Navbar Fix

Surgical Oncology


Number of Faculty


Number of Students


Student-to-faculty Ratio

General Information

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book


  • To provide comprehensive and quality Oncology care under one roof.
  • To provide state of the art oncosurgical services.
  • Provide a multidisciplinary approach to treatment of malignancies.
  • To train surgeons in all aspects of cancer care.


A. Professionalism
Advocate for the cancer patient through integrity and ethical conduct.
B. Quality
Foster quality through improved understanding of cancer biology, compassionate communication, and optimizing outcomes across the continuum of cancer care.
C. Lifelong Learning
Provide ongoing education in multidisciplinary cancer care.
D. Leadership
Provide leadership to the public and health professionals on the importance of surgery in multidisciplinary cancer care and to develop the discipline and its providers for the future.
E. Discovery
Committed to innovation and fostering better patient care.

M.Ch. (Surgical Oncology) : 2 seats per year.

1) OPD

  • Daily: 9am - 4pm
  • All biopsies and minor procedures done in the OPD
  • Complete ENT evaluation including Hopkins examination
  • Upper and lower gastro-intestinal endoscopy available

2) In Patient Services

  • Separate male and female oncology wards
  • Facility for day care chemotherapy
  • State of the art ICU and critical care service for managing post-operative care

3) Speciality Clinic

  • Breast Clinic
  • Stoma Care Clinic
  • Multi-disciplinary Tumor Board
  • Thyroid/Sarcoma Clinic
  • Psychological Counselling
  • Pain Clinic

4) Surgery Offered

1. All types of breast surgery including Oncoplasty and reconstruction
2. All major and minor head and neck resections and reconstructions
3. All thoracic surgeries including minimally invasive surgery for Carcinoma Esophagus and bronchogenic carcinoma
4. Oral Cancers:
  • Composite resection with mandibulectomy/Maxillectomy
  • Neck dissection
  • Local flaps
  • Microvascular free flaps
5. Head and Neck Cancers:
  • Salivary gland cancer
  • Thyroid cancer surgery
  • Laryngectomy
  • Laryngopharyngectomy
6. Thorax:
  • Video Assisted Thoracic Surgeries
  • Thymectomy
7. Breast:
  • Breast conservation surgery
  • Mastectomy
  • Modified Radical Mastectomy
  • Axillary dissection
  • Local flap breast reconstruction
  • Free flap breast reconstruction
  • Breast implants and mammoplasty
8. GI Surgeries:
  • VATS esophageal cancer surgery
  • Gastrectomy
  • Lap colorectal cancer surgeries
  • Robotic colorectal cancer surgeries
  • Abdominoperineal resection
  • Intersphincteric rectal cancer resection
9. Gynec Oncology:
  • Laparoscopic hysterectomy
  • Robotic hysterectomy
  • Laparoscopic pelvic nodal dissection
  • Laparoscopic retroperitoneal node dissection
  • Ovarian cytoreduction
  • Peritoneal malignancy surgery
10. Uro Oncology:
  • Laparoscopic Nephrectomy
  • Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy
  • Robotic Partial Nephrectomy
  • Radical Cystectomy
  • Robotic Prostatectomy
  • Penectomy
  • Inguinal block dissection
  • Urethral reconstruction
  • Orchidectomy
11. Musculoskeletal Oncology:
  • Limb preserving sarcoma surgery
  • Life-saving amputation
  • Metastectomy
12. Hepatobiliary:
  • Liver resection
  • Liver transplant
  • Radical Cholecystectomy
  • Biliary tract resection
  • Pancreaticoduodenectomy
  • Distal pancreatectomy

5) All Major Gastro-Intestinal Resections Including:

  • Laparoscopic anterior resection
  • Laparoscopic abdomino-perineal resection
  • Laparoscopic gastrectomy
  • Hepatic resections
  • Pancreatic resections

Additional Surgeries

  • All surgeries for malignancies of kidneys, urinary bladder, adrenal, and penis.
  • Surgeries for bone and soft tissue tumors.

