disorders of Skin: A Study at Tertiary Care Center." Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 2023, 13, 07, 6878.
  17. Anshita Garg, Dr. Rupali Bavikar, Dr. Vidya Viswanathan, Dr. Shraddha Yadav, Dr. S. Johnson, Dr. C.R. Gore. "Correlation of Platelet Indices with HbA1c in Non-Diabetic and Diabetic Patients with or without Complications – A Case Control Study." European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 2023, 10, 01, 78.
  18. Shraddha Yadav, Dr. Shirish S. Chandanwale, Dr. Akshi Raj, Madhuri Singh, Dr. Anshita Garg (Corresponding Author). "Histomorphological Spectrum of Hansen’s Disease at Urban Teaching Hospital – A Prospective Study." European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 2023, ISSN 2515-8260, Volume 10, Issue 1.
  19. Chandanwale SS, Rashmi RK, Randive R, Buch AC. "Rhino-cerebral Mucormycosis Storm during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Retrospective Study at Urban Tertiary Care Center." Ann Res Med Sci 2023, 2, 34-8.
  20. Dr. Charusheela R Gore1, Dr. Vinayak Sharma2, Dr. Neha Kamble3, Dr. Srikanth Tripathy4, Dr. Tushar Sahasrabudhe5. "Evaluation of Lymphocyte Subsets in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Pune." Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results Volume 13, Special Issue 9, 2022.
  21. Dr. Charusheela R Gore1, Dr. Vinayak Sharma2, Dr. Sachin Shivnitwar3, Dr. Archana Buch4, Dr. Banyameen Iqbal. "Analysis of Biochemical Markers to Predict Disease Severity in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients, Pune." European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine ISSN 2515-8260, Volume 09, Issue 08, 2022.
  22. Charusheela Gore, Dr. Mayuri Kulkarni*, Dr. Shubhangi Abhay Kanitkar, Dr. Parag Ratnakar, Dr. Shirish S. Chandanwale, Dr. Sushama Gurwale. "Study of Haematological Profile in COVID-19 Patients." Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results Volume 13, Special Issue 9, 2022.
  23. Mayuri Kulkarni*, Dr. Madhuri Singh, Dr. Nikita Ghanshamdas Chhablani, Dr. Akshi Raj, Dr. Charusheela Gore, Dr. Kumar. "Histomorphological Spectrum of Pancreatic Neoplasms: Experience at a Tertiary Care Centre." Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results Volume 13, Special Issue 9, 2022.
  24. Chandanwale SS, Bhide AM, Rashmi RK, Patel P, Raj A, Singh M, et al. "Review of Three Cytology Reporting Systems in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Lesions: A Study of Fifty Cases." Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2023; 16: 237-43.
  25. Banyameen Iqval, Harsh Kumar, Vidya Viswanathan, Meesha Zeheer, Charusheela Gore. "Urinary Bladder Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Rare Case Description and Literature Review." Clin Cancer Investig J 2023, 12, 1, 11-13.
  26. Merin J, Narendra Chindhu Kale, Nikita G Chhablani, Yaminy Pradeep Ingale, Charusheela Gore. "Recent Trends and Seroprevalence of Transfusion Transmitted Diseases Among Blood Donors in Western India." International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports 2023, 07, 04, 16-19.
  27. Patel N, Bavikar R, Ingale YP, Lad YP, Dharwadkar A, Viswanathan V. "Clinico-Pathological Overview of Ovarian Tumors and Diagnostic Utility of Imprint Cytology." Asian J Pharm Res Health Care 2023, 15, 11, 5-7.
  28. Ingale YP, Chandanwale SS, Patel P, Rashmi RK, Kale NC, Kambale TJ. "Analysis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Antibodies Response in COVID-19 Patients and Health-Care Workers." Asian J Pharm Res Health Care 2023, 15, 02, 70-75.
  29. Sagar Sadashiv Vasatkar, Dr. Narendra Chindhu Kale, Dr. Vivek Ratiram Nakade, Dr. Pravin Nagulal Soni, Dr. Yaminy Pradeep Ingale. "A Prospective Study of Thyroid Function Test in Geriatric Population and Its Clinical Correlation in a Tertiary Teaching Care Center." International Journal of Scientific Research 2023, 12, 04, 1-3.
  30. Akash Gangane, Dr. Narendra Kale, Dr. Pravin Soni, Dr. Yaminy Pradeep Ingale. "Factors Precipitating Heart Failure in Patients with Rheumatic Heart Disease in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital." International Journal of Scientific Research 2023, 12, 04, 1-4.
  31. Rupali Bavikar, Payal Patel, Anubhaw Verma, Yaminy Ingale, Ruchi Randive. "Heterotopic Bone Formation in a Case of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report." Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 2023-01-03.
  32. Patel N, Bavikar R, Buch A, Kulkarni M, Dharwadkar A, Viswanathan V. "A Comparison of Conventional Pap Smear and Liquid-Based Cytology for Cervical Cancer Screening." Gynecol Minim Invasive Ther Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 2023, 13, 12, 7.
  33. Ruchi Samir Randive1, Dr. Vidya Viswanathan2, Dr. Arpana Dharwadkar3, Dr. Rupali Bavikar4, Dr. Charusheela Gore5, Dr. Deepu Palal6*, Dr. Payal Patel7, Dr. Anubhaw Verma8. "Touch Imprint Cytology of Lymph Nodes and Their Histopathological Correlation."
  34. Payal Arun Patel, Padmakar Bardapurkar, Yaminy Ingale, Tushar Kambale, Anubhaw Verma, Charusheela Gore. "Histomorphological Patterns of Synovial Lesions: A Study at Tertiary Care Hospital." International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports 2023, 7(1): 21-26.
  35. Vijay Ghule1*, Dr. Tushar Kambale2, Dr. Padmakar Bardapurkar3, Dr. Charusheela Gore4. "Cardiac Swinging Calcified Amorphous Tumour Presenting as Pulmonary Embolism: A Rare Case." European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 10, Issue 1, 2023.
  36. Ingale Yamini Pradeep1, Saurabh Shyamsunder Patil2, Mangesh Londhe3. "Gastric Duplication Cyst in 4 Years Male Child: A Rare Case Report." J Nepal Paediatr Soc VOL 42, ISSUE 03, SEP-DEC 2022.
  37. Archana Buch, Mayuri Kulkarni, Mangesh Londhe, Pankaj Kshirsagar1, Sanket Bankar. "Mixed Epithelial and Stromal Tumor (MEST): Case Report of an Unusual Presentation Causing Diagnostic Dilemma." Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 2023.
  38. Rupali Bavikar, Payal Patel, Anubhaw Verma, Yaminy Ingale, Ruchi Randive. "Heterotopic Bone Formation in a Case of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report." Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 2023-01-03 (April).
  39. Arpana Dharwadkar. "Review of Three Cytology Reporting Systems in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Lesions: A Study of Fifty Cases." Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth Scopus Indexed 2023.
  40. Buch A, Khan U, Rathod H, Jain K, Dwivedi A, Rajesh A. "Tumor Budding in Breast Carcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." J Can Res Ther 2023, 19, 697-713.
  41. Raj A, Singh M, Chandanwale SS, Gore CR, Ambekar M. "An Ectomesenchymal Chondromyxoid Tumor: A Case Report of a Rare Tumor in the Rare Age Group and at a Rare Site." Indian J Pathol Microbiol.
  42. Buch AC, Khan U, Rathod H, Jain K, Dwivedi A, Raje Sh A. "Tumor Budding in Breast Carcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." J Can Res Ther 2023, 19, 697-713.
  43. Chandanwale SS, Raj A, Londhe M, Chouhan P. "Unusual Case of Xanthogranulomatous Mastitis with Florid Ductal Epitheliosis, Masquerading Clinically as Neoplastic Breast Lesion." CHRISMED J Health Res 2023, 10286-8.
  • Mangesh M Londhe, Tushar V Patil, Shwetali Akhare

