Navbar Fix



Number of Faculty


Number of Students


Student-to-faculty Ratio

General Information

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book


To create dedicated, competent & compassionate doctors - To serve Humanity

Vision & Mission


Functioning of each system & regulatory mechanism

Pathophysiology of diseases and possible interventions


Teach & train UG & PG students

Undertake research independently

Organize departmental administration

Courses Offered

  • M.B.B.S.
  • M.D.
  • Ph.D.
  • M.Sc. (Medical Physiology)

  • Students counselling and orientation programmes
  • Mentorship
  • Yoga training session every 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month
  • MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)
  • Encouraging UG and PG students to participate in quizzes, seminars, and conferences in and outside the university campus

Guest Lectures

  • ‘Don’t be a gamma in the land of lama: A high altitude lesson from Ladakh’ on 28th November 2014
  • ‘Fitness’ on 20th April 2016
  • ‘Yoga and Wellness’ on 21st June 2016
  • ‘Yoga & Pranayam’ on 12th June 2017
  • ‘Fitness Medicine: An approach to exercise prescription & Pranayam’ on 15th June 2017
  • ‘Stress Management’ on 16th June 2017
  • ‘Exercise Physiology: The stepping stone to understanding the body’s frenzy’ on 19th March 2018
  • ‘Health Management’ on 15th May 2019
  • ‘Paradigm Shift In Teaching-Learning From Classroom To Virtual Mode: Challenges & Opportunities’ on 19th July 2021
  • Department of Physiology organized a Guest Lecture on “Benefits of Yoga in Health & Diseases” on 26th April 2022 from 2.00pm to 3.00pm by Mr. Hitesh J., Senior Yoga teacher and trainer, Shriyog Institute of Iyengar Yoga, Pune
28th November 2014
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20th April 2016
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12th June 2017
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16th June 2017
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15th June 2017
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19th March 2018
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15th May 2019
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15th May 2019
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19th July 2021
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19th July 2021
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Students’ Seminar & Webinar

  • ‘Male Reproductive System’ on 22nd April 2014
  • ‘Haemostasis’ on 23rd Sept. 2014
  • ‘Cerebellum’ on 10th Feb. 2015
  • ‘Regulation of Blood Pressure’ on 17th Oct. 2015
  • ‘Neurophysiology of Vision’ on 1st Feb. 2016
  • ‘Shock’ on 30th Nov. 2016
  • ‘Mechanism of Hearing’ on 18th April 2017
  • ‘Blood Pressure’ on 28th Nov. 2017
  • ‘Cerebellum’ on 21st Feb. 2018
  • ‘Haemostasis’ on 4th Dec. 2018
  • ‘Thyroid Hormone’ on 12th March 2019
  • ‘Physiology of Skeletal Muscle’ on 19th Nov. 2019
  • ‘Cerebellum’ on 28th Oct 2021
  • ‘Regulation of Respiration’ on 5th July 2022
  • ‘Gastric Secretion’ on 21st March 2023
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22nd April 2014
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23rd Sept. 2014
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10th Feb. 2015
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1st Feb. 2016
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17th Oct. 2015
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30th Nov. 2016
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18th April 2017
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18th April 2017
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28th Nov. 2017
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21st Feb. 2018
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4th Dec. 2018
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12th March 2019
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19th Nov. 2019
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19th Nov. 2019
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28th Oct 2021
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28th Oct 2021
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28th Oct 2021
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28th Oct 2021
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2nd July 2020
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2nd July 2020
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2nd July 2020
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2nd July 2020
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6th July 2021
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6th July 2021
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6th July 2021
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6th July 2021

Student Quiz

  • ‘CNS’ on 21st Jan. 2014
  • ‘Cardiovascular System & Respiratory System’ on 31st March 2015
  • ‘CNS, ANS, Nerve Physiology’ on 4th April 2016
  • ‘Endocrinology & Reproductive System’ on 30th May 2017
  • ‘CNS & Special Senses’ on 2nd May 2018
  • ‘CVS & RS’ on 30th April 2019
  • ‘Endocrinology’ on 30th Aug 2022
  • Department of Physiology organized yoga poster competition, themed: “Yoga for Health and Happiness” on 14th June 2022, coordinated by Dr. P. D. Khuje, Dr. B. N. Pande & Dr. Ramya Jayakumar
  • ‘Cardiovascular & Respiratory System’ on 23rd Feb 2024
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21st Jan. 2014
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31st March 2015
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4th April 2016
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30th May 2017
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2nd May 2018
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30th April 2019
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30th April 2019
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21st March 2023
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21st March 2023
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21st March 2023
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23rd Feb 2024
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23rd Feb 2024

Intercollegiate Physiology Model Making Competition Themed: “Physiology of CNS” conducted on 26/07/2023.

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27th July 2023
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27th July 2023
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27th July 2023
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27th July 2023

Students performed role plays showing bad as well as good communication skills of doctor with the patient. This event was held on 27th September 2022 from 9:25 am to 10:20 am during the lecture on Communication in Doctor-Patient Relationship.

Dr. Seema Methre, Professor, Department of Physiology

Student Centric Teaching Learning Process

Role Play – An Effective Tool for Teaching Communication in Doctor Patient Relationship in Undergraduate Medical Students

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27th Sept 2023
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27th Sept 2023
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27th Sept 2023
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27th Sept 2023

SN Name of the Faculty Photograph Educational Qualification Designation Registration No.
1 Dr. Rajkumar Sansarchand Sood Dr. Rajkumar Sansarchand Sood MBBS, MD Professor & HOD 59601
2 Dr. Karandikar Mahesh Suresh Dr. Karandikar Mahesh Suresh MSc, PhD (Physiology) Professor NA
3 Dr. Neelam Umashankar Prasad Dr. Neelam Umashankar Prasad MSc, PhD (Physiology) Professor NA
4 Dr. Seema Tanaji Methre Dr. Seema Tanaji Methre MBBS, MD Professor 2005042533
5 Dr. Bageshree Nilkanth Pande Dr. Bageshree Nilkanth Pande MBBS, MD Professor 2015084364
6 Dr. Sugata Sunil Jadhav Dr. Sugata Sunil Jadhav MBBS, MD Associate Professor 64696
7 Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Dr. Ramya Jayakumar MBBS, MD Associate Professor 2014104531
8 Dr. Nivedita Nikhil Desai Dr. Nivedita Nikhil Desai MBBS, MD Assistant Professor 2011051102
9 Dr. Anushka Verma Dr. Anushka Verma MBBS, MD Assistant Professor 2022098234
10 Dr. Garima Sahu Dr. Garima Sahu MBBS, MD Assistant Professor 2016040714
11 Dr. Dhiraj Ashok Lahudkar Dr. Dhiraj Ashok Lahudkar MBBS Tutor 2023061495
12 Dr. Atharv Manish Shirole Dr. Atharv Manish Shirole MBBS Tutor 2023061163
13 Dr. Vridhi Dr. Vridhi MBBS Tutor 2019053771
14 Dr. Naveed Mohammed Basheer Ahmed Dr. Naveed Mohammed Basheer Ahmed MBBS Tutor 2020074945
15 Dr. Varun Vishwanathan Dr. Varun Vishwanathan MBBS Tutor 2019075576
16 Dr. Priyanka Shaligram Bakde Dr. Priyanka Shaligram Bakde MBBS Tutor 2021128541
17 Dr. Bahadursha V V S E Ranga Rajeev Dr. Bahadursha V V S E Ranga Rajeev MBBS Tutor 2024053400
18 Dr. Amit Halder Dr. Amit Halder MBBS Tutor 2024052845
19 Dr. Pagadala Vinaypradyumna Dr. Pagadala Vinaypradyumna MBBS Tutor 2024064090

  • Spacious, properly ventilated & well-furnished cabins for staff members & PG students.
  • Lecture cum demonstration rooms: 4
  • Well maintained library with 281 books & 30 e-journals & reading room with computer facility.
  • Well equipped & spacious laboratories with 153 charts/models/specimens.
  • Amphibian Laboratory: 1
  • Clinical Laboratory: 1
  • Hematology Laboratory: 1
  • Mammalian Laboratory: 1
  • Research Laboratory: 1
  • Audio-visual teaching aids:
    • Laptops: 3
    • LCD Projector: 5
    • Overhead Projector: 2
    • Projection Screen: 5
    • Digital Camera for Projection of Slides: 1
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Amphibian Lab
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Clinical Lab
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Hematology Lab
Image 8
Library & Reading Room
Image 8
Research Lab
Image 8
Demonstration Rooms with LCD Projectors

Academics Extension and Research

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book

Faculty Achievements

  • Dr. V. G. Jaltade, Professor & HOD Physiology was invited as a judge for the poster presentation at the ‘National Conference including Workshop (ENTER – 2014) Electrophysiology & Neurology Trends in Electrodiagnosis & Research’ organized by D. Y. Patil University, Kolhapur, from 31 Jan. 2014 to 01 Feb. 2014.
  • Dr. R. S. Sood, Associate Professor, delivered a guest lecture titled ‘General Practitioners’ awareness of the inhalation route of acute cyanide poisoning’ in the conference ‘PHYSIOCON 2016’ organized by The Physiological Society of India, at Midnapore College (autonomous) Midnapore, West Bengal, from 18 Nov 2016 to 20 Nov 2016.
  • Dr. P. D. Khuje, Professor qualified for the award of Diplomate of the National Board of Examination in Physiology held in December 2016.
  • Dr. (Mrs.) N. G. Borade, Professor & HOD, was nominated as the Member B.O.S. faculty of Physiology for a period of two years from 05 Feb 2018 in the Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed To Be University), Karad.
  • Dr. N. G. Borade, Professor & HOD Physiology, delivered a guest lecture on ‘Postural reflexes’ by the Physiology Dept of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed To Be University), Karad on 9 February 2018.
  • Dr. N. G. Borade, Professor & HOD Physiology was invited as a judge for the oral paper presentation at the scientific sessions of the ‘44th Annual research society conference organized by Department of Radiodiagnosis held on 21 Feb 2018 to 23 Feb 2018.
  • Dr. R. S. Sood, Professor Physiology participated & completed the live course titled ‘Advanced Teaching Skills,’ conducted by Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, from 08 June 2018 to 19 June 2018.
  • Dr. R. S. Sood, Professor Physiology attended the international education training ‘Physiology Education Workshop 2018’ organized by ICMR & International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS), at ALLMS Jodhpur, from 03 Nov 2018 to 05 Nov 2018.
  • Dr. R. S. Sood, Professor, was appointed as question paper setter for Gujarat Public Service Commission in 2019.
  • Dr. S. R. Salvi, Associate Professor got an appreciation (celebrity) award for ViewBug: Photography sharing community on 21 May 2019.
  • Dr. Sheetal Salvi, Associate Professor, attended & completed ‘The Sickkids Public Health Nutrition Course’ under the aegis of SickKids Centre for Global Health, on 30 Oct 2019.
  • Dr. M. S. Karandikar, Professor was appointed as reviewer for Scientific Reports (A Nature Publication) from Jan. 2020.
  • Dr. Sheetal Salvi, Associate Professor, was invited as a judge for ‘MERAKI’ arts competition of synapse on 13 to 14 Feb 2020.
  • Dr. Neelam Prasad, Professor, was invited as a judge for ‘MERAKI’ arts competition of synapse on 14 Feb 2020.
  • Faculties are/ were appointed as member of:
    • Faculty of Medicine
    • Board of studies
    • Resource persons for MET workshops & other workshops
  • Dr. RS Sood, Professor, participated in fifty webinars, organized by Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, leading to award of 50 continuing medical education AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. (Harvard Medical School is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians)
  • Dr. RS Sood, Professor, completed an online course ‘COVID-19 – A clinical update’ from University of Florida, USA on 5th Aug 2020.
  • Dr. RS Sood, Professor, who has been learning the French language on ‘Duolingo’ was classified as being within the top 1% learners of 2020.
  • Dr. Sheetal Salvi, Associate Professor, completed in Dec 2020, three months ‘Certificate Course in Obesity Management’ conducted by Medvarsity.
  • Dr. RS Sood, Professor, participated in ‘webinar on ‘Changes we have made for clinical teaching of medical students during COVID-19’, a medical education session organized by University of Edinburgh, UK, on 29th August 2020.
  • Dr. RS Sood, Professor, participated in ‘webinar on ‘Experience of Delivering Assessment in the COVID-19 Era, Alternatives to traditional assessments and frugal innovation’, a medical education session organized by University of Edinburgh, UK, on 31st October 2020.
  • Dr. RS Sood, Professor, participated in twenty one webinars, organized by JIPMER, Puducherry in 2020.
  • Dr. RS Sood, Professor, participated in a Two-day webinar on ‘Ageing Issues: Indian, Regional and Global Context’ organized by International Institute on Ageing, United Nations- Malta in collaboration with Development, Welfare & Research Foundation, New Delhi & Department of Sociology and IQAC, Maitreyi College, University of Delhi from 16th -17th Jan 2021.
  • Dr. RS Sood, Professor, participated in ‘webinar on Developing the Generalist Doctors for the New Normal’, a medical education session organized by University of Edinburgh, UK, on 23 Jan 2021.
  • Dr. P. D. Khuje, Professor received 2nd prize in Brain Storming Funny Question event on topic entitled “Role of Mosquito Repellent Sprays containing Natural Antimalarials in National Antimalaria Programme in Insecticide Resistant Regions” at UNMESH Science Festival for UG, PG, PhD Scholars and Young Budding Faculty from 17th -18th March 2021.
  • Dr. P. D. Khuje, Professor participated in ‘Entertainment in Teaching & Learning’ competition at UNMESH Science Festival for UG, PG, PhD Scholars and Young Budding Faculty from 17th -18th March 2021.
  • Dr. P. D. Khuje, Professor participated in E-Poster at UNMESH Science Festival for UG, PG, PhD Scholars and Young Budding Faculty from 17th -18th March 2021.
  • Dr. Bageshree N. Pande, Associate Professor, was invited to deliver a guest lecture in a webinar by the department of KRIYA-SHARIR, Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Center Pimpri Pune on the occasion of “World Liver Day” on 19/04/2021. The topic for the lecture was Liver: In Health and Diseases.
  • Dr. P. D. Khuje, Professor has participated in E-Poster (Holistic Approach of Yoga in COVID-19 pandemic) competition conducted by Dr. D. Y. Patil Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Pimpri, Pune on 21st June 2021.

1.Sood R, Sood A. Prevalence of myopia among the medical students in western India vis-à-vis the east Asian epidemic. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2014; 13(1): 65-7.

2.Sood RS, Sood A. Anaemia and Refractive Error Are Linked: a Pioneering Study. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2014; 3(1): 350-1.

3.Sood RS, Sood A. Prevalence of anaemia among the first year MBBS students. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 2014; 4(1): 421-2.

4.Jayakumar R, Anupama D, Shobha CN. Effect of variation in tempo and pitch of music on cardiovascular parameters. Biomedicine. 2014; 34(2): 225-30.

5.Jadhav A, Borade NG, Jadhav A, Pranita A. A Study of effect of aerobic strenuous exercise on oxidative stress in young healthy individuals by using serum malonyldialdehyde levels. Indian Journal of Public Health research and Development. 2014; 5(2): 13-17.

6.Karandikar MS, Prasad NB, Kumar A. Assessment of cardiopulmonary efficiency levels in a student population. International Journal of Scientific & Research Publications. 2014; 4(5):1-3.

7.Jadhav SS, Bansod NV, Diwanji SS. Study of auditory reaction time in premenstrual phase and postmenstrual phase. Journal of Medical Science & Clinical Research. 2014; 2(5): 968- 72.

8.Jadhav SS, Bansod NV. Cognitive function and menstrual cycle. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2014; 3(6): 343 – 4.

9.Milind A. Nisargandha, Shweta D. Parve , Chhaya A. Saraf, Dr. Vijay K. Deshpande. Comparative study of brainstem evoked response audiometry in developmental delayed infants and normal healthy infants. International Journal of Biological & Medical Research. 2014; 5(3): 4241-4264.

10.Bhupendra Marotrao Gathe, Mahendra Bhauraoji Gandhe, Swapnali Mahendra Gandhe, A.N.Puttewar, Chhaya Saraf, Ramji Singh. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) - A Pilot study conducted on young healthy adults from Central India Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014; 8(6):16-18.