SN Name of the Faculty Photograph Educational Qualification Designation Registration No.
1 Dr. Samir Gupta MBBS, MS, Training in Oncosurgery Professor & HOD MCI-33506
2 Dr. Pankaj Pandurang Kshirsagar MBBS, MS, Mch Associate Professor 2005042430
3 Dr. Manoj Mohan Dongare Dr. Manoj Mohan Dongare MBBS, MS, DNB(Surgery), FRCS (Glasgow), MRCS (Edin), Fellowship Surgical Oncology Assistant Professor 2001021054
4 Dr. Prasant Chandra Dr. Prasant Chandra MBBS, DNB (General Surgery), DNB (Surgical Oncology) Assistant Professor 2011072405
5 Dr. Saurabh Atul Boralkar Dr. Saurabh Atul Boralkar MBBS, MS Senior Resident 2017062462
6 Dr. Kaivalya Rajendra Saoji Dr. Kaivalya Rajendra Saoji MBBS, MS Senior Resident 2018094715


  • Whole Body 1.5T MRI System (24 x 7): Includes Whole body (1.5 Tesla) applications, DTI, Perfusion, Spectroscopy, Breast and Cardiac. Features the world’s first Bio-matrix technology enabled 3T Magnetom VIDA MRI platform. This is the first such MRI installation in the entire Asia Pacific Region.
  • Three Whole Body CT Machines (24 x 7):
    • Whole body 128 Slice
    • 16 Slice
    • Dual Slice
    Apart from routine CT scan studies, 3D CT, HRCT, CT angiography, and Coronary angiography CT are performed.
  • Ultrasound (24 x 7): Includes Diagnostic Grey-scale (Whole body), Colour and Power Doppler, Obstetric ultrasound, Peripheral Doppler, and Elastography.
  • Digital Radiography
  • Digital Mammography


  • NABL Accredited Lab: Equipped with all facilities

Academics Extension and Research

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book

1. Title of Proposal: Understanding immunological response of Covid-19 vaccinated population with common malignancies and non-responders to formulate strategies to overcome non-response for use in public health policy.

Name of PI: Dr. Samir Gupta


  • Dr. Soumya Basu
  • Dr. Srikanth Tripathy
  • Dr. Arjun L. Kakrani
  • Dr. Anuradha Mishra

2. Title of Proposal: Submission of research proposal, “Determining various molecular/genetic changes associated with >10mm depth of invasion in head & neck malignancies.”

Name of PI: Dr. Samir Gupta


  • Dr. Prasant Chandra
  • Dr. Srikanth Tripathy
  • Dr. Priyanka Kale

3. Title of Proposal: Determining role of Secreted frizzled-related protein 4 (SFRP4), a soluble WNT antagonist multifunctional protein in malignancies for determining prognostic factors of tumors.

Name of PI: Dr. Prasant Chandra


  • Dr. Samir Gupta
  • Dr. Soumya Basu
  • Dr. Srikanth Tripathy
  • Dr. Priyanka Kale

Bhatia JK, Gupta S, Jhulmaria S. Primary Squamous carcinoma of the Renal Pelvis : A Masquerade. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory medicine 2016 ; 3(3) 122-124

Kshirsagar Pankaj, Kumar Ramesh, Pandya Shashank.J.Small Cell Carcinoma Parodid Gland Case Report. Paripex Indian Journal Of Research Vol-5 Issue 4 April 2016.DOI:https//

Bisht N, Singh S, Sarin A, Mulajker D, Gupta S, Mishra PS. Maxillary metastasis from carcinoma lung: An unusual presentation. Asian J Oncol 2017;3:136-8.

Bansal M, Sameer Gupta, Kanika Goel, Sulbha Mittal et al. An intraluminal jejuna gastrointestinal stromal tumor near DJ flexure with gastrointestinal bleed: A rare case report. Int Surg J. 2017 Oct;4(10):3564-3566.