    Histopathological Evaluation of Placentas from COVID-19-positive Mothers: A Study of 100 Placenta

    Journal: SJ South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

    Year: 2024, Volume: 16, Issue: 2, Pages: 93-97

  • Dharwadkar A, Bharadwaj S, Sharma A, Chandanwale SS, Patil S

    Epidermal Inclusion Cyst Presenting as Prepatellar Bursitis

    Journal: Medical Journal of DY Patil Vidyapeeth

  • Suraj Ashok Desai, Rutika Ghatge

    District Residency Programme: An Overview

    Journal: Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care

    Year: 2024

    Type: Letter to the Editor

  1. Efforts to provide rapid and reliable tissue diagnosis.
  2. Inter and intra departmental consultations for challenging cases.
  3. Follow strict bio-safety practices by all personnel.
  4. Periodic quality control of all equipment.
  5. Dissertations progressing to article publications.
  6. Active participation in various external quality assurance programmes (Hematology, Histopathology, Cytology).

PO & CO Analysis (UG as well as PG)
CO/PO PO.1 PO.2 PO.3 PO.4 PO.5
General 2 2 3 2 1
Teaching 3 3 3 2 1
RA 3 3 2 2 1
Research 2 2 2 2 2
PA.1 2 2 1 1 1
PA.2 3 3 3 2 1
PA.3 3 3 2 2 1
PA.4 2 2 2 2 2
PA.5 2 2 1 1 1
PA.6 3 2 2 2 2
PA.7 2 2 0 1 1
PA.8 2 2 1 2 3
PA.9 2 1 1 1 1
PA.10 2 2 2 3 1
PA.11 1 2 1 0 0
Average 2.2 2.1 1.6 1.6 1.2

Alumni Placement (Till date)
Sr.No Name of Students Department Designation Name of Company
1 Dr. Namrata Bhanushali Pathology MD-Pathology Consultant Pathologist, Dr. Vaidya's Millenium Lab, Thane, Mumbai
2 Dr. Manoj Sawadkar Pathology MD-Pathology Tutor, Symbiosis Medical College for Women, Pune
3 Dr. Dayanand Sonkawade Pathology MD-Pathology Currently working in Taluka Government Hospital, Hoskote (Bangalore)
4 Dr. Saiba Kaur Pathology MD-Pathology In Private Lab, Punjab
Alumni Placement Details
Year of Passing Name of the Student Name of the Company Mobile Number Email Id
2014 Dr. Punita Kalkal Sadhu Vaswani Mission Medical 9911700257
2014 Dr. Urmi Chaudhary SRL, Phadke Labs 9967192929
2014 Dr. Sonam Sood SPS Hospital, Ludhiana 7589300180
2014 Dr. Sushmah Dr. D.Y.Patil College, Pune Medical 9921300707
2014 Dr. Mohit Rajpal DPS Govt. Medical College, Sonipat, Haryana 7875508679
2014 Dr. Pinky Soraisham JNIMS, Porompat, Imphal 8730803083
2015 Dr. Anand Patel Shree Diagnosis, Naroda-Dahegam, Gandhinagar 9924001585
2015 Dr. Nidhi Gupta 9971673282
2015 Dr. Kanika Gupta Dr. Lal Path Lab, Panchkula, Haryana 7507829797
2015 Dr. Amit Sammi Dr. Lal Path Lab, Ambala 9970472436
2015 Dr. Sangeeta Choudhary Not working 7506990463
2015 Dr. Vinay Sawlani Bharat Path Ulhasnagar Labs 8446334775
2016 Dr. Farhan Sheikh N.M. Medical Diagnostic Center, Kalyani Nagar +918149129207
2016 Dr. Ruchir Patel Fellowship at GCRI Ahmedabad +919825707518
2016 Dr. Neha Mishra Supratech Micropath Lab 9909984754
2016 Dr. Divya Bamba Spandan Hospital, Phaltan 8237723043
2016 Dr. Tanmayi Kulkarni Y.C.M. Hospital, Pune 09958390149
2016 Dr. Kunal Garg Medical Institute of Screening Test 9049025959
2016 Dr. Baravkar Dadaso Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune 9423531664
2016 Dr. Sumedha Shinde Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Mumbai
2017 Dr. Ishita Gulati Dr. Lal Path Labs, Vijaya Diagnostic 9624797080
2017 Dr. Pradnya Shende As Observer, Jupiter Hospital 09990152599
2017 Dr. Rahul Nair Wayanand Medical College, Kerala 9871584211
2017 Dr. Rahul Jadhav Sant Dhyeneshwar Hospital, Pune 7030477413
2017 Dr. Indranil Dey Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune 7875923702
2017 Dr. Supreet Kaur PIMS Jalandhar 9899280784
2017 Dr. Megha Jha Not Working 7387991056
2017 Dr. Bedarshi Banerji Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune 9748927758
2018 Dr. Ruby Rao GMC, Revada 9503998500
2018 Dr. Sheth Jay Yashvantrai K.J. Sommayya Medical College 7875923702/09874699310
2018 Dr. Aditi Pandey Dr. Lal Path Labs, Vijaya Diagnostic 9527022697
2018 Dr. Amardeep Patil Kashibai Navale Medical College 7875634065
2018 Dr. Rohan Joshi Rohan Immunoassay and Diagnostic Centre, Padharpur 8975331749
2018 Dr. Shah Kushal Dhiren Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune 8758641741
2018 Dr. Sourabh Paranjape Metropolis Lab, Pune 9890957957
2018 Dr. Sanjyot Nikam Bliss Diagnostics 9420833085
2018 Dr. Jehan Ansari DDU Delhi 07744865894
2018 Dr. Anushree Khandelwal GMC Kota 8600434315
2019 Dr. Patel Shreya Rajesh 9727015386
2019 Dr. Naragude Piyusha 8275923763
2019 Dr. Niladri Haldar 9933361991
2019 Dr. Gambhir Anushree 9423569746
2019 Dr. Pathak Pooja Madhukar 9049009018
2019 Dr. Shetty Abhinav Bhaskar 9579253853
2019 Dr. Agrawal Neekita Shriram 8149202312
2019 Dr. Ashily Koshy 7263935298
2019 Dr. Manpreet Kaur 9878950626