  1. S. Sudipta, M.S. Karandikar, A. Chaudhuri. The potential role of short-term heart rate variability tests in identifying risk of hypertension in normotensive offspring of hypertensive parents. Saudi Journal of Sports Medicine. 2015; 15(1): 62-7.
  2. A. Chaudhuri, N.G. Borade. Study of autonomic nervous system activity in postmenopausal women. Saudi Journal of Sports Medicine. 2015; 15(1): 108.
  3. R.P. Prasad, N.B. Dholakia, M. Raghav. A study on road traffic accidents and road safety behavior in Pune: A mixed method approach. Indian Journal of Community & Family Medicine. 2015; 1(2): 75-79.
  4. D.G. Bansode, M.V. Bhutkar, V.J. Jaltade. Study of audio-visual reaction time and nerve conduction velocity in diabetes mellitus patients. National Journal of Basic Medical Science. 2015; 5(2): 61-63.
  5. P.J. Patil, S.P. Patil, V.J. Jaltade, S.S. Gupta. Departmental equipment maintenance system in Government Medical College. IAIM. 2015; 2(3): 79-89.
  6. D. Khatri, N.G. Borade. Association of peripheral neuropathy with inflammatory markers in rheumatoid arthritis patients: An electrophysiological study. Paripex- Indian Journal of Research. 2015; 4(6): 4-6.
  7. N.B. Prasad. Electrophysiological assessment of somatic nerves of upper limbs in diabetics: A motor nerve conduction study. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research. 2015; 3(7): 6636-6640.
  8. A.A. Hardikar, M.S. Karandikar. Multigenerational undernutrition increases susceptibility to obesity and diabetes that is not reversed after dietary recuperation. Cell Metabolism. 2015; 22: 1-8.
  9. S. Sheetal, N.B. Prasad, N. Bhandari. An occupational contingency in traffic police personnel and factory workers in and around Pune City. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research. August 2015; 5(8): 266-272.
  10. S.T. Methre, N.G. Borade. Perception of educational environment among undergraduate medical students. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research. 2015; 3(8): 6960–66.
  11. N. Gosewade, V. Shende, C. Saraf, A. Drugkar. Effect of pranayama and eye exercises on eye to hand coordination: Study by finger dexterity test. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare. 2015; 2(42): 7400-7406.
  1. Birajdar G, Prasad NB, Purandare VR. Effect of smoking on autonomic functions. IOSR Journal of Dental & Medical Sciences. Jan 2016; 15(1): 39-42.
  2. Saraf Chhaya, Gathe Bhupendra, Itagi Afreen Begum H, Gade Shubhada, Nisargandha Milind, Gajbhiye IPR. Effect of swim training on pulmonary functions in boys of prepubertal and pubertal age. Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences. 2016; 6(1): 8-12.
  3. Sood RS, Bendre MB, Sood A. Analysis and remedy of the item writing flaws rectified at prevalidation of multiple choice questions drafted for assessment of MBBS students. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research. March 2016; 5(2): 692-8.
  4. Salvi S, Prasad NB, Bhandari N. Pulmonary function test in petrol pump workers and garage workers: A long drawn peril. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research. 2016; 4(2): 319-323.
  5. Bhupendra Marotrao Gathe, Mahendra Bhauraoji Gandhe, Babita Sahu, Nitin Gosewade, Chhaya Anil Saraf, Ramji Singh. Effect of noise pollution on hearing in auto-rickshaw drivers: A brainstem auditory-evoked potentials study. Indian Journal of Otology. 2016; 22(4): 275-279.
  6. Sood RS, Bendre MB, Sood A. Barriers to asking questions by the first MBBS student during didactic lectures in physiology. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research. 2016; 5(3): 841-6.
  7. Chaudhari P, Jadhav A. Effect of weight reduction on peak expiratory flow rate in young obese individuals. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2016; 15(3): 1-5.
  8. Methre ST, Karandikar MS. A study of pulmonary function of spray painters working in automobile garage. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. March 2016; 15(3): 01-07.
  9. Deepa HS, Sirdesai N. A comparative study of auditory & visual reaction time in table tennis players and age-matched healthy controls. Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology. 2016; 3(4): 408-411.
  10. Khuje PD. Habit of proper and adequate food chewing, avoiding water during meals and drinking water 1-2 hours after meals in patients of gastroesophageal reflux diseases. Paripex – Indian Journal of Research. May 2016; 5(5): 41-42.
  11. Khuje PD. Honey in warm water: An ideal prescription for weight loss. International Journal of Scientific Research. June 2016; 5(6): 484-86.
  12. Khuje PD, Borade NG. Hand acupressure for symptomatic relief of chronic rhinitis. International Education Scientific Research Journal. July 2016; 2 (7): 45-46.
  13. Pande B, Tajne V. Comparison of lung functions among males and females with sickle cell anaemia. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research. 2016; 3(8): 2322-2324.
  14. Sood RS, Khandalkar S, Sood A. Awareness among primary health care physicians of acute cyanide poisoning being a possible consequence of fire accidents. International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research. 2016; 7(8): 376-8.
  15. Methre ST, Methre TS, Borade NG. Educational environment in first year BDS and BPT students. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research. 2016; 3(11): 3163-3166.
  1. Leo Rathonaraj AS, Irani A, Sharma SK, Borade NG, Sreeja MT. Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) in patients with chronic low back pain. Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science. 2017; 5(1): 27-32.
  2. Methre ST, Borade NG, Methre TS. Perception of stress in first-year MBBS, BDS, and BPTh students. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacology and Pharmacology. 2017; 7(2): 203-208.
  3. Khuje PD, Sandip M Hulke. Neem (Azadirachta Indica), Reetha (Sapindus mukorossi), Shikakai (Acacia concinna), Hibiscus flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa) oil & Lemon: A natural antidandruff formula. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research. 2017; 2(3): 27-29.
  4. Patil A, Handergulle S. Influence of menopause on cardiovascular responses to behavioral stressors: A comparative study. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacology and Pharmacology. 2017; 2(3): 27-29.
  5. Khuje PD, Hulke SM. Consumption of yogurt, aloe vera pulp, and holy basil leaves to reduce the recurrence of aphthous mouth ulcers in night shift workers. International Journal of Applied Research. 2017; 3(4): 807-809.
  6. Kothadia S, Prasad NB. Study of heart rate variability in subclinical hypothyroidism. IOSR Journal of Dental & Medical Sciences. August 2017; 16(8): 1-4.
  7. Chhaya Saraf, Afreen Begum H Itagi, Shubhada Gade, Dimple Arora, Nitin Gosewade, Baishali Deb. Role of mentoring in improving academic performance among low achievers in a medical college of Chhattisgarh, India. Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences. 2017; 4(3): 107-111.
  1. Dattani MB, Methre ST, Methre TS. Waist circumference relates to blood pressure among adults. Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology, January-March, 2018; 5(1): 91-96.
  2. Khuje P, Sandip M Hulke. Can trained wind instrument blowers develop higher inspiratory spirometric parameters along with expiratory spirometric parameters? International Journal of Physiology, Jan-March 2018; 6(1): 171-174.
  3. Hulke SM, Khuje PD, Vaidya Yuganti P. Change in relationship between body composition and aerobic power in physical education college students: A 12 weeks longitudinal study. International Journal of Physiology, Jan-March 2018; 6(1): 166-178.
  4. Borade NG, Hedge V. Heart rate variability in trained athletes and sedentary individuals: A comparative study. Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology. 2018; 5(2): 237-240.
  5. Prasad NB, Diwanji SA. Evaluation of peripheral nerves of upper limb and its correlation with blood sugar levels: An electrophysiological study in type 2 diabetics. Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology (IJCAP) 2018; 5(3): 344-346.
  6. Prasad NB, Diwanji SA. Electrophysiological study of the palmar cutaneous nerves in diabetics. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy & Pharmacology, 2018; 8(5): 694-698.
  7. Pisharody IK, Prasad NB. BMI as an early indicator of abnormal glucose and lipid profiles in young Indian adults. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy & Pharmacology, 2018; 8(5): 690-693.
  8. Salvi S, Joshi A. Platelet aggregability, prehypertension, and heart rate in male smokers: An unwelcome circumstance for prothrombotic activity. NJPPP 2018; 8(7): 1005-1009.
  9. Salvi S, Prasad NB. Learning strategies in medical school: A holistic approach to physiology. NJPPP 2018; 8(7): 1070-1073.
  10. Patil A, Pande B, Borade NG. Learning to learn and teach: Student seminar as a teaching-learning method in undergraduate medical physiology through students’ perspective. NJPPP 2018; 8(9): 1-6.
  1. Methre ST, Jayakumar R, Dattani MB, Borade NG, Methre TS. A cross-sectional study of anthropometric parameters in normotensive offsprings of hypertensive parents. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2019; 9(2): 160-164.
  2. Jadhav S. Evaluation of visual reaction time during pre- and post-menstrual phase. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2019; 9(5): 398-400.
  3. Pande B, Patil A. Gender differences in cardiovascular autonomic function status in normal healthy individuals: A cross-sectional study. NJPPP 2019; 9(7): 1-5.
  4. Karandikar M. M, Joshi A.R, Karandikar M. S. The haematological profile with fifty generations of undernutrition cannot be reversed with six generations of a recuperation diet in a Wistar rat colony. MedPulse International Journal of Physiology. 2019; 11(2): 21-24.
  5. Karandikar M. M, Joshi A.R, Karandikar M. S. Partial restoration of the haematological profile in 4-week-old pups after six generations of improved nutrient supply. MedPulse International Journal of Physiology. 2019; 11(2): 30-33.
  6. Bhupendra Marotrao Gathe, Anupkumar Dhanvijay, Babita Sahu, Nitin Dhokne, Ninad Nagrale, Chhaya Saraf. PowerPoint versus chalk and board teaching in physiology of vision – A comparative study. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2019; 9(1): 1-3.
  1. Gupta RD, Parekh K, Warrier VU, Lokhande KB, Swamy KV, Sood RS, et al. Purification and characterization of pectins from Abelmoschus esculentus (okra pods) and Citrus limetta (citrus peels) and in silico binding study of pectin and pectic polysaccharides with galectin‑1. J Dent Res Rev 2020; 7: S41-8.
  2. Gitartha Goswami, Sheetal Salvi. Video gaming, physiological responses, and well-being in medical students: An essence of intrigue way of learning. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2020; 10(7): 1-5.
  3. Gurunath Andappa Birajdar, Neelam Bala Prasad. Influence of smoking on forced expiratory volume in first second: A case–control study. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2020; 10(5): 434-436.
  1. Seema Tanaji Methre, Ramya Jayakumar, Tanaji Sambhaji Methre, Priyanka Sanjay Joshi. “Correlation of interarm blood pressure difference with family history of hypertension, anthropometric parameters, and mean arterial blood pressure in normotensive people”. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology; 11(1): 23-27.
  2. Sheetal Salvi, Gitartha Goswami. “Impact of video gaming among medical students: unravelling the benefits”. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2021; 10(3): 63-64.
  3. Mugdha V. Joglekar, Rohan R. Patil, Sarang N. Satoor, Wilson K. M. Wong, Mahesh S. Karandikar, Anandwardhan A. Hardikar. “Promoting Pro-Endocrine Differentiation and Graft Maturation Following Surgical Resection of the Mouse Pancreas”. Shree Ram Singh et al. (eds.), Mouse Genetics: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 2224,, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021.
  4. Prashant D. Khuje, Bharti Sable. “A novel method of peripheral blood smear preparation”. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology Aug 2021; 11(8): 821-823.
  5. Sangeeta M Gawali, Mahesh S Karandikar. “The impact of insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and high sensitivity C-reactivity protein on carotid intima-media thickness in metabolic syndrome”. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Aug 2021; 9(8): 2347-2353.
  6. Sangeeta M Gawali, Mahesh S Karandikar. “High sensitivity- C-reactive protein as cardiovascular risk marker in metabolic syndrome patients”. Indian Journal of Applied Research Aug 2021; 11(8): 1-3.
  7. Dr. A. Patil, Dr. B.N. Pande, Smita Sorte, Dr. N. G. Borade, Dr. Chhaya Saraf, Smita Kadu. “Comparison of cardiovascular autonomic function status in normal healthy individuals of various Ayurvedic Prakritis”. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. Dec 2021; 12(2): 49-53.
  8. Miss Divya Redkar, Dr. B.N. Pande, Dr. Chhaya Saraf, Dr. Neelam Prasad. “Critical hours in saving a life: Knowledge and awareness about Basic Life Support and effect of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation training in I year MBBS students”. Journal of Medical Sciences & Health. Dec 2021; 7(3): 86-91.
  9. Dr. Chhaya Saraf, Dr. Nivedita Sirdesai, Dr. Shubhada Gade. “Paradigm Shift in Teaching-Learning from classroom to virtual Mode- Challenges and Opportunities”. Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences. Dec 2021; 8(3): 117–121.
  1. Arunima Chaudhuri, Rajkumar Sansarchand Sood, Suhrita Paul, Enakshi Saha. “A study of perceived stress level and sleep quality among physicians in a hospital of West Bengal, during the second wave of the present coronavirus disease-19 pandemic.” National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2022; 12 (1): 21-25.
  2. Mugdha V. Joglekar, Pooja S. Kunte, Wilson K.M. Wong, Dattatray S. Bhat, Sarang N. Satoor, Rohan R. Patil, Mahesh S. Karandikar, Caroline H. D. Fall, Chittaranjan S. Yajnik, Anandwardhan A. Hardikar. “Circulating microRNAs from early childhood and adolescence are associated with pre-diabetes at 18 years of age in women from the PMNS cohort.” Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease.
  3. Prashant D. Khuje, Bharti Sable. “Comparative scores of ABO and Rh haem-agglutination reactions.” Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth. 2022; XX (XX).
  4. Neeta Mishra, Chandrashekhar Raut, Neelam Prasad, JS Bhawalkar, Safia Farooqui, Shahzad Mirza, Veshal V Madan. “Presence of SARS-CoV-2 in human tears detected by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR).” Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth.
  5. Shital M. Bamania, Hinaben K Banker, Shilpa K. Menat, Chhaya A Saraf. “Association between Body Mass Index and Sleep Quality: A Study among Indian College Students.” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2022; 14(9): 809-815.
  6. Dr. Prashant Khuje, Dr. Gurunath Birajdar, Dr. Chhaya Saraf, Dr. Gyan Prakash Mishra, Dr. Sandip Hulke. “Acupressure and lifestyle modifications: a supplementary approach to improve myopia in young adults.” NeuroQuantology. October 2022, 20 (14): 411-415.
  7. Dr. Bageshree Pande, Dr. Chhaya Saraf, Dr. Vinayak Kshirsagar, Dr. Nivedita Sirdesai. “Journey from classroom to clinics: Early Clinical Exposure blended with didactic lecture as a Teaching and Learning method in 1st year MBBS students.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2022; 13 (9): 7983-89.

Book Chapter

  • Prerna Pandey, Nivedita Sirdesai, Hetal Rathod. *Association of age of menarche with body mass index and waist-hip ratio in school going girls*. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Jan 2023; 14(2): 1621-26.
  • Dr. Chhaya A Saraf, Dr. Bageshree N Pande. *Effectiveness of implementing mentorship programs in medical colleges - A mentor’s perspective*. Eur. Chem. Bull., 2023; 12(1): 3172 – 73.
  • Dr. N. N. Sirdesai, Dr. B. N. Pande, Dr. R. S. Sood, Dr. C. A. Saraf, Dr. Hetal Rathod. *Insight on Seminar Effectiveness in I MBBS students in a Private Medical College*. Eur. Chem. Bull., Aug 2023; 12(7): 3883-87.
  • Dr. Nivedita Sirdesai, Dr. Chhaya Saraf, Dr. Anushka Verma, Dr. Pradnya Rotithor. *Artificial Intelligence and Medical Education*. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research, Sep 2023; 14(9): 844-845.
  • Dr. Ramya Jayakumar, Dr. Seema Tanaji Methre, Dr. Ashwini Namdeorao Patil. *Association of health literacy and physical activity with physical fitness level among adults*. Biomedicine, Sep 2023; 43(4): 1329-1334.

  1. MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses - SWAYAM) was launched on 26/07/2017, featuring e-content on platforms such as ‘Critical Thinking’ and ‘Bridging the Dementia Divide’.
  2. Yoga & Wellness training sessions are conducted under the guidance of yoga experts to promote the physical and mental well-being of students.
  3. Research Activity:
    • Best Publication: Dr. M. S. Karandikar’s study titled “Multigenerational Undernutrition Increases Susceptibility to Obesity and Diabetes that is not reversed after dietary recuperation.” published in Cell Metabolism, 2015; 22:1-8.
    • Funded Project: Efficacy in treating iron deficiency anemia of pregnancy with lactoferrin (Principal Investigator: Dr. M. S. Karandikar), funded by the University of Sydney, Australia.
  4. Faculty Distinctiveness & Awards:
    • Dr. C. A. Saraf completed the Advanced Course in Medical Education and Training (MET) by MCI at Ramchandra Medical College, Chennai in 2019.
    • Dr. M. S. Karandikar serves as the In-charge of the Central Research Facility.
    • Dr. N. G. Borade received the Mahatma Gandhi Gold Medal Award for excellence in his field on 2nd Oct 2014 in Chennai, organized by the Global Economic Progress & Research Association (GEPRA), New Delhi.
    • Dr. R. S. Sood completed the Advanced Teaching Skills course at Harvard Medical School in 2018.
    • Dr. Prashant Khuje passed the post-MD DNB broad specialty examination (Physiology) and is registered for a PhD in Physiology (2016).
    • Dr. Bageshree Pande has been provisionally registered for a PhD in Physiology (2021).
  5. Students Achievement & Awards:
    • PG student Dr. Gurunath Birajdar (2013-16) received the Best Paper Award at the 42nd Annual Conference of the Research Society of B. J. Govt. Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune, held from 24th to 26th Feb 2016.
    • UG students of I MBBS (2017-18), Ms. Aaliya Rahman, Ms. Priya Shrivastava, and Mr. Sirman Qureshi were awarded the 2nd Runner-Up prize at the National Physiology Quiz in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, on 14 April 2018.