Bisht N, Singh S, Mishra PS, Gupta S, Kapoor A. A rare case of endobronchial metastasis in a case of carcinoma tongue. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2017;10.4103/ijmpo.ijmpo_205_17.

Pillai HJ, Gupta Samir, Shelly D. Inverted Papilloma of the oral Cavity masquerading as verrucous carcinoma-A diagnostic dilemma. European Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2017;4:201.

Abhishek Purkayastha, Sankalp Singh, Niharika Bisht, Divya Shelly, Reena Bharadwaj, et al. (2018) Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Breast in a Young Female: An Institutional Experience with Review of Literature. J Integr Oncol 7: 204. DOI: 10.4172/2329-6771.1000204

Bisht N, Singh S, Sarin A, Gupta S, Singh HP, Kapoor A, et al. The conundrum of dual primary malignancies: Four years’ experience of a single tertiary care institute in India. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2018. DOI: 10.4103/ijmpo.ijmpo_69_18

Bisht N, Singh S, Gupta S, Mishra PS, Mulajker D. Osteosarcoma of the mandible: A case report and short review of literature. Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:193-195. Accepted for publication.

Kshirsagar P, Manerikar K. Relation Between the depth of tumor and neck node metastasis in early carcinoma of tongue. International Surgery Journal, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 6, p. 2154-2158, May 2018. ISSN 2349-2902. DOI: 10.18203/2349-2902.isj20182081

Kshirsagar P, Shetty VS, Mody P, Gawade HN. Early carcinoma tongue: evaluation using ultrasonography and its comparison with final histopathological findings. Int Surg J 2018;5:3549-52. DOI: 10.18203/2349-2902.isj20184620

1. Laparoscopic Posterior Pelvic Exenteration (Complete and Supralevator) for Locally Advanced Adenocarcinoma of the Rectum in Females: Surgical Technique and Short-Term Outcomes. PokharkarA, Bankar S, RohilaJ, Jaiswal D, deSouzaA, SaklaniA. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2019 Nov 27. Doi: 10.1089/lap.2019.0691.

Shachindra Kumar Pathak, Samir Gupta. Lipid Profile in Patients of Breast Carcinoma. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020. DOI: 10.21275/ART20204270

Niharika Bisht, Sankalp Singh, Arti Sarin, Amul Kapoor, Samir Gupta, Deepak Mulajker & Richa Joshi. Weight Loss as a Nutritional Indicator in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemoradiotherapy: Contributing Factors and Its Impact on Disease Outcome. Nutrition and Cancer. Published online: 16 Aug 2020. DOI: 10.1080/01635581.2020.1807029

Kshirsagar P, Nichkaode PB, Patil DA, Santhan B. Role of carbon dioxide laser in the treatment of oral leukoplakia. Int Surg J 2020;7:3408-10. DOI: 10.18203/2349-2902.isj20204145

Kshirsagar P, et al. Use of buccal fat pad flap for premalignant buccal mucosa defect reconstruction. International Surgery Journal, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 11, p. 3769-3772, Oct. 2020. ISSN 2349-2902. DOI: 10.18203/2349-2902.isj20204688

Bankar, S., Desouza, A., Paliwal, V., Pandey, D., Gori, J., Sukumar, V., Rohila, J., and Saklani, A. (2020). Novel use of the Bakri balloon to minimize empty pelvis syndrome following laparoscopic total pelvic exenteration. Colorectal Dis. DOI: 10.1111/codi.15319

Bankar, S., Pandey, D., Sukumar, V., Raj Kumar, B., Pawar, T., Rohila, J., deSouza, A., and Saklani, A. (2020). Laparoscopic supralevator posterior exenteration in a case of previous laparoscopic ovarian transposition–A video vignette. Colorectal Dis. Accepted Author Manuscript. DOI: 10.1111/codi.15109