Faculty and Their Assigned Students
Sr.No. Name of the Faculty Name of Students
1Dr. Harsh KumarPrerna Pandey, Jatin Mamodiya, Anupama Roy, Husen Shabbir Husen, Larika Kumar
2Dr. S.S. ChandanwalePriyanka Vaswani, Saurav Kumar Jaiswal, Zenia Aadil Elavia, Saleem Javed Tharakandathil, Anushka Ghosal
3Dr. C.R. GoreAnjitha Sadanand Valiyil, Sahil Bansal, Nishtha Gadia, Argha Roy, Seherish Karim Gangani
4Dr. A.C. BuchIshani Panda, Shitanshu Shankar Upadhyay, Prithvi Chandra Vadlamani, Tanu Agarwal, Prince Saha
5Dr. P.M. PagaroAdil Mohammed Siddiqui, Zeeshan Shabbir Ahmed Sange, Benson Sequeira, Sundeepan Bansal, Ashish Aggarwal
6Dr. S. BamanikarKriti Roy, Medhavi Gupta, Dayer Moiz Junaid, Bhavya, Isha Agrawal
7Dr. A. DharwadkarKaustav Das, Mayobhav Vasistha, Ashi Jain, Kirti Soni, Viraj Wadhera
8Dr. ShrutiAditi V Pansare, Shubhangi Anand, Shruti Rawat, Ishaan Mahajan, Vrashant Jayaswaal
9Dr. RupaliSatav Sneha Vijay, Nimmy Varghese, Aarushi Kaushal, Rashmi Narwal, Deshmukh Sai Sanjay
10Dr. TusharAnjali Dahiya, Buty Shreyansh Shreekrishna, Pooja Ramapuram, Jain Varun Haresh, Sourav Ghosh
11Dr. M.B. IqbalTrivedi Priyal Prakash, Godbole Anand Narayan, Sarvagya Verma, Sarangkar Adarsh Narayan, Romal Gurnani
12Dr. VidyaSolav Aman Shrikant, Patil Saloni Nitin, Sakshi Gupta, Holkar Nikita Somnath, Gaitonde Arnav Nandan
13Dr. KomalPatankar Amruta Deepak, Nishant Kumar, Ankit Singh, Oishanu Nath, Ishleen Ahluwalia
14Dr. SushmaVisheshta Mehan, Ghogre Pradyumna Sudhir, Karman Mahajan, Devansh Gupta, Shatabdi Kishore
15Dr. YogeshRiyam Kaur Juneja, Vidisha Mishra, Aishni Lakhmani, Palve Rutuja Pradipkumar, Disha Gupta
16Dr. ShubhangiBedanta Bhunia, Hemam Minerva, Vyawhare Vaibhav Satish, Ritik Tripathi, Rauth Paritosh Preetam
17Dr. YaminiNikita Sopnia Raposo, Sughand Namit Ravi, Gouri Gaur, Deshmukh Aryaman Ashwinikumar, Kavadi Chinmayee
18Dr. IndranilBordawekar Akshay Rajiv, Saransh Jain, Divyani Sharma, Vaibhav Singh, Khyaati Mandiratta
19Dr. A. DeshpandeGarvit Sharma, Namrata Kochhar, Raksha Kirit Ladhani, Riya Dhingra, Aishani Shreya
20Dr. W.C. RautTamaskar Vaibhavi Prafulla, Sara Gupta, Shivankur Singh, Devyani Chaturvedi, Mathew Thomas
21Dr. A.J. NagarkarManya Puri, Sakshi Kesharwani, Krishna Sambare, Parth Pratap Jadhav, Siddharth Sharma
Sr.No Name of Students Department Designation Name of Company
1 Dr. Namrata Bhanushali Pathology MD-Pathology Consultant Pathologist, Dr. Vaidya's Millenium Lab, Thane, Mumbai
2 Dr. Manoj Sawadkar Pathology MD-Pathology Tutor, Symbiosis Medical College for Women, Pune
3 Dr. Dayanand Sonkawade Pathology MD-Pathology Currently working in Taluka Government Hospital, Hoskote (Bangalore)
4 Dr. Saiba Kaur Pathology MD-Pathology In Private Lab, Punjab

2020 Batch Alumni Placement
Sr. No. Name of Student Placement Status
1 Dr. Prachi Khandekar Not Joined
2 Dr. Madhuri Singh Joined Aditya Birla Hospital
3 Dr. Kanika Jain Presently Working at Grecian Super Speciality Hospital, Mohali as Consultant Pathologist Cum Blood Bank Officer
4 Dr. Akshi Raj Not Joined
5 Dr. Aditi Malhotra Not Joined
6 Dr. Aniket Bhide Bhide Laboratory Services, Mumbai
7 Dr. Sadbhawana Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi
8 Dr. Bhavana V Neuberg Anand, Bangalore
9 Dr. Aishwarya Not Joined

2021 Batch Alumni Placement
Sr. No. Name of Student Placement Status
1 Dr. Sadbhawana Private Lab - Delhi
2 Dr. Aniket Bhide Bhide Lab - Mumbai
3 Dr. Bhavana Government Medical College – Bangalore
4 Dr. Aishwarya Desai Tata Memorial Mumbai - Oncopathology
5 Various Alumni Many have established their own laboratories and are successfully running private practices.

2022 Batch
Name of Student Placement
Dr. Rakesh Jha Private Lab
Dr. Pratyush Mishra Fellowship
Dr. Mukta Naik -
Dr. Merin Jose Private Lab
Dr. Bhandari Parul Private Lab
Dr. Barnali Paul Private Lab
Dr. Meesha Zaheer -
Dr. Rajeshwari Rs -
Dr. Rumaanah Khan -
Dr. Sumayya At home

SR. NO NAME OF STUDENTS Placement Status
1 Dr. Kulkarni Mayuri Rajiv Priya No Join
2 Dr. Diva Popatbhai Sutreja No Join
3 Dr. Patel Payal Arun Join: The Dorabji Nanabhoy Mehta Sarvajanik Hospital, Gujarat (Junior Pathologist)
4 Dr. Khushi Jain No Join (Process)
5 Dr. Lad Yesha Parimalbhai No Join (Process)
6 Dr. Sakshi Garg Join: Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Hospital, Govt. Of NCT Of Delhi
7 Dr. Anubhaw Verma Join:
8 Dr. Anshita Garg No Join
9 Dr. Vijay Vishwanath Ghule Join: Ahmednagar
10 Dr. Patel Nirali Maheshbhai No Join
11 Dr. Randive Ruchi Samir Bhavna No Information
12 Dr. Pubali Ghoshal Join: SMIMS Manipal University (Senior Resident)
13 Dr. Vinayak Sharma Join: Medipulse Hospital, Jodhpur
14 Dr. Yadav Sharddha Join: Rubbi Hall, Pune