Undergraduate (UG)
CO and Mapping of CO with PO for the Subject of Physiology
No. By the end of the programme, the MBBS Graduate will have /be:
PO 1 Knowledge and Skills
PO 2 Planning and problem solving abilities
PO 3 Communication
PO 4 Research Aptitude
PO 5 Professionalism and Ethics
PO 6 Leadership
PO 7 Societal Responsibilities
PO 8 Environment and Sustainability
PO 9 Lifelong Learner

Subject with code
Physiology (MB 102)
CO No. At the end of the course, the learner should be able to: Mapped Programme Outcomes
MB 102.1 Describe structure & functions of normal & sick cell, cell death & repair PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO8, PO9
MB 102.2 Explain concept of homeostasis & its maintenance. Describe normal function of organ systems. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5, PO8, PO9
MB 102.3 Explain pathophysiological basis of treatment of common disease conditions. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO9
MB 102.4 Perform and describe various procedures of laboratory tests and interpret their results. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO9
MB 102.5 Describe the scheme of investigations required for diagnosis and management of common disease conditions. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO9

Mapping of Programme Outcomes with Course Outcomes MBBS (Physiology)
Sr. No Semester Course Name and Code Course Outcome Number Knowledge & Skills
Planning & Problem Solving
Research Aptitude
Professionalism & Ethics
Societal Responsibilities
Environment and Sustainability
Lifelong Learner
First Physiology MB 102 MB 102.1 3 2 2 1 1 - - 2 3
MB 102.2 3 2 1 2 - - 1 3
MB 102.3 3 3 2 1 2 - - - 3
MB 102.4 3 3 2 2 2 - - - 3
MB 102.5 3 3 2 2 3 2 1 - 3
Average Score 3.0 2.6 1.8 1.5 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.5 3.0
Sum 15 13 9 6 10 2 1 3 15
Item 5 5 5 4 5 1 1 2 5

Postgraduate (PG)

CO and Mapping of CO with PO for MD Physiology
Programme Outcomes MD (Physiology)
No. By the end of the programme, the MBBS Graduate will have /be:
PO 1 Knowledge and Skills
PO 2 Planning and problem solving abilities
PO 3 Communication
PO 4 Research Aptitude
PO 5 Professionalism and Ethics
PO 6 Leadership
PO 7 Societal Responsibilities
PO 8 Environment and Sustainability
PO 9 Lifelong Learner

Course Outcomes and Mapping with Programme Outcomes
Year: 3 yrs.
Course Code Course Title
PC02 MD Physiology
Course 1 (PC02)
CO No. At the end of the course, the learner should be able to: Mapped Programme Outcomes
PC02.1 Deal and understand all aspects of general and applied physiology and general principles of medical education. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5, PO7, PO8, PO9
PC02.2 Teach effectively the basic physiological mechanisms of the human body with reference to their implications in the pathophysiology of diseases, their diagnosis, treatment and management. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
PC02.3 Conduct clinical and experimental research and interpret relevant findings. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
PC02.4 Acquire skills in conducting collaborative research with allied sciences, clinical sciences, and biomedical engineering. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
PC02.5 Acquire administrative skills to set up departmental laboratories and initiate purchase procedure. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
PC02.6 Function as a member of a teaching, administrative, or research team. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
PC02.7 Carry out all human and animal experiments by computer-assisted simulation models/facilities as permissible by Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) guidelines. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO9

No Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9
PC02.1 Deal and understand all aspects of general and applied physiology and general principles of medical education. 14.3 15.8 10.5 14.3 13.3 16.7 14.3
PC02.2 Teach effectively the basic physiological mechanisms of the human body with reference to their implications in the pathophysiology of diseases, their diagnosis, treatment, and management. 14.3 15.8 15.8 14.3 14.3 8.3 20.0 16.7 14.3
PC02.3 Conduct clinical and experimental research and interpret relevant findings. 14.3 10.5 15.8 21.4 14.3 16.7 13.3 8.3 14.3
PC02.4 Acquire skills in conducting collaborative research with allied sciences, clinical sciences, and biomedical engineering. 14.3 15.8 15.8 21.4 14.3 25.0 20.0 25.0 14.3
PC02.5 Acquire administrative skills to set up departmental laboratories and initiate purchase procedures. 14.3 15.8 15.8 14.3 25.0 20.0 8.3 14.3
PC02.6 Function as a member of a teaching, administrative, or research team. 14.3 10.5 15.8 21.4 14.3 25.0 13.3 25.0 14.3
PC02.7 Carry out all human and animal experiments by computer-assisted simulation models/facilities as permissible by Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) guidelines. 14.3 15.8 10.5 21.4 14.3 14.3

Summary: Mapping of Programme Outcomes with Course Outcomes: MD Physiology
Sr. No Year Course Outcome Number Knowledge & Skills
Planning & Problem Solving
Research Aptitude
Professionalism & Ethics
Societal Responsibilities
Environment and Sustainability
Lifelong Learner
1 3rd year MD Physiology PC02 PC02.1
Average Score 3.0 2.7 2.7 2.8 3.0 2.4 2.5 2.0 3.0
Sum 21 19 19 14 21 12 15 12 21
Item Count 7 7 7 7 5 7 5 6 6 7

% Contribution of Each Course towards PO Attainment: MD Physiology
No Course PO1 (%) PO2 (%) PO3 (%) PO4 (%) PO5 (%) PO6 (%) PO7 (%) PO8 (%) PO9 (%)
PC02.1 Deal and understand all aspect of general and applied physiology and general principles of medical education. 14.3 15.8 10.5 14.3 13.3 16.7 14.3
PC02.2 Teach effectively the basic physiological mechanisms of human body with reference to their implications in the pathophysiology of diseases, their diagnosis, treatment and management. 14.3 15.8 15.8 14.3 14.3 8.3 20.0 16.7 14.3
PC02.3 Conduct clinical and experimental research and interpret relevant findings. 14.3 10.5 15.8 21.4 14.3 16.7 13.3 8.3 14.3
PC02.4 Acquire skills in conducting collaborative research with allied sciences, clinical sciences and biomedical engineering. 14.3 15.8 15.8 21.4 14.3 25.0 20.0 25.0 14.3
PC02.5 Acquire administrative skills to set up departmental laboratories and initiate purchase procedure. 14.3 15.8 15.8 14.3 25.0 20.0 8.3 14.3
PC02.6 Function as a member of a teaching, administrative or research team. 14.3 10.5 15.8 21.4 14.3 25.0 13.3 25.0 14.3
PC02.7 Carry out all human and animal experiments by computer assisted simulation models / facilities as permissible by Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) guidelines. 14.3 15.8 10.5 21.4 14.3 14.3

PO Contribution Summary
Sum 154 21 19 19 14 21 12 15 12 21

% 14 12 12 9 14 8 10 8 14

Knowledge & Skills 14 12 12 9 14 8 10 8 14
Planning & Problem Solving 14 12 12 9 14 8 10 8 14
Communication 14 12 12 9 14 8 10 8 14
Research Aptitude 14 12 12 9 14 8 10 8 14
Professionalism & Ethics 14 12 12 9 14 8 10 8 14
Leadership 14 12 12 9 14 8 10 8 14
Societal Responsibilities 14 12 12 9 14 8 10 8 14
Environment and Sustainability 14 12 12 9 14 8 10 8 14
Lifelong Learner 14 12 12 9 14 8 10 8 14


Total COs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9
Count 7 7 7 7 5 7 5 6 6
% 100 100 100 71.43 100 71.43 85.71 85.71 100

Sr.No. Name of Student Year of Admission Year of Passing Placement
1 Dr. Jyotsana Tirumalai 2011 2014 Transworld Institute, Hadapsar, Pune
2 Dr. Sudipta Saha 2011 2014 Barahanagar State General Hospital, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal
3 Dr. Kiranmai V. 2011 2014 Kamineni Institute of Medical Science, Hyderabad
4 Dr. Soumy Sarkar 2012 2015 Burdwan Medical College, Bardhaman
5 Dr. Sibaprakash Mukherjee 2012 2015 Shri Ramkrishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Durgapur, West Bardhaman, West Bengal
6 Dr. Gurunath Birajdar 2013 2016 B KL Walwalkar Rural Medical College, Chiplun, Maharashtra
7 Dr. Prajakta Chaudhari 2013 2016 Self-employed as a private general practitioner
8 Dr. Sataree Kothadia 2014 2017 Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College & Hospital, Pune
9 Dr. Vedashree Hegde 2015 2018 Unable to join a job presently, due to spouse’s posting to a small army station

History of Medicine
Sr.No. Historian
1 Hippocrates (460BC – 370BC)
2 William Harvey (1578 – 1657)
3 Claude Bernard (1813 – 1878)
4 Hermann Helmholtz (1821 – 1894)
5 Camillo Golgi (1843 – 1926)
6 Ivan Pavlov (1849 – 1936)
7 Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852 – 1934)
8 Charles Sherrington (1857 – 1952)
9 William Einthoven (1860 – 1927)
10 Ernest Henry Starling (1866 – 1927)
11 Karl Landsteiner (1868 – 1943)
12 Frederick Banting (1891 – 1941)
13 Ragnar Granit (1900 – 1991)
14 Francis Crick (1916 – 2004)
15 Arthur C. Guyton (1919 – 2003)
16 James Watson (1928 – 2009)

Health and Science News
Sr. No. Title
1 In a first, stem cells cloned from human skin
2 Cloning: Scientist make insulin- producing cells
3 Man becomes mathematical genius after severe brain injuries
4 Babies given antibiotics have higher asthma risk
5 Stem cells are like gold mine if wisely used: Experts
6 17,000 proteins mapped in human body
7 Forget root canal, laser to regrow and repair teeth
8 Speaking two languages keeps brain’s aging at bay
9 Immunotherapy may beat cancer
10 Drug from Indian spices to fight hypertension
11 Organ created from stem cells; they contract at 30 beats /min
12 Study paves way for simple blood test to predict Alzheimer’s
13 Lack of physical activity found to be the biggest risk factor causing Alzheimer’s globally
14 Run for 7 minutes daily to cut risk of heart attacks, scientists say
15 First malaria vaccine may be ready next year
16 Eating chicken could make you immune to antibiotics
17 Coconut water’s health benefits exaggerated?
18 Vitamin D may help avert Alzheimer’s disease, dementia
19 Higher BMI increases risk of developing common cancers
20 Lizard tails may help humans get new limbs
21 Fastest sprinters’ speed secret unlocked
22 Gene key to slowing ageing process identified
23 The science of a broken heart: Why elderly couples die so quickly one after the other
24 A gene mutation found responsible for humans’speech
25 Can menopause be erased in 20 years?
26 Turmeric’ could help brain heal itself
27 John O’Keefe, May-Britt Moser, Edvard I Moser win Nobel prize in medicine
28 80% of what determines height lies in our genetic code
29 Learning improves if you rest your mind and think periodically
30 Blood vessel grown using 2 tbsp of blood
31 Radiation may cause brain tumours later in life
32 An app that tells you how long you will live
39 Forget crash diets, a Mediterranean diet quickly reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes
40 Cut diabetes risk with 2 spoonfuls of yogurt a day
41 Indian Scientist finds key to PTSD
42 Low levels of vitamin B12 could push you into depression, cause fatigue
43 Where does the fat in your body go when you lose weight?
44 Stem cells used to create artificial sperm, egg
45 Scientists look for clues of long life in genes of bowhead whales
46 Why do we get ‘sneezy’ in winters revealed
47 Depression is a physical ailment?
48 Emotional eating on the rise, biochemist tells ISC
49 Feeling cold is contagious: Research
50 Scientists prevent type I diabetes in mouse model
51 Three weeks of heart burn has now associated with cancer
52 Sugary drinks set off early periods, up breast cancer risk for girls
53 Vitamin A may protect kids against malaria
54 Study: Women with diabetes likely to die earlier than male diabetics
55 Bone marrow on a chip’ to study impact of radiation on humans
56 Brain goes silent when we talk loud
57 Now, a skin test to detect Alzheimer’s
58 How to lose weight without dieting
59 How to make yourself a morning person
60 Toddler’s posture affects memory and learning
61 Low vitamin D can make young women depressed
62 Want to keep your heart healthy? Be grateful
63 Artificial blood vessel helps test medical devices
64 Is forensic medicine on its deathbed in AP?
65 Swollen neck glands may indicate cancer
66 Top 7 types of sleep disorders
67 Reasons why you feel tired most of the time
68 Diabetes: The epidemic created by Indians! Really?
69 Here’s a new yoga that can de-stress you anywhere, anytime!
70 What makes ginger tea healthy?
71 Vitamin pills won’t improve memory in elderly
72 Get your dream hair by eating these foods
73 Simple home remedies for headache, BP
74 Natural remedies to cure fertility problems
75 Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency You Need To Look Out For
76 Yoga asanas to boost the immune system
77 Things women should know about Urinary Tract Infections
78 Top 10 foods that prevent breast cancer
79 Malaria puts kids at deadly blood cancer risk
80 7 best ways to add fitness to your daily life
81 Dental hygiene problems you should avoid
82 6 reasons you aren’t burning enough fat
83 Why insomnia is more common among women
84 Can you escape Alzheimer’s?
85 How to avoid water retention
86 6 mistakes of your asana
87 Beat the blues with these fresh healthy juices
88 5 confusing healthy habits
89 New radiation therapy better for lung cancer treatment
90 Ways to identify different types of headaches
91 5 ways to beat the campus stress factor
92 5 types of pain you should not treat at home
93 Decoding the symptoms of Autism
94 Here's how to eat according to your blood type
95 Common things that can trigger allergies
96 Banish airborne germs in homes and workplaces
97 Take care of your heart during winter
98 Diabetic men ‘too macho to diet’ more likely to die early
99 In a first, retinal nerve cells grown in lab
100 Anxiety can kill your social status
101 Meditation ‘better pain reliever’ than morphine
102 How epilepsy leads to memory decline
103 8 easy tips to de-stress at your workplace
104 Asthma may increase risk of painful skin rash
105 Midnight munchies may impair memory, learning
106 What’s your gene personality?
107 Try these superfoods for a super mood
108 Keto diet: A diet where you can eat cheese and butter
109 Top 20 healthy habits to avoid disease
110 3 out of 4 kids have worms in stomach in Lucknow
111 Speech sounds can help autistic kids develop linguistic skills
112 Cushion mothers, care for children to deliver growth
113 Too much exercise bad for your heart
114 Prolonged sitting causes 4% of deaths
115 Special knee designed to fit a woman’s anatomy
116 Indian-led team of doctors develops technology to monitor cancer treatment
117 Is your pain relief drug ‘dangerous’?
118 Exam worries? Parents, not wards, see shrinks
119 How we fall asleep and wake up?
120 Helpline saves lives of 2 students in distress
121 Kidney failure: 8 in 10 patients die without affordable medical care
122 New anti-diabetic ayurvedic medicine may soon be available
123 Common painkiller could slow cancer growth
124 After cancer scare, 1 in 4 homes shuns bread
125 Optics breakthrough for better night vision
126 Zika virus linked to unreported eye problems in babies
127 Can pesticides cause thyroid?
128 Super' Grand Canyon on Pluto's moon Charon
129 Gazing at your smartphone in dark may cause ‘blindness’
130 This drug reduces the risk of kidney disputes among type 2 diabetic patients
131 Asteroid that killed dinosaurs almost wiped out mammal species
132 Gravitational waves detected for a second time
133 Frequent consumption of painkillers, paracetamol responsible for manmade diseases
134 Scientists discover brain mechanism that regulates breathing
135 Solar-powered plane leaves Spain for Egypt
136 Nail-biting kids have less allergies
137 New tattoo-like skin device to monitor your health
138 Liver harvested from brain-dead person, taken to Bengaluru
139 Are black holes ‘black doors’ to other parts of universe?
140 Spectacular meteor shower to light up skies this week: NASA
141 Zika virus can live in tears: Study
142 Wearable device helps reduce low blood sugar episodes
143 66% Indian smokers view e-cigarettes as ‘positive alternatives’
144 Quit stress to conquer heart ailments.
145 Yoga poses to relieve menstrual cramps
146 Polluted Ganga has a 'healing touch'
147 Banned? Plastic waste chokes shrine area
148 Rheumatology symposium held
149 Herbal fuel hoax: When faith overrode scientific inquiry
150 Be label conscious
151 Canola oil may help reduce belly fat
152 Food with avocado extract could prevent bacterial illness
153 Yogic breathing can help fight depression
154 Depression may affect stomach, and anxiety the skin
155 The simple acupressure guide to relieve stress and pain
156 What to eat & avoid in PCOS
157 Sleep loss may increase appetite for sugary, fatty foods
158 Your saliva test can check body’s immunity
159 Smartphone addiction may increase obesity risk in teens
160 Why cancer treatments cause collateral damage in kids
161 New imaging technique to detect onset of vision loss
162 Will colicky babies benefit from acupuncture?
163 Eat this, lose fat
164 Mothers’ cervical bacteria may help prevent premature birth
165 Cardiac trauma: Turning 'specialists' to save lives
166 Sex of the baby may play an important role in would-be mother’s immunity
167 Eating fruits & vegetables may help curb lung disease
168 Lifestyle changes can lead to 10-point drop in blood pressure
169 Low salt intake can cut nighttime toilet trips
170 Eating peanuts may prevent heart attack
171 Hepatitis B, C may increase risk of Parkinson’s
172 How to protect yourself from extreme heat
173 Know the right way to give first aid
174 Now, high blood pressure affects even 25-year-olds in Mumbai
175 Sleep deprivation can affect your heart
176 Here is what you can do about bad breath
177 Sleep deprivation can affect your heart
178 How drinking tea may change your genes
179 The new way to prevent anxiety in kids
180 More cancers caught in wealthy people
181 Why having lots of feelings is good for your health
182 Things you didn’t know about running
183 These heartburn drugs are linked to a higher risk of early death
184 Personal neonatigen vaccine prompts strong anti-tumor response in patients, new study shows
185 Some cases of gonorrhea are now untreatable due to drug resistance
186 Angelina Jolie was diagnosed with Bell’s palsy—here’s what you need to know about it
187 Your kitchen sponge is covered with bacteria—don’t bother cleaning it
188 Bad breath could be a sign of stomach issues
189 Does an active lifestyle really lead to longevity?
190 How to prevent skin damage from sun exposure