Bankar, S., Pandey, D., Sukumar, V., Gori, J., Suman, A., Rohila, J., deSouza, A., and Saklani, A. (2020). Laparoscopic low anterior resection with extended total mesorectal excision for locally advanced rectal cancer: A video vignette. Colorectal Dis. Accepted Author Manuscript. DOI: 10.1111/codi.15146

Pandey, D., Bankar, S., and Saklani, A. (2020). Neoadjuvant chemoradiation versus upfront surgery for locally advanced rectosigmoid cancers – an ongoing debate. Colorectal Dis. DOI: 10.1111/codi.15088

Singhal N, Bankar S, Saklani A. Lateral Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection in Rectal Cancers. Does it have a Place in Era of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation? World J Surg Surgical Res. 2020; 3: 1204.

Raj Kumar, B., Bankar, S., Pandey, D., Rohila, J., Prakash, G., Bakshi, G., deSouza, A., and Saklani, A. (2020). Abdominoperineal excision with prostatectomy in T4 rectal cancer – bladder‐sparing robotic pelvic exenteration – a video vignette. Colorectal Dis. DOI: 10.1111/codi.15200

Pandey, D., Rohila, J., Sukumar, V., Bankar S, et al. Robotic Rectal Surgery in India: the Financial Viability and Lack of Collective Collaboration Still Remains the Biggest Challenge. Indian J Surg Oncol (2020). DOI: 10.1007/s13193-020-01201-8

Kumar, B.R., Pandey, D., Bankar, S., Rohila, J., DeSouza, A., and Saklani, A. (2020). Robotic total intersphincteric resection with total mesorectal excision in low rectal cancer – a video vignette. Colorectal Dis. DOI: 10.1111/codi.15297

Manish K Sondhi, Samir K Gupta, Alok J Bhalla, Shrirang Vasant Kulkarni. Staging laparoscopy for assessing inoperability in gastrointestinal malignancies: Is it useful? (2021). DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_23_21

Mufaddal Kazi, Jitender Rohila, Naveena AN Kumar, Sanket Bankar, Reena Engineer, Ashwin Desouza, Avanish Saklani. Urinary reconstruction following total pelvic exenteration for locally advanced rectal cancer: complications and factors affecting outcome. Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s00423-021-02086-z

Sanket Bankar, Jitender Rohila, Avinash Saklani. Laparoscopic Low Anterior Resection. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum (2021). DOI: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001828

Sanket Bankar, Vivek Sukumar, Swapnil Patel, Jitender Rohila, Ashwin Desouza, Avanish Saklani. Inadvertent complications during laparoscopic colorectal surgery and their management – a video vignette. Colorectal Disease (2021). DOI: 10.1111/codi.15653

Swapnil Patel, Vivek Sukumar, Mufaddal Kazi, Anand Mohan, Sanket Bankar, Ashwin L. Desouza, Avanish Saklani. Nerve-sparing laparoscopic low anterior rectal resection – a video vignette. Colorectal Disease (2021). DOI: 10.1111/codi.15648

Anand Ebin Thomas, Mufaddal Kazi, Sanket Bankar, Smruti Mokal, Archi Agarwal, Ventakesh Rangarajan, Ashwin Desouza, Avanish Saklani. Elevated CEA with negative PET scan on surveillance of colorectal cancer—a role of CEA kinetics. Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery (Oct-2021). DOI: 10.1007/s00423-021-02352-0

Mufaddal Kazi, Sanket Bankar, Avanish Saklani. Resection of Asymptomatic Primary Tumor with Synchronous Unresectable Colorectal Metastasis—Is It Reasonable? Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s13193-021-01460-z

Manish K Sondhi, Samir K Gupta, Alok J Bhalla, Shrirang Vasant Kulkarni. Staging laparoscopy for assessing inoperability in gastrointestinal malignancies: Is it useful? (2021). DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_23_21

Mufaddal Kazi, Jitender Rohila, Naveena AN Kumar, Sanket Bankar, Reena Engineer, Ashwin Desouza, Avanish Saklani. Urinary reconstruction following total pelvic exenteration for locally advanced rectal cancer: complications and factors affecting outcome. Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s00423-021-02086-z