Name of Topic Event Name of Student
A Unique case of Diffuse histiocytic proliferations mimicking metastatic clear cell carcinoma in Hydrocele sac Mapcon-2014 Dr. Aditi Pande
Hypoplastic acute myeloid leukemia m-4 A rare case report This CME was organized by Laboratory oncology, Dr. B.R.A. Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital All India Institute of Medical Sciences Dr. Rahul Nair
“Unusual alveolar pattern in node based Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma” and was awarded 3rd prize for the same Gujarat Indian Medical Association conference (GIMACON), Rajkot held on 15-16th October 2016 at Seasons Hotel, Rajkot Dr. Jay Sheth, Post-Graduate Student
Imprint cytology a key to diagnose ocular surface squamous Neoplasia 21-1-17 Dr. Neekita Agarwal
Leiomyosarcoma a rare location 8-9-2018 Dr. Manoj
Giant pulmonary hamartoma with placental transmogrification of the lung International Conference of Pathology in Goa, Feb 2019 Dr. Namrata
The rare case of upper urothelial carcinoma mimicking primary renal neoplasms Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College, Pune-18 Dr. Aishwarya Desai
Wall Magazine 2022
Sr. No. Name of Student Topic
01 Dr. Prachi Chouhan Poster: Unusual case of xanthogranulomatous mastitis with florid ductal epitheliosis masquerading clinically as neoplastic breast lesion
02 Dr. Pranjali Nibe Poster: Localized Gigantism in Adult Female - A Rare Case of Recurrent Macrodystrophia Lipomatosa
03 Dr. Gayatri Bhuibhar Poster: Mixed epithelial and stromal tumor - A rare case report
04 Dr. Aakriti Kundlia Poster: Sternoclavicular Tuberculosis - A Rare Case Report with Unusual Presentation
05 Dr. Srishti Malla Poster: Molecular markers in GBM
06 Dr. Saloni Bhardwaj Paper: Review of three reporting systems in the diagnosis of thyroid lesions - A study of 50 cases
07 Dr. Nayonikha Deokar Poster: A Histomorphological Study of Testicular Germ Cell Tumor - Study at a Tertiary Care Hospital (A case series of 3 GCTs) Paper: Histomorphological Spectrum of Renal Tumors at a Tertiary Care Hospital
08 Dr. Saurabh Patil Poster: Gastric Duplication Cyst in 4 Yr Male Child - A Rare Case Report
09 Dr. Dipti Singh Poster: A Right Atrial Fat Ball - Rare Cardiac Lipoma Common Tumor at Uncommon Site
10 Dr. Sargam Dhalwal Poster: An Approach to Neonatal Intractable Chronic Diarrhea - A Rare Case Report of IPEX Syndrome
11 Dr. Nilanjana Dhar Choudhury Poster: Primary Lesions of the Heart - A Case Series of Five Rare Cases

Curriculum Overview
Under Graduate
  • Lectures in well-equipped lecture hall with LCD facility
  • Feedback from students
  • Revision lectures, tutorials/practicals in small batches
  • Small batches for practicals
  • World-class museum with illustrated photographs and microphotographs
  • Student seminars
  • Integrated teaching
  • Problem-based learning
  • Student research projects
  • Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)
Post Graduate
  • MD: 6 semesters, 3 years
  • Postings:
    • 2 weeks in Anatomy
    • 1 month in Microbiology and Biochemistry in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th term for MD students
    • 1 month in Blood Bank in each term
    • 2 months in Clinical Chemistry Laboratory (CCL) in each term
  • Day-to-day functioning of the department
  • Call duties in CCL and Blood Bank
  • UG Briefing
  • Assisting the staff in research work
  • Perform grossing of tissues under faculty guidance
  • Performing Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) under faculty guidance
  • Assisting in reporting of histopathology and FNAC
  • Participation in integrated teaching
  • Topics of relevance are periodically selected, and after consultation with sister departments (Para clinical / Clinical) are taught in a manner that the selected topic is covered by all departments around the same time
Wall Magazine Topics
Serial No Title
1 Grading of esophageal carcinoma
2 Gastric tumors
3 TNMC Classification of tumors of colon & rectum
4 WHO Histological classification of tumors of liver & intra hepatic bile ducts
5 Pancreatic carcinoma
6 Staging of tumors according to its TNM features
7 Lymphoma
8 Histological classification & staging & grading of soft tissue tumors
9 WHO Classification of central nervous system tumors
10 Renal cell carcinoma classification
11 Appendix –A – Pathological staging
12 Prostate grading – System of Gleason’s
13 WHO Classification of testicular tumors
14 Ovarian tumors
15 WHO Histological classification of breast tumors
16 WHO Staging & grading of breast tumors
17 Carcinosarcoma of ovary
18 Cattleman’s disease hyaline vascular type
19 Utility of imprint cytology in CNS tumors
20 Solitary iliac bone metastasis an unusual presentation of follicular thyroid carcinoma
21 Senor usher syndrome a rare case report
22 Lymphoma spillover an unusual presentation of mantle cell lymphoma
23 Lymphocytoma cutis of scalp mimicking mycosis fungoides

Student Topics
Sr No Name of Student Topic
01 Dr Payal Patel Symbiosis Medical College, Pune - Poster - A Rare Case Of Neonatal Cardiac Rhabdomyoma
02 Dr Anubhaw Verma Poster - Malignant Pulmonary Hemangioendothelioma – A Case Report
03 Dr Saurabh Patil Poster – Gastric Duplication Cyst In 4 Yr Male Child – A Rare Case Report
04 Dr Diva Sutreja Poster – Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia In 18 Month Male Child – A Rare Presentation
05 Dr Vijay Ghule Poster - Cardiac Calcified Amorphous Tumor Presenting As Pulmonary Embolism
06 Dr Pubali Poster - Soft Tissue Metastasis In Squamous Cell Carcinoma
07 Dr Payal Patel Mediace 2022 – Kashibai Navale Medical College, Pune - Paper – A Histomorphological Spectrum Of Papulosquamous Disorders Of Skin
08 Dr Ruchi Randive Paper – Non – Invasive Follicular Thyroid Neoplasm With Papillary Like Nuclear Features: A Case Series In Tertiary Care Centre
09 Dr Anshita Garg Paper – A Study To Find Correlation Of Platelets Indices With Hba1c In Diabetic Patients
10 Dr Anubhav Verma Paper – Histomorphological Spectrum And Grading Of Meningiomas: An Experience In A Tertiary Health Care Hospital
11 Dr Diva Sutreja Paper – Changes In Placenta Of Mother With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
12 Dr Yesha Lad Paper – Effect Of Room Temperature And Refrigerated Storage On Automated Hematological Parameters and Peripheral Blood Smear Examination
13 Dr Sakshi Garg Paper – Paediatric Neural Tumors – Study At A Tertiary Care Centre
14 Dr Pubali Ghoshal Paper – Comparative Evaluation Of Two Cytological Grading Systems With Histopathological Grading In Carcinoma Breast
15 Dr Nirali Patel Paper – A Study Of Thyroid Tumors Based On World Health Organization Classification Of 2017

Alumni Placements

  • Dr. Divya Bamba
    • Fellowship at Nair Hospital, Mumbai
    • Fellowship at TMH, Mumbai – Hemato-oncopathology
  • Dr. Komal Shah – Clinical fellowship in laboratory hematology at National University Hospital, Singapore
  • Dr. Jay Seth – Fellowship in Clinical Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation at TMC, Kolkata
  • Dr. Jehan Ansari – Working in GTB Medical College, Delhi
  • Dr. Kunjal Karia – DNB at Saifi Hospital, Mumbai
  • Dr. Amardeep Patil – Working as Assistant Professor at Navale Medical College, Pune
  • Dr. Sangeeta Chaudhary – Clinical Research Fellowship at Royal Free Hospital, London
  • Dr. Anushree Khandelwal – Working as Assistant Professor at Kota Medical College, Rajasthan
  • Dr. Sumedha Shinde – Working as Assistant Professor at DYPMC, Navi Mumbai
  • Many of the alumni have established their own laboratories and are successfully running private practices.