Under Graduate:
  • Orientation and counseling of students
  • Small group teaching methods such as interactive tutorial sessions, computer aided teaching are used to ensure a better understanding of the students and to give personal attention to the students.
  • Problem-based learning through clinical cases
  • Extra classes are held for slow performers.
  • Ward visits for better understanding of clinical correlations
  • Flip Teaching
  • MOOC (Massive open online courses - SWAYAM) was launched on 26/07/2017 with the e-content of platforms ‘Critical thinking’ and ‘Bridging the dementia divide’
  • Yoga & Wellness training sessions are conducted under the guidance of yoga experts to promote physical & mental well-being of students.
  • Guest Lectures by eminent speakers.
Teaching Hours
Head Hours
Lectures 6 hrs per week
Practical/ LD/OSPE 8 hrs per week
SDL/Flip teaching 15 hrs per year
ECE 7 hrs per year
AETCOM 6 hrs per year
Students’ Seminar 2 hrs per year
Students’ Quiz 2 hrs per year


Head Teaching
PG Seminars 30 per year
PG Symposia 2 per year
Group Discussion Once a week
Journal Club Once a week
Posting in Clinical Settings and Ward Rounds 3 months
Participation in Teaching and Training of UG/PG Students
Training in Skill Lab

Mentorship Details (2018-19)

Sr. No Name of the Faculty Roll Nos. of Students
1 Dr. V. G. Jaltade 105 - 112
2 Dr. M. S. Karandikar 089 - 096
3 Dr. R. S. Sood 097 - 104
4 Dr. (Mrs.) N. Prasad 113 - 120
5 Dr. P. D. Khuje 121 - 128
6 Dr. (Mrs.) S. S. Jadhav 129 - 136
7 Dr. (Mrs.) S. T. Methre 137 - 144
8 Dr. S. R. Salvi 145 - 152
9 Dr. R. Jayakumar 153 - 160
10 Dr. A. N. Patil 161 - 168
11 Dr. N. N. Sirdesai 169 - 176
12 Dr. B. N. Pande 081 - 088

Mentorship Details (2019-20)

Sr. No Name of the Faculty Roll Nos. of Students
1 Dr. V. G. Jaltade 73 - 80
2 Dr. C. A. Saraf 81 - 88
3 Dr. M. S. Karandikar 089 - 096
4 Dr. R. S. Sood 097 - 104
5 Dr. (Mrs.) N. Prasad 105 - 112
6 Dr. P. D. Khuje 113 - 120
7 Dr. (Mrs.) S. S. Jadhav 121 - 128
8 Dr. (Mrs.) S. T. Methre 129 - 136
9 Dr. S. R. Salvi 137 - 144
10 Dr. R. Jayakumar 145 - 152
11 Dr. B. N. Pande 153 - 160
12 Dr. N. N. Sirdesai 161 - 168

Mentorship Details (2020-21)

Sr. No Name of the Faculty Roll Nos. of Students
1 Dr. C. A. Saraf 20061 - 20070
2 Dr. M. S. Karandikar 20071 - 20080
3 Dr. R. S. Sood 20081 - 20090
4 Dr. (Mrs.) N. Prasad 20091 - 20100
5 Dr. P. D. Khuje 20101 - 20110
6 Dr. (Mrs.) S. S. Jadhav 20111 - 20120
7 Dr. (Mrs.) S. T. Methre 20121 - 20130
8 Dr. S. R. Salvi 20131 - 20140
9 Dr. R. Jayakumar 20141 - 20150
10 Dr. B. N. Pande 20151 - 20160
11 Dr. N. N. Sirdesai 20161 - 20170

Mentorship Details (2021-22)

Sr. No Name of the Faculty Roll Nos. of Students
1 Dr. M. S. Karandikar 21091 - 21100
2 Dr. R. S. Sood 21101 - 21110
3 Dr. (Mrs.) N. Prasad 21001 - 21010
Dr. P. D. Khuje 21111 - 21120
4 Dr. (Mrs.) S. S. Jadhav 21121 - 21130
Dr. (Mrs.) S. T. Methre 21131 - 21140
5 Dr. B. N. Pande 21141 - 21150
6 Dr. R. Jayakumar 21151 - 21160
7 Dr. N. N. Sirdesai 21161 - 21170

Mentorship Details (2022-23)

Sr. No Name of the Faculty Roll Nos. of Students
1 Dr. M. S. Karandikar 22078 to 22088
2 Dr. R. S. Sood 22089 to 22099
3 Dr. (Mrs.) S. T. Methre 22100 to 22110
4 Dr. (Mrs.) S. S. Jadhav 22111 to 22121
5 Dr. B. N. Pande 22122 to 22132
6 Dr. R. Jayakumar 22133 to 22143
7 Dr. N. N. Sirdesai 22144 to 22154
8 Dr. Anushka Verma 22155 to 22165

Sr. No. Topic Name of the Faculty Date
1 Liver & Extrahepatic biliary apparatus Dr. A. A. Jadhav 25th April 2014
2 Physiology of Salivary Secretion Dr. N. B. Prasad 26th July 2014
3 Functions of cell, Cell organelles, Transport of Macromolecules Dr. S. T. Methre 12th Aug. 2014
4 Muscle: Molecular basis of muscle contraction Dr. Ramya Jayakumar 24th Sept. 2015
5 Muscle: Action potential Dr. A. N. Patil 24th Sept. 2015

Horizontal Integrated Teaching

Sr. No Topic Competency Name of the Department Name of the Faculty Date
1 Physiological functions of Thyroid Hormones PY8.2, PY 8.4 Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry Dr. B. N. Pande 04/11/2022
2 Coronary circulation PY 5.10 Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry Dr. S. S. Jadhav 25/04/2023

Vertical Integrated Teaching

Vertical Integrated Teaching Sessions
Sr. No. Topic Competency Name of the Department Name of the Faculty Date
1 Physiology of contraception PY 9.6 OBGY Dr. Shilpa Kshirsasagar & Dr. M. S. Karandikar 11th Nov. 21
2 Infertility & role of IVF PY 9.12 OBGY Dr. Dipak Kolte & Dr. B. N. Pande 17th Nov. 21
3 Physiology of Infancy PY 11.6, PY 11.9, PY 11.10 Paediatric Dr. Tambolkar, Dr. Gupte & Dr. B. N. Pande 18th Nov. 21
4 Abnormal ECG, arrhythmia, heart block & myocardial infarction PY 5.6 Medicine Dr. S. Mulla 06/04/2022
5 Abnormalities of limbic system & chemical transmission in the nervous system PY 10.7, PY 10.10 Psychiatry Dr. Mandakini Bhowmik 25/08/2022
6 Physiology of infancy PY 11.6, PY 11.9, PY 11.10 Pediatrics Dr. S. Tambolkar 13/10/2022
7 Infertility & role of IVF PY 9.12 Obstetrics & Gynaecology Dr. Ameya Chugh 20/10/2022
8 Abnormal ECG, arrhythmia, heart block & myocardial infarction PY 5.5, PY 5.6 Medicine Dr. Prasad Pagare 10/01/2023
9 Limbic system- II PY 10.7 Psychiatry Dr. Parisha Kelkar 21/06/2023
10 Physiology of Infancy PY 11.6, PY 11.9, PY 11.10 Paediatric Dr. Sudhir Malwade 21/08/2023
11 Infertility & role of IVF PY 9.12 Obstetrics & Gynaecology Dr. Rajendra Shitole 29/08/2023

Topic: Physiology of Contraception

Topic: Infertility & Role of IVF

Topic: Physiology of Infancy

Topic: Abnormal ECG, Arrhythmia, Heart Block & Myocardial Infarction

Topic: Physiology of Infancy

Sr. No. Name of PG Student Year of Admission Year of Passing Dissertation Topic Name of the PG Guide
1 Dr. Rajkumar S Sood 2005 2008 (Gold medal) Prevalence of refractive error among the anaemic and non-anaemic first MBBS students Dr. S.A. Diwanji
2 Dr. Neelima Nerkar 2005 2009 Lung functions in Non Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus in Male subjects without history of respiratory disorders. Dr. V. R. Purandare
3 Dr. Sugata S Jadhav 2006 2009 Study of Auditory and Visual reaction time in premenstrual and post menstrual phase. Dr. S.A. Diwanji
4 Dr. Indu K Pisharody 2006 2009 Prevalence of obesity in young Indian adults aged between 17 to 22 years and relation of obesity with lipid profile Dr. M.S. Karandikar
5 Dr. Laxmikant J Borse 2006 2009 Lung Function tests in Air- Conditioner users. Dr. V. R. Purandare
6 Dr. Shefali Singh 2007 2010 Examination stress and its correlation with blood pressure, pulse and lipid profile Dr. M.S. Karandikar
7 Dr. Aditi Das 2007 2010 Estimation of serum Ca, Mg & Pi levels during different phases of Menstrual cycle Dr. N.V. Bansod
8 Dr. Jayati Das 2007 2010 Assessment of incidence of obesity in 1st yr. M.B.B.S. students aged 18-23 yrs & its relation with Cardiopulmonary Efficiency. Dr. V. R. Purandare
9 Dr. Rajashree R Gupta 2008 2011 (Gold medal) A study of cardiopulmonary efficiency in physically trained and untrained subjects Dr. N.V. Bansod
10 Dr. Vandana V Chiddarwar 2008 2011 Effect of smoking on E.C.G., B.P. and Heart Rate. Dr. M.S. Karandikar
11 Dr. Anindtya Roy 2008 2011 Autonomic function tests in type II Diabetes mellitus male patients. Dr. NG Borade
12 Dr. Arunima Choudhury 2009 2012 (Gold medal) To correlate the body fat percentage with autonomic nervous system activity in post menopausal women. Dr. NG Borade
13 Dr. Seema Methre 2010 2013 A study of pulmonary functions in spray painters working in automobile garage. Dr. M.S. Karandikar
14 Dr. Lata Arvind Patil 2010 - Autonomic functions in hypertensive and Hypertensive diabetic subjects Dr. A.A. Jadhav
15 Dr. Jyotsna Tirumalai 2011 2014 Study of the normative changes in auditory brainstem response in infants. Dr. N. G. Borade
16 Dr. Sudipta Saha 2011 2014 A study of autonomic functions in normotensive offspring with a genetic predisposition to essential hypertension. Dr. M.S. Karandikar
17 Dr. Kiranmai V. 2011 2014 A study of tactile sensation and memory in blind and sighted individuals. Dr. N. G. Borade
18 Dr. Soumya Sarkar 2012 2015 A study of the effect of nutritional status on heart rate variabilities and skeletal muscle endurance in young adults. Dr. N. G. Borade
19 Dr. Sibaprakash Mukherjee 2012 2015 Effect of music on exercise induced sympathetic dominance, assessed by autonomic function tests. Dr. A. A. Jadhav
20 Dr. Ganesh Shelke 2013 - A study of autonomic functions in patients of bronchial asthma Dr. M. S. Karandikar
21 Dr. Prajakta P Chaudhari 2013 2016 Effect of obesity reduction on pulmonary function tests Dr. A. A. Jadhav
22 Dr. Gurunath Birajdar 2013 2016 Effect of smoking on autonomic functions and pulmonary function tests. Dr. V. R. Purandare
23 Dr. Sataree Kothadia 2014 2017 A study of Heart Rate Variability & Inflammatory markers in Subclinical Hypothyroidism. Dr. N. B. Prasad
24 Dr. Vedashree Hegde 2015 2018 A comparative study of cardiac autonomic functions in practitioners of yoga, trained athletes and individuals of sedentary lifestyle. Dr. N. G. Borade

Year Sr. No. Name Designation Details of Achievements
2014 1 Dr. (Mrs.) N. G. Borade Prof. & HOD Mahatma Gandhi Gold Medal Award by Global Economics Progress & Research Association GEPRA (New Delhi) on 2nd Oct. 2014.
2016 2 Dr. Gurunath Birajdar PG resident Best Paper Award (2nd Prize) in 42nd Annual Conference, The Research Society Of B. J. Govt. Medical College and Sassoon General Hospitals, Pune. 24th Feb to 26th Feb 2016
2017 3 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Special appreciation award for the poster presented in MULTICON 2017
2018 4 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Certificate of appreciation for poster presented in MULTICON 2018. 8th & 9th Dec 2018
2019 5 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Best poster award for paper presented in 45th Annual conference of research society of BJ Medical College & Sassoon General Hospitals. Pune. 20th, 21st & 22nd Feb. 2019.
6 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Best poster (outside Institute) award for paper presented in 45th Annual conference of research society of BJ Medical College & Sassoon General Hospitals. Pune. 20th, 21st & 22nd Feb. 2019.
2020 7 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Participated in two sessions of Webinar Series on Medical Education, organized by University of Edinburgh, UK.
8 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Participated in thirty webinars, organized by Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, leading to award of 30 continuing medical education AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. (Harvard Medical School is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians)
2021 9 Dr. P. D. Khuje Professor Received 2nd prize in Brain Storming Funny Question event on topic entitled with “Role of Mosquito Repellent Sprays containing Natural Antimalarials in National Antimalaria Programme in Insecticide Resistant Regions” at UNMESH Science Festival for UG, PG, PhD Scholars and Young Budding Faculty from 17th -18th March 2021.
10 Dr. P. D. Khuje Professor 1. Participated in ‘Entertainment in Teaching & Learning’ competition at UNMESH Science Festival for UG, PG, PhD Scholars and Young Budding Faculty from 17th -18th March 2021. 2. Participated in E-Poster at UNMESH Science Festival for UG, PG, PhD Scholars and Young Budding Faculty from 17th -18th March 2021.
11 Dr. B. N. Pande Associate Professor Delivered a guest lecture in webinar by department of KRIYA-SHARIR, Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Center Pimpri Pune on occasion of “World Liver Day” on 19/04/2021. Topic for the lecture was Liver: In Health and Diseases.
12 Dr. P. D. Khuje Professor Participated in E-Poster (Holistic Approach of Yoga in COVID-19 pandemic) competition conducted Dr. D. Y. Patil Ayurvedic college and hospital, Pimpri, Pune on 21st June 2021.
2022 13 Dr. B. N. Pande Associate Professor Delivered a guest lecture in webinar by department of KRIYA-SHARIR, Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Center Pimpri Pune on occasion of “World Liver Day” on 19/04/2022. Topic for the lecture was Liver: In Health and Diseases.
2023 14 Dr. B. N. Pande Associate Professor Delivered a guest lecture by department of KRIYA-SHARIR, Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved Research Center Pimpri Pune on occasion of “World Kidney Day” on 9/03/2023. Topic for the lecture was “Healthy Kidneys, Healthy Life: Insights into Physiological; applied aspects of Kidneys”.
15 Dr. Seema Methre Professor Participated and got consolation prize in National Nutrition week celebration conducted on 4th & 6th Sep 2023 organized by department of community medicine Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical college, Hospital & Research Center, Pimpri Pune.
16 Dr. Anushka Verma Senior Resident Participation in National Nutrition week celebration conducted on 4th & 6th Sep 2023 organized by department of community medicine Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical college, Hospital & Research Center, Pimpri Pune.