Sanket Bankar, Jitender Rohila, Avinash Saklani. Laparoscopic Low Anterior Resection. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum (2021). DOI: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001828

Sanket Bankar, Vivek Sukumar, Swapnil Patel, Jitender Rohila, Ashwin Desouza, Avanish Saklani. Inadvertent complications during laparoscopic colorectal surgery and their management – a video vignette. Colorectal Disease (2021). DOI: 10.1111/codi.15653

Swapnil Patel, Vivek Sukumar, Mufaddal Kazi, Anand Mohan, Sanket Bankar, Ashwin L. Desouza, Avanish Saklani. Nerve-sparing laparoscopic low anterior rectal resection – a video vignette. Colorectal Disease (2021). DOI: 10.1111/codi.15648

Anand Ebin Thomas, Mufaddal Kazi, Sanket Bankar, Smruti Mokal, Archi Agarwal, Ventakesh Rangarajan, Ashwin Desouza, Avanish Saklani. Elevated CEA with negative PET scan on surveillance of colorectal cancer—a role of CEA kinetics. Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery (Oct-2021). DOI: 10.1007/s00423-021-02352-0

Mufaddal Kazi, Sanket Bankar, Avanish Saklani. Resection of Asymptomatic Primary Tumor with Synchronous Unresectable Colorectal Metastasis—Is It Reasonable? Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s13193-021-01460-z

Comprehensive ctDNA profiling reveals potential metastatic genomic signatures in treatment-naïve early-stage Breast Cancer Patients. Cancer Research Journal. Journal IF 12.7. Publication Status – Published.

A rare case of double ectopic thyroid in the superior mediastinum: a case report. Journal of Surgical Case Reports, Vol No. 2. Journal IF 0.44. Publication Status – Published. DOI: 10.1093/jscr/rjad058

Novel Scoring Formula to Predict Survival in Patients of Primary Tongue Cancer Belonging to Tobacco Chewing Population. Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology, Page No. 7. Publication Status – Published. DOI: 10.1007/s13193-023-01799-5

Role of Liquid Based Cytology in Detection of Human Papilloma Virus and Diagnosing Oral Premalignant and Malignant Lesions. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Medicine and Pathology, Vol No. 26 Issue No. 5. Publication Status – Published. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajoms

Mixed Epithelial and Stromal Tumor (MEST): Case Report of An Unusual Presentation Causing Diagnostic Dilemma. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Page No. 4. Journal IF 0.17. Publication Status – Published. DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_872_22

Unusual Case of Painless Osteoblastoma of Rib: A Case report with Review of Literature. Medical Journal of D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Page No. 4. Journal IF 1.17. Publication Status – Published. DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_12_23

Case Report of Rare Solitary Fibrous Tumour of Nape of Neck with Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, Page No. 6. Publication Status – Published. DOI: 10.1007/s12070-023-04383-z

Voice Restoration after Traumatic Subglottic Tracheal Stenosis. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, Page No. 4. Publication Status – Published. DOI: 10.1007/s12070-023-04413-w

Doege Potter Syndrome in Patient with Solitary Fibrous Tumor. Medical Journal Armed Forces India. Publication Status – Published. DOI: 10.1016/j.mjafi.2023.12.004

Vats Thoracic Duct Clipping In Post CABG With Chylothorax. Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. Publication Status – Published. Journal IF 0.7. DOI: 10.1007/s12055-023-01683-5

Serum Prolactin Levels as a Novel, Practical Marker for Predicting Malignant Diseases of the Breast. Cureus: Journal of Medical Science. Publication Status – Published. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.58375

Association of Serum Vitamin D with Risk of Breast Carcinoma: An Observational Case-control Study from Western Maharashtra, India. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Vol no. 18. Publication Status – Published. DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2024/68958.19421

Dr. Sanket Bankar

Awarded Smith International Surgical Scholarship 2020 to attend the 31st Annual Cleveland Clinic Florida’s Department of Colorectal Surgery - International Colorectal Disease Symposium, held from 25th-29th February 2020, Jerusalem, Israel.