Date Name of Topic Name of Faculty
13/10/14 Pneumonia
18/09/14 Pyelonephritis Dr. P.M. Pagaro
11/08/14 Enteric Fever Dr. Harsh Kumar
27/01/14 Tuberculosis Dr. Vidya
26/07/14 Tuberculosis Dr. A.C. Buch
12/07/14 Surgical Teaching on Shock Dr. Iqbal
09/04/14 HIV Dr. Tushar
26/10/15 Pathology Pyelonephritis Dr. P.M. Pagaro
01/08/16 Pneumonia Dr. S.S. Chandanwale
11/07/16 Enteric Fever Dr. Harsh Kumar
15/03/16 Pathology of HIV Dr. Tushar Kambale
12/02/16 Pathology of Tuberculosis Dr. Vidya
22/10/18 Pyelonephritis Dr. P.M. Pagaro
26/02/19 HIV Dr. Tushar Kambale
19/08/19 Pneumonia (Pathology) Dr. S.S. Chandanwale
22/07/19 Enteric Fever Dr. Harsh Kumar
19/08/19 Pneumonia Dr. S.S. Chandanwale

Completed Thesis 2014-2017
S.No Name of Student Topic Name of Guide
1 Dr. Ishita Gulati Diagnostic implication of Platelet Volume in thrombocytopenia Dr. Harsh Kumar
2 Dr. Pradnya Shende Study of Dermal Vasculoendothelial changes in inflammatory skin diseases Dr. N.K. Panicker
3 Dr. Rahul Nair Cyto-Morphological Spectrum of Thyroiditis and its clinical co-relation: A study of 100 cases Dr. S.S. Chandanwale
4 Dr. Rahul Jadhav Histopathological spectrum of malignant ovarian tumours Dr. S.S. Chandanwale
5 Dr. Indranil Dey Histopathological Spectrum of Malignancies in Females Dr. C.R. Gore
6 Dr. Supreet Kaur Study of platelet indices in type 2 diabetic patients as predictive parameters for Diabetic Angiopathy Dr. A.C. Buch
7 Dr. Megha Jha Role Of FNAC in Breast Lump And Its Histopathological Corelation Dr. S. Bamanikar
8 Dr. Bedarshi Banerji Spectrum of lymph node lesions diagnosed by FNAC and Histopathology Dr. P.M. Pagaro
PG Student Thesis
S.No PG Student Title of Study PG Guide
1 Dr. Ruby Rao To Study Serum Ascitic Albumin Gradient In Non Alcoholic Patients With Ascites Dr. Harsh Kumar
2 Dr. Sheth Jay Yashvantrai Histomorphological Study Of Precancerous Lesions Of Breast Dr. S. S. Chandanwale
3 Dr. Aditi Pandey Study Of Histopathological Changes In Placenta In Pre-Eclampsia/Eclampsia Dr. C.R. Gore
4 Dr. Amardeep Patil Evaluation Of Platelet Count And Platelet Indices And Their Significance In Preeclampsia Dr. A.C. Buch
Completed Thesis 2015-2018
S.No PG Student Title of Study PG Guide
1 Dr. Rohan Joshi Study Of Spectrum Of Prostate Lesions Dr. P. M. Pagaro
2 Dr. Shah Kushal Dhiren Immunohistochemical Testing Of Her2/Neu Over Expression In Gastric Cancer Specimens And Its Clinico-Pathological Correlation Dr. S. Bamanikar
3 Dr. Sourabh Paranjape Diagnostic Importance Of Platelet Parameters In Patients With Coronary Artery Disease And Acute Myocardial Infarction Dr. C.R. Gore
4 Dr. Sanjyot Nikam To Study The Prevalence Of Hepatitis B And Hepatitis C In Voluntary Donors Coming To The Blood Donation Camps Dr. P. M. Pagaro
5 Dr. Jehan Ansari Spectrum of Histopathological Changes in Fibroadenoma of Breast Dr. Archana Buch
6 Dr. Anushree Khandelwal Evaluation of Immunohistochemistry for the Detection of Helicobacter Pylori in Gastric Mucosal Biopsies and Its Comparison with Other Histochemical Methods Dr. S. Bamanikar

Ongoing Thesis (2016-2019)
S.No Name of Student Topic Name of Guide
1 Dr. Patel Shreya Rajesh Study of spectrum of various haematological disorders in bone marrow aspiration Dr. Harsh Kumar
2 Dr. Naragude Piyusha Ulhas Histopathological spectrum of lesions in nephrectomy specimen Dr. S. S. Chandanwale
3 Dr. Padmakar Rajabhau Bardapurkar Evaluation of pancytopenia in adults Dr. C.R. Gore
4 Dr. Niladri Haldar A study of Ki-67 expression in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Dr. A.C. Buch
5 Dr. Gambhir Anushree Sanjeev Study of the histopathological spectrum of soft tissue tumours - A 100 case study Dr. P. M. Pagaro
6 Dr. Pathak Pooja Madhukar Histopathological analysis of ovarian tumours and Overexpression of HER-2/neu in ovarian carcinoma Dr. S. Bamanikar
7 Dr. Shetty Abhinav Bhaskar Histopathological study of lesions of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses Dr. A. Dharwadkar
8 Dr. Agrawal Neekita Shriram Histopathological spectrum of central nervous system tumours in a tertiary care centre Dr. S. Vimal
9 Dr. Ashily Koshy Role of p 63 marker to determine benign and malignant lesions of prostate Dr. Bavikar
10 Dr. Manpreet Kaur A study of placental changes in mothers with pregnancy associated anemia Dr. Harsh Kumar

Ongoing Thesis (2017-2020)
S.No Name of Student Topic Comments
1 Dr. Manoj Sawadkar Significance of Haematological scoring system (H.S.S.) in the early diagnosis of Neonatal sepsis Dr. A. Dharwadkar
2 Dr. Dayanand Sonkawade Clinico-histopathological spectrum of Gastrointestinal tract lesions. Retrospective & prospective studies Dr. S. Bamanikar
3 Dr. Namrata Patro Comparison of Histograms with peripheral blood smear findings of indoor patients in a tertiary care hospital Dr. A. Buch
4 Dr. Sahiba Kaur Study of incidence of spectrum of anemias in various departments of Dr. D.Y. PATIL Medical college in different clinical conditions Dr. P. M. Pagaro

Ongoing Thesis (2018-2021)
S.No Name of Student Topic Name of Guide
1 Akshi Raj Effect Of Lifestyle Factors On Male Fertility: A Hospital Based Study Dr. Banyameen Iqbal
2 Madhuri Singh Study Of Thyroid Tumors Based On World Health Organization Classification Of 2017 Dr. Rupali Bavikar
3 Kanika Jain A Histopathological Analysis Of Granulomatous Lesions Of Skin And Its Clinical Correlation Dr. Tushar Kambale
4 Prachi Khandekar Role Of Ki – 67 In Psoriasis Dr. Shruti Vimal
5 Akshay Bondge Correlation Of Histomorphological Finding Of Prostate Biopsies With Psa Level Dr. Archana Buch
6 Bhavana V Clinicopathological And Histomorphological Study Of Neoplastic Lesions Of Urinary System Dr. C.R. Gore
7 Aditi Malhotra A Study Of Her-2/Neu Expression In Premalignant And Malignant Lesions Of Uterine Cervix Dr. Vidya Vishwanathan
8 Aniket Bhide Comparison Of 3 Reporting Systems In Thyroid Cytology Smears- A Study Of 50 Cases Dr. Shirish Chandanwale
9 Sadbhawana Histological Patterns Of Endometrial Lesions In Patients With Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Dr. Harsh Kumar
10 Aishwarya Desai Retrospective And Prospective Analysis Of Histopathological Spectrum Of Pancreatic And Periampullary Neoplasms Dr. Pradhan Pagaro