UG Student Achievements

SYMPOSIUM 22 ‘NOBEL LAUREATES’ was held at Bharti Vidyapeeth Pune on the 11/11/2022. The following faculty members attended and students presented in the SYMPOSIUM 22 from the Department of Physiology:

Attended by the following faculty members:
  • Dr. Chhaya Saraf, Professor & HOD, Physiology
  • Dr. Bageshree Pande, Associate Professor, Physiology
Following students participated:
  • Miss. Inchara P (MBBS Student)
  • Mr. Sai Rishikesh V S (MBBS Student)
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4

Guest Lectures Organized by the Department

Sr. No. Title Date Guest Speaker No. of Delegates Attended
1 “Don't be a gama in the land of lama” an high altitude lesson from Ladakh 28/11/2014 Dr. (Col) Anuj Chawla, Professor & Head, Physiology, Armed Force Medical College, Pune I/II MBBS students
2 FITNESS 20/04/2016 Dr. Ali Irani, President of Indian Association Physiotherapists, Principal of NMIMS University, Head of the Department of Physiotherapy, Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Center, Dr. Balabhai Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai I/II MBBS students
3 Yoga and Wellness 21/06/2016 Mrs. Vidya Badade, Yoga Teacher I/II MBBS students
4 Yoga & Pranayam 12/06/2017 Mr. Satish Argade, Yoga Teacher I/II MBBS students
5 Fitness Medicine, An approach to exercise prescription & Pranayam 15/06/2017 Dr. (Mrs.) Leena Phadke, Associate Professor, Physiology, Kashibai Nawale Medical College, Pune I/II MBBS students
6 Stress Management 16/06/2017 Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Yoga Teacher I/II MBBS students
7 Exercise Physiology- The stepping stone to understanding body’s frenzy 19/03/2018 Dr. Vaishnavi Chiddarwar, Physiotherapist, D. Y. Patil University School of Physiotherapy, Nerul I/II MBBS students
8 Health Management 15/05/2019 Dr. Himanshu Vaze, Diploma in Sports Medicine (Germany), Consultant in Joint Care, Ergonomics & Comprehensive Health Management, Pune I/II MBBS students
9 Paradigm Shift In Teaching-Learning From Classroom To Virtual Mode: Challenges & Opportunities 19/07/2021 Dr. Shubhada Gade, Professor & HOD, Department of Physiology, HOD Department of Medical Education, Datta Meghe Medical College, Nagpur I/II MBBS students