Dr. Sanket Bankar

Awarded Best Video Presentation Titled Based On “Inadvertent Complications in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgeries and its Management - A Video Vignette” at the Asian Congress of Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgery held in Seoul, Korea on November 27-28, 2020.

Dr. Advait A. Vaidya

This is to certify that Dr. Advait A. Vaidya has presented two posters at the 35th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Surgical Oncology.

No. Title Date Guest Speaker No. of Delegates Attended
1 Live Operative Workshop on Prostate Surgery 18-10-2015 Dr. Kilpekar, Dr. S.S. Bapat 100
2 Advanced Live Operative Workshop on Upper Tract Stone Management 1st & 2nd April 2017 Dr. Naresh Rao, Dr. R. Sabnis, Dr. S. K. Pal, Dr. S. Mehta, Dr. H. Sodha, Dr. K. Parikh 100
3 UROLAP 2019: Basics to Robotics 22nd to 23rd June 2019 Dr. Abhijeet Gokhale, Dr. Dasmit Singh, Dr. Rajesh Shrotri, Dr. T.B. Yuvaraja, Dr. Mallikarjun, Dr. Jaydeep Date 150
4 OGP (Oncology Group of Pune) 25th May 2023 Dr. Samir Gupta, Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh 80

Sr. No. Name of the Participant Name of the CME/Conference/Workshop Date & Venue/Place Role (delegate/resource person/chairperson/ panelist)
1 Dr. V.P. Sabale Storz Urology Conference (International) April 2013, China Delegate
2 Dr. Rohit Singh Board of Education – CME/USI (National) 21st Sep to 22nd Sep 2013, Chennai Delegate
3 Dr. Bhupender Kadyan Board of Education – CME/USI (National) 21st Sep to 22nd Sep 2013, Chennai Delegate
4 Dr. V.P. Sabale WZ-Usicon 26th Sep to 29th Sep 2013, Raipur Delegate
5 Dr. Rohit Singh WZ-Usicon 26th Sep to 29th Sep 2013, Raipur Delegate
6 Dr. Bhupender Kadyan WZ-Usicon 26th Sep to 29th Sep 2013, Raipur Delegate
7 Dr. Rohit Singh International Conference on Reconstructive Pediatric Urology (International) 15th Nov 2013 to 17th Nov 2013, Belgaum Delegate
8 Dr. Bhupender Kadyan International Conference on Reconstructive Pediatric Urology (International) 15th Nov 2013 to 17th Nov 2013, Belgaum Delegate
9 Dr. V.P. Sabale USICON 2014 (National) 29 Jan 2014 to 02 Feb 2014, Delhi Delegate
10 Dr. V.P. Satav USICON 2014 (National) 29 Jan 2014 to 02 Feb 2014, Delhi Delegate
11 Dr. D.A. Mane USICON 2014 (National) 29 Jan 2014 to 02 Feb 2014, Delhi Delegate
12 Dr. A.R. Mulay USICON 2014 (National) 29 Jan 2014 to 02 Feb 2014, Delhi Delegate
13 Dr. Rohit Singh USICON 2014 (National) 29 Jan 2014 to 02 Feb 2014, Delhi Delegate
14 Dr. Bhupender Kadyan USICON 2014 (National) 29 Jan 2014 to 02 Feb 2014, Delhi Delegate
15 Dr. V.P. Satav USICON (Ranchi) 5 Feb to 8 Feb 2015 Delegate
16 Dr. V. P. Sabale USICON (Ranchi) 5 Feb to 8 Feb 2015 Delegate
17 Dr. V. P. Sabale WZ-USICON (Goa) 10-13th Sept 2015 Delegate
18 Dr. V.P. Satav WZ-USICON (Goa) 10-13th Sept 2015 Delegate