Ongoing Thesis (2019-2022)
Sr. No Name of Students Synopsis Topic Name of Guide
1 Dr. Neha Agarwal Haematological patterns of Anaemia in Geriatric patients in a Tertiary Medical Care Centre Dr. Harsh Kumar
2 Dr. Rakesh Study of fine needle aspiration cytology in supraclavicular lymphadenopathy Dr. S.S. Chandanwale
3 Dr. Pratyush Mishra Study of Squash Smear & its correlation with Frozen Section, Histopathology and Radiological Diagnosis in diagnosis of space occupying lesions of Brain and Spinal cord Dr. C.R. Gore
4 Dr. Mukta Naik Correlation of Ki-67 with various molecular subtypes of breast cancer Dr. A.C. Buch
5 Dr. Merin Jose Incidence of HIV in healthy blood donors at tertiary care centre Dr. P.M. Pagaro
6 Dr. Bhandhari Parul Histopathological spectrum of malignancies in medical college and tertiary care centre Dr. Sunita Bamanikar
7 Dr. Barnali Paul Role of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in diagnosis of Salivary Gland Lesions and its histopathological correlation Dr. A.Dharwadkar
8 Dr. Khushali Parikh Co relation of FNAC and Thyroid Function Test with Urinary Iodine levels in cases of Multinodular Goitre Dr. Shruti
9 Dr. Meesha Zaheer Direct immunofluorescence in vesicobullous disorders of skin with histopathological correlation Dr. Rupali Bavikar
10 Dr. Rajeshwari Rs Study to evaluate various Megakaryocytic Alterations in Thrombocytopenia patients: A Bone Marrow Aspiration Study Dr. M.B. Iqbal
11 Dr. Rumaanah Khan Histopathological spectrum of upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopic biopsies Dr. Tushar Kamble
12 Dr. Sumayya A study for histopathological and clinical correlation of hyperpigmented lesions of the skin Dr. Vidya Vishwanathan

Year Sr. No Name Designation Details of Achievements
2014 1 Dr. S. Kulkarni PG Niphadkar Award
2015 2 Dr. Harsh Kumar Prof MAPCON - 2015 held at Kashibai Navale Medical College, Pune judges for poster during the conference
2015 3 Dr. C.R. Gore Prof Honored with moderator & presenter of histopathology slide seminar for next three years in annual conference of Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM (MAPCON)
2015 4 Dr. Indranil Dey PG Student Won the first prize in poster presentation in annual conference of Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM (MAPCON)
2016 5 Dr. Harsh Kumar Prof & H.O.D Pathology Delivered a lecture in the dept. of Pathology AFMC, Pune as external faculty. The topic of the lecture was Stem Cell Therapy
2016 6 Dr. Ishita Gulati PG Student Presented a paper titled ‘The utility of screening of donor blood for anti-HBc IgM’ and won the second prize at International CME in Pathology, Histopathology & Cytology at Goa from 4th Feb 2016 to 6th Feb 2016
2016 7 Dr. Harsh Kumar Prof Chaired a session on Immunohistochemistry CME on Oncopathology on 24th July 2016 at Inamdar Hospital, Pune
2016 8 Dr. S. Bamanikar Prof Judge for posters presented during the conference and chaired a session on Immunohistochemistry CME on Oncopathology on 24th July 2016 at Inamdar Hospital, Pune
2016 9 Dr. Aditi Pande PG Student Won the first prize on poster presentation at Immunohistochemistry CME on Oncopathology on 24th July 2016 at Inamdar Hospital, Pune
2016 10 Dr. Jay Sheth Post-Graduate Presented a poster on “Unusual alveolar pattern in node based Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma” and was awarded 3rd prize at Gujarat Indian Medical Association conference (GIMACON), Rajkot held on 15-16th October 2016 at Seasons Hotel, Rajkot
2017 11 Dr. C.R. Gore Prof Was appointed as a judge for posters presented during the CME. Also, the Organizing committee appreciated and thanked Dr. C.R. Gore for her contribution and participation
2017 12 Dr. Rohan Joshi Post-Graduate Student Won Third Prize for the e-poster presentation at ‘8th International CME on Oncopathology’ organized by Department of Pathology, Rural Medical College, Loni and International Society of Oncopathology (ISO), Canada on 21st-22nd January 2017 at Pune
2017 13 Dr. C.R. Gore Prof Conducted HP Slide Seminar at MAPCON 2017 in Solapur on 8th, 9th, and 10th September
2017 14 Dr. Harsh Kumar Prof & H.O.D Participated in a conference at AFMC on 29th & 30th April 2017 in Pune
2018 15 Dr. Charusheela Gore Professor Invited as a chairperson to an International CME in Oncopathology held on 3rd & 4th February 2018 at Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College, Pune
2018 16 Dr. Sahiba Kaur PG Student Won a prize in the PG Quiz held during the Conference of “THE PUNE CHAPTER” of the Indian Association of Pathologists, held at AFMC Pune on 11th April 2018
2019 17 Dr. Kanika Jain PG Student Won 1st prize for poster presentation at International Medical Conference (RESPIRARE 2019) at B.J. Medical College, Pune on 8th August 2019
2019 18 Dr. Aishwarya Desai PG Student Won 1st prize in poster presentation at CME on Gastrointestinal Pathology

Faculty Achievements and Events
Competitions and Awards
  • Cooking Competition:
    • 2nd Prize at Dr. DY Patil Medical College, Pune on 6th September 2023.
    • Winners: Akshi Raj, Madhuri Singh.
    • Pathology Department, DYPMC, Pune secured 4th rank in Histopathology slide diagnosis all over Maharashtra.
  • CME - TRANSCON 2023:
    • Dr. Mallika Agarwal, Second Year P.G. Student, awarded 1st runner-up in Oral Paper Presentation held at Lucknow on 6th-8th October 2023.
Faculty Roles and Responsibilities
  • Dr. C.R. Gore (Professor & HOD):
    • Chaired two sessions on breast lesions.
    • Judged the prestigious B.S. Raichur Award & prize paper presentation.
  • Dr. Arpana Dharwadkar:
    • Judge for Histopathology Poster Presentation.
  • Dr. Rupali Bavikar:
    • Chairperson for GI Lecture.
  • Dr. Vidya Vishwanathan:
    • Chairperson for a Pulmonary Pathology Lecture.
    • Judged the Oral Paper Presentation at APCON 2023, Annual Conference of IAPM on 9th December 2023.
  • Dr. Padmakar Bardapurkar:
    • Presented an interesting case for PG Quiz.
Achievement Image 1
Achievement Image 2
Recent Conferences and Judging Roles
  • 11th Annual Research Conference, MIMER Talegaon:
    • Dr. Charusheela Gore - Judged the Oral Paper Presentation on 22nd December 2023.
    • Dr. Archana Buch - Judged the Poster Presentation on 21st-22nd December 2023.
    • Dr. Srishti Malla - Secured 3rd Prize for Poster Presentation on 22nd December 2023.
Dr.Charuseela Gore(Prof & HOD)
Achievement Image 3
Dr.A.C.Buch (Prof)
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Achievement Image 5
Dr.A.C.Buch (Prof)
Achievement Image 6
Dr.Nilanjana Dhar (II nd year PG )
Achievement Image 7
Dr.Vidya Viswanathan(Prof)
Achievement Image 8
Dr.Vidya Viswanathan(Prof)
Achievement Image 9
Dr.Vidya Viswanathan(Prof)
Achievement Image 10
Dr.Yamini Ingle ( Asso.Prof )
Achievement Image 11