Conferences/CME/Workshop attended by faculty and students

Sr. No Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/Conference/Workshop Date & Venue/Place Role (Delegate/ Resource person/ Chairperson/ Panelist)
1 Dr. (Mrs.) S. S. Jadhav Assist. Professor Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technology MET Department of Medical Educational, Padm. Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune 27th Jan. 2014 to 29th Jan 2014 Presented PPT on Actions of Extraocular muscles
2 Dr. (Mrs.) N. G. Borade,
Dr. M. S. Karandikar,
Dr. V. G. Jaltade
Professor & HOD,
‘National Conference including Workshop (ENTER – 2014) Electrophysiology & Neurology Trends in Electrodiagnosis & Research’ D.Y. Patil University, Kolhapur 31st Jan. 2014 to 01st Feb. 2014 Delegate, Judge for Poster Presentation
3 Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor CME on ‘Yoga or Exercise or Both?’ SDM College of Medical Sciences & Hospital, Sattur, Dharwad 8th Feb. 2014 Delegate
4 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor XI RESCON. Annual Research Society Conference – 2014 Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical College, Pune. 21st Feb. 2014 to 22nd Feb. 2014 Delegate
5 Dr. V. G. Jaltade
Dr. A. A. Jadhav
Dr. N. B. Prasad
Dr. R. S. Sood
Dr. S. S. Jadhav
Dr. S. T. Methre
Dr. S. R. Salvi
CME on ‘Clinical Trial Design & Data Analysis’ BJ Medical College & Sassoon General Hospitals. 5th March 2014 Delegate
6 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor XL Annual Research Society Conference BJ Medical College & Sassoon General Hospitals 6th Mar. 2014 to 7th Mar. 2014 Presented paper
7 Dr. (Mrs.) N. G. Borade Professor & HOD XL Annual Research Society Conference BJ Medical College & Sassoon General Hospitals 6th Mar. 2014 To 7th Mar. 2014 Presented paper
Dr. Kiranmai V. PG Student
8 Dr. (Mrs.) N. G. Borade
Dr. V. G. Jaltade
Dr. M. S. Karandikar
Dr. A. A. Jadhav
Dr. R. S. Sood
Dr. P. D. Khuje
Dr. N. B. Prasad
Dr. S. S. Jadhav
Dr. S. T. Methre
Dr. S. R. Salvi
Dr. A. N. Diddee
Professor & HOD
XL Annual Research Society Conference BJ Medical College & Sassoon General Hospitals 6th Mar. 2014 to 7th Mar. 2014 Delegate
9 Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor CME on ‘Brucellosis & Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection’ J.J.M. Medical College, Davangere 12th April 2014 Delegate
10 Dr. P. D. Khuje Asso. Professor CME on ‘DTP on RNTCP 2014’ IMA-GFATM-RNTCP-PPM-RCC Project at Niramaya Hospital, Chinchwad, Pune 19 22th June 2014 Delegate
11 Dr. N. B. Prasad Asso. Professor Seminar on “Emotional Well Being” Complaints committee, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune 18 Sept. 2014 Delegate
Dr. S. S. Jadhav Assist. Professor
Dr. S. T. Methre Assist. Professor
Dr. S. R. Salvi Assist. Professor
12 Dr. S. R. Salvi Assist. Professor Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technology MET Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune. 16th Oct to 18th Oct 2014 Delegate
Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Assist. Professor
13 Dr. N. B. Prasad Asso. Professor 3rd International Conference On Basic And Applied Physiology Department of Physiology, Smt. N.H.L. Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad. 20 Dec. 2014 to 21 Dec. 2014 Delegate
Dr. S. R. Salvi Assist. Professor
Conference Participation Details
Sr. No Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/Conference/Workshop Date & Venue/Place Role
1 Dr. S. S. Jadhav Assist. Professor International Convention on challenges in medical education MGM Medical College & Hospital, Aurangabad 9 Jan 2015 to 11 Jan 2015 Delegate & Poster presented
Dr. S. T. Methre Assist. Professor
2 Dr. (Mrs.) N.G. Borade Professor & HOD 41st Annual Conference of Research Society of B.J. Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune. BJ Medical College & Sassoon General Hospitals. 12th & 13th February 2015 Delegate
Dr. A. A. Jadhav Professor
Dr. V. G. Jaltade Professor
Dr. S. S. Jadhav Assist. Professor
Dr. A. N. Diddee Demonstrator
3 Dr. V. G. Jaltade Professor Annual medical conference Asclepiad 2015 Shri Bhausaheb Hire Govt. Medical College, Dhule 2nd, 3rd & 4th March 2015 Delegate
4 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor Workshop on Public Health Preparedness, Response and Medical Management Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pimpri Pune 18. 24th & 25th April 2015 Delegate
5 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor Continuing medical Education on Risk Management in obstetric Anaesthesia C.M Medical College & Hospital Kachandur, DURG-CG. 25th April 2015 Faculty
6 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor CME on Diagnosis and Management of Common Diseases and their Challenges Asian Society of Continuing Medical Education May 2015 Delegate
7 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor CME on Psychiatric Neuroscience Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pimpri Pune 18. 10th & 11th June 2015 Delegate
Dr. P. D. Khuje Asso. Professor
Dr. S. S. Jadhav Assist. Professor
Dr. A. N. Patil Assit. Professor
Dr. A. N. Diddee Demonstrator
Dr. Prajakta C. PG. Student
Dr. Sataree K. PG. Student
8 Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Assit. Professor Preventive Gynaec Oncology Conference Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Centre, Pune 13th & 14th June 2015 Delegate
9 Dr. Sriniwas Dhangar Demonstrator CME on Research Methodology Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune 5th July 2015 Delegate
10 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor Picsep Workshop on Research Methodology Durg OBGYN Society, Apollo B.S.R Hospital & C.M Medical college, Durg(C.G) 26th July 2015 Faculty
11 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technology MET Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune 28th to 30th July 2015 Delegate
12 Dr. V. G. Jaltade Professor 3T Bioethics Training Programme Workshop, for Medical Teachers. Unesco chair bioethics (HAIFA) DPU Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (HAIFA) 3rd to 6th August 2015 Delegate
Dr. M. S. Karandikar Professor
Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor
13 Dr. P. D. Khuje Asso. Professor Quality management system as per ISO 9001 – 2008 Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College Pimpri Pune 7th & 8th August 2015 Delegate
14 Dr. S. S. Jadhav Assist. Professor MediACE 2015 Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College & General Hospital 21st & 22nd August 2015 Delegate
15 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor One Day Sensitization Programme on AT-COM Module on Medical Education Technologies Workshop MCI Regional Training Centre, S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack, Odisha 24th August 2015 Participant
16 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor MET on 3 Days Revised Basic course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies MCI Regional Training Centre, S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack, Odisha 25th – 27th August 2015 Participant
17 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor DPU Respiratory Update 2015 Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune 30th August 2015 Delegate
Dr. P. D. Khuje Asso. Professor
Dr. Sriniwas Dhangar Demonstrator
18 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor Course in Diabetes Mellitus (TOFID) Diabetes India at Pune 30th Aug 2015 Delegate
19 Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor IDCON 2015 Indian Medical Association Pimpri Chinchwad Bhosari Branch 10th -11th Oct 2015 Delegate
20 Dr. (Mrs.) N.G. Borade Professor & HOD Menopause Uttarayan In Women's Life at Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy 20th Oct 2015 Speaker
21 Dr. A. A. Jadhav Professor 4th Annual Research Society Conference Mimer Medical College, Talegaon Dabhade 23rd & 24th November 2015 Delegate
Dr. Gurunath Birajdar PG. Student
Dr. P. Chaudhari PG. Student
22 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor APPICON 2015, the 61st Annual Conference of Association of Physiologists & Pharmacologists of India AIIMS Jodhpur 26 Nov 2015 to 28 Nov 2015 Delegate
23 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor IMA GPCON 2015 IMA Pune & IMA CGP, Pune Sub faculty 12th & 13th Dec 2015 Delegate
24 Dr. M. S. Karandikar Professor XXVIIth Annual Conference of the Physiological Society of India University Collages of Science and Technology University of Calcutta 18th to 20th Dec 2015 Delegate
Sr. No Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/Conference/Workshop Date & Venue/Place Role
1 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor CME on Haematology IMA, Pune 21st Feb 2016 Delegate
2 Dr. (Mrs.) N.G. Borade Professor & HOD 42nd Annual Conference of Research Society BJ Medical College & Sassoon General Hospitals 24th to 26th Feb. 2016 Delegate Paper presented
Dr. A. A. Jadhav Professor
Dr. N. B. Prasad Asso. Professor
Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor
Dr. P. D. Khuje Asso. Professor
Dr. S. S. Jadhav Asso. Professor
Dr. S. T. Methre Asso. Professor
Dr. S. R. Salvi Asso. Professor
Dr. A. N. Patil Assist. Professor
Dr. B. N. Pande Assist. Professor
Dr. Gurunath B. PG. Student
Dr. Chaudhari P. PG. Student
3 Dr. M. S. Karandikar Professor 19th Annual MRC – Sneha International Workshop on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad. 26th to 28th Feb. 2016 Delegate
4 Dr. A. A. Jadhav Professor CME on PCPNDT / MTP / Family Planning Scientific Program IMA Pimpri & Medical Dept. Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation 6th March 2016 Delegate
5 Dr. C.A. Saraf Professor Fellowship in Medical Education (FIME) – ACME – First Contact Session Workshop SRMC-MCI Nodal Centre for Faculty Development, Sri Ramchandra University, Chennai 9th to 13th March 2016 Participant-ACME 4th batch
6 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor International Workshop on Application of Flow Cytometry for Health Care Professionals Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune. 11th March 2016 Delegate
7 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor CME on Epilepsy Update 2016 Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri Pune 12th March 2016 Delegate
Dr. S. S. Jadhav Asso. Professor
Dr. S. T. Methre Assist. Professor
Dr. S. R. Salvi Assist. Professor
Dr. A. N. Patil Assist. Professor
8 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor CME on Women’s Health IMA, Pune 13th March 2016 Delegate
9 Dr. N. B. Prasad Asso. Professor 3T Plus & Bioethics Training Programme Workshop for Medical Teachers Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune. 4th to 6th April 2016 Delegate
10 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor 2nd Mini-Symposium on Cell Biology National Centre for Cell Science, Pune 11th May 2016 Delegate
11 Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor Basic Workshop in Health Sciences Education Technology D. Y. Patil Dental School, Lohegaon, Pune 10th August 2016 to 12th August 2016 Delegate
12 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor Basic Course on Statistical Packages for Health Research Medical Education Technology Unit, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri Pune 24th to 25th August 2016 Delegate
Dr. S. S. Jadhav Asso. Professor
Dr. S. T. Methre Assist. Professor
Dr. B. N. Pande Assist. Professor
13 Dr. S. T. Methre Asso. Professor 16th National Seminar on Non-Invasive Diagnostic Procedures in Cardiovascular Physiology - Recent Advances Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belagavi 27th August 2016 Poster presented
Dr. B. N. Pande Assist. Professor
14 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor Pre Conference Workshop: Writing a Research Paper for Publication in a PubMed Indexed Journal ASSOPICON-2016 Dept. of Physiology BLDE University’s Shri B. M. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Vijayapur, Karnataka. 14th September 2016 Delegate
15 Dr. P. D. Khuje Asso. Professor 1st National Teachers’ Congress MAEER’s MIT Group of Institutions, Pune 23rd to 25th September 2016 Delegate
16 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor IMA CGP Maharashtra State Annual Conference 2016 Dr. Nitu Mandke IMA House, Pune 16th October 2016 Delegate
17 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor 62nd Annual Conference of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India. APPICON 2016 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, Bihar. 22nd October 2016 to 24th October 2016 Oral Paper Poster presentation
18 Dr. P. D. Khuje Asso. Professor CME on “PCPNDT Act Implementation” Yashwantrao Chavan Memorial Hospital, Pimpri 23rd October 2016
19 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor XXVIIIth Annual Conference of the Physiological Society of India Midnapore College (Autonomous) Midnapore, West Bengal, India. 18th November 2016 to 20th November 2016 Paper presented
20 Dr. S. T. Methre Assist. Professor CME on People’s Health & Quality of Life Department of Community Medicine Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri Pune 18th to 22nd November 2016 Delegate
Dr. A. N. Patil Assist. Professor
21 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor EPIME A State Level CME on Ethics and Professionalism in Medical Education C.C.M. Medical College, Kachandur, Durg (C.G.) 19th November 2016 Delegate as Co-ordinator MEU-CCMMC, Durg (C.G.) & Organizing Secretary
22 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor Pre Conference Workshop – Advances in Cardiology and Combating Medicolegal Terror MULTICON 2016 IMA, Pune 27th November 2016 Delegate
23 Dr. N. B. Prasad Asso. Professor 5th Annual Research Society Conference MAEER’s Mimer Medical College, Talegaon Dabhade 1st December 2016 to 2nd December 2016 Poster presented
Dr. Sataree Kothadia PG. Student
24 Dr. R. S. Sood Asso. Professor MULTICON 2016 IMA Pune at Annabhau Sathe Sabhagruh, Pune, 3rd December 2016 to 4th December 2016 Poster presented
25 Dr. C.A. Saraf Professor Research Methodology Workshop and Sensitization Program on AT. COM Module Department of Physiology and Medical Education Unit Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences Bilaspur 15th December 2016 Delegate as Co-ordinator MEU-CCMMC, Durg (C.G.)
26 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor Symposium on Next Generation Health Innovation Department of Physiology, PT J.N.M Medical College Raipur (C.G), India 24th December 2016 Delegate
Sr. No Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/Conference/Workshop Date & Venue/Place Role (Delegate/Resource person/Chairperson/Panelist)
1 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor International Symposium on Integrating Yoga and Medicine: Developing Evidence Based Guidelines Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Center, Pune 15th January 2017 Delegate
2 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Thyroid Disorders CME-1 IMA, Pune 21st January 2017 Delegate
Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor
3 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Thyroid Disorders CME-2 IMA, Pune 28th January 2017 Delegate
Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor
4 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Thyroid Disorders CME-3 IMA, Pune 4th February 2017 Delegate
Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor
5 Dr. M. S. Karandikar Professor 2nd David Barker Memorial Symposium Departmental Origins of Health and Disease Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical College, Pune 18th February 2017 Delegate
Dr. R. S. Sood Professor
Dr. V. G. Jaltade Professor
Dr. P. D. Khuje Asso. Professor
6 Dr. N. G. Borade Prof. & HOD 43rd Annual Conference of The Research Society of B. J. Government Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune B. J. Government Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune 21st February 2017 to 23rd February 2017 Delegate
Dr. M. S. Karandikar Professor
Dr. V. G. Jaltade Professor
Dr. P. D. Khuje Asso. Professor
Dr. S. S. Jadhav Asso. Professor
Dr. S. T. Methre Assist. Professor
Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Assist. Professor
Dr. B. N. Pande Assist. Professor
7 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor 43rd Annual Conference of The Research Society of B. J. Government Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune B. J. Government Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune 21st February 2017 to 23rd February 2017 Delegate & Paper presented
Dr. A. N. Patil Assist. Professor
8 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technology MCI Regional Centre, S.C.B. Medical College Cuttack, Odisha at CCM Medical College, Kachandur, Durg (C.G.) 16th to 18th March 2017 Co-ordinator MEU-CCMMC, Durg (C.G.) & Resource Person at Workshop
9 Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor CME on Laboratory Medicine in Clinical Practice-2 IMA Pune 25th March 2017 Delegate
10 Dr. N. B. Prasad Asso. Professor Midterm National Conference of GSI, Pune Chapter on Current & Future Challenges of Healthy Aging Geriatric Society of India, Pune Chapter at Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Pimpri Pune 15th April 2017 to 16th April 2017 Delegate
Dr. S. R. Salvi Assist. Professor
11 Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor Certificate Course in Evidence Based Diabetes Management Public Health Foundation of India, New Delhi and Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Education Academy, Chennai 01 May 2017 to 30 April 2018 Delegate
12 Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Assist. Professor Basic Course on Statistical Packages for Health Research Dept. of Community Medicine & MET Unit Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre 4th to 5th May 2017 Delegate
Dr. A. N. Patil Assist. Professor
13 Dr. S. T. Methre Assist. Professor Confluence 2017, Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital Mumbai 28 July 2017 Delegate
14 Dr. V. G. Jaltade Professor RESPIRARE 2017 All India Medical Students Conference B. J. Government Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune 3rd August to 5th August 2017 Delegate
15 Dr. N. G. Borade Professor & HOD Mediac 2017, Smt. Kashibai Navale Med. Coll. & Gen. Hosp. Smt. Kashibai Navale Med. Coll. & Gen. Hosp. 10th to 12th August 2017 Delegate
Dr. V. Hegade PG Student
16 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor CME on Pediatric Dermatology, Fluid Therapy & Vector Borne Disease Indian Medical Association, Pune 27th August 2017 Delegate
17 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor ATPCON 2017, National Conference on Physiology of Ageing SVS Medical College, Yenugonda, Mahabubnagar, Telangana 30th August 2017 Delegate
18 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor Advance Course in Medical Education (ACME) Workshop – Second Contact Session SRMC-MCI Nodal Centre for Faculty Development, Sri Ramchandra University, Chennai 9th to 11th September 2017 Participant-ACME 4th Batch & Presented Poster
19 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Workshop on “Field & Laboratory Techniques for Exercise and Sports Physiology” APPICON 2017 JIPMER, Puducherry 10th October 2017 Delegate
20 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Workshop on “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Noninvasive Technique for Neural Repair & Plasticity” APPICON 2017 JIPMER, Puducherry 10th October 2017 Delegate
21 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor CME on Clinical & Research Opportunities for Young Budding Physiologists JIPMER, Pondicherry 11th October 2017 Delegate
22 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor 63rd Annual Conference of Association of Physiologists & Pharmacologists of India APPICON 2017 Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, Puducherry 12th to 14th October 2017 Delegate & Paper Presented
Dr. S. T. Methre Assist. Professor
Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Assist. Professor
23 Dr. S. T. Methre Assist. Professor CME on Intravenous Fluids and Electrolytes Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital Pune & Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists 12th November 2017 Delegate
Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor
24 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme Workshop C.C.M. Medical College, & Hospital, Kachandur, Durg (C.G.) 21st November 2017 Delegate
25 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Workshop I: Haematology Workshop II: Demystify AUB / DUB IMA Pune 26th November 2017 Delegate
26 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor MULTICON 2017 IMA Pune 2nd December 2017 to 3rd December 2017 Delegate & Paper Presented
27 Dr. S. R. Salvi Assist. Professor CME Miscellany 2017 IMA Pune & Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Pimpri 3rd December 2017 Delegate
Sr. No Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/Conference/Workshop Date & Venue/Place Role (Delegate/Resource person/Chairperson/Panelist)
1 Dr. S. T. Methre Assist. Professor CME Aditya Birla Annual Cardiology Summit 2018 Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital, Pune 21st Jan 2018 Delegate
2 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor CME on Skin Allergy and Anaphylaxis IMA Pune 02 Feb 2018 Delegate
3 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor 78th National Course on Educational Science for Teachers of Health Professionals Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research Puducherry 19 Feb to 24 Feb 2018 Delegate
4 Dr. (Mrs.) N. G. Borade Professor & HOD 44th Annual Research Society Conference Organized by Department of Radio Diagnosis, B.J. Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune Research Society of B J Govt. Medical College & Sassoon General Hospitals, Pune 21st to 23rd Feb 2018 Delegate & Paper Presented
Dr. V. G. Jaltade Professor
Dr. P. D. Khuje Asso. Professor
Dr. S. S. Jadhav Asso. Professor
Dr. S. R. Salvi Assist. Professor
5 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Conference on “Role of Yoga in Stress Management” Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Kolhapur 22nd & 23rd March 2018 Delegate/ Oral Paper Presentation
6 Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor Introduction to and Internal Auditing as per ISO 19011-2011 for Quality Management System (QMS) VP Productivity & Quality Services 25th April 2018 Delegate
7 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Live Course on Advanced Teaching Skills Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 08 June 2018 to 09 June 2018 Delegate
8 Dr. A. N. Patil Assist. Professor CME on Good Clinical Practice Current Regulatory and Ethical Requirements for Conducting Clinical Trials/Research in India Including Schedule All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Jodhpur 4th & 5th Aug 2018 Delegate
9 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor CME: Multiple Myeloma IMA, Pune 2nd Sept 2018 Delegate
10 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor CME: Obstetrics and Gynecology Potpourri IMA, Pune 30th Sept 2018 Delegate
11 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor International Education Training ‘Physiology Education Workshop 2018’ Organized by ICMR & International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) AIIMS Jodhpur 03rd Nov 2018 to 05th Nov 2018 Delegate
12 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Physiology and Pharmacological Perspective on Integrated Approach to Lifestyle Disorders and Webinar Session on Newer Teaching Strategies & Research Studies Departments of Physiology & Pharmacology, Melaka Manipal Medical College and Kasturba Medical College - Manipal, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Karnataka 27th Nov 2018 Delegate
13 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Workshop on “EEG and ERP – Recording and Analysis Departments of Physiology & Pharmacology, Melaka Manipal Medical College and Kasturba Medical College - Manipal 28th Nov 2018 Delegate
Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Assist. Professor
Dr. A. N. Patil Assist. Professor
14 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor 64th Annual National Conference of Association of Physiologists & Pharmacologists of India (APPICON 2018) Departments of Physiology & Pharmacology, Melaka Manipal Medical College and Kasturba Medical College - Manipal, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Karnataka 29th Nov 2018 to 01 Dec 2018 Delegate
Dr. S. S. Jadhav Asso. Professor
Dr. S. T. Methre Asso. Professor
Dr. R. Jayakumar Assist. Professor
Dr. A. N. Patil Assist. Professor
15 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Workshop I: Diabetic Foot Workshop II: CKD in Primary Care MULTICON 2018 IMA, Pune 2nd Dec 2018 Delegate
Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor
Dr. Subi Raju Demonstrator
16 Dr. A. N. Patil Assist. Professor Workshop on “Techniques in Physiology Sciences” All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Jodhpur 5th - 7th Dec 2018 Delegate
17 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor CME on Multispecialty Indian Medical Association Pune 08 Dec 2018 to 9 Dec 2018 Delegate
18 Dr. S. R. Salvi Asso. Professor CME Pediatric Superspeciality D.Y. Patil Medical College 9th Dec 2018 Delegate
19 Dr. P. D. Khuje Professor Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine Dept. of Respiratory Medicine, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre 22nd - 23rd Dec 2018 Delegate
Sr. No Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/Conference/Workshop Date & Venue/Place Role (Delegate/Resource person/Chairperson/Panelist)
1 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Laboratory Diagnosis and Management of Mycobacterial Diseases Indian Medical Association, Pune 13 Jan 2019 Delegate
2 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Skill Development Workshop on Theory and Practice of Problem Based Learning University Centre for Professional Educational Faculty Development, Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune 25 Jan 2019 - 26 Jan 2019 Delegate
Dr. A. N. Patil Assist. Professor
3 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor CME on Ethics in Medical Profession Medical Education Unit Banas Medical College & Research Institute, Palanpur 15th Feb 2019 Delegate & Resource Person
4 Dr. V. G. Jaltade Professor & HOD 45th Annual Research Society Conference of the Research Society of B J Govt. Medical College & Sassoon General Hospitals, Pune Department of Radio Diagnosis, B.J. Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune 20th to 22nd February 2019 Delegate
Dr. R. S. Sood Professor
Dr. S. S. Jadhav Asso. Professor
Dr. S. R. Salvi Asso. Professor
Dr. B. N. Pande Assist. Professor