19 Dr. D. Mane WZ-USICON (Goa) 10-13th Sept 2015 Delegate
20 Dr. A. Mulay WZ-USICON (Goa) 10-13th Sept 2015 Delegate
21 Dr. V. P. Sabale USICON 2016 Hyderabad 7-10th Jan 2016 Delegate
22 Dr. V.P. Satav USICON 2016 Hyderabad 7-10th Jan 2016 Delegate
23 Dr. A. Muley USICON 2016 Hyderabad 7-10th Jan 2016 Delegate
24 Dr. D. Mane USICON 2016 Hyderabad 7-10th Jan 2016 Delegate
25 Dr. V. P. Sable Golden Jubilee Conference of the Urological Society of India USICON Mumbai 2017 18th Jan 2017 to 21st Jan 2017 Delegate
26 Dr. V.P. Satav Golden Jubilee Conference of the Urological Society of India USICON Mumbai 2017 18th Jan 2017 to 21st Jan 2017 Delegate
27 Dr. D. A. Mane Golden Jubilee Conference of the Urological Society of India USICON Mumbai 2017 18th Jan 2017 to 21st Jan 2017 Delegate
28 Dr. A. R. Mulay Golden Jubilee Conference of the Urological Society of India USICON Mumbai 2017 18th Jan 2017 to 21st Jan 2017 Delegate
29 Dr. S.M. Mhaske Golden Jubilee Conference of the Urological Society of India USICON Mumbai 2017 18th Jan 2017 to 21st Jan 2017 Delegate
30 Dr. A.B. Patil Golden Jubilee Conference of the Urological Society of India USICON Mumbai 2017 18th Jan 2017 to 21st Jan 2017 Delegate
31 Dr. Mehul Golden Jubilee Conference of the Urological Society of India USICON Mumbai 2017 18th Jan 2017 to 21st Jan 2017 Delegate
32 Dr. V. P. Sabale USICON 2018 B.M. Birla Science & Technology Centre, Jaipur. 18-21 January 2018 Delegate
33 Dr. S. M. Mhaske USICON 2018 B.M. Birla Science & Technology Centre, Jaipur. 18-21 January 2018 Delegate
34 Dr. V. P. Satav USICON 2018 B.M. Birla Science & Technology Centre, Jaipur. 18-21 January 2018 Delegate
35 Dr. A. R. Mulay USICON 2018 B.M. Birla Science & Technology Centre, Jaipur. 18-21 January 2018 Delegate
36 Dr. V. P. Sabale Advancements in Endourology-2018 Ahmadabad 23-24-25 Feb.2018 Delegates
37 Dr. V. P. Satav Advancements in Endourology-2018 Ahmadabad 23-24-25 Feb.2018 Delegates
38 Dr. A. R. Mulay Advancements in Endourology-2018 Ahmadabad 23-24-25 Feb.2018 Delegates
39 Dr. D. A. Mane Advancements in Endourology-2018 Ahmadabad 23-24-25 Feb.2018 Delegates
40 Dr. Mhaske Advancements in Endourology-2018 Ahmadabad 23-24-25 Feb.2018 Delegates
41 Dr. Mehul Singh Advancements in Endourology-2018 Ahmadabad 23-24-25 Feb.2018 Delegates
42 Dr. D.A. Mane WZUSICON 2018 Raipur 2018 Delegates
43 Dr. V. P. Sabale WZUSICON 2018 Raipur 2018 Delegates
44 Dr. V.P. Satav IANCON - 2018 18-19 AUGUST 2018 Delegate
45 Dr. D. A. Mane IANCON - 2018 18-19 AUGUST 2018 Delegate
46 Dr. A. R. Mulay IANCON - 2018 18-19 AUGUST 2018 Delegate
47 Dr. S.M. Mhaske IANCON - 2018 18-19 AUGUST 2018 Delegate
48 Dr. Mehul IANCON - 2018 18-19 AUGUST 2018 Delegate
49 Dr. Ashwani IANCON - 2018 18-19 AUGUST 2018 Delegate
50 Dr. Prasun IANCON - 2018 18-19 AUGUST 2018 Delegate
51 Dr. Niraj Chaudhari IANCON - 2018 18-19 AUGUST 2018 Delegate
52 Dr. Sonu Sharma IANCON - 2018 18-19 AUGUST 2018 Delegate
53 Dr. Avreensingh Shah IANCON - 2018 18-19 AUGUST 2018 Delegate
54 Dr. Rakesh Rollands IANCON - 2018 18-19 AUGUST 2018 Delegate
55 Dr. Surya Nihar IANCON - 2018 18-19 AUGUST 2018 Delegate
56 Dr. Shashikant Asabe IANCON - 2018 18-19 AUGUST 2018 Delegate
57 Dr. Sonu Sharma 2nd International Masterclass on Neurogenic Bladder Incontinence & Urodynamics Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi, 110029, 15th & 16th Sept. 2018 Delegate
58 Dr. D. A. Mane USICON 2019 Bhubaneswar 2019 23-26 January 2019 Delegates
59 Dr. V. P. Sabale USICON 2019 Bhubaneswar 23/1/2019 to 26/1/2019 Delegates
60 Dr. Avreensingh Shah USICON 2019 23/1/2019 to 26/1/2019 Delegate
61 Dr. Rakesh Rollands USICON 2019 23/1/2019 to 26/1/2019 Delegate
62 Dr. Surya Nihar USICON 2019 23/1/2019 to 26/1/2019 Delegate
63 Dr. Shashikant Asabe USICON 2019 23/1/2019 to 26/1/2019 Delegate
64 Dr. Samir Gupta Prof & HOD Virtual Conference KGMU Breast Updated 2021 19-21 August 2021 Delegate
65 Dr. Samir Gupta Prof & HOD ESSO Webinar. Key Challenges in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Online 3-Sep-21 Delegate
66 Dr. Samir Gupta Prof & HOD 23-NATCON-IASO 23-24 October & 30-31 Oct 2021 Delegate
67 Dr. Pankaj Kshirsagar Associate Professor MET –Required Workshop 1,2,3 September 2021 Delegate
68 Dr. Pankaj Kshirsagar Associate Professor TMH-Mater class, Head & Neck Oncology 15-Sep-2021 Delegate
69 Dr. Pankaj Kshirsagar Associate Professor 45th Icon Conference, Pune 1 to 3 October 2021 Delegate
70 Dr. Sanket Bankar Assistant Professor 34 Annual Conference of Indian Association of Surgical Oncology 23-24 & 30-31 October 2021 Video Presented
71 Dr. Samir Gupta Prof & HOD FSIBC Breast Cancer Conference 2022 “Breast Cancer Management Recent Advance & The way Ahead” 11 to 12 March 2022 Delegate
72 Dr. Samir Gupta Prof & HOD OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY CONFERENCE, SURGICAL CONCLAVE-2022 16 to 17 April 2022 Delegate
73 Dr. Samir Gupta Prof & HOD Rajasthan Oncology Conclave 2022 23 to 24 April 2022 Delegate
74 Dr. Samir Gupta Prof & HOD Grand Rounds in Oncology 2022 2nd -4th September 2022 Delegate
75 Dr. Pankaj Kshirsagar Associate Professor 7th Association of Maharashtra & Medical Oncologists (AMMO) Conference 15 to 16 July 2022 Faculty
76 Dr. Pankaj Kshirsagar Associate Professor Robotic Surgery Orientation Symposium 2022 7-Aug-22 Delegate
77 Dr. Pankaj Kshirsagar Associate Professor 84th AMASI Skill Course and FMAS Examination 26th to 28th August 2022 Delegate
78 Dr. Advait A. Vaidya M.Ch Resident Annual National Conference of Indian Association of Surgical Oncology 6 to 9 October 2022 Delegate