Conferences/CME/Workshop Organized by Department (Year Wise)
Sr. No. Title Date Guest Speaker No. of Delegates Attended Year
1 Flowcytometry and its role in the diagnosis of Acute and Chronic Leukaemias - a case based approach 23rd September 2014 Dr. Col. Tathagat Chaterjee, Prof & HOD, Dept. of Transfusion Medicine, AFMC -- 2014
2 The Pune chapter of the Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists (IAPM) Conference 29th August 2016 -- 140 2016
3 Recent Advances in Serum Analysis and Serum Banking Semen Analysis 30th December 2017 Dr. Balbir Singh -- 2017
4 Guest Lecture on “Lymphoma of Head and Neck” 30th January 2018, Tuesday at 2.00pm in College Auditorium Dr. Anand S Lagoo, Professor of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, USA 1 2018
5 Guest Lecture & Workshop 24th December 2019 Dr. Tejaswini Malhotra, M.D., Senior Registrar Anatomical Pathology & Cytopathology, Princess Alexandria Hospital, Brisbane, Australia -- 2019

Quarterly Meeting of IAPM - Pune Chapter

  • Date: 27th October 2023
  • Organized by: Department of Pathology
  • Guest Lecture: Dr. Saranya Singaravel, Consultant Pathologist from Seth VC & MA Vora Municipal General Hospital (Rajawadi Hospital), Mumbai
  • Topic: "Approach to lung biopsies"
  • Followed by: Slide seminar and quiz for post graduate students
Conference Image 1
Conference Image 2

CME’s Attended by Faculty & PG Students 2020-21
Sr. No. Name of the Participant Name of the CME/Conference/Workshop Date & Venue/Place Role (Delegate/ Resource Person/ Chairperson/ Panelist)
1 Dr. Rupali Bavikar 47th Annual Conference of the Research Society 12 Mar 2021 Online Delegate
2 Dr. Harsh Kumar (Prof), Dr. Archana Buch (Prof), Dr. Sunita Bamnikar (Prof), Dr. Sushma Kulkarni (Asst. Prof) 38th Annual National CME in Pathology (Online) organized by KLC Academy of Higher Education Research Department of Pathology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum on 2nd, 3rd, 4th August 2020 Delegate
3 Dr. A.C. Buch TAPCON 2020 10, 11, 12 July 2020 (Online) Delegate
4 Dr. Harsh Kumar, Dr. Arpana, Dr. Vidya, Dr. Aniket Bhide, Dr. Bhavana Vasu, Dr. Prachi Khandekar, Dr. Kanika Jain, Dr. Akshay Bondge MACYCON 2021 Topiwala Medical College Mumbai 06 Feb 2021 (Online) Delegate
5 Dr. Arpana Dharwadkar, Dr. Tushar Kambale, Dr. Sushma Kulkarni Molecular Pathology Department of Pathology, Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Tamaka, Kolar. 23rd February 2021 (Online) Delegate
6 Dr. Sushma Kulkarni KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research 4 - 8 August 2020 Delegate
7 Dr. Vidya Viswanathan Virtual 22nd INDO-US Flow Cytometry Workshop on "Flow Cytometry and its Applications in Biological Research and Clinical Diagnostics" Trust for Education and Training in Cytometry (TETC) 22nd - 28th February 2021 Delegate

Events Attended by Doctors 2021
Doctor Event Date
Dr. Saroj Deoghare Grossing Oncology Specimen 27th August 2021
Dr. S.S. Chandanwale Multi Speciality 05th September 2021
Dr. S.S. Chandanwale Breast Cancer 02nd October 2021
Dr. S.S. Chandanwale PCOS 30th September 2021
Dr. S.S. Chandanwale World Alzheimer's Day 19th September 2021
Dr. S.S. Chandanwale World Heart Day 26th September 2021
Dr. Tushar Kambale Emergencies In Medical Practice 4-5 September 2021
Dr. Saroj Deoghare Flow Cytometry Course
Dr. Yamini P. Ingale Revised Basic Course Workshop & (AETCOM) 03 September 2021
Dr. Yamini P. Ingale Virtual CME on Haemovigilance Programme of India 16 September 2021
Dr. Yamini P. Ingale, Dr. Tushar Kambale, Dr. M.D. Iqbal, Dr. Komal Sawaimul Basic Course in Biomedical Research (Six Monthly Course)
Dr. Rumanah Khan AIPNA ICP - A Recurrent Hibernoma In Neck: A Rare Case Report 01-03 October 2021
Dr. S.S. Chandanwale CME on Breast Cancer 02nd October 2021
Dr. Saroj Deoghare KCIAPM, KAPCON 2021 - Virtual Conference 01-03 October 2021
CME’s Attended by Faculty & PG Students (2014-2020)
Sr. No. Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/Conference/Workshop Date & Venue/Place Role (Delegate/ Resource Person/ Chairperson/ Panelist)
1 Dr. Harsh Kumar, Dr. N. K. Panicker, Dr. S.S. Chandanwale, Dr. C.R. Gore, Dr. A.C. Buch, Dr. S. Bamanikar, Dr. P.M. Pagaro Prof & PG Student Annual National Conference of Pathology Apcon-2014 held at AFMC from 04/12/14 to 07/12/14 Delegate
2 Dr. A. Dharwadkar Assi. Prof MET Basic Course workshop 16-18 Oct 2014 Delegate
3 Dr. Harsh Kumar Prof. & H.O.D Attended The CME Advance Coagulation Seminar Clinical & Laboratory Aspects 5th 2014 at Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune Delegate
4 Dr. Harsh Kumar Prof. & H.O.D International Academy of Pathology Indian Division annual Conference-2014 AFMC Pune 4th Dec 2014 Delegate
5 Dr. Harsh Kumar Prof Mapcon -2015 11th to 13th Sept 2015 Delegate
6 Dr. Sushma K. Asst. Prof CME on Psychiatric Neuroscience 10th - 11th June 2015 Delegate
7 Dr. Harsh Kumar Prof and HOD UNESCO Chair Bioethics Haifa 3rd to 6th Aug 2015 Delegate
8 Dr. Yogesh Tayade Asst. Prof CME on Psychiatric Neuroscience 10th - 11th June 2015 Delegate
9 Dr. S.S. Chandanwale, Dr. Harsh Kumar Prof Mapcon 2015 - 36th Annual Conference of Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM 11th to 13th Sept 2015 Delegate
10 Dr. Yamini Ingale Prof Mapcon 2015 - 36th Annual Conference of Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM 11th to 13th Sept 2015 Delegate
11 Dr. Harsh Kumar Prof and HOD Oncopathology CME 2016 24th July 2016 Delegate
12 Dr. C.R. Gore Prof Peoples Health and Quality of Life 22nd Nov 2016 at Dr. D.Y. Patil Pune-18 Delegate
13 Dr. Archana Buch Prof Peoples Health and Quality of Life 22nd Nov 2016 at Dr. D.Y. Patil Pune-18 Delegate
14 Dr. S.S. Chandanwale Prof Mapcon 2016 - 37th Annual Conference of Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM 23rd to 25th Sept 2016 Delegate
15 Dr. Yamini Ingale Prof Reno Connexions (CME Program) 3rd July 2016 Delegate
16 Dr. A.J. Nagarkar Demonstrator Dwarika Sangamnerkar Medical Foundation 32nd Annual CME for Family Physicians 14th Feb 2016 Delegate
17 Dr. M.B. Iqbal Prof Matters of The Heart Cardiovascular Pathology Workshop AFMC Pune 30 March 2017 Delegate
18 Dr. Yamini Ingale Prof 43rd Annual Conference of the Research Society of B.J. Government Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital Pune 21-23 Feb 2017 Delegate
19 Dr. Shruti Vimal Asso. Prof Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM 1st MID TERM CME AFMC Pune 29-30 April 2017 Delegate
20 Dr. Arpana D. Asso. Prof Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM 1st MID TERM CME AFMC Pune 29-30 April 2017 Delegate
21 Dr. S. Bamanikar Prof The Indian Programme of the (UNESCO) Chair in Bioethics (Haifa) Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth Pune 6 & 8 Dec 2018 Delegate
22 Dr. Sahiba PG Annual Conference of Dermatopathology Society of India Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College & Hospital Navi Mumbai 7-9 Dec 2018 Delegate
23 Dr. Indranil Assi. Prof MET Seth G S Medical College and KEM Hospital Mumbai 29-11-18 Delegate
24 Dr. Indranil Assi. Prof MET Seth G S Medical College and KEM Hospital Mumbai - Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies 26-28 Nov 2018 Delegate
25 Dr. S.S. Chandanwale Prof Mapcon 2018 - 39th Annual Conference of Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM 8-9 Sept 2018 Delegate
26 Dr. Harsh Kumar Prof Mapcon 2018 - 39th Annual Conference of Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM 7-9 Sept 2018 Delegate
27 Dr. Akshay R Bondge, Dr. Dayananad Sonkawade, Dr. Namrata P PG ISHBT Haematology Quiz 2019 Pune Round Armed Forces Medical College Pune 20 July 2019 Delegate
28 Dr. S.Bamanikar Prof Asian Journal of Orthopaedic Research 9-7-19 to 8-7-23 Delegate
29 Dr. Harsh Kumar Prof 20th International Academy of Pathology Indian Division (IAP-ID) Annual CME 8-10 Oct 2019 Delegate
30 Dr. Archana Buch Prof Curriculum Implementation Support Program AFMC 22-24 April 2019 Delegate
31 Dr. C.R. Gore Prof and HOD Curriculum Implementation Support Program AFMC 22-24 April 2019 Delegate
32 Dr. Archana Buch Professor Delivered Guest Lecture in Workshop on Health Awareness Session in Bhat Nagar Project Vatsalya 24th Jan 2020 Delegate
33 Dr. Pratyush Mishra I Year PG Student Participated as Delegate in the 25th ICP AIPNA International CME 2020 31st January to 2nd February 2020 Delegate