5 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Symposium in Modern Biology & Biotechnology 2019 (RAMBB 2019) Dr. D. Y. Patil Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Institute, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune 12th March 2019 to 16 March 2019 Delegate & Paper Presented
6 Dr. V. G. Jaltade Professor & HOD Workshop on Curriculum Implementation Support Program University Centre for Professional Educational Faculty Development, Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune 22 April to 24 April 2019 Delegate
Dr. M. S. Karandikar Professor
Dr. N. B. Prasad Professor
Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor
7 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Workshop on Stress Management & Office Etiquettes University Centre for Professional Educational Faculty Development, Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune 27 April 2019 Delegate
8 Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor Workshop on Basic Life Support & Advanced Cardiac Life Support Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Center, Pune 7th May to 9th May 2019 Delegate
9 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Conference and Hands on Workshop on Non-Invasive Assessment of Neural & Vascular Functions in Diabetes Association of Physiologists & Pharmacologists of India, Nashik Chapter, in association with MVPS Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Nashik 16th May 2019 Delegate
10 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Conference and Hands on Workshop on Non-Invasive Assessment of Neural & Vascular Functions in Diabetes Association of Physiologists & Pharmacologists of India, Nashik Chapter, in association with MVPS Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Nashik 17th May 2019 Delegate & Paper Presented
11 Dr. A. N. Patil Assist. Professor All India Woman Doctors Conference - National Evecon - 2019 and Wimals IMA National Woman Doctors Wing & IMA Goa State Woman Doctors Wing 22nd & 23rd June 2019 Delegate
12 Dr. A. N. Patil Assist. Professor Workshop on Digital Blended Learning in Medical Physiology All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur 29th June 2019 Delegate
Dr. B. N. Pande Assist. Professor
13 Dr. A. N. Patil Assist. Professor CME on Digital Blended Learning in Medical Physiology All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur 29th June 2019 Delegate
Dr. B. N. Pande Assist. Professor
14 Dr. B. N. Pande Assist. Professor National Conference of Editors Armed Forces Medical College, Pune 13th – 15th September 2019 Delegate
15 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Workshop on ICT Enabled Teaching University Centre for Professional Education & Faculty Development Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune 19th - 20th September 2019 Delegate
Dr. N. B. Prasad Professor
Dr. S. R. Salvi Asso. Professor
16 Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Assist. Professor Revised Basic Workshop in Medical Education Technology AETCOM Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Center, Pimpri Pune 24th - 26th September 2019 Delegate
Dr. B. N. Pande Assist. Professor
17 Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Assist. Professor Sensitization Programme on Attitude, Ethics and Communication (AETCOM) Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Center, Pimpri Pune 27th September 2019 Delegate
Dr. B. N. Pande Assist. Professor
18 Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Assist. Professor IATPAH Workshop on Adolescent Sports Medicine for Physicians and Other Adolescent Stakeholders Dr. DY Patil Medical College, Pimpri Pune 6th Oct 2019 Delegate
19 Dr. N. B. Prasad Professor Workshop on Stress Management for Health Professionals Dr. DY Patil Medical College, Pimpri Pune 10th Oct 2019 Delegate
Dr. S. R. Salvi Asso. Professor
20 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor CME on Diagnostics Kaleidoscope and Endocrinology Updates IMA, Pune 10th Nov 2019 Delegate
21 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor MASTACON 2019 IMA, Pune 16th to 17th Nov 2019 Delegate
22 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor Advance Course in Medical Education Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, Porur, Chennai 25th Nov 2019 Delegate
23 Dr. P. D. Khuje Professor Annual Conference of Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine Dr. DY Patil Medical College, Pimpri Pune 14th & 15th Dec 2019 Delegate
Dr. S. T. Methre Asso. Professor
Dr. S. R. Salvi Asso. Professor
Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist. Professor
Sr. No Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/ Conference / Workshop Date & Venue/Place Role (Delegate/ Resource person/ Chairperson/ Panelist)
1 Dr. C. A. Saraf
Dr. N. B. Prasad
Dr. S. S. Jadhav
Dr. S. T. Methre
Dr. S. R. Salvi
Dr. B. N. Pande
Dr. Ramya J.
Mrs. M. S. Phakatkar
Mrs. R. D. Lende
Mrs. S. R. Jarad
Asso. Prof.
Asso. Prof.
Asso. Prof.
Asso. Prof.
Assit. Prof.
National Seminar on “New Dimensions of Women Empowerment” Dr. DY Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Center Pimpri Pune 17th & 18th Jan 2020 Delegate
2 Dr. Sheetal Salvi Asso. Professor Seminar on Evidence Based Practices in Obstetrics/ Basic Hands on Labor Skills Course Pune Birth & Parenting Network. 19th Jan 2020 Delegate
3 Dr. P. D. Khuje Professor 41st Annual Conference of Academy of Pediatrics Uttar Pradesh (AOP-UP) IAP Uttar Pradesh 23rd to 24th Jan 2020 Delegate
4 Dr. RS Sood Professor CPD on Demyelination Disorder Organized by IMA, Pune 21st Feb 2020 Delegate
5 Dr. V. G. Jaltade Professor 46th Annual Conference of The Research Society of B. J. Government Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune B. J. Government Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune 25th -26th Feb 2020 Delegate
6 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Neuromed 2020, A CME on Neurology Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Pune 7th March 2020 Delegate
7 Dr. M.S. Karandikar Professor Education and Training on Basic, Experimental Designing, data analysis and Presentation of Flow cytometry Flowcytometry solutions and supported trust for Education and Training in Cytometry 8th to 12th April 2020 Delegate
8 Dr. M.S. Karandikar Professor Education and Training on Basics of Flow Cytometry and its Applications, Quality Control in Flow Cytometry, Analysis of Apoptosis and Proliferation, Controls and Statistics in Flow Cytometry, Flow Cytometry Data Analysis with software, Flow Cytometry in SARS-CoV-2 Research Flowcytometry solutions and supported trust for Education and Training in Cytometry 27th April to 2nd May 2020 Delegate
9 Dr. M.S. Karandikar Professor Webinar on "Role of Stem Cells in Pancreatic Regeneration and Reversal of Diabetes" of Guest lecture Series Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Research, Pimpri, Pune 8th May 2020 Delegate
10 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor International Webinar on Research in Experimental Physiology (with special emphasis on animal research) Department of Physiology, JIPMER, Puducherry 22nd May 2020 Delegate
11 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Online course of study for ‘Competency Based Medical Education (Physiology)’ MEU India June to August 2020 Delegate
12 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor Workshop on Application of Technology for the implementation of Competency Based Medical Education Medical Institute Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (SBV) Puducherry 4th June to 6th June 2020 Delegate
13 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar International MEGA (Medical Education & Global Advancements) webinar Series on “Mind body Medicine- Harmony of Body, Mind, Emotions and the Beyond” International MEGA (Medical Education & Global Advancements) 9th June 2020 Delegate
14 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar International MEGA (Medical Education & Global Advancements) webinar Series COVID-19: Pathogenesis, Clinical Features and the Acute Management During a Global Pandemic International MEGA (Medical Education & Global Advancements) 10th June 2020 Delegate
15 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar International MEGA (Medical Education & Global Advancements) webinar Series “Step Towards Competency Based Medical Education (CBME)- A Saudi Arabian Experience” Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variya Medical College & Hospital, Salem. 11th June 2020 Delegate
16 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar International MEGA (Medical Education & Global Advancements) webinar Series “Recent advances in child and Adult ADHD: Neurobiology To Therapeutics” Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variya Medical College & Hospital, Salem. 12th June 2020 Delegate
17 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar Series “Assuring Quality in Medical Education” Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variya Medical College & Hospital, Salem. 13th June 2020 Delegate
18 Dr. S. T. Methre Professor MET unit & UG cell Web academic series for Phase I MBBS students (Diabetes Mellitus) N.K.P Salve Institute of Medical Science & Research Centre and Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Nagpur 17th June 2020 Delegate
19 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor International Yoga Day (IDY) 2020, under the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India as per the Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pimpri Pune. 21st June 2020 Delegate
20 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National level Webinar on Pivotal Role of Physiology in Clinical Medicine ESIC Medical College, Sanathnagar, Hyderabad Department of Physiology 1st July 2020 Delegate
21 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National webinar on Online Teaching in Medical Education - An Opportunity or a Distraction Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center) Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 13th July 2020 Delegate
22 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor 2nd National Webinar on “Academic Leadership & Academic Integrity in Medical Schools” Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center) Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 16th July 2020 Delegate
23 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Online live lecture on SLE and Pregnancy ICOG 17th July 2020 Delegate
24 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor MET on Curriculum Implementation Support Program II MCI Regional Center Medical Education Technologies Armed Forces Medical College Pune 21st- 22nd July 2020 Participant
25 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Webinar on “Teaching Learning Methods to Cultivate Skills for Patient Centered Care” Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center) Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 22nd July 2020 Delegate
26 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Online live lecture on Uterine Septum - To be or Not to be Online at ISAR 23rd July 2020 Delegate
27 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor 4th National Webinar on “Workplace-Based Assessment: The Need, Process and Challenges” Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center) Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 31st July 2020 Delegate
28 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Medical Education Webinar Series, 5th National Webinar on ‘Patient Safety Education’ Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center) Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 5th August 2020 Delegate
29 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Course on 'COVID 19 - A Clinical Update' University of Florida, USA 5th August 2020 Delegate
30 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Medical Education Webinar Series, 6th National Webinar on ‘Educational Scholarship’ Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center) Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 12th Aug 2020 Delegate
31 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Online, live lecture in ‘Progesterone: The Game Changer for Pregnancy’ Online at ISAR 13th Aug 2020 Delegate
32 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National webinar on ‘Setting up of Andrology Laboratory in Indian Scenario’ All India Institute of Medical Sciences Nagpur 19th Aug 2020 Delegate
33 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Medical Education Webinar Series, 7th National Webinar on ‘Faculty Development Needs for Implementation of CBME’ Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center) Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 20th August 2020 Delegate
34 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor International webinar on ‘What’s the value in P-Values?’ Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Pimpri Pune 25th August 2020 Delegate
35 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Medical Education Webinar Series, 8th National Webinar on ‘Preserving Mental Health of Medical Teachers and Students in the Wake of COVID-19’ Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center) Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 27th August 2020 Delegate
36 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘The Middle (Methods)’: second of a five-webinar series Essentials of Medical Writing Indian Association of Medical Journal Editors 28th August 2020 Delegate
37 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Hippocratics Webinar Series on Medical Education #5, on ‘Changes We Have Made for Clinical Teaching of Medical Students During COVID-19’ The University of Edinburgh 29th August 2020 Delegate
38 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Medical Education Webinar Series, 9th National Webinar on ‘Simulation Based Medical Education for Patient Safety’ Online by the Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center), Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 3rd Sep 2020 Delegate
39 Dr. S. R. Salvi Asso. Professor Webinar on Veganism & Health VLCC 4th Sep 2020 Delegate
40 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor ‘Andhra Pradesh Medical Educationists Virtual Colloquium 2020’ Andhra Pradesh Medical Educators Association (APMEA) 6th Sep 2020 Delegate
41 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Cardiovascular & VO2 Max Assessment’ AD Instruments 9th Sep 2020 Delegate
42 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Medical Education Webinar Series, 10th National Webinar on ‘Blueprinting in Educational Assessment’ Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center), Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 10th Sep 2020 Delegate
43 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor ‘Promises and Perils of Online Learning in Indian Setting: Three Dimensional Viewpoint’ Alumni Association, MGMCRI, Puducherry 11th Sep 2020 Delegate
44 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor ‘Presenting the Findings’: the third of a five-webinar series on ‘Essentials of Medical Writing’ Springer Nature & Indian Association of Medical Journal Editors (IAMJE) 11th Sep 2020 Delegate
45 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Impact & Challenges on Teaching, Learning & Research in Medical Education’ Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 12th Sep 2020 Delegate
46 Dr. B. N. Pande Asso. Professor Certificate Course on Sports and Exercise Physiology SriSri University and Physical Education Foundation of India recognized by Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports 12th to 14th Sep 2020 Delegate
47 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Publishing Ethics in Biomedicine & Life Sciences Research’ of a five-webinar series on ‘All About Scientific Publishing – Trends, Nuances, Tools, Ethics etc’ Springer Nature & DBT e-library Consortium (DeLCON) 16th Sep 2020 Delegate
48 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor BMS e-CON, International e-conference on Emerging Trends in Research – Emphasis on Basic Medical Sciences Online by the Departments of Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology and Center for Biomedical Research, AVMCH, Puducherry 17th to 19th Sep 2020 Delegate & Oral Paper Presented
49 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Medical Education Webinar Series, 11th National Webinar on ‘Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education’ Online by the Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center), Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 17th Sep 2020 Delegate
50 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Prevention and Management of Alzheimer's Disease’ Belagavi Branch of the Association of Physiologists & Pharmacologists of India (APPI) 21st Sep 2020 Delegate
51 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘ERP: a portal to cryptic human mind’ Department of Physiology, SMS Medical College Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 21st Sep 2020 Delegate
52 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on “Neurophysiology of Language and Speech” Department of Physiology, SMS Medical College Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 22nd Sept 2020 Delegate
53 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on “Profiling of Autonomic Functions” Department of Physiology, SMS Medical College Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 23rd Sept 2020 Delegate
54 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor International webinar Bioethics in COVID-19 Pandemic DPU unit of Bioethics, UNESCO Chair in Haifa 23rd Sep 2020 Delegate
55 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Medical Education Webinar Series, 12th National Webinar on ‘Ten Maxims of Formative Assessment’ Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center), Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 24th Sep 2020 Delegate
56 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on “Life Modification Measures” Department of Physiology, SMS Medical College Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 24th Sep 2020 Delegate
57 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor As a resource faculty in MCI CISP-II workshop Dr. DY Patil Medical college. Pimpri Pune. 24th – 25th Sep 2020 Delegate
58 Dr. P. D. Khuje Professor MCI CISP-II workshop Dr. DY Patil Medical college. Pimpri Pune. 24th – 25th Sep 2020 Delegate
59 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor ‘Placing the Results in Perspective’: the fourth of a five-webinar series on ‘Essentials of Medical Writing’ Springer Nature & Indian Association of Medical Journal Editors (IAMJE) 25th Sep 2020 Delegate
60 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Qualitative Research Studies’ The Scientifique Society of AarupadaiVeedu Medical College, Pondicherry. 25th Sep 2020 Delegate
61 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Live course titled ‘The Impact of Race and Racism on Care of Individuals with Sickle Cell Disease’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 30th Sep 2020 Delegate
62 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor EMS & online OSCI MEU India 30th Sep 2020 Delegate
63 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘The impact of leadership, culture and influence’ Elsevier live, student edition 2020 30th Sep 2020 Delegate
64 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Live course titled ‘Re-opening of schools Part II’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 1st Oct 2020 Delegate
65 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Adobe Illustrator – a drawing software for medical teachers to create learning resources’ Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center), Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 1st Oct 2020 Delegate
66 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Pandemics: do they change how we address age and ageing?’ Yenepoya Nursing College, Mangaluru 1st Oct 2020 Delegate
67 Dr. Ramya J Assist. Prof Webinar on "SANA Mente- International Seminar on Sleep and Emotion" Department of Physiology Velammal Medical College Hospital & Research Institute Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India 3rd Oct 2020 Delegate
68 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Pre-conference workshop on ‘Intra-operative neurophysiological monitoring’ Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, Gangtok, Sikkim. 05-07 Oct 2020 Delegate
69 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor The 6th annual & 1st virtual international conference of basic & applied physiology, V-ICONBAP 2020 Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, Gangtok, Sikkim. 05th -07th Oct 2020 Delegate
70 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National level online faculty development program on ‘Outcome-based education’ InPods in collaboration with IQAC department of PVG'S College of Engineering and Technology, Pune. 6th to 8th Oct 2020 Delegate
71 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Ethical and psychosocial issues in management of COVID-19’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 6th Oct 2020 Delegate
72 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Live course titled ‘Impact of race and trauma on pediatric mental health’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 7th Oct 2020 Delegate
73 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Is global health everyone’s problem?’ Elsevier live, student edition 2020. 07th Oct 2020 Delegate
74 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor ‘Ethics & etcetera’: the fifth of a five webinar series on ‘Essentials of medical writing’ Springer Nature & Indian Association of Medical Journal Editors (IAMJE) 09th Oct 2020 Delegate
75 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Evidence based interventions for improving maternal and newborn outcomes’ The Scientifique Society of AarupadaiVeedu Medical College, Pondicherry 09th Oct 2020 Delegate
76 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar ‘Vagus: a clinical autonomic window to neuropsychiatric disorders’ A D Instruments 09th Oct 2020 Delegate
77 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Pregnancy and breastfeeding during COVID-19’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 12th Oct 2020 Delegate
78 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Immunological testing during COVID-19’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 12th Oct 2020 Delegate
79 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Live course titled ‘Threat to a nation: a conversation about race and combatting structural racism on the streets’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 14th Oct 2020 Delegate
80 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Issues in vaccine development for coronaviruses’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 14th Oct 2020 Delegate
81 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Understanding what and how of publishing ethics’ Springer Nature 14th Oct 2020 Delegate
82 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Web seminar on ‘The CBME curriculum in a nutshell’ Thieme publishers 14th Oct 2020 Delegate
83 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Live course titled ‘Silent spreaders: children and COVID-19’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 15th Oct 2020 Delegate
84 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Problem based learning in medical education’ Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center), Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 15th Oct 2020 Delegate
85 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar ‘Impact of National Education Policy, 2020, on Medical Education’ The Scientifique Society of AarupadaiVeedu Medical College, Pondicherry. 16th Oct 2020 Delegate
86 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor International webinar on electromyography - applications in sports in the sports science series 1 Mangalore University, in collaboration with AD Instruments 17th Oct 2020 Delegate
87 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘ICU management of COVID-19, PART II’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 20th Oct 2020 Delegate
88 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Live course titled ‘Aspiring for racial justice and liberation’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 21st Oct 2020 Delegate
89 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘COVID-19 in Rural areas and small cities’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 21st Oct 2020 Delegate
90 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Workshop on ‘How to get your research published-part I’ Thieme publishers 21st Oct 2020 Delegate
91 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar ‘Covid-19: Reality and Misinformation’ Elsevier 21st Oct 2020 Delegate
92 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘COVID-19 in people with diabetes or obesity’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 22nd Oct 2020 Delegate
93 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Mentoring in medical education’ Department of Medical Education (National Teacher Training Center), Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduates Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) 22nd Oct 2020 Delegate
94 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor International webinar series on ‘Recent trends in neuroscience research’ Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, MAHE, Manipal, Karnataka 22nd-24th Oct 2020 Delegate
95 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Perspectives on recovery from COVID-19’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 26th Oct 2020 Delegate
96 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Cardiovascular complications of COVID-19’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 27th Oct 2020 Delegate
97 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Live course titled ‘Maternal justice across the Atlantic: race, pregnancy and birth equity in the United States and Great Britain’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 28th Oct 2020 Delegate
98 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Workshop on ‘How to get your research published-Part II’ Thieme publishers 28th Oct 2020 Delegate
99 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Experience of Delivering Assessment in the COVID-19 Era, Alternatives to traditional assessments and frugal innovation’ University of Edinburgh, UK 31st Oct 2020 Delegate
100 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor Webinar on ‘Breast imaging Symposium’ Dept. of Radiodiagnosis, Dr. D Y Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Pune 31st Oct 2020 Delegate
101 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Medical education in the post-COVID-19 era: preparing faculty and enabling learning’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 6th Nov 2020 Delegate
102 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Harnessing Digital Technology for Education Scientifique Society of AarupadaiVeedu Medical College, Pondicherry 6th Nov 2020 Delegate
103 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Online Conference on Challenges in Implementation of the Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Center 6th - 7th Nov 2020 Delegate
104 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor E-Adolescon 2020, the 20th National Conference of Adolescent Health Academy, IAP Adolescent Health Academy Nagpur & Academy of Pediatrics Nagpur branch 6th - 8th Nov 2020 Delegate
105 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor International seminar series on bioethics and COVID-19 pandemic Nepal national unit of UNESCO chair in bioethics in association with the department of education, international program of UNESCO chair in bioethics 7th Nov 2020 Delegate
106 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on International Webinar on COVID-19 Pandemic IMA, Pune 8th Nov 2020 Delegate
107 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘COVID-19 in Chelsea, MA: Confronting Social Determinants of Health’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 16th Nov 2020 Delegate
108 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Mental Health Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 17th Nov 2020 Delegate
109 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Frequently asked questions’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 17th Nov 2020 Delegate
110 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Ethics and epidemics: caring in the time of COVID-19’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 18th Nov 2020 Delegate
111 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Teaching and Assessing Residents’ Competencies The Scientifique Society of AarupadaiVeedu Medical College, Pondicherry 20th Nov 2020 Delegate
112 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor 17th Medicolegal Webinar Series IMA Maharashtra State Medicolegal Cell 20th Nov 2020 Delegate
113 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor GDBP digiCON 2020, The 19th National Conference of Growth Development & Behavioural Pediatrics Academy Growth Development & Behavioural Pediatrics Academy (Subspeciality of chapter of Indian Academy of Pediatrics) 20th to 22nd Nov 2020 Delegate
114 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘The community tracing collaborative: working toward COVID-19 control in Massachusetts through a test-trace-isolate-support approach’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 21st Nov 2020 Delegate
115 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Leading Beyond the COVID-19 Healthcare Crisis’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 22nd Nov 2020 Delegate
116 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Impact on Oral Health Education and Training’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 22nd Nov 2020 Delegate
117 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘The impact of COVID-19 in pediatrics’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 23rd Nov 2020 Delegate
118 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Online CME in Covidology in KIMSMedicon 2020 Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu 23rd Nov 2020 Delegate
119 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar: Criteria 3 of NBA Accreditation - PO-CO Attainment Computation InPods Ed-tech 25th Nov 2020 Delegate
120 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Clinical skills teaching in COVID eras’ The Scientifique Society of AarupadaiVeedu Medical College, Pondicherry 27th Nov 2020 Delegate
121 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor The 14th Asia Telemedicine Symposium. Telemedicine in Global Health Crisis - Response to Covid-19 Pandemic Telemedicine Development Centre of Asia (TEMDEC), Telecare industry association, Taiwan & National Taiwan University Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan 27th - 28th Nov 2020 Delegate
122 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Hematologic Complications of COVID-19’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 1st Dec 2020 Delegate
123 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Live session on ‘International medical graduates providing care to underserved and eliminating health disparities’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 2nd Dec 2020 Delegate
124 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘The impact of race, racism, biology, and social determinants of health on kidney disease disparities’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 2nd Dec 2020 Delegate
125 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘COVID-19 and Nursing Homes’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 2nd Dec 2020 Delegate
126 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Moving mountains: lessons learned from Incident Command System’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 3rd Dec 2020 Delegate
127 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘The racist patient’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 4th Dec 2020 Delegate
128 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘The community tracing collaborative: working toward COVID-19 control in Massachusetts through a test-trace-isolate-support approach’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 21st Nov 2020 Delegate
129 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Pre-conference workshop on Gynec Oncology Surgery FOGSI & POGS 11th Dec 2020 Delegate
130 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor FOGSI - POGS International virtual conference: just tumors-benign to malignant FOGSI & POGS 11th to 13th Dec 2020 Delegate
131 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor Webinar- TIMACON 2020 IMA Talegaon Dabhade 13th Dec 2020 Delegate
132 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Competency Acquisition in Resource Constraint Settings’ Online by University Centre for Health Professions Education, Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research, at SDUAHER, Kolar 16th Dec 2020 Delegate
133 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor International Conference on Covid-19 Online by Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital, Pune 18th to 19th Dec 2020 Delegate
134 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Impact of COVID-19 on Teaching Dissection: Challenges and Solutions’ Thieme publishers 19th Dec 2020 Delegate
135 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor 95th All India Medical Conference ‘IMA NATCON 2020-Virtual Conference IMA Tamilnadu 26th to 28th Dec 2020 Delegate
Sr. No Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/ Conference / Workshop Date & Venue/Place Role (Delegate/ Resource person/ Chairperson/ Panelist)
1 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Online CME on ‘Curriculum Opportunities from Corona Association of Medical Educators Bhaskar Medical College, Yenkapelly, Telangana 9th Jan 2021 Delegate
2 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Continuing Professional Development (CPD) on 'Multicon 2021 preconference workshops' IMA Pune 10th Jan 2021 Delegate
3 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘The Impact of COVID-19 on Palliative Care’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 12th Jan 2021 Delegate
4 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘The Use of Race in Cardiovascular and Kidney Disease’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 14th Jan 2021 Delegate
5 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘The Re-Opening of Schools During COVID-19’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 15th Jan 2021 Delegate
6 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor CPD ‘Multicon 2020-21’ IMA Pune 16th - 17th Jan 2021 Delegate
7 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Two-day webinar on ‘Ageing Issues: Indian, Regional and Global Context’ International Institute on Ageing, United Nations- Malta in collaboration with Development, Welfare & Research Foundation, New Delhi & Department of Sociology and IQAC, Maitreyi College, University of Delhi 16th -17th Jan 2021 Delegate
8 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Live session on ‘COVID Vaccine Equity: The Impact of Race, Racism and Mistrust in the Health Care System on Vaccine Hesitancy’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 20th Jan 2021 Delegate
9 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Virtual CME on ‘Concepts of Sleep – Demystified’ The Department of Physiology, AVMC under the auspices of Association of Physiologists of India (ASSOPI) at Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital, Pondicherry. 21st Jan 2021 Delegate
10 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Effective Clinical Teaching in New Normal’ University Centre for Health Professions Education, Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research (UCHPE, SDUAHER) 22nd Jan 2021 Delegate
11 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Developing the Generalist Doctors for the New Normal’ University of Edinburgh, UK 23rd Jan 2021 Delegate
12 Dr. P. D. Khuje Professor 41st Annual conference & Academy of Pediatrics, U.P 2020, E-UP PEDICON IAP-Academy Of Pediatrics Uttar Pradesh. 23rd -24th Jan 2021 Delegate
13 Dr. M. S. Karandikar Professor Virtual live Keystone Symposia eSymposia meeting Integrating Metabolism and Immunity EK 16 25th-28th Jan 2021 Delegate
14 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Free webinar on Criteria 3 - NBA Accreditation Inpods Ed-tech 27th Jan 2021 Delegate
15 Dr. M. S. Karandikar Professor Virtual live Keystone Symposia eSymposia meeting obesity: From Cell to Patient EK 16 01st to 03rd Feb 2020 Delegate
16 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Health Care Disparities in Diabetes’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 03rd Feb 2021 Delegate
17 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Diversity and Inclusion in Medicine: A Conversation Between Faculty Leaders’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 11th Feb 2021 Delegate
18 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Mental Health in Healthcare Professionals on the Front-Line of the COVID Pandemic’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 12th Feb 2021 Delegate
19 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar ‘Update on pediatric tuberculosis’ The Scientifique Society of Aarupadai Veedu Medical College, Pondicherry. 12th Feb 2021 Delegate
20 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Mission fit India’ MGM Institute of Health Sciences, Mumbai 12th Feb 2021 Delegate
21 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor International Webinar on ‘Role of Telemedicine in COVID-19 Pandemic’ Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, KAHER, Belagavi 13th Feb 2021 Delegate
22 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘COVID-19 Vaccine Development and Novel Therapeutics’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 15th Feb 2021 Delegate
23 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘What Physician Leaders and Academic Medical Centers Can Do to Combat Racism and Become Anti-Racist Institutions’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 17th Feb 2021 Delegate
24 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor National Faculty Development Webinar: Intellectual Property Rights MEU India 21th Feb 2021 Delegate
25 Dr. M. S. Karandikar Professor Virtual 22nd INDO-US flow cytometry workshop on "Flow Cytometry and its Application Research and clinical Diagnostics" Trust for Education and Training in Cytometry (TETC) 22nd - 28th Feb 2021 Delegate
26 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Live session on ‘Voting Like Health Depends on It: Voter Registration in Health Care Settings’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 24th Feb 2021 Delegate
27 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Soft Skills and Error Prevention Workshop in the 27th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (CRITICARE 2021) 27th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (CRITICARE 2021) Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine’ 24th to 25th Feb 2021 Delegate
28 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor 27th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (CRITICARE 2021) 27th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (CRITICARE 2021) Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine 26th to 28th Feb 2021 Delegate
29 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘Heart Disease in African-Americans: Strategies to reduce the rate of premature death’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 8th March 2021 Delegate
30 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘COVID-19 Testing on College Campuses’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 10th March 2021 Delegate
31 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Free webinar on Demystifying Criteria 3 - NBA Accreditation Inpods Inc 10th March 2021 Delegate
32 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor 44th Annual conference of Mumbai hematology group (virtual) Mumbai Hematology Group 12th -13th March 2021 Delegate
33 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘The impact of COVID-19 on telehealth’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 17th March 2021 Delegate
34 Dr. S. S. Jadhav Professor Revised Basic Course workshop and Training in Attitude, Ethics & Communication (AETCOM) Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research center Pimpri Pune 16th- 18th March 2021 Delegate
35 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Polio Eradication Why is the 2000 Goal still Elusive in 2020s?’ The Scientifique Society of Aarupadai Veedu Medical College, Pondicherry. 19th March 2021 Delegate
36 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘The Intersection of a Career in Health Care and Social Justice Activism: Lessons Learned from Rev. Traci Blackmon’, as part of the webinar series for clinicians and other health care professionals on ‘Addressing Health Disparities: Clinical Insights on Race and Social Justice.’ Online by Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 23rd March 2021 Delegate
37 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘COVID-19 and Loss of Smell: Mechanisms and Implications for Scent-based Screening’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 24th March 2021 Delegate
38 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor IAPSM National CME on ‘Towards TB Free India’ Indian Academy of Preventive & Social Medicine (IAPSM) 25th March 2021 Delegate
39 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Enduring material titled ‘COVID-19: Reflections and Updates’ Online by Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 25th March 2021 Delegate
40 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Scientific Programme of APPI National Awards Function & CME 2020-21 Association of Physiologists & Pharmacologists of India (APPI) 26th-27th March 2021 Delegate
41 Dr. P. D. Khuje Professor Annual Seminar on Diabetes Mellitus Diabetic Association, Pune 28th March 2021 Delegate
42 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor A Virtual International Conference for Health Professions Education (VICHPE-2021) Era University, Lucknow & Al-Sadiq International Virtual University (SIVU), USA 06th - 08th April 2021 Delegate
43 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Publication ethics’ National Journal of Clinical Anatomy & Society of Clinical Anatomists 10th April 2021 Delegate
44 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Live course titled ‘A Chat with Augustus A. White, III, MD, PhD’ as part of the webinar series for clinicians and other health care professionals on ‘Addressing Health Disparities: Clinical Insights on Race and Social Justice.’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 14th April 2021 Delegate
45 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Testing and Assessing a Skill Station’ Online by Society for Healthcare Simulation, India 17th April 2021 Delegate
46 Dr. S. T. Methre Asso. Professor National webinar Theme: “Keep your liver Healthy and disease Free” Department of Kriya Sharir Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Center 19th April 2021 Delegate
47 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor Awesome adolescents and young adults workshop Indian Academy of Pediatrics 22nd - 23rd April 2020 Delegate
48 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Virtual conference on ‘Recent Advances & the Way Ahead in Breast Cancer Management’ Indian Anti-Cancer Trust 23rd - 24th April 2021 Delegate
49 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘Changing Trends in second Wave of Corona’ IMA, Pune 25th April 2021 Delegate
50 Dr. V. G. Jaltade Professor 47th Annual Conference of Research Society of B.J. Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune B.J. Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune 28th - 29th April 2021 Delegate
51 Dr. M. S. Karandikar Professor Virtual live Keystone Symposia eSymposia meeting Non-Coding RNAs: Biology and Application EK44 11th - 14th May 2021 Delegate
52 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Live course titled ‘Structural Equity: Lessons from 2020’ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 16th June 2021 Delegate
53 Dr. S. T. Methre Asso. Professor National Webinar ‘Management of Stress of Healthcare Workers during COVID-19 Pandemic: Role of Yoga’ Advanced Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (ACYTER), Department of Physiology, JIPMER, Puducherry during the 7th International Yoga Day 21st June 2021 Delegate
54 Dr. C. A. Saraf Prof. & HOD International Day of Yoga 2021 “Yoga for Wellness” Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India as per the Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pimpri Pune 21st June 2021 Delegate
55 Dr. C. A. Saraf HOD & Prof Webinar on ‘Research Methodology for Literature Search & Review’ Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Sawangi (Meghe) Wardha 1st July 2021 Delegate
56 Dr. S. S. Jadhav Asso. Prof. 6th Annual International Conference ‘Genomics and Genetic Counseling: Value in Health Care’ Board of Genetic Counseling, India 2nd – 4th July 2021 Delegate
57 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Online National Webinar on ‘Problem-Based Learning’- Innovative Educational Strategy Online by MGMIHS, Navi Mumbai 8th July 2021 Delegate
58 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Bioinformatics and Data Science in Present-Day Drug Discovery Online by The Scientifique Society of Aarupadai Veedu Medical College, Pondicherry 9th July 2021 Delegate
59 Dr. M. S. Karandikar Professor Annual Conference, Physiology 2021 Online, Worldwide 12th - 16th July 2021 Delegate
60 Dr. C. A. Saraf HOD & Prof National e-CME on ‘Physiology of Wellness in COVID Times’ Department of Physiology, AIIMS Nagpur 16th July 2021 Delegate
61 Dr. S. S. Jadhav Asso. Prof. Webinar on ‘Assessment in CBME’ Annapoorana Medical College & Hospital Salem, Tamil Nadu 28th July 2021 Delegate
62 Dr. C. A. Saraf HOD & Prof 2nd Annual Virtual Conference of Research Department of Psychiatry and Dermatology Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College & General Hospital, Pune 6th & 7th August 2021 Delegate
63 Dr. C. A. Saraf HOD & Prof Revised Basic workshop & Training (AETCOM) as a Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Center Pimpri Pune 1st to 3rd September 2021 Delegate
64 Dr. S. T. Methre Asso. Prof. Revised Basic workshop & Training (AETCOM) as a participant Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Center Pimpri Pune 1st to 3rd September 2021 Delegate
65 Dr. B. N. Pande Asso. Prof. International Symposium on “Chronomedicine: Relevance in COVID times” All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India 18th September 2021 Delegate
66 Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assit. Prof Webinar on ‘Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema’ (BCRL) Online by ACT against cancer (Indian Anti Cancer Trust) 24th September 2021 Delegate
67 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Webinar on ‘MULTICON 2021’ IMA, Pune 20th – 21st November 2021 Delegate
68 Dr. B. N. Pande Asso. Prof. National CME on Exercise and Lifestyle Medicine: An Odyssey from ‘Basics to Intervention’ Department of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur, CG 30th November 2021 Delegate
Sr. No Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/ Conference / Workshop Date & Venue/Place Level of Organization Role (Delegate/ Resource person/ Chairperson/ Panelist)
1 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor 48th Annual Conference of Research Society of B.J. Medical College & Sassoon General Hospital, Pune. BJ Medical College & Sassoon General Hospitals. 20th to 21st April 2022 National Delegate
Dr. P. D. Khuje Professor
Dr. S. S. Jadhav Asso. Prof
2 Dr. Chhaya Saraf Prof. & HOD National Conference on MARSCON Department of Microbiology, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Center Pimpri Pune 4th June 2022 National Delegate
Dr. P. D. Khuje Professor
Dr. Seema Methre Professor
Bageshree Pande Asso. Prof
3 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor CME on Nutrition Implication Metabolic and Renal Disorders IMA, Pune 12th June 2022 National Delegate
4 Dr. Tanya Sharma Demo Workshop on No-Clear to Nuclear Medicine Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College & King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai 27th July 2022 National Delegate
6 Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Asso. Prof National level CME on Lab based Elective in MBBS curriculum: Opportunities and challenges St John’s Medical College, Bengaluru 28th July 2022 National Delegate
7 Dr. Tanya Sharma Demo Confluence X Ascension 2022 an International Medical, Research & Humanities Conference Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College & King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai 28th & 31st July 2022
8 Dr. Prashant Khuje Professor CME on Heart & Lung transplant Department of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical & IMA Pimpri Chinchwad 28th Aug 2022 National Delegate
9 Dr. Nivedita Sirdesai Assist Prof. Revised Basic Course Workshop Medical Education Technology Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College Hospital & Research Center Pimpri Pune 22 to 24 Nov. 2022 National Delegate
10 Dr. Seema Methre Professor Evidence Based Traditional Medicine for Integrative Health Care Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College Hospital & Research Center Pimpri Pune 25th to 26th Nov. 2022 National Delegate
Dr. Bageshree Pande Asso. Prof
Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Asso. Prof
Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Assist Prof
Sr. No Name of the Participant Designation Name of the CME/ Conference / Workshop Date & Venue/Place Level of Organization Role (Delegate/ Resource person/ Chairperson/ Panelist)
1 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor 29th Conference (Virtual) “International Conference on Nephrology & Urology Emergencies-Role of Primary Care Physicians” S.V. Medical College Alumini Association (SVMCAA) & Indian Medical Association, College of General Practitioners, HQ’S, Chennai 26th Feb 2023 National Delegate
2 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Implementation of Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) in Higher Education Institutions Dr. DY Patil Medical College Hospital & Research Centre Pune 21st March 2023 National Delegate
3 Dr. C. A. Saraf Professor & HOD In Recognition of your Participation & Valuable Contribution to Customer Research for Bates Visual Guide to Physical Examination Wolters Kluwer 30th March 2023 National Delegate
4 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Healthcare Professional – BLS (Basic Life Support) CPR, ADE Training Dr. DY Patil Medical College Hospital & Research Centre Pune 08th May 2023 National Delegate
Dr. N. U. Parad Professor
Dr. S. T. Methre Professor
Dr. S. S. Jadhav Asso. Prof
Dr. B. N. Pande Asso. Prof
Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Asso. Prof
5 Dr. R. S. Sood Professor Basic Course in Medical Education Dr. DY Patil Medical College Hospital & Research Centre Pune 12th June 2023 to 14th June 2023 National Delegate
6 Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Asso. Prof CME on “Gut Brain Axis - Are They Really in Talking Terms?” Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University College of Medical Science & Hospital 24th June 2023 National Delegate
7 Dr. M. S. Karandikar Professor One-day Development Workshop on “What Do Editors Look for in a Manuscript” Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune (DEEMED to BE University) in collaboration with Elsevier (RELX India Pvt. Ltd.) 18 July 2023 National Delegate
Dr. R. S. Sood Professor
Dr. N. U. Prasad Professor
Dr. S. T. Methre Professor
Dr. B. N. Pande Asso. Prof
Dr. N. N. Sirdesai Asso. Prof
8 Dr. B. N. Pande Professor CME on Insights into Pain: Physiology and Principles of Management St. John’s National Academy of Health Science 01 Sep 2023 National Delegate
Dr. Ramya Jayakumar Asso. Prof
Dr. Nivedita Sirdesai Assist. Prof
9 Dr. R. S. Sood HOD & Prof IMA Pune Dr. Asmita Gupte Oration & CME on Genetics in Clinical Practice IMA Pune 01 Oct 2023 National Delegate
10 Dr. S. T. Methre Professor New Paradigms for Organ Donation & Transplantation Program Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College Hospital & Research Center Pimpri Pune 29 Oct 2023 National Delegate
11 Dr. R. S. Sood HOD & Prof Pre Conference Workshop (Cardiology Update & Critical Care Workshop) IMA Pune 03 Dec 2023 National Delegate
12 Dr. R. S. Sood HOD & Prof MULTICON 4D 2023, 33rd Annual Conference of IMA Pune IMA Pune 09 & 10 Dec 2023 National Delegate
13 Dr. R. S. Sood HOD & Prof Regional Meet Institution’s Innovation Council MoE’s Innovation Cell Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College Hospital & Research Center Pimpri Pune 16 Dec 2023 National Delegate
Dr. S. T. Methre Professor
Dr. Bageshree Pande Professor
Dr. Nivedita Sirdesai Assist. Professor
Dr. Garima Sahu Assist. Professor