Conferences/CME/Workshop Organized by Department
Sr. No. Name Topic Date
1 PG Quiz Conducted during Indian Association of Pathologists & Microbiologists, Pune Chapter Quarterly Meeting PGs from all colleges from Pune region 27/10/2023
2 For PG students in Hematology Dr. Neha Kamble 10/10/2023
3 Pre Conference CME Of (MAPCON - 2023) & MAPCON -2023 Dr. C.R. Gore, Dr. Arpana, Dr. Rupali, Dr. Vidya, Dr. Padmakar, Dr. Neha, Dr. S.S. Chandanwale, PG Students 6-Oct, 7-8 October 2023
4 CME TRANSCON 2023 Dr. Mallika Agarwal 6-8 October 2023
5 Advances in GI & Hepatobiliary Oncopathology Dr. Mangesh Londhe, Dr. Mayur Ambekar, Dr. Ruchika C. 21-22 October 2023
6 Histo-immunotech Dr. Mangesh Londhe, Dr. Mayur Ambekar 28-29 October 2023
7 Technology Workshop on Flow Cytometry Dr. Mangesh Londhe, Dr. Mayur Ambekar, Dr. Padmakar Bardapurkar, Dr. Madhuri Singh, Dr. Akshi Raj 30th October 2023
8 MAPCON 2023 Poster Presentations 1) Dr. Nikita C. - A rare insight of superior mediastinal mass as ectopic thyroid tissue
2) Dr. Tejaswini - Desmoid fibromatosis of Breast
3) Dr. Anoushka - Unveiling the Rarity – Intraosseous xanthoma of temporal bone in a non-hyperlipidemic patient
October 2023
9 CME TRANSCON 2023 Oral Paper Dr. Mallika Agarwal - Assessment of iron deficiency in antenatal females in Western India 6-8 October 2023
10 Pune Path Meet October Case Presenter List 1) Dr. Ruchika Chamaria - Hemosiderotic dermatofibroma
2) Dr. Padmakar Bardapurkar - Ig4 related disease
3) Dr. Rupali Bavikar - Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of lung
4) Dr. Yamini Ingale - Desmoid fibromatosis with intraductal papilloma with usual ductal hyperplasia of breast
5) Dr. Mangesh Londhe - Ependymoma WHO CNS Grade II possibly posterior fossa group B type
6) Dr. Madhuri Singh - Hidradenocarcinoma
7) Dr. Tanmayi Kulkarni - Inflamed juvenile conjunctival nevus (IJCN)
8) Dr. Mayur Ambekar - Blastomycosis
9) Dr. Mangesh Londhe - E-Case 1 (Case 9). Metastases of amelanotic melanoma to Stomach
10) Dr. Neha Kamble - E-Case 2 (Case 10). Myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts 2 (MDS EB2)/Acute leukemia in a background of dysplastic marrow
October 2023
11 Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) Hands on Training Workshop Dr. Charusheela Gore 7th - 9th November 2023
12 Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) Hands on Training Workshop Dr. Madhuri Singh, Dr. Mangesh Londhe, Dr. Akshi Raj, Dr. Mayur 7th - 9th November 2023
13 11th Annual Research Conference Dr. C.R. Gore 21st - 22nd December 2023
14 Basic Course in Medical Education Workshop Dr. C.R. Gore 13th December 2023
15 11th Annual Research Conference Dr. Archana Buch 21st - 22nd December 2023
16 71st Annual Conference of IAPM - APCON 2023 Dr. Vidya V 7th - 10th December 2023
17 20th Annual National Conference of Association of Industrial Psychiatry of India Dr. Yamini Ingale 15th – 17th December 2023
18 Organ Donation and Transplantation Program Dr. Yamini Ingale 29th October 2023
19 20th Annual National Conference of Association of Industrial Psychiatry of India Dr. Tanmayi K. 15th – 17th December 2023
20 71st Annual Conference of IAPM - APCON 2023 Dr. Nilanjana Dhar C (P.G) 8th - 10th December 2023
21 11th Annual Research Conference Dr. Srishti Malla (P.G) 21st - 22nd December 2023
22 Oral Paper at APCON 2023 Dr. Nilanjana Choudhary - Comprehensive exploration of the histopathological spectrum of meningioma and utility of Ki-67 in histological and WHO grading of meningiomas - a cross-sectional study from a tertiary care hospital 8th December 2023
23 Poster Presentation at 11th Annual Research Conference Dr. Srishti Malla - Pulmonary osseous metaplasia (nodular type), in interstitial lung disease 22nd December 